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### 📋 About
WorldManager can be used as world permission manager, so players or groups can only enter allowed worlds. Help you to make your world keep the secrets, perfect for those who really keep the secrets of the world.
+### 🔨 Upcoming features
++ Unloader World Expired, unused world will be unloaded automatically.
++ give us suggestions for other features [here](https://discord.gg/gMZRd9Bbuq)
+### 🔐 Permission List
+Permissions for admin use, reload configuration and all worldmanager commands.
+Permissions for players or trust groups that can access the world.
+Permissions only for players that can access the world.
+Permissions only for group that can access the world.
+Permission that can manage the global world.
### 🧰 Other Plugin *Required*
+ [Multiverse-Core](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/multiverse-core)
+ [LuckPerms](https://luckperms.net/download)
### © License
MinecraftID – [minecraft-id.net](https://www.minecraft-id.net)