dom.mjs provides tiny utils and shortcuts for working with the DOM.
import * as d from ''
The following APIs are exported but undocumented. Check dom.mjs.
function isEvent
function reqEvent
function optEvent
function isChildNode
function reqChildNode
function optChildNode
function isParentNode
function reqParentNode
function optParentNode
function isNode
function reqNode
function optNode
function isElement
function reqElement
function optElement
function isBlob
function reqBlob
function optBlob
function isFile
function reqFile
function optFile
function isDomHandler
function reqDomHandler
function optDomHandler
function mutDoc
class DocHeadMut
class DocBodyMut
class DocFoc
function eventKill
function eventStop
function isEventModified
function nodeShow
function nodeHide
function nodeRemove
function nodeSel
function nodeSelAll
function isConnected
function isDisconnected
function addEvents
function removeEvents
function clip
function clipNode
function selectText
function ancestor
function findAncestor
function descendant
function findDescendant
function descendants
function findNextSibling
function nextSibling
function findPrevSibling
function prevSibling
function MixNode
class MixNodeCache