KGWASMatrix is an optimized workflow designed for producing k-mer count matrices for large GWAS panels. For an in-depth explanation of the parallelization strategy for the k-mer counting pipeline, please consult the KGWAS.pdf
document included in this repository.
To install and set up the KGWASMatrix pipeline, follow these steps:
Create and navigate to your workspace directory:
mkdir KGWASMatrix cd KGWASMatrix
Clone the github repository:
git clone .
Run the installation script:
If you inspect the installation script, you can see that all it does is build a docker image, and spin up a container for compiling the source code (and preferably running the executables).
cd init
bash ../scripts/ #--no-cache
bash ../scripts/
docker exec -it gwascont bash /project/scripts/
After the installation the ./build
folder will contain two key executables:kmer_count
and matrix_merge
, which are all that is needed to run the pipeline. You have the option to run these executables directly from their current location, or you may choose to relocate them to a bin
directory and include this directory in your system's $PATH
for easier access. For execution on High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, it is recommended to transform the Docker image into a Singularity image. This conversion allows you to run the pipeline using singularity exec
. Alternatively, the executables can be run directly on the cluster, provided all the necessary libraries are installed.
The kmer_count
executable operates on accession files and requires FASTQ files to be located in the ./data
folder. The current setup primarily supports paired-end sequencing data files, (mainly because this was our use case). For each accession, you should have two files: for example, ./data/A123_1.fq
and ./data/A123_2.fq
for accession A123
. In the future, we plan to expand the utility's flexibility by introducing additional options to accommodate a wider range of sequencing data types.
To proceed, establish a ./data
directory at the root of the project, and move your sequencing data into this directory, maintaining the format specified above.
mkdir ./data
mv path_to_your_sequencing_data/* ./data/
If the data size is large, either consider using a simbolic link,
ln -s /path_to_large_data ./data
Or, amending the
script to mount your external data path directly into the ./data
directory within the container by adding another volume mapping to the docker run
command. Here is how you can adjust the docker run
command to include a specific data volume:
id=$(docker run --rm -d --name ${cont} -it -v $projectDir:/project -v $dataDir:/project/data ${img})
In this command:
represents the path on your host system where your data is stored that you want to be accessible from within the container.
is the path inside the container where this data will be accessible. This corresponds to the expected location where kmer_count
will look for FASTQ files. This latter option is not practical for HPC scenarios, but in such cases, data transfer is usually unavoidable.
kmer_count <accession> <number of bins> <output folder>
kmer_count A123 200 ./output
The kmer_count
tool requires three parameters to operate: <accession>
, <number of bins>
, and <output folder>
- accession: This parameter specifies the name of the accession (e.g., A123). It is used to identify and load the corresponding paired-end sequencing data files, e.g.
. - number of bins: This indicates how many k-mer bins to create, which are used to shard the k-mer index. This number directly influences the granularity of parallelism during the
phase. - output folder: This is the directory where the results of the binned k-mer counts will be stored. It should be specified as a path relative to the root of the project or an absolute path.
For example, kmer_count A123 200 ./output
would load the reads of accession A123 from the ./data
folder, index the k-mer occurence using 200 bins, and write the results into the ./output
folder. This will create 200 files, one accession index per bin:
These are produced in parallel by splitting the accession files into NUM_CHUNKS
chunks, creating a task per chunk, and running a thread pool to execute the tasks. So, NUM_CHUNKS
governs the granularity of the parallelism for this phase, but the level of parallelism is defined by the number of threads in the pool (the current code uses all available threads on a computational node to maximize resource utilisation, but users can tweak that if they so wish). While NUM_CHUNKS
is currently hard-coded to optimize performance through static array usage, future revisions may introduce dynamic configurations to increase flexibility. Access to the files is synchronized using a mutex array.
matrix_merge <input path> <accessions list> <bin index> <min occurrence threshold>
matrix_merge ./output accessions.txt 35 6
Once k-mer counts are done, all is left is to merge all the bins with the same index into a "matrix bin", and for that we use matrix_merge
. In a nutshell, matrix_merge
takes all the files with the same name from different accessions, and merges them into one index.
expects the following parameters:
- input path: Specifies the directory where the binned k-mer counts are stored. Typically, this is the output directory from the
phase. - accessions path: The path to a text file listing all accession names, one per line. Example file format can be found in
included in this repository. - file index: Indicates the specific bin number to merge in this operation.
- min occurrence threshold: Defines the minimum k-mer frequency necessary for a k-mer to be considered present in an accession, for binarizing the frequencies into presence/absence values. This is a bit of a misnomer as the threshold is applied in a dual manner:
K-mers with a frequency below this threshold are excluded (
frequency < minimum threshold
). K-mers with a frequency exceeding the complement of this threshold relative to the panel size are also excluded (i.e.,frequency > panel size - minimum threshold
For example, matrix_merge ./output accessions.txt 35 6
will look for all folders under ./output
with names in accessions.txt
, and merge all bins with index 35:
This creates a binary matrix (using a k-mer minimum occurence of 6 for binarizing the index), which gets saved under matrix_6/35_m.tsv
. Concatinating these partial matrices results in the full k-mer GWAS matrix.
Here is a basic SLURM job script example for running the kmer_count
command on an HPC cluster.
#SBATCH --job-name=kmer_count_job # Job name
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # Number of nodes
#SBATCH --mem=256G # Memory needed per node
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00 # Time limit hrs:min:sec
#SBATCH --output=kmer_count_%j.log # Standard output and error log
# Set environment variables (if needed)
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$(nproc)
# Move to the directory where the data is located (edit accordingly)
cd /your/project/directory
# Check if all parameters are provided
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: sbatch $0 <accession> <number of bins> <output directory>"
exit 1
# Access command-line arguments
# Run kmer_count
./build/kmer_count $ACCESSION $NUM_BINS $OUTPUT_DIR
# Note: Run this script by submitting it through SLURM with:
# sbatch A123 200 ./output
Script for Submitting Jobs for All Accessions (
Suppose you have a file named accessions.txt
where each line contains an accession number. You can write a wrapper script that reads each accession from the file and submits a job for it.
# Loop through each line in accessions.txt
while IFS= read -r accession
sbatch "$accession" 200 ./output
done < "accessions.txt"
Here is an example of a SLURM job script for running the matrix_merge
#SBATCH --job-name=matrix_merge_job # Job name
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # Number of nodes
#SBATCH --mem=256G # Memory per node
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00 # Time limit hrs:min:sec
#SBATCH --output=matrix_merge_%j.log # Standard output and error log
# Assuming matrix_merge is already built and available under ./build/
cd /your/project/directory
# Ensure the command line parameters are passed
if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; then
echo "Usage: sbatch $0 <input path> <accessions path> <bin index> <min occurrence threshold>"
exit 1
# Access command-line arguments
# Run matrix_merge
# Example command usage:
# sbatch ./output accessions.txt 35 6
Script for Submitting Jobs for All Bins (
This script will take parameters for the input path, accessions list, and minimum occurrence threshold, and then loop through each bin index to submit a job.
# Check for required command line arguments
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input path> <accessions path> <min occurrence threshold>"
exit 1
# Assign command-line arguments to variables
# Number of bins - adjust this according to your specific setup
# Loop over each bin index
for (( bin=1; bin<=TOTAL_BINS; bin++ ))
# Submit a SLURM job for each bin
echo "Submitted matrix merge jobs for all $TOTAL_BINS bins."