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=== Google Drive Media Library ===
Contributors: felixwei, mirtoto
Donate link:
Tags: google drive, google drive mapping, google drive cdn, CDN, media library, google drive plugin, gallery, featured image, download, files hosting, image, media, pictures, links, images, post, upload, hosting storage, google, google drive upload
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 5.4.1
Stable tag: 1.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Mapping file from Google Drive into Wordpress Media.

== Description ==

Mapping file from Google Drive into Wordpress Media. Support Google Drive CDN to access file from Google Drive faster.

* Mapping files from Google Drive into WordPress Media Library.
* Attach Google Drive files to Wordpress posts.
* Support Google Drive CDN.

* PHP 5.3.0

How it works:

1. Create a folder in Google Drive and share it. 
2. Upload a file in Google Drive folder.
3. Set up Google Drive folder in Wordpress Admin >> Media >> Google Drive Media Library >> Mapping Folder.
4. Add file name in Wordpress Admin >> Media >> Google Drive Media Library >> Mapping File.
5. Go to menu Google Drive folder in Wordpress Admin >> Media >> Library. Now you can see your Google Drive file in preview.

== Installation ==

1. Extract google-drive-media-library into your WordPress plugins directory (wp-content/plugins).
2. Log in to WordPress Admin. Go to the Plugins page and click Activate for Google Drive Media Library
3. On Wordpress Admin, go to Media => Google Drive Media Library
4. Follow the instructions.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where do I get Google Drive folder ID?  =

Take a look at share popup windows. Find detail information on Mapping folder tab.

== Screenshots ==

1. Choose Media >> Google Drive Media Library >> Mapping Folder tab.
2. Find Google Drive Folder ID: click Share >> Share from folder you wish to share.
3. Find Google Drive Folder ID: select and copy Google Drive folder in red highlight.
4. Save Google Drive Folder ID.
5. Add file name in Mapping File tab.
6. Save file name and description.
7. Google Drive file in Media Library: thumbnail preview.
8. Google Drive file in Media Library: detail preview.
9. Google Drive file in Media Library: full preview.

== Changelog ==

= 1.2 =
* Modifications according to new Google Drive scheme of uploaded file links.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release, it's a lite version. Version 1.1 will come up soon with automatic integration to Google Drive. Stay tuned!

== Upgrade Notice ==



[WordPress Plugin] Google Drive Media Library








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