Python library to print an array of dictionaries as a formatted table.
Tested with python versions 2.7.10 and 3.5.2 and pep8 version 1.7.0. - library file - unittests for the library - test examples for library
1) Header text alignment per column - Center (default), Right, Left
2) Column text alignment per column - Center (default), Right, Left
3) Table format characters configurable:
a) Column (default "|")
b) Header (default "-")
c) Joint of header and column (default "+")
4) Column headers display text configurable
5) Select which dictionary items to diplay
6) Dictionary items with dictionaries can be displayed
Right-justified headers and columns:
| Marketing Source | Right Hits | Short Name | Missing Name | Sometimes Name |
| The Best | 116 | short | | |
| The Worst | 16 | A very long value goes here | | present and accounted for sir |
| Shorty | 10 | Something | | Here |
Left-justified headers and columns:
| Marketing Source | Left Hits | Short Name | Missing Name | Sometimes Name |
| The Best | 117 | short | | |
| The Worst | 17 | A very long value goes here | | present and accounted for sir |
| Shorty | 10 | Something | | Here |
Center-justified headers and columns:
| Marketing Source | Center Hits | Short Name | Missing Name | Sometimes Name |
| The Best | 118 | short | | |
| The Worst | 18 | A very long value goes here | | present and accounted for sir |
| Shorty | 10 | Something | | Here |
Mixed justified headers and columns:
| Marketing Right | Total Left | Short Name | Missing Name | Sometimes Name Right |
| The Best | 118 | short | | |
| The Worst | 18 | A very long value goes here | | present and accounted for sir |
| Shorty | 10 | Something | | Here |
Override default table format characters:
! Marketing Source ! Total Hits ! Short Name ! Missing Name ! Sometimes Name !
! The Best ! 115 ! short ! ! !
! The Worst ! 15 ! A very long value goes here ! ! present and accounted for sir !
! Shorty ! 10 ! Something ! ! Here !