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Visual-Selective-VIO (ECCV 2022)

This repository contains the codes for Efficient Deep Visual and Inertial Odometry with Adaptive Visual Modality Selection (ECCV '22).


Data Preparation

The code in this repository is tested on KITTI Odometry dataset. The IMU data after pre-processing is provided under data/imus. To download the images and poses, please run

  $cd data

IMU data format

The IMU data has 6 dimentions:

  1. acceleration in x, i.e. in direction of vehicle front (m/s^2)
  2. acceleration in y, i.e. in direction of vehicle left (m/s^2)
  3. acceleration in z, i.e. in direction of vehicle top (m/s^2)
  4. angular rate around x (rad/s)
  5. angular rate around y (rad/s)
  6. angular rate around z (rad/s)

Download pretrainined models

We provide two pretrained checkpoints vf_512_if_256_3e-05.model and vf_512_if_256_5e-05.model and two pretrained FlowNet models in Link. Please download them and place them under pretrain_models directory.

Test the pretrained model

Example command:

  python --data_dir './data' --model './pretrain_models/vf_512_if_256_5e-05.model' --gpu_ids '0' --experiment_name 'pretrained'

The figures and error records will be generated under ./results/pretrained/files The estimated path (left), speed heatmap (middle) and decision heatmap (right) for path 07 is shown below:

path path path


Mingyu Yang, Yu Chen, Hun-Seok Kim, "Efficient Deep Visual and Inertial Odometry with Adaptive Visual Modality Selection"

  title={Efficient Deep Visual and Inertial Odometry with Adaptive Visual Modality Selection},
  author={Yang, Mingyu and Chen, Yu and Kim, Hun-Seok},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.06187},