"Toolset" to exctract multiple pictures out of one or more "multi-picture-images". E.g. extract (crop and rotate) multiple scanned photos via batch.
TODO - add description. Works (currently) only in Chrome browser. Requires linux and imagemagick's "convert" tool. *itagger.html and extract must be in the same folder as the images ...
The following image contains several photos, that shall be extracted into single images.
To do that, open itagger.html in Chrome browser. Drag the "multi-photo-image" into the site. Start "tagging" of the photos by clicking each photo:
- 1st: top-left corner
- 2nd: top-right corner
- 3rd: somewhere to the bottom edge of the photo
In the popup dialog, add a name destination name for the image file and click OK. Repeate this step for all photos of the image. When done, drag in the next image and continue selecting photos. Finally, click the download button to download a annotations.csv file (into the folder of your images).
To start the extraction batch process got to linux command line and create a folde out (within the image folder):
mkdir out
Then start the extraction process to get the images into the out folder:
./extract annotations.csv
- Column 1: Source file
- Column 2: Destination file
- Column 3: Margin-box, x-coordinate
- Column 4: Margin-box, y-coordinate
- Column 5: Margin-box, width
- Column 6: Margin-box, heigth
- Column 7: Image-box, Top-left corner, x-coordinate
- Column 8: Image-box, Top-left corner, y-coordinate
- Column 9: Image-box, width
- Column 10: Image-box, height
- Column 11: Image-box, rotation-angle
- Column 12: 0 (dummy, for termination)