issues Search Results · repo:mischa78/boxroom language:Ruby
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inmischa78/boxroom (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi, I am still new to rails and github
so I hope I ask this correctly. I am using a windows system. Whenever I upload a file the upload is complete but
paperclip does not appear to be able to link the ...
- Opened on Jan 29, 2018
- #59
I am getting
syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting end-of-input
for line
if current_user.can_read @folder || current_user.can_write @folder
I was able to get it to work by changing it to ...
- 2
- Opened on Sep 10, 2017
- #56
Hi, It s pretty popular repo and I think it s time to think about creating demo app. I want to try the project in my
needs, but before I want to compare it with other solutions. Primarily I need to see ...
- 1
- Opened on May 16, 2017
- #55
Cannot configure boxroom to send email messages via gmail. Need help as i am not being able to add any users to groups
- 1
- Opened on May 1, 2017
- #54
I set up boxroom with dokku on DigitalOcean and uploaded several files for testing purposes. There was no problem w/
upload and subsequent download of files smaller than 1 GByte. However, one zip file ...
- 6
- Opened on Oct 9, 2015
- #48
Hiya -
I implemented a tagging feature in my own version of boxroom a couple months ago, along with a search for files/folders
on tags. I took the time today to migrate it into a fork of your current ...
- 6
- Opened on Nov 21, 2014
- #46
Hi, looking forward to working with boxroom.
I got a secret key error and followed the instructions here: ...
- 8
- Opened on Aug 3, 2014
- #45
Cloned the repo, bundle installed and ran tests - all passed. Then I made the following changes:
1. In Gemfile, removed sqlite3 gem, added mysql2 gem
2. In database.yml, configured for mysql
- 10
- Opened on May 6, 2014
- #42
Hi - did you roll your own authentication in Boxroom, or are you using a framework? I was expecting something like
Devise, etc. but don t see anything like that.
- 1
- Opened on Feb 28, 2014
- #41
hey would be easy to sort out issues if u got a wiki or code explanations(or either for your special logics) ? thanks
- 5
- Opened on Nov 18, 2013
- #39

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