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Arcs are in geometry a closed segment of differentiable curve. In OpenLayers creating an arc might be a messy and confusing task, as there is no embedded way to do this. ArcLib is a JS library that targets in making this task easier by wrapping all the functionality of creating arcs in simple contructors.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


An existing project with OpenLayers 5 support.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development environment running

Just copy the arcLib.js file to your preferred folder in you project

Mine for example is in :


Then include the library in your html page , where you create the map with script tags

For Example:

<script src="../js/arcLib.js"></script>

In case you want to test the library, before you use it, just clone the whole project and open index.html from your browser. In any other case just follow the above steps, as you don't need the rest of the files, to use the library.

##How to Use it The library consists of several methods for creating, removing and editing arcs in OpenLayers maps.

  • 2 Constructors :
createArcWithAngle(rawCenter, radius, segments, direction, angle)


createArcwithDirectionInDegrees(rawCenter, radius, segments, degrees, angle )
  • 1 Remover
removeArc(sourceVector, features)
  • 2 Helper functions



##Example This is a mouse click function, that creates arcs using the methods of the library and add them in the OpenLayers map.

map.on('click', function(evt){
    /* Uncomment the constructor of your preference to create the arc*/
    // let layer = createArcWithAngle(evt.coordinate, 3000000, 100, 'S', 60);
    let layer = createArcwithDirectionInDegrees(evt.coordinate, 3000000, 100, 270, 60);

Built With

  • HTML - Used to create the initial UI.
  • JS - Scripting Language
  • OpenLayers - Used to generate the map


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


The current version is v1.0.0 .

We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
