UipathCertification Online Quiz & Practical Exam
Phase I - Theoretical exam (Quiz)
You can take the quiz anytime. After you comply with the Legal & Payment terms, you have 90 minutes at your disposal to answer 45 multiple answer questions, with a minimum passing score of 70%. You have three attempts to pass the quiz, otherwise a new payment will be required. Keep in mind that you have to wait 24H before attempting to take the quiz again. For each additional attempt, a number of points will be deducted from your score.
- 90分で45問の試験。
- 100問以上の中からランダムに出題
- 70%(32問)の正解で合格
- 24時間おきに合計3回の試験を受けられる
- 問題構成は下記の通り
- Foundation Questions 10
- Orchestrator Questions 10
- Advanced Training Questions 25
回答集) quiz.md (全103問を記録)
Phase II - Practical exam
You have 3 hours at your disposal to solve the exercise displayed, with a minimum passing score of 70%. Keep in mind that there are only three attempts to pass the practical exam, otherwise a new voucher will be required.
You have 3h30m at your disposal to solve the exercise displayed, with a minimum passing score of 70%. Keep in mind that there are only three attempts to pass the practical exam, otherwise a new voucher will be required. Last but not least, you have to wait 24 H before attempting to take the exam again.
- 開始から3時間以内に提出
- 再提出は不可(再度、試験を受け直す必要あり)
- 実行結果の成功率などから判定し、70%のスコアで合格
- 不合格の場合、再試験が可能(3回まで)
- ただし、24時間は再試験が受けられない
- 課題は3パターンの中から出題
- チェック対象の都市名や出力フォーマットなどが少し変わるが、大筋は3パターン
- 2019年12月末までは、試験料が無料
- 試験料は1万円
- InvoiceCheck
- Transactionltemのdatatypeは「Queueltem」
- Dispatcher(ジョブ登録)とPerformer(ジョブ実行)を作成し、Invoiceの内容をチェック
- VendorCheck
- TransactionItemのdatatypeは「DataRow」
- Vendorの内容をチェックし、チェックOKの内容をExcelに出力
- WorkItemCheck
- Transactionltemのdatatypeは「String」
- WorkItems内容をチェックし、チェックOKの内容をExcelに出力