Initial Commit
- Add differentiable noise generator nodes
- Support Pixel Processor and FX-map nodes
- Support joint optimization of continuous and integer parameters
- Support non-atomic function nodes
- Improve the runtime of various filter nodes (particularly gradient map nodes)
- Restructure codebase
- Automatically rerun
using CPU SSE2 engine if the default engine fails to generate texture output (Issue #1)
- Support LPIPS and L*a*b* color space metrics as optimization objectives
- Support line search optimizers
- Add control over the range of saved data during optimization
- Any unsupported/legacy material node types and their preceding subgraphs are frozen during optimization instead of triggering translation errors
- Intermediate results during the forward evaluation of material graphs are discarded by default to reduce VRAM consumption
- Material nodes now actively report errors on missing required input connections
- Fix the copying of custom dependencies before generating external input textures using SAT
- Correct the translation of certain unsigned integers into negative integers
- Miscellaneous minor fixes in material and function node implementations