- cJSON library version is upgraded to 1.7.18.
- Minimum required OpenSSL version is updated to 3.0.13 for users using OpenSSL as security library.
- Minimum required libCurl version is updated to 8.6.0 for users using libCurl as http client.
- QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3" certificate will be retired on 2024-10-15T04:00:00.000Z hence code examples are updated to use existing certificate as well as new certificate i.e. "DigiCert Global Root G2".
- Insights Hub certificate update information publication
- Documentation Changes.
- cJSON library version is upgraded to 1.7.15 since the old version had security vulnerabilities.
- Minimum required OpenSSL version is updated to 1.1.1m for users using OpenSSL as security library and CMake as the build tool.
- Minimum required libCurl version is updated to 7.81.0 for users using libCurl as http client and CMake as the build tool.
- Cmake build related issues reported from github repository are fixed.
- MCL Deployment component is introduced for agents to access Deployment Workflow API's.
- MCL is ported to be used by mbedOS applications.
- Missing http header is added to requests to data lake on Azure.
- Updated Sony Spresense port for Spresense SDK 2.0.
- Basic http client using tcp sockets and mbedtls for tls is introduced as an alternative to curl-openssl pair.
- MCL is ported to Sony Spresense board using basic http client and mbedtls.
- Data Point Mapping support is added to MCL Connectivity component.
- Type mismatch checks added to json utility get functions.
- MCL Data Lake component is released for agents to upload unstructured data.
- Missing C linkage specifications in some headers are added.
- Minimum required OpenSSL version is updated from 1.1.1c to 1.1.1d for users using OpenSSL.
- mcl_http_client_add_certificate function is added.
- max_http_payload_size parameter of mcl_core_configuration_t structure is removed. Setting it with mcl_core_configuration_set_parameter function will have no effect.
- mcl_core_is_initialized function is removed, hence MCL_NOT_INITIALIZED error code is removed.
- mcl_http_client_configuration_t structure is refactored.
- First release.