Repository for a person state estimation component used in the MigrAVE project.
xgboost == 1.5.0
sklearn == 0.24.2
joblib == 1.0.1
Person state estimation requires migrave_face_feature_detector
which computes face features using openface
roslaunch migrave_face_feature_detector face_feature_detector.launch
Launch the node:
roslaunch migrave_person_state_estimation person_state_estimation.launch
Start engagement estimation by sending an event to the following topic:
rostopic pub /migrave_perception/person_state_estimator/event_in std_msgs/String e_start
Stop engagement estimation
rostopic pub /migrave_perception/person_state_estimator/event_in std_msgs/String e_stop
Outputs The node publishes
message to the following topic:/migrave_perception/person_state_estimator/affective_state