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File metadata and controls

463 lines (372 loc) · 16.9 KB


url.mjs provides URL and query implementations for JS. Like built-in URL but actually usable. Features:

  • Somewhat aligned with URL API.
  • Almost everything is optional. In particular:
    • .protocol is optional.
    • .pathname is optional.
  • Various common-sense shortcuts.
    • Fluent builder-style API.
    • Support for correctly joining/appending URL paths.
    • Support for traditional "query dictionaries" like {key: ['val']}.
    • Support for patching/merging queries.
  • Better compatibility with custom URL schemes.
  • Less information loss.
    • No magic defaults, fallbacks, automatic appending, or automatic prepending.
    • .pathname is preserved from input exactly as-is.
    • Empty .origin is '', not 'null'.
  • Stricter validation of input types and string formats.
    • Nil is considered '', not 'null' or 'undefined'.
    • Accidental stringification of junk like '[object Object]' is forbidden and causes exceptions.
    • Query keys must be strings.
    • Invalid inputs for various URL components cause exceptions instead of being silently converted to garbage, truncated, or ignored.
  • Subclassable.
    • Can subclass Query and override it for your Url variant.
    • Can override any getter, setter, or method.
    • Compatible with proxies and Object.create.
    • No "illegal invocation" exceptions.
  • No special cases for "known" URL schemes.
  • Query is Map<string, string[]> as it should be.
  • Automatically stringable as it should be.
  • Decent test coverage.
  • Decent benchmark coverage.
  • Tuned for #performance.
  • Browser compatibility: evergreen, Safari 11+.

Ported and reworked from which is also available separately.



The JS built-in URL implementation is insane. I have no other words for it.

Various issues:

  • Requires .protocol. WTF! In real app code, both on client and server, many URLs are relative to website origin, without a protocol.
    • This alone can force app authors to either avoid URL, or use hacks involving a fake protocol like file:.
  • Empty .origin is 'null' rather than ''. WTF!
    • Even worse: .origin is 'null' for any custom scheme. It works only for a small special-cased whitelist.
  • Unwanted garbage by default:
    • Forces empty .pathname for some schemes to be '/' rather than ''.
      • But only for some schemes!
    • Non-empty .hash starts with #, which is often undesirable.
    • Non-empty .search starts with ?, which is often undesirable.
    • I always end up with utility functions for stripping this away.
    • But non-empty .port doesn't start with : because lolgic!
  • URL property setters and URLSearchParams methods stringify nil values as some junk rather than ''. null becomes 'null', undefined becomes 'undefined'. In JS, where nil is an automatic fallback for a missing value, this is asinine. Nil should be considered ''.
  • No support for appending path segments, which is an extremely common use case. WTF!
    • new URL(<path>, <base>) is not good enough. It requires <base> to have an origin (real website links often don't), and works only if path and base begin/end with the right amount of slashes, forcing app authors to write utility functions for stripping/appending/prepending slashes.
  • Made-up component .protocol is unusable.
    • The URI standard defines "scheme" which does not include : or //. The JS URL lacks .scheme; its .protocol includes : but not //, which is the worst possible choice.
    • The lack of // makes it impossible to programmatically differentiate protocols like http:// from protocols like mailto: without a special-case whitelist, which is of course not exposed by this implementation. URLs are a general-purpose structured data format which is extensible, and custom protocols are frequently used. Special-case whitelists should not be required for using your API, or at the very least they must be exposed.
    • The no-less-atrocious Go net/url.URL correctly uses a "scheme" field without :, but makes the same mistake of hiding the knowledge of whether the original string had // in its protocol.
  • URLSearchParams is nearly unusable:
    • Garbage inputs → garbage outputs. Nil is converted to 'null' or 'undefined'. Various non-stringable objects are converted to '[object Object]'. This insanity has to stop.
    • Lacks support for traditional "query dictionaries" which are extremely popular in actual apps.
    • Lacks support for patching and merging. Can be emulated by spreading .entries() into constructors which is bulky and inefficient.
    • Lacks various common-sense methods: .setAll, .appendAll, .clear.
    • Can't override url.searchParams with a custom subclass.
    • Instead of being a normal Map<string, string[]>, its iteration methods are bizarre and made-up just for this. Nobody needs this weirdness. This just makes things slower and more surprising.
  • Many operations are much slower than possible.


