My full process for developing and implementing an algorithmic trading strategy starting from strategy idea all the way to implementing it in an automated trading bot.
This repository is for educational purposes only. USE THE CONTENT IN THIS REPOSITORY AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR TRADING RESULTS. Do not risk money that you are not willing to lose. There are almost certainly bugs in the code - nothing in this repository comes with ANY warranty.
Quantum Price Levels (QPLs) are price levels that are supposed to indicate where prices will most likely consolidate. Quantum price levels (QPLs) can be likened to discrete values, similar to how the energy levels of an atom fluctuate, representing possible price shifts of a financial instrument. These price levels have been studied on forex pairs but, to the best of my knowledge, not on equities. I attempted to develop a strategy that capitalizes on the upward transitions between these price levels in equities. This video goes into more detail about QPLs and the notebook Quantum_Price_Levels_Calc.ipynb
provides a python implementation and a step-by-step explaination to perform the calculation.
All data was obtained from the Alpaca API while using their Unlimited data plan. For part 1 (part 2) of the analysis, all transitions between price levels were obtained from 2020-01-01 to 2023-12-05 (2024-04-12) using the python script
. It took ~60 hours (~7 days) to analyze ~11.6TB (~33.4TB) of tick (and quote) data with 30 threads evenly distributed across 6 3.5GHz processors. Stocks on days with less than 500 completed trading days were excluded and tick data with any of the conditions outlined in the first table below were excluded. See pages 23 and 67 of the Tape Specification for more details about exchange codes and trade conditions respectively. The features that were included in the dataset for part 1 are outlined in the 2nd table below.
Unfortunately, I cannot share the transition data since I used market data from a proprietary source to construct it.
Condition | Meaning |
exchange == D | trade was reported from the FINRA ADF |
U in conditions | sold out of sequence during pre/post market session |
Z in conditions | sold out of sequence during regular market session |
size < 100 | number of shares traded is less than 100 |
Feature | Description |
vsum | cumulative volume over the current trading day - updated at the close of every minute bar |
rolling_vsum | cumulative volume over the past two seconds - updated every filtered trade |
rolling_csum | the number of trades that have occured in the past two seconds |
dp | relative price change in the past two seconds - price of the most recent trade divided by the price of the last trade in a rolling two-second period |
dt | time difference (in seconds) between the first and last trade in a rolling two-second period |
n_time | time that the current transition occured at (in nanoseconds since epoch) |
price | price that the trade, that completed the current transition, occured at |
size | number of shares traded during the trade that completed the current transition |
n | the principal quantum number for the current quantum price level |
t_time | time that the next transition occured at |
previous_days_close | the consolidated closing price of the previous day's regular market session |
average_volume | the average daily volume of the past 70 trading days |
mean | the mean of the relative returns used for the QPL calculation |
std | standard deviation of the relative returns used for the QPL calculation |
p(-dx) | estimated probability density at -dr from the mean (see Quantum_Price_Levels_Calc.ipynb ) |
p(+dx) | estimated probability density at +dr from the mean (see Quantum_Price_Levels_Calc.ipynb ) |
E0 | see Quantum_Price_Levels_Calc.ipynb |
lambda | see Quantum_Price_Levels_Calc.ipynb |
transition | the number of price levels the stock price will change over the next transition |
throughtput | the number of bytes of data analysed to find the current transition |
symbol | integer-encoded ticker (see ) |
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Wrangling was initially performed on the data and the results are presented in transition_data_EDA_and_strategy_dev.ipynb
. More features were gathered that were mostly related to the most important features which were time_of_day, n, relative_volume, and dp. The table below shows what additional features were gathered. EDA was then performed on the updated data and those results are presented in transition_data_EDA_and_strategy_dev_part_2.ipynb
A predictive model - that predicts what price level that the price will reach next - was developed and the results are also presented in transition_data_EDA_and_strategy_dev.ipynb
. The table below shows the possible predictions.
Prediction value | Meaning |
-1 | The price will move down at least one price level during todays trading session |
0 | The price will stay around this level for the rest of todays trading session |
+1 | The price will move up at least one price level during todays trading session |
*NOTE : todays trading session includes the pre market session, so the beginning of the session would be 4am EST.
