GIS shapefiles of tropical alpine delimitation using bioclim data by CHELSA based on the mean temperature of the coldest and warmest quarter (bioclim 10 and bioclim 11) of -3 to +10 °C, plus a restriction to the tropics based on bioclim 3, the ratio of diurnal variation to annual variation in temperatures, ranging from 50 to 300 °C/10.
The data corresponds to the following article: Martha Kandziora, Juan M. de Gorospe, Luciana Salomon, Diana L. A. Vásquez, Maria Pinilla Vargas, Filip Kolář, Petr Sklenář, Roswitha Schmickl (under review). The ghost of past climate acting on present-day plant diversity: lessons from a climate-based delimitation of the tropical alpine ecosystem.