Test Automation and Automation Report System
- Using:
Clone source code
Create new test code in com.mh.ta.test
GUI Test:
- Extend BaseWebTestNG for test class
- Extend YourPageClass to BasePage<YourPageElementClass, YourPageValidationClass>
- Extend YourPageElementClass to BaseElement
- Extend YourPageValidationClass to BaseValidation
- Project is build with some action keywords for using in automation GUI API Test:
- Using @OneTimeConfigEnable anotation with set up enableAPI = true Record Video Test:
- Using @RecordVideo annotation, set saveOnTestStatus for record mode(ALL,PASSED,FAILED,SKIPED) TestReport:
- Output dir in com.mh.ta.test/TestReport, Using ExtentReport with add screenshot when test is failed run mvn clean install test -DsuitesName=testng.xml(or testNG xml suites file)