- A deep look into the Event Store by Greg Young at OreDev 2012 at Malmo, Sweden - Every
- Event Sourcing and DDD with F# - Jérémie Chassaing - 2015
- DDD, Event Sourcing, and CQRS Tutorial | Hacker News
- Which Message / Command / Event Bus to use · Issue #12 · webdevilopers
- CQRS Examples and Screencasts - stackoverflow
- DDDEurope 2018 - Event Sourcing After Launch (2018/02)
- TOTAL RECALL - The application that never forgets - 2018/01
- CQRS & Event Sourcing in the wild (Scotla
- Introduction to CQRS / ES with Rails – Mirosław Pragłowski
- https://github.com/Ookami86/event-sourcing-in-practice
- http://prolic.github.io/cqrs-event-sourcing-talk/#/39 - CQRS & Event Sourcing
- A curated list of awesome CQRS and Event Sourcing things
- GitHub - leandrocp/awesome-cqrs-event-sourcing: A curated list of awesome CQRS and Event Sourcing things
- mlomnicki/ddd-resources:
- valentjedi/ddd-dynamic: Domain Driven Design in Python, Ruby and other dynamic languages resources
Galeria-Kaufhof/web-eventsourcing: Event sourcing for the Web
Projection Building Blocks: What you'll need to build projections - 2018/01
DDD, CQRS & ES! · GitHub --- very detailed!
https://github.com/Arnauld/CQRS-Ramblings/blob/master/doc/article/cqrs-article.mdown --
Entry-level, synchronous & transactional event sourcing - alternative, consistent ES architecture
Scalable Microservices through Messaging – Red Hat Developer Blog
- Domain-Driven Design mit Ruby on Rails - Bachelor Theses - 2015 - quite complete reference implementation of DDD concepts with Ruby / Rails
- (german) Testen von Domain Modellen anhand von Commands und Events - Bachelor Theses
- GitHub - redhead/diploma-thesis, quite good!
- Enabling retroactive computing through event sourcing - 2016/09 - Master theses
- Correctness for CQRS Systems - Elicitation and validation - 2012 - Master of Science Thesis
- Using CQRS Pattern for Improving Performances in Medical Information Systems
- Practitioners’ view on command query responsibility segregation - 2014/08
- Maintainable architecture in project business analysis software - 2015
- Variability in Multi-Tenant Enterprise Software - 2014/12
- Designing a Business Platform using Microservices. - 2016/03
- Towards cloud application architectural patterns: transfer, evolution, innovation and oblivion - 2014
- The Dark Side of Event Sourcing: Managing Data Conversion
- Minimal decoupled subsystems in your rails app - 2016/09
- From ActiveRecord to EventSourcing - 2014/05
- The journey to Rails and TDD - 2016/05
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/07/14/domain-driven-design-introduction.html
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/07/15/value-objects-in-ruby.html
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/07/23/application-border-control-with-ruby-form-objects.html
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/08/02/tackling-god-objects-in-ruby.html
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/08/09/untangle-your-domain-model-from-the-database.html
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/08/16/introducing-interactors-to-represent-getting-stuff-done.html
- http://insights.workshop14.io/2015/08/20/domain-driven-design-where-the-real-value-lies.html
- proophessor - Exploring prooph components
- prooph/event-store · Docs (DDD/CQRS/ES concepts)
- https://github.com/ravendb/docs/blob/master/Articles/Raven.Documentation.Articles/articles/cqrs-and-event-sourcing-made-easy-with-ravendb.markdown
- GitHub - slashdotdash/cqrs-journey-pdf: CQRS Journey Guide converted to PDF for eBook reading.
- Github - robertreppel/hist: A simple event store for event sourcing in Go.
- GitHub - debezium/debezium: Change data capture for a variety of databases.
- GitHub - Flipkart/aesop: A keen Observer of change
- serverboards/serverboards: Serverboards is a microservices based service monitoring, alerting and management system.
- GitHub - bryanhunter/cqrs-with-erlang: Resources for the CQRS with Erlang talk
- CQRS with Elixir and Phoenix - 2015/11
- GitHub - CrowdHailer/event-sourcing.elixir: Event sourcing test project based on the Scala example in the Fun.CQRS library
- Github - andreapavoni/disco - Simple, opinionated yet flexible library to build CQRS/ES driven systems 🕺
- EventStore HTTP client featuring subscriptions (competing consumers) and other celebrities.
- CQRS Eventsourcing Engine - Elixir
- DDD/CQRS/ES/NoSQL and functional programming - General Programming / General Chat - Elixir Forum
- Creating a supervision tree for Elixir GenEvent behavior - 2016/05
- GitHub - madeinussr/exop: Little library that provides a few macros which allow to you encapsulate business logic and validate incoming params over predefined contract.
