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rameshpa edited this page Dec 8, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the CakePHP-2.x-Twitter-Plugin wiki!

Added by Rameshpa for those who are interested in update_with_media. (@mishudark, please advise if there is a better place to post this) If you want to have support for update_with_media to this plugin, make sure you follow the steps below (or see my fork of the code here ).

  1. The request should have content-type of multipart/form-data
  2. The request body should contain the two elements twitter expects media[] and status in the correct format (RFC 2388)
  3. In addition Twitter server expects \r\n (CR LF) after each portion of the request body. Skipping this causes Twitter to return an error
  4. The media[] data should be base64 encoded and the content-disposition section should have Content-Transfer-Encoding
  5. OAuth signature base string should be: (see OAuth 1.0A spec for signature) &All oauth_ parameters(name=value) in the Auth header of your request object in alphabetic order, separated by & and encoded

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