Node application to log from multiple sensors into a remote rest server
Needs bcm2835 library installed first
$ tar zxvf bcm2835-1.xx.tar.gz $ cd bcm2835-1.xx $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make check $ sudo make install
$ npm install
$ npm install pm2
Deploy then run npm install
Enviromment in .env (SERVER=, PORT =) Run via PM2
$ pm2 index.js
Logging to console and papertrail via winston
Run json-server on mac. Confirm .env points to mac. Run via
$ node index.js
/root/.pm2/pm2.log into /etc/log_files.yml
Contained in the .env file
SERVER and PORT to point to the rest server. API_KEY is the weather key.
The module testing.js is to create test data from a non-pi device. This will simulate the raspberry pi taking readings and posting them to the fridge controller server rest services. Run as below, or using pm2.
$ node testing.js