New MPC written in Kotlin. Digital service for allocating, managing and handing over POM cases. API repository.
The application comes with a dev
spring profile that includes default settings for running locally. This is not
necessary when deploying to kubernetes as these values are included in the helm configuration templates -
e.g. values-dev.yaml
There is also a docker-compose.yml
that can be used to run a local instance of the application in docker and also an
instance of HMPPS Auth (required if your service calls out to other services using a token).
docker compose pull && docker compose up
will build the application and run it and HMPPS Auth within a local docker instance.
docker compose pull && docker compose up --scale hmpps-manage-pom-cases-api=0
will just start a docker instance of HMPPS Auth. The application should then be started with a dev
active profile
in Intellij.
./gradlew check
./gradlew ktlintCheck
./gradlew ktlintFormat