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198 lines (147 loc) · 6.99 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (147 loc) · 6.99 KB


http.mjs provides essential tools for HTTP servers and clients:

  • Shortcuts for making requests via native fetch.
  • Cookie decoding and encoding.
  • URL-based routing for SSR and SPA apps.

Also see http_deno for Deno HTTP servers, http_srv for generic tools for HTTP servers using native stream APIs, and live_deno for live-reload tools for development.



import * as h from ''

const reqBody = {msg: `hello world`}
const resBody = await h.reqBui().to(`/api`).post().json(reqBody).fetchOkJson()


function resOk

Links: source; test/example.

Signature: (res: Response | Promise<Response>) => Promise<Response>.

Missing feature of the fetch API. If the response is OK (HTTP code between 200 and 299, .ok === true), the resulting promise resolves to that response as-is. Otherwise the resulting promise is rejected with a descriptive #ErrHttp which includes the response status code, the response body (if any) as the error message, and the response itself for introspection if needed.

import * as h from ''

// If response is unsuccessful, this will throw `h.ErrHttp`.
const res = await h.resOk(await fetch(someUrl, someOpt))

const body = res.json()

function jsonDecode

Links: source; test/example.

Sanity-checking wrapper for JSON.parse. If the input is nil or an empty string, returns null. Otherwise the input must be a primitive string. Throws on other inputs, without trying to stringify them.

function jsonEncode

Links: source; test/example.

Sanity-checking wrapper for JSON.stringify. Equivalent to JSON.stringify(val ?? null). If the input is undefined, returns 'null' (string) rather than undefined (nil). Output is always a valid JSON string.

class ErrHttp

Links: source; test/example.

Subclass of Error for HTTP responses. The error message includes the HTTP status code, if any.

class ErrHttp extends Error {
  message: string
  status: int
  res?: Response

  constructor(message: string, status: int, res?: Response)

class Rou

Links: source; test/example.

Simple router that uses only URL and pathname. Suitable for SPA. For servers, use #ReqRou which supports requests and HTTP methods.


const rou = new h.Rou(``)

rou.url // Url { }
rou.url.href === ``
rou.pathname === `/path`
rou.groups === undefined

rou.pat(`/`) === false
rou.pat(`/blah`) === false
rou.pat(`/path`) === true

rou.pat(/^[/](?<key>[^/]+)$/) === true
rou.groups // {key: `path`}

Routing is imperative:

import * as h from ''
import * as l from ''

const nextPage = route(window.location)

function route(loc) {
  const rou = new h.Rou(loc)

  if (rou.pat(`/`)) return PageIndex(rou)
  if (rou.pat(`/articles`)) return PageArticles(rou)
  if (rou.pat(/^[/]articles[/](?<key>[^/]+)$/)) return PageArticle(rou)
  return Page404(rou)

function PageArticle(rou) {
  const key = l.reqPk(rou.reqGroups().key)
  return `page for article ${key}`

class Ctx

Links: source; test/example.

Subclass of built-in AbortController. Features:

  • Support for chaining/linking, like in Go.
  • Subclassable without further breakage.
    • Has workarounds for Safari bugs.
  • Implements our "standard" interface .deinit().
    • Enables automatic cleanup when using our proxies for deinitables and observables.

Optional chaining/linking:

const parent = new AbortController()
const child = new h.Ctx(parent.signal)

parent.signal.aborted === true
child.signal.aborted === true


The following APIs are exported but undocumented. Check http.mjs.