Hello and welcome! My name is Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel.
I'm going to start with a question.
Which of the following is true about me? It says to check all that apply.
I'm part of the education team at RStudio. Also yup!
I am a Senior Lecturer of Stats & Data Science at the University of Edinburgh. Yup again.
I have four dogs. Well, I love dogs, so let's check that too.
Submit answer.
Not quite.
Alright, let's try again. Uncheck the one about dogs, and yay!
And here is one more tidbit -- I love R!
Next topic
So, where are we? Let's run the code and find out.
Enrolments in statistics and data science courses are on a steady increase - yay
These courses are getting more computational - also yay
Providing timely and meaningful feedback at scale is hard - tell me about it!
Doing so with fully online delivery of courses is even harder - indeed!
Next topic
In this talk I will discuss writing effective interactive R tutorials using learnr,
providing useful and motivating feedback with gradethis,
distributing these tutorials at scale (think hundreds of students!) with dsbox,
and collecting student data for formative assessment with learnrhash.
run code
Let's load these packages up, and we're ready to roll!