A common name for a slow song in the South Slavic languages, usually with a sentimental or a love theme.
An MVP that parses content from an online publication, fetches the sentiment of the articles and displays results in a simple web app.
App periodically fetches newest articles from an online publication (Forbes). For it, it uses Forbes realt-time RSS feed.
Second periodical task fetches the content of the articles, cleans it and uses IBM Watson's NLU to get a sentiment score.
All processed articles with their accompanying scores are available online.
Create a new file
based on.env.template
. Fill in the empty values. -
Install docker and docker-compose.
From root of the project run:
make start
This command will build Django application Docker image and run Django app on localhost on port 8020.
Open Django application in browser:
Project uses pre-commit hooks. To use them for your local development install them with the following command:
pre-commit install
Code formating is done with Black and an additional requirement files check is run.
Django-Configurations is a total overkill for this project, but is a smart thing to use in a project from the beginning if it ever grows.
Project uses Django-environ. That way all required environment variables for the project are available in .env
file exists to show which env vars are required to exist in the real .env
Example of local .env
file that is needed to get the project running with Docker is as follows:
Celery Beat is used to periodically fetch fresh articles and get their sentiment score.
Redis is used as the broker since it's much easier to set it up on GCP than a full-blown RabbitMQ.
Deployed on GCP.
You need to have the following tools installed:
- Google Cloud SDK -
- Terraform -
- Kubectl -
From GCP Console gcp_credentials.json
file needs to be obtained before using terraform
Once credentials are obtained, from /infra
repo, terraform
commands can be run.
terraform apply
to set the infra or modify it.
Main app and celery worker/beat are deplyed in a kubernetes cluster. For a quick deplyoment, a shortcut make target was created:
make deploy
For production
must exist when building the image. Create it from .env.template
and populate it with production values.