RecView Build-210621
Frame loss detection routines were updated to deal with multiple frame loss. A bugfix in sample center calculation in the zoomed reconstruction.
This release contains 64-bit (x64) and 32-bit (x86) executables complied using Visual Studio 2017 C++ and CUDA Toolkit 10.0. If your PC is running 64-bit Windows and has an NVIDIA Tesla, GeForce, or Quadro GPU processor with 'compute capability' of 3.0 or higher (Kepler or later), the reconstruction calculation can be executed on the GPU. The present version can also be compiled with Visual Studio 2008 and CUDA Toolkit 5.5 by using gazoVS2008.sln file. An x64CUDA executable built with VS2008 is available in this Release. It can run on GPUs with 'compute capability' of 2.0 (Fermi).
A test dataset in TIFF format is also included.