Result is a type that represents either Success or Failure.
Inspired by functional programming, Rust and Swift.
- Dart: 3.3.0+
result_type: ^1.0.0
The detailed example can be found at result_type/example/example.dart.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:result_type/src/result.dart';
import 'imaginary_service.dart';
import 'photo.dart';
import 'photos_service.dart';
final client = http.Client();
final random = Random();
void main() async {
final photosResult = await PhotosService.getPhotos(client);
final photosOr = photosResult.unwrapOr([Photo.initial()]);
/// Use `switch` to handle both success and failure.
final _ = switch (photosResult) {
Success(value: final data) => data,
Failure(value: final error) => 'Error: $error'
/// Do something with successful operation results or handle an error.
if (photosResult.isSuccess) {
print('Photos Items: ${photosResult.success}');
} else {
print('Error: ${photosResult.failure}');
// Chain multiple asynchronous operations.
final result1 = await ImaginaryService.fetchData1();
final result2 = await ImaginaryService.fetchData2(result1.success);
final result3 = await ImaginaryService.fetchData2(result2.success);
// Print the result of the last operation: `Success: Default Data`
print(result3.unwrapOr('Default Data'));
// This will throw an exception as `_handleResult`
// has a case with 'Wrong Data'.
String length(String string) => string.length.toString();
final unwrapOrElse = result3.unwrapOrElse('Default (((((Data)))))', length);
// Print the result of the last operation: `22`
/// Apply transformation to successful operation results or handle an error.
if (photosResult.isSuccess) {
final items = photosResult
(i) => i.where(
(j) => j.title.length > 60,
print('Number of Long Titles: ${items.length}');
} else {
print('Error: ${photosResult.failure}');
/// In this example, note the difference in the result of using `map` and
/// `flatMap` with a transformation that returns an result type.
Result<int, Exception> getNextInteger() => Success(random.nextInt(4));
Result<int, Exception> getNextAfterInteger(int n) =>
Success(random.nextInt(n + 1));
final nextIntegerNestedResults = getNextInteger().map(getNextAfterInteger);
// Prints: Success<Result<int, Error>, dynamic>
final nextIntegerUnboxedResults =
// Prints: Success<int, Error>
/// Use completion handler / callback style API if you want to.
await PhotosService.getPhotos(client)
..result((photos) {
// print('Photos: $photos');
}, (error) {
print('Error: $error');
To see examples of the following package in action:
cd example && dart run
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The source code is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.