Color::RangeToColor - Given a range from $lower-value to $upper-value and a $value in that range, translate the value to an Hex color code from red to green.
The following example: (a) defines a range from $lower-value to $upper-value and a $value within that range; (b) transform the values to the range of default color codes; (c) creates HTML file to show color range and the value within the color range; (d) displays the file with elinks
use Color::RangeToColor :get_color_code;
my ($value, $lower-value, $upper-value) = ( 10, 1, 30 );
my ($line1, $line2);
my $color-start = '<span style="background-color : ';
my $color-end = '"> </span>';
my $line-end = '<span style="background-color: black"> </span><br/>';
for ($lower-value..$upper-value) -> $v {
my $color = get_color_code( value => $v.Rat, :$lower-value, :$upper-value );
$line1 ~= "$color-start $color $color-end";
for ($lower-value..$upper-value) -> $v {
my $color = get_color_code( value => $v.Rat, :$lower-value, :$upper-value );
if $v eq $value {
$line2 ~= "$color-start $color" ~ '">O</span>';
$line2 ~= "$color-start $color $color-end";
spurt '/tmp/borrem.html', "$line1 $line-end $line2 $line-end $line1 $line-end";
run <elinks -dump -dump-color-mode 3 /tmp/borrem.html>;
The folder examples includes this code.
This module gives the hex color code (from red to green) of a given value considering the range of the scale. The color code in the red-green gradient is obtained using a linear transformation of the value. There are some examples in the examples' directory.
The module defines these funtions:
get_color_code( Rat :$value, Numeric :$lower-value, Numeric :$upper-value --> Str )
Obtains the color code of a $value in a scale from $lower-value to $upper-value
gradient_generator( Str :$initial-color = '#FF0000', Str :$final-color = '#00FF00', Int :$gradient = 10)
Creates a gradient of $gradient items from $initial-color to $final-color with pre-defined default values.
zef install -v
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Please see the LICENSE file in the distribution.
© Joan Pujol (Mimosinnet)