A Simple Source Server Querying script that will iterates thru a user provided list of IPs and Ports
- Deno 1.37 or higher
- Install Deno
- Download to the script
- Open the script in NotePad or your favorite IDE
- Edit the array at line 4 to use the IP(s) of your servers
- (Optional) IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 6 SERVERS, Uncomment lines 10 and change "27015" to be the starting port for your range then change the 2nd number to the highest numbered port in your range
- (ingore if you used Step 5) Edit the array at line 5 to use the PORT(s) of your servers
- Open the folder that has the script in it in command prompt or terminal.
- run
Deno run --allow-net --allow-write serverdata.ts
- Enjoy your updating Json file
GNU General Public License v3.0