These plugins are for use on your Counter-Strike or Day of Defeat servers running either AMX or AMX Mod X (AMXX).
Gives the winning team cloaking powers. Cloaked players are revealed only for a few seconds after firing but they only have 1 health.
Makes all players use the same model.
Announces events for Counter-Strike.
- Bomb exploded
- Bomb planted
- Bomb defused
- Bomb being planted
- Bomb being defused
- Player spawned with bomb
- Player picked up bomb
- Player dropped bomb
- Audio bomb countdown
- Hostage touched
- Hostage rescued
- Hostage killed (with punishment)
- Headshots (multiple messages)
- Knife kills (multiple messages)
- Grenade kills (multiple messages)
- Grenade suicides
- Player spawned as VIP
- VIP killed
- VIP escaped
- VIP failed to escape
- First kill (bonus health/money)
- Killstreak
Players freeze each other with their knives. Players are unfrozen by their teammates. A team wins by freezing all the players on the other team. (My favorite plugin)
Provides admin commands for all fun functions.
- amx_godmode - gives player gomode
- amx_noclip - gives player noclip
- amx_frags - changes player frags
- amx_armor - changes player armor
- amx_health - changes player health
- amx_maxspeed - changes player maxspeed
- amx_gravity - changes player gravity
- amx_money - changes player money
- amx_give - give a player a weapon/item
- amx_weapon - gives player weapons
- amx_tp - teleports a player to a coordinate
- amx_tpsave - saves a coordinate for teleporting
- amx_nohead - turns off headshots for a player
- amx_glow - makes a player glow
- amx_spawn - makes a player spawn
- amx_footsteps - changes player footsteps
- amx_lights - change map lighting
Fun manager. Turns on different fun modes based on the current map.
This plugin allows players to gamble for certain powers by saying "gamble!". They can also receive negative effects. All powers are time limited.
- God Mode - Player cannot be killed
- Shield - Player not affected by any powers
- Speed - Player runs much faster
- Slow - Player runs much slower
- Stealth - Player is invisible
- Quad Damage - Player does 4x damage
- Protect - Player receives 1/4 damage
- Rambo - Player has infinite armor and ammo
- Leech - Player gets health from damage to others
- Absorb - Player absorbs damage into health
- Reflect - player does mirror damage to attackers
- Curse - Player receives mirror damage for attacking (can spread)
- Regen - Player slowly regains health
- Poison - Player slowly loses health (can spread)
- Death - Countdown until player death (can spread)
- Fireball - Player turns into a giant fireball and hurts others around him
- Medic - Player heals others around him
- Ghost - Player can fly through walls
- Hologram - Player becomes a hologram: can't harm others or be harmed
- Timebomb - Player becomes a timebomb. Explosion kills surrounding players.
- Oneshot - Bullets kill in one shot
- Explodeshot - Bullets do explosive damage
- Stunshot - Bullets have stun effect
- Cloak - Player is cloaked until he fires
- Lasershot - Player fires a powerful laser
- Grenadier - Player gets infinite grenades
- Flashshot - Bullets have a blinding effect
- Vampire - Players absorbs health from others around him
- AGshot - Bullets have a anti-gravity effect
- Splintershot - bullets splinter on impact
- Disarm - Player loses all his weapons
- Bury - Player is buried in the ground and can't move
- Blind - Player is blinded
- Drunk - Player staggers and has bad vision
- Bunny - Player jumps constantly
- Poor - Player loses all his money
Requires plugin_powers and plugin_punish to work.
This plugin makes players glow briefly when damaged. There are team-based glow colors as well as different colors for the amount of damage dealt.
This plugin adds extra gore effects.
- Headshot blood
- Extra blood effects
- Bleeding on low health
- Gib explosion (knife, HE, high damage only)
Hunting season mod. One team (hunters) have infinite ammo and armor. The other team (bears) have lots of health and knives. Teams switch roles every round.
Requires plugin_powers to work.
Knife arena. Players can only use knives.
Changes who can hear who.
- Admins can hear everyone
- Dead players can hear alive players
- Alive players can hear dead players
Simple ban management using a MySQL database.
Create a table to hold bans in your mysql database:
CREATE TABLE banned ( banid varchar(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, banname varchar(32), adminid varchar(32), adminname varchar(32), reason varchar(255), bandatetime int unsigned default 0 );
Prevents or punishes players for changing their names.
This plugin gives admins the ability to set positive and negative effects on players.
- amx_god - player cannot be killed (different from set_user_godmode)
- amx_shield - player not affected by any powers
- amx_speed - player speed is modified
- amx_stealth - player visibility is modified
- amx_harm - player damage given is modified
- amx_protect - player damage received is modified
- amx_rambo - player has infinite armor and ammo
- amx_leech - player gets health from damage to others
- amx_absorb - player absorbs damage into health
- amx_reflect - player does mirror damage on attackers
- amx_curse - player receives mirror damage for attacking (can spread)
- amx_regen - player slowly regains health
- amx_poison - player slowly loses health (can spread)
- amx_death - countdown until player death (can spread)
- amx_fireball - player hurts others around him
- amx_medic - player heals others around him
- amx_ghost - player can fly through walls
- amx_hologram - player becomes a hologram: can't harm or be harmed
- amx_timebomb - player becomes a timebomb
- amx_oneshot - bullets kill in one shot
- amx_explodeshot - bullets do explosive damage
- amx_stunshot - bullets have stun effect
- amx_cloak - player is cloaked until he fires
- amx_lasershot - player fires a powerful laser
- amx_grenadier - player gets infinite grenades
- amx_flashshot - bullets have a blinding effect
- amx_vampire - players absorbs health from others around him
- amx_agshot - bullets have a anti-gravity effect
- amx_splintershot - bullets splinter on impact
This plugin gives admins the ability to punish players in multiple ways.
- amx_disarm - removes all weapons from a player
- amx_bury - burys a player in the ground, drops all his weapons
- amx_unbury - unbury a player
- amx_gag - prevents player from speaking
- amx_ungag - ungag a player
- amx_smack - slaps a player multiple times
- amx_blind - blinds a player
- amx_unblind - removes blind from a player
- amx_drunk - makes player stagger and have bad vision
- amx_sober - removes drunk from a player
- amx_bunny - makes player constantly jump
Gives a player infinite bullets. (For Day of Defeat only)
This plugin allows admins to execute amx commands using 'say' and a slash '/'. It can also execute a command on all players or a team using '@all' and '@team' in place of the authid/nick parameter.
Examples: To kick a player type '/kick playername' To kick all players type '/kick @all' To kick all players on a team type '/kick @team:TEAMID' To ban all players for 10 minutes, type '/ban 10 @all'
Additional Commands: Includes an IRC style '/me' command. If you say '/me sucks', it'll replace the '/me' with your name and print it to everyone.
Makes the winning team invisible. Invisible players can only use knives.
Target war mod. One person on each team is randomly selected to be a target. Only the target can die, everyone else has immunity. If the target dies, another player is randomly selected to be a target.