The project is about health parameter monitoring system enabling the reading, storage, and presentation of data. The system is composed of specialized biomedical sensors for measuring vital signs and a web application for presenting data collected from these sensors. The project is focus on frontend development in Angular and TypeScript, backend development in Express.js, hardwwre development in Arduino ecosystem (C).
- summary of health data
- display of the health status
- data presentation in a table
- data presentation on a chart
- viewing of measurement history
- searching for objects on google maps
- storing measurement results in a database
- HTML, CSS(SCSS), JavaScript
- Angular
- TypeScript
- Chart.js
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Mongoose
- Mongo DB Atlas
- Arduino IDE
- Microcontroller ESP 32 WROOM DevKit
- DS18B20 sensor
- MAX30102 sensor
These are just a screenshots of UI, to see the entire project you need to run it locally.