  • Checked with benchmarks.
  • Most operations seem to perform significantly better than corresponding built-ins in Deno 1.17 / V8 9.7+.



import * as u from ''

Example parsing:

const url = u.url(``)

url.pathname          // '/path'            // 'key=val'
url.hash              // 'hash'
url.query.get(`key`)  // 'val'
url.query.toDict()    // {key: 'val'}
url.query.toDictAll() // {key: ['val']}

Example segmented path:

u.url(``).setPath(`/api/msgs`, 123, `get`).toString()
// ''

Example without scheme/protocol:

u.url(`/api`).addPath(`msgs`, 123, `get`).toString()
// '/api/msgs/123/get'

Example query dict support:

u.url(`/profile`).queryMut({action: `edit`}).toString()
// `'/profile?action=edit'


  • Url lacks support for optional base URL. Constructor takes only 1 value.
  • Query iterates as Map<string, string[]>, not as URLSearchParams.


function query

Links: source; test/example.

Same as new #Query but syntactically shorter and a function.

function toQuery

Links: source; test/example.

Idempotently converts input to #Query via toInst. If already an instance, returns as-is. Otherwise uses new. Should be used when you don't intend to mutate the output.

function url

Links: source; test/example.

Same as new #Url but syntactically shorter and a function.

function toUrl

Links: source; test/example.

Idempotently converts input to #Url via toInst. If already an instance, returns as-is. Otherwise uses new. Should be used when you don't intend to mutate the output.

function urlJoin

Links: source; test/example.

Shortcut for Url.join. Correctly appends to URL path without mangling the other components.

u.urlJoin(`/persons?key=val#hash`, `3f55a4`, `get`)

Url {
  pathname: `/persons/3f55a4/get`,
  search: `key=val`,
  hash: `hash`,

class Query

Links: source; test/example.

Like URLSearchParams but much better. See #Overview for some differences.

type StrLike       = boolean | number | string
type StrDictLax    = Record<string, string | string[]>
type StrDictSingle = Record<string, string>
type StrDictMulti  = Record<string, string[]>
type QueryLike     = string | Query | URLSearchParams | StrDictLax

class Query extends Map<string, string[]> {
  constructor(src?: QueryLike)

  Similar to the corresponding methods of `URLSearchParams`, but with stricter
  input validation. In addition, instead of returning void, they return the
  same reference for chaining. A nil key is considered missing, and the
  operation is a nop. A nil val is considered to be ''.
  has(key: string): boolean
  get(key: string): string | undefined
  getAll(key: string): string[]
  set(key: string, val?: StrLike): Query
  append(key: string, val?: StrLike): Query
  delete(key: string): boolean

  Common-sense methods missing from `URLSearchParams`.
  Names and signatures are self-explanatory.
  setAll(key: string, vals?: StrLike[]): Query
  setAny(key: string, val?: StrLike | StrLike[]): Query
  appendAll(key: string, vals?: StrLike[]): Query
  appendAny(key: string, val?: StrLike | StrLike[]): Query

  Reinitializes the `Query` object from the input.
  Mutates and returns the same reference.
  Passing nil is equivalent to `.clear`.
  reset(src?: QueryLike): Query

  Appends the input's content to the current `Query` object.
  Mutates and returns the same reference.
  mut(src?: QueryLike): Query

  Combination of `.get` and type conversion.
  Non-opt versions panic if conversion is unsuccessful.
  boolOpt(key: string): boolean | undefined
  intOpt(key: string): number | undefined
  finOpt(key: string): number | undefined
  natOpt(key: string): number | undefined
  bool(key: string): boolean
  int(key: string): number
  fin(key: string): number
  nat(key: string): number

  // Conversion to a traditional "query dictionary".
  toDict(): StrDictSingle
  toDictAll(): StrDictMulti

  Returns a cloned version.
  Future mutations are not shared.
  Cheaper than reparsing.
  clone(): Query

  Converts to built-in search params.
  Note that `new URLSearchParams(<u.Query>)` should be avoided.
  toURLSearchParams(): URLSearchParams

  // Same as `.toString` but prepends '?' when non-empty.
  toStringFull(): string

  Encodes to a string like 'key=val'.
  Enables automatic JS stringification.
  toString(): string

  Enables automatic JSON string encoding.
  As a special case, empty url is considered null.
  toJSON(): string | null

Warning: while Query is mostly compatible with URLSearchParams, it has different iteration methods. The iteration methods of URLSearchParams are something bizarre and made-up just for this type:

[ URLSearchParams(`one=two&one=three&four=five`)]
// [[`one`, `two`], [`one`, `three`], [`four`, `five`]]

Meanwhile Query is Map<string, string[]>:

[ u.Query(`one=two&one=three&four=five`)]
// [[`one`, [`two`, `three`]], [`four`, [`five`]]]

The following works properly:

new u.Query(new URLSearchParams(`one=two&one=three&four=five`))
new u.Query(`one=two&one=three&four=five`).toURLSearchParams()

But the following does not work properly and should be avoided:

new URLSearchParams(new u.Query(`one=two&one=three&four=five`))

class Url

Links: source; test/example.

