You can use lifecycle hooks to run some code when entity gets persisted. You can mark any of entity methods with them, you can also mark multiple methods with same hook.
All hooks support async methods with one exception - @OnInit
is fired when new instance of entity is created, either manuallyem.create()
, or automatically when new entities are loaded from database -
is fired right before we persist the entity in database -
is fired right after the entity is updated in database and merged to identity map. Since this event entity will have reference toEntityManager
and will be enabled to callentity.init()
method (including all entity references and collections). -
is fired right before we delete the record from database. It is fired only when removing entity or entity reference, not when deleting records by query. -
is fired right after the record gets deleted from database and it is unset from the identity map.
is not fired when you create the entity manually via its constructor (new MyEntity()