This repo is no longer maintained. For the package that is under active development go to cvgui
RealTimePose is a library for prototyping novel methods of user feedback by creating body-interactive GUIs using computer vison.
RealTimePose is a prototype. No guarantees can be made about the stability of the API or the library itself.
pip install .
Requires Python 3.9 or later
This example creates a simple activity with a skeleton and a button.
When clicked, the buttton moves. Example programs can be found in the
import realtimepose as rtp
# Specify input as a webcam and computer vision model as blazepose
frame_input: rtp.FrameInput = rtp.Webcam(device_num=0, fps=30)
cv_model: rtp.CVModel = rtp.BlazePose()
# Create a pose generator based on a webcam + blazepose
pose_input: rtp.PoseGenerator = rtp.ComputerVisionPose(
frame_input=frame_input, model=cv_model)
# Specify GUI to be pygame
ui: rtp.UserInterface = rtp.PyGameUI(width=1920//2, height=1080//2, fps=60)
# Create activity
activity = rtp.Activity(pose_input=pose_input, frontend=ui)
# Create a new scene
scene_1 = rtp.Scene()
# Create a button that can be clicked by the user's left or right hand
button_1: rtp.Button = rtp.button(gui=ui,
x_coord=1920//2, y_coord=1080//2,
button_1.set_targets([cv_model.LEFT_HAND, cv_model.RIGHT_HAND])
# Define what the button should do when clicked
def callback(button: rtp.Button):
button.x_coord = 0
button.y_coord = 0
# Tie the callback method to the newly created button
button_1.set_callback(callback=lambda: callback(button_1))
# Create a skeleton to map pose points to
skeleton: rtp.Skeleton = rtp.skeleton(gui=ui, x_coord=200, y_coord=200)
# Add the skeleton and button to the scene
# Start activity