Like URL but much better. See #Overview for some differences.

type UrlLike    = string | Url | URL | Location
type StrLike    = boolean | number | string
type StrDictLax = Record<string, string | string[]>
type QueryLike  = string | Query | URLSearchParams | StrDictLax

class Url {
  constructor(src?: UrlLike)

  // All of the following are getter/setters.
  // Many are covariant with each other.
  scheme:       string // Without ':' or '//'.
  slash:        string // Either '' or '//'.
  username:     string // Without '@'.
  password:     string // Without ':' or '@'.
  hostname:     string
  port:         string
  pathname:     string
  search:       string // Without leading '?'.
  searchParams: Query
  query:        Query
  hash:         string // Without leading '#'.
  protocol:     string
  host:         string
  origin:       string
  href:         string

  // All of the following set the corresponding property,
  // mutating and returning the same `Url` reference.
  // Passing nil clears the corresponding property.
  setScheme       (val?: string): Url
  setSlash        (val?: string): Url
  setUsername     (val?: string): Url
  setPassword     (val?: string): Url
  setHostname     (val?: string): Url
  setPort         (val?: number | string): Url
  setPathname     (val?: string): Url
  setSearch       (val?: string): Url
  setSearchParams (val?: QueryLike): Url
  setQuery        (val?: QueryLike): Url
  setHash         (val?: string): Url
  setHashExact    (val?: string): Url
  setProtocol     (val?: string): Url
  setHost         (val?: string): Url
  setOrigin       (val?: string): Url
  setHref         (val?: string): Url

  // All of these return a clone with the corresponding property updated.
  withScheme       (val?: string): Url
  withSlash        (val?: string): Url
  withUsername     (val?: string): Url
  withPassword     (val?: string): Url
  withHostname     (val?: string): Url
  withPort         (val?: number | string): Url
  withPathname     (val?: string): Url
  withSearch       (val?: string): Url
  withSearchParams (val?: QueryLike): Url
  withQuery        (val?: QueryLike): Url
  withHash         (val?: string): Url
  withHashExact    (val?: string): Url
  withProtocol     (val?: string): Url
  withHost         (val?: string): Url
  withOrigin       (val?: string): Url
  withHref         (val?: string): Url

  // Replace `.pathname` with slash-separated segments.
  // Empty or non-stringable segments cause an exception.
  setPath(...val: StrLike[]): Url

  // Like `.setPath` but appends to an existing path.
  addPath(...val: StrLike[]): Url

  // Reinitializes the `Url` object from the input.
  // Mutates and returns the same reference.
  // Passing nil is equivalent to `.clear`.
  reset(src?: UrlLike): Url

  // Clears all properties. Mutates and returns the same reference.
  clear(): Url

  // Returns a cloned version.
  // Future mutations are not shared.
  // Cheaper than reparsing.
  clone(): Url

  // Converts to built-in `URL`, for compatibility with APIs that require it.
  toURL(): URL

  // Same as `.href`. Enables automatic JS stringification.
  toString(): string

  // Enables automatic JSON string encoding.
  // As a special case, empty url is considered null.
  toJSON(): string | null

  // Equivalent to `.toString()`. This object may be considered
  // a primitive/scalar, equivalent to a string in some contexts.
  valueOf(): string

  // Class used internally for instantiating `.searchParams`.
  // Can override in subclass.
  get Query(): {new(): Query}

  // Shortcut for `new this(val).setPath(...vals)`.
  static join(val: UrlLike, ...vals: StrLike[]): Url

Warning: this library does not support parsing bare-domain URLs like without a scheme. They cannot be syntactically distinguished from a bare pathname, which is a more important use case. However, Url does provide a shortcut for generating a string like this:

u.url(``).hostPath() === ``
u.url(`scheme://host:123/path?key=val#hash`).hostPath() === `host:123/path`


The following APIs are exported but undocumented. Check url.mjs.