This repository contains microcontroller projects and experiments conducted using the PIC24F Curiosity Development Board. The projects cover various aspects of microcontroller programming, including hardware setup, timers, PWM control, and sensor integration.
- Set up an I2C LCD display with the PIC24F Curiosity Board.
- Created a counter program displaying values in hexadecimal format.
- Modified the counter to display decimal values.
- Implemented a countdown timer initialized at 2:00 (min:sec).
- Used a timer interrupt for countdown functionality.
- S2 starts the countdown, and S1 resets the timer.
- Utilized a 32.768 kHz clock crystal.
- Programmed TIMER2 interrupt to blink an onboard LED at 1 Hz.
- Used ADC to sample input from a potentiometer every 500ms.
- Controlled the brightness of an RGB LED’s red component based on input.
- Implemented linear dimming from off to full brightness.
- Integrated the BMP180 pressure sensor with the microcontroller.
- Displayed temperature, static air pressure, and altitude.
- Implemented real-time data updates from the sensor.
The repository also includes the following reference documents:
- BMP180 - Datasheet for the BMP180 digital pressure sensor.
- dsPIC Programmers Reference 70157C - Reference manual for dsPIC30F microcontrollers.
- PIC24FJ128GA204 - Datasheet for the PIC24FJ128GA204 microcontroller.
Hardware Requirements:
- PIC24F Curiosity Development Board
- I2C LCD Display
- BMP180 Sensor
- RGB LED and Potentiometer
- USB connection to MPLAB IDE
Software Requirements:
- XC16 Compiler
- Microchip Programmer
Compilation and Uploading:
- Open MPLAB X and create a new project.
- Add the required source and header files.
- Compile the project and upload it to the board.
Miray Dicle
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).