Install the Yum Utilities to download the RPM and resolve dependencies automatically,
yum install yum-utils
Then make the RPM/SWIX
mkdir -p /mnt/sdb1/{downloads/git,git}
yumdownloader --resolve --destdir=/mnt/sdb1/downloads/git git
cp /mnt/sdb1/downloads/git/*.rpm /mnt/sdb1/git
Create the manifest file
cd /mnt/sdb1/git
cat > manifest.txt <<EOF
format: 1
for file in *.rpm; do
echo $(ls "$file")-sha1: $(cat "$file" | sha1sum | cut -f 1 -d " ") >> manifest.txt
Create the SWIX
swix create git- *.rpm
Then return to the CLI and load the SWIX and set it to run on boot
copy file:/mnt/sdb1/git/git- extension:
extension git-
copy installed-extensions boot-extensions