Dockerized backend microservices in Nodejs, with a simple RectJs Frontend
User microservice API endpoint:
- /login
- /signup
Content microservice API endpoint:
- /getTopContent
- /getContentById
- /postContent
- /PostContentCSV
- /postLiked
NodeJs, Express, bcrypt, swagger-jsdoc
MongoDB, Mongoose
- Run
sudo systemctl stop mongod
to stop mongod if running on port 27017. - Open the terminal in the project directory and write
docker-compose up --build
- React frontend will run on port 3000
- apiGateway will run on port 8000, user microservice on port 8001, and content microservice on port 8002
- Postman API collection link:
- Swagger Doc for user API working running in http://localhost:8001/api-docs/#/
- Swagger Doc for content API working running in http://localhost:8002/api-docs/#/