From our EDA, we obtained a deep learning model that predicts upward (+1) transitions with ~50% accuracy during periods of liquidity, where at least 5 trades have occured in the last 2 seconds. 50% accuracy with a roughly 1 to 1 profit to loss ratio will not produce any profits, but as shown in transition_data_EDA_and_strategy_dev.ipynb
, the predicted probabilities of the final model are highly correlated with the model's accuracy. This allows us to be more selective about which trades we take.
I enter a position with the intention of selling for a gain or continue holding at the next highest price level, and selling for a loss at the next lowest price level. I use the following inequality to determine which trades I take - where
I size my positions in such a way where each potential trade risks losing the same amount of capital.
This strategy was implemented in a trading bot designed with Visual Studio 2022 and was written in C++20. The source code for the bot is located in the trading_bot/workspace
folder and the only external dependencies are OpenSSL v3.1.2, which contains two libraries named 1ibssl-3-x54.dll and libcrypto-3-x64.dll that need to be included in the same directory as the executable, and my Custom C++ Stack which contains additional code files in the include folder that all need to be included. For MacOS, brew install openssl 3.0 and build with the Cmake file CMakeLists.txt
. The bot needs the Alpaca Unlimited data plan for the real-time data stream. The bot handles orders through REST API calls and recieves historical data from REST API's and real-time data from websocket communications. The bot was tested on Windows and MacOS platforms. Make sure to include model_weights.json
and scaler_info.json
in the same directory as the executable. They contain the model weights, and means and standard deviations of each feature respectively. The model can be retrained using
(assuming you have transition data) and should be retrained at least every 4 months.
The bot can be compiled to use market or limit orders but not both.
When the bot uses limit orders, it is also allowed to trade pre market. In the event a buy (sell) order is not filled, it is canceled (replaced) either when the price of the respective stock reaches a different QPL or 5 minutes before the regular-market session ends (3:55pm EST). When a sell order is replaced before 3:55pm, it is re-adjusted to the most recent QPL. After 3:55pm, it is re-adjusted to the current bid minus dp minus one whole-penny or sub-penny increment. If an exception is thrown, the bot will attempt to close each open position within the specified timeout period before shutting itself down. The bot will not try to trade on weekends or market holidays - even the ones with early closing times.
When the bot uses market orders, everything is the same as above except it only trades during regular market hours.
After observing the orders placed by the bot over the past two months - on a day-by-day basis - (as of 12-26-2023), I have noticed that many of the orders ended up being canceled or replaced which lead to major drawbacks in P&L. Comparing the prediction signals generated by the bot in real-time and the ones obtained using
, showed almost no discrepancies (estimated less than 1 in 100) and did not have a significant impact on P&L observed at the end of almost every trading day. This strongly suggests that the model is correctly implemented in the trading bot and the drawbacks in P&L are exclusively caused by how the strategy is executed (mainly execution time, liquidity, and volatility). I attempted (which failed) to address the liquidity issue by modifying an existing trading condition and adding another one which are both presented in the chart below.
Condition | Action |
rolling_csum >= 10 | Modified |
rolling_vsum * entry_price >= 10000 | Added |
The fact that both rolling_vsum and rolling_csum have very low feature importances - as shown in transition_data_EDA_and_strategy_dev.ipynb
- suggests that the model should make predictions just as well on the subset of transitions with these additional constraints as the original set. The model was therefore re-evaluated (not re-trained) with those modified/additional conditions and as shown in the chart below, the simulated backtest still shows a net profit over the unseen two-month period with an initial starting capital of 500k USD and while risking 1000 USD per trade.
Although the trading strategy itself doesn't seem to be effective, the model used to generate trading signals maintained its predictive capability over the past two months.
- Can receive an unexpected 301 error when canceling and replacing orders (extremely rare occurrence) that will cause the bot to shut down (gracefully). This issue occurs because the bot does not handle rejected orders as intended.
- Can receive a 407 slow client error (which can be safely ignored) because of the large amount of incoming quote updates. When this occurs, it usually occurs around 9:30am EST or during 3:50pm - 4:00pm EST. This doesn't occur (at least not yet) when the bot is set not to clean the quote deques; the issue with leaving them unattended is that they will then take up a large amount of RAM (~3GB) by the end of the regular market session.
- The data websocket connection can be closed by the host if the bot does not respond to a ping message within ~10 seconds (rare but undesirable occurance - occurs when bot is too busy handeling trade and quote data). If this happens the bot will shut down gracefully.
- The bot does not send orders to close all positions as expected when it uses limit orders.