Doorkeeper is a gem that makes it easy to introduce OAuth 2 provider functionality to your application.
The gem is under constant development. It is based in the version 22 of the OAuth specification and it still does not support all OAuth features.
For more information about the supported features, check out the related page in the wiki. For more information about OAuth 2 go to OAuth 2 Specs (Draft).
- 1.8.7, 1.9.2 or 1.9.3
- 3.1.x or 3.2.x
- ActiveRecord
- Mongoid 2
- Mongoid 3
- MongoMapper
Put this in your Gemfile:
gem 'doorkeeper', '~> 0.6.4'
Run the installation generator with:
rails generate doorkeeper:install
This will install the doorkeeper initializer into config/initializers/doorkeeper.rb
By default doorkeeper is configured to use active record, so to start you have to generate the migration tables:
rails generate doorkeeper:migration
Don't forget to run the migration with:
rake db:migrate
Doorkeeper currently supports MongoMapper, Mongoid 2 and 3. To start using it, you have to set the orm
Doorkeeper.configure do
orm :mongoid2 # or :mongoid3, :mongo_mapper
Make sure you create indexes for doorkeeper models. You can do this either by running rake db:mongoid:create_indexes
or (if you're using Mongoid 2) by adding autocreate_indexes: true
to your config/mongoid.yml
Generate the db/indexes.rb
file and create indexes for the doorkeeper models:
rails generate doorkeeper:mongo_mapper:indexes
rake db:index
The installation script will also automatically add the Doorkeeper routes into your app, like this:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# your routes
This will mount following routes:
GET /oauth/authorize
POST /oauth/authorize
DELETE /oauth/authorize
POST /oauth/token
resources /oauth/applications
For more information on how to customize routes, check out this page on the wiki.
You need to configure Doorkeeper in order to provide resource_owner model and authentication block initializers/doorkeeper.rb
Doorkeeper.configure do
resource_owner_authenticator do
User.find(session[:current_user_id]) || redirect_to(login_url)
This code is run in the context of your application so you have access to your models, session or routes helpers. However, since this code is not run in the context of your application's ApplicationController it doesn't have access to the methods defined over there.
If you use devise, you may want to use warden to authenticate the block:
resource_owner_authenticator do
current_user || warden.authenticate!(:scope => :user)
Side note: when using devise you have access to current_user as devise extends entire ActionController::Base with the current_#{mapping}.
If you are not using devise, you may want to check other ways of authentication here.
To protect your API with OAuth, doorkeeper only requires you to call doorkeeper_for
helper, specifying the actions you want to protect.
For example, if you have a products controller under api/v1, you can require the OAuth authentication with:
class Api::V1::ProductsController < Api::V1::ApiController
doorkeeper_for :all # Require access token for all actions
doorkeeper_for :all, :except => :index # All actions except index
doorkeeper_for :index, :show # Only for index and show action
# your actions
You don't need to setup any before filter, doorkeeper_for
will handle that for you.
You can pass if
or unless
blocks that would specify when doorkeeper has to guard the access.
class Api::V1::ProductsController < Api::V1::ApiController
doorkeeper_for :all, :if => lambda { request.xhr? }
The doorkeeper_for
filter is intended to work with ActionController::Metal too. You only need to include the required ActionController
class MetalController < ActionController::Metal
include AbstractController::Callbacks
include ActionController::Head
include Doorkeeper::Helpers::Filter
doorkeeper_for :all
For more information about integration and other integrations, check out the related wiki page.
You can also require the access token to have specific scopes in certain actions:
First configure the scopes in initializers/doorkeeper.rb
Doorkeeper.configure do
default_scopes :public # if no scope was requested, this will be the default
optional_scopes :admin, :write
The in your controllers:
class Api::V1::ProductsController < Api::V1::ApiController
doorkeeper_for :index, :show, :scopes => [:public]
doorkeeper_for :update, :create, :scopes => [:admin, :write]
For a more detailed explanation about scopes usage, check out the related page in the wiki.
If you want to return data based on the current resource owner, in other words, the access token owner, you may want to define a method in your controller that returns the resource owner instance:
class Api::V1::CredentialsController < Api::V1::ApiController
doorkeeper_for :all
respond_to :json
# GET /me.json
def me
respond_with current_resource_owner
# Find the user that owns the access token
def current_resource_owner
User.find(doorkeeper_token.resource_owner_id) if doorkeeper_token
In this example, we're returning the credentials (me.json
) of the access token owner.
By default, the applications list (/oauth/applications
) is public available. To protect the endpoint you should uncomment these lines:
# config/initializers/doorkeeper.rb
Doorkeeper.configure do
admin_authenticator do |routes|
Admin.find_by_id(session[:admin_id]) || redirect_to(routes.new_admin_session_url)
The logic is the same as the resource_owner_authenticator
block. Note: since the application list is just a scaffold, it's recommended to either customize the controller used by the list or skip the controller at all. For more information see the page in the wiki.
If you want to upgrade doorkeeper to a new version, check out the upgrading notes and take a look at the changelog.
To run the local engine server:
rails=3.2.8 orm=active_record bundle install
rails=3.2.8 orm=active_record bundle exec rails server
By default, it uses the latest Rails version with ActiveRecord. To run the tests:
rails=3.2.8 orm=active_record bundle exec rake
Or you might prefer to run script/run_all
to integrate against all ORMs.
Want to contribute and don't know where to start? Check out features we're missing, create example apps, integrate the gem with your app and let us know!
Also, check out our contributing guidelines page.
You can find everything about doorkeeper in our wiki here.
Check out this live demo hosted on heroku. For more demos check out the wiki.
Check out this screencast from #353 OAuth with Doorkeeper
After you set up the provider, you may want to create a client application to test the integration. Check out these client examples in our wiki or follow this tutorial here.
All supported ruby versions are listed here.
- Felipe Elias Philipp -
- Piotr Jakubowski -
Thanks to all our awesome contributors!
MIT License. Copyright 2011 Applicake.