- GitHub - ericmj/true_story: Make your tests tell a story
- GitHub - antipax/gen_state_machine: An idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19 (and above).
- GitHub - bernardolins/fake_server: FakeServer is a simple HTTP server used to mock external services responses on your tests.
- hellofresh/goengine: Engine provides you all the capabilities to build an Event sourced application in go
- https://medium.com/@Oskarr3/implementing-cqrs-using-kafka-and-sarama-library-in-golang-da7efa3b77fe#.7gvhtgyf8
- mcveat/event-sourcing-cqrs: Example of Event Sourcing and CQRS in golang
- GitHub - looplab/eventhorizon: CQRS/ES toolkit for Go
- GitHub - eduncan911/es: Event-sourcing and microservices infrastructure with specs framework for GoLang
- GitHub - smariussorin/EventSourcedMicroservices: Microservices Architecture with Event Sourcing and CQRS using Node.JS
- efacilitation/eventric: Minimalist JavaScript framework to build applications based on DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
- efacilitation/eventric-testing: Test helpers for eventric.js based applications
- prooph/event-store-bus-bridge: Marry CQRS with Event Sourcing http://getprooph.org
- prooph/service-bus: PHP Lightweight Message Bus supporting CQRS.
- prooph/event-sourcing: Provides basic functionality for event sourced aggregates.
- qandidate-labs/broadway: Infrastructure and testing helpers for creating CQRS and event sourced applications
- honeybee/honeybee: Library for implementing CQRS driven, event-sourced and distributed architectures.
- hellofresh/engine: Engine provides you all the capabilities to build an Event sourced application.
- thephpleague/tactician: A simple, flexible command bus http://tactician.thephpleague.com
- GitHub - treehouselabs/event-sourcing: Event sourcing library
- GitHub - szjani/predaddy: DDD/CQRS/EventSourcing framework with annotation driven message bus
- GitHub - iancooper/Paramore: Command Dispatcher, Processor, and Distributed Task Queue
- GitHub - johnbywater/eventsourcing: Event sourcing in Python
- krisleech/wisper: A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
- GitHub - arkency/aggregate_root
- zilverline/sequent: CQRS & event sourcing framework for Ruby
- GitHub - ianunruh/fountain-redis: Redis components for the Fountain CQRS/ES framework
- GitHub - ianunruh/fountain: Modular CQRS and event sourcing framework for Ruby
- GitHub - cavalle/banksimplistic: Exploring CQRS, Event Sourcing and DDD with Ruby
- alexaitken/synapse: A versatile CQRS and event sourcing framework for Ruby
- Papipo/event_sourcing: GitHub - Papipo/event_sourcing: Actor based Event Sourcing library for ruby
- GitHub - opencredo/concursus: Concursus is a Java 8 framework for building applications that use CQRS and event sourcing patterns, with a Cassandra event log implementation.
- orbit/orbit - Concepts: Event Sourced State
- fredgeorge/microservice_workshop: Material (setup, sample services, etc) for Booster 2014 MicroService workshop
- GitHub - gabehollombe/scala-bank-cqrs-es:
- PagerDuty/poc-fast-event-sourcing: Fast Event Sourcing on Cassandra - Proof of Concept
- GitHub - notxcain/aecor: Pure functional event sourcing runtime
- GitHub - scalapenos/stamina: Schema evolution for akka-persistence
- GitHub - capitalone/cqrs-manager-for-distributed-reactive-services: Experimental CQRS and Event Sourcing service
- rill-event-sourcing/wheel: Event generation using aggregates and commands
- rill-event-sourcing/rill: Clojure Event Sourcing toolkit
- GitHub - mastoj/LibAAS: Another sample project showing event sourcing in F#
- thinkbeforecoding/FsUno: Event sourcing implementation sample in F#
- klejeune/teclyn: A C#/Asp.Net production-ready Framework using CQRS and Event-Sourcing
- GitHub - eventflow/EventFlow: Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
- GitHub - SneakyPeet/EasyEventSourcing: A Simple Event Sourcing Example Application
- GitHub - corker/FluentProjections: Fluent Projections provide a configurable hub that handle events and map them to database projection tables (read models).
- GitHub - tangxuehua/Conference: A conference example to explain how to use enode to develop ddd+cqrs+event souricng application.
- GitHub - Elders/Cronus: Cronus is a lightweight framework for dispatching and receiving messages between microservices with DDD/CQRS in mind
- GitHub - 2020IP/TwentyTwenty.DomainDriven: DDD CQRS Event Sourcing Abstraction Library
- GitHub - jonsequitur/Alluvial: Stream your data from any source. Build projections and aggregations. Parallelize. Distribute. Replay.