Date | What/Why |
2023/01/30 |
Initial draft. |
2023/05/26 |
Fixed the notation of tool names and parentheses. |
Terms/Abbreviations | Meaning |
Open source software for quantizing neural network models |
Keras |
A Keras model is a type of neural network format |
TFLite |
TensorFlow Lite |
Iteration |
One occasion of neural network model training |
Run transfer learning
Run inferences and then check the accuracy of the learning process
The SDK enables transfer learning of AI models (Keras) of Image Classification in the following flow
The SDK runs inferences with AI models learned by transfer to get statistics (Top1 accuracy) for the inference results
The AI models supported by the SDK conform to "MCT" supported features
The image format supported by the SDK is JPEG
Flow overview
flowchart TD;
%% definition
classDef object fill:#FFE699, stroke:#FFD700
style legend fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000000
%% impl
subgraph legend["Legend"]
process(Processing/User behavior)
flowchart TD
start((Start)) --> id1(1.Prepare a base AI model for transfer learning)
id1 --> id2(2.Prepare a dataset for transfer learning)
id2 --> id3(3.Create and edit the configuration file for transfer learning)
id3 --> id4(4.Edit the notebook)
id4 --> id5(5.Run transfer learning and evaluation)
id5 --> finish(((Finish)))
Flow details
Prepare a base AI model for transfer learning
Prepare a base AI model in Keras for transfer learning
Prepare a dataset for transfer learning
Prepare the dataset images and label information for transfer learning
Create and edit the configuration file for transfer learning
Create and edit the configuration file configuration.json to configure notebook runtime settings
Edit the notebook
If the base AI model contains a top (output) layer, modify the implementation of remove_top_layer_if_needed() in the notebook
Run transfer learning and evaluation
Run the notebook to run transfer learning and evaluate the inferences
Launch the SDK environment and preview the
in the top directory -
Jump to the
in thetutorials
directory from the hyperlink in the SDK environment top directory -
Jump to the
in the3_prepare_model
directory from the hyperlink in
in thetutorials
directory -
Jump to the
in thedevelop_on_sdk
directory from the hyperlink in
in the3_prepare_model
directory -
Jump to the
in the1_train_model
directory from the hyperlink in
in thedevelop_on_sdk
directory -
Jump to the
in theimage_classification
directory from the hyperlink in
in the1_train_model
directory -
Jump to each feature from each file in the
Prepare a base AI model in Keras for transfer learning
Store the prepared model in the SDK execution environment.
Prepare dataset images and label information for transfer learning.
Create and store the annotation data in two directories according to the directory structure for ImageNet 1.0 format. Set up one directory for transfer learning and one for evaluation. Store them in the SDK execution environment.
For example, if you want to use the tutorials/_common/dataset directory, store it as follows:
tutorials/ └ _common └ dataset ├ training/ (1) │ ├ Image class name/ │ │ └ Image file │ ├ Image class name/ │ │ └ Image file │ ├ ・・・・ ├ validation/ (2) │ ├ Image class name/ │ │ └ Image file │ ├ Image class name/ │ │ └ Image file │ ├ ・・・・ └ labels.json (3)
(1) Dataset used during transfer learning
(2) Dataset used during evaluation (after transfer learning)
(3) Label information file
The format of label information files is a json file with the label name and its id value as follows:
{"daisy": 0, "dandelion": 1, "roses": 2, "sunflowers": 3, "tulips": 4}
See the "CVAT Image Annotation Functional Specifications" for how to export CVAT-annotated dataset and store it in the SDK runtime environment. |
Create and edit the configuration file,
, in the execution directory.
All parameters are required, unless otherwise indicated. |
All values are case sensitive, unless otherwise indicated. |
Do not use symbolic links to files and directories. |
Configuration | Meaning | Range | Remarks |
The base AI model (Keras) path. |
Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb) |
If not specified, uses the Keras standard MobileNetV2 AI model |
Directory containing dataset images for transfer learning input. |
Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb) |
Directory containing dataset images for evaluation after transfer learning. |
Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb) |
Batch size of input and evaluation dataset for transfer learning |
1 or more |
Size of the AI model input tensor (number of pixels on one side of image) |
Comply with AI model input tensor |
Number of epochs during transfer learning |
1 or more |
Directory to store transfer learned AI models |
Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb) |
Directory to store statistics of inference results |
Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb) |
Open the notebook for running transfer learning, *.ipynb, in the execution directory.
If the base AI model contains a top (output) layer, modify the implementation of remove_top_layer_if_needed() in the notebook
Open the notebook for running transfer learning, *.ipynb, in the execution directory, and run the python scripts in it.
The scripts do the following:
Checks that configuration.json exists in the execution directory.
If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.
Checks that configuration.json includes values for
If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.
Reads the following values from configuration.json, makes the necessary settings in TensorFlow, and then runs transfer learning:
If an error occurs in external software, for example, TensorFlow, the error output by the external software is displayed and running is interrupted.
Outputs the AI model in Keras SavedModel format to the directory specified in configuration.json for
If the directory specified by
does not already exist, it is created at the same time.
While training, information is displayed as follows (when
is set to10
), for example:Epoch 1/10 3/3 [==============================] - 4s 1s/step - loss: 1.6911 - acc: 0.3000 - val_loss: 1.8147 - val_acc: 0.1500 ... Epoch 3/10 3/3 [==============================] - 2s 769ms/step - loss: 1.0132 - acc: 0.6750 - val_loss: 1.5243 - val_acc: 0.4000 ... Epoch 10/10 3/3 [==============================] - 2s 673ms/step - loss: 0.2634 - acc: 0.9625 - val_loss: 1.1520 - val_acc: 0.6000
Checks that configuration.json includes a value for
If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.
Reads the following values from configuration.json, makes the necessary settings in TensorFlow:
Runs inferences and displays statistics on AI models learned by transfer.
Saves statistics as the file
in the directory specified inevaluate_result_dir
. -
If an error occurs in external software, for example, TensorFlow, the error output by the external software is displayed and running is interrupted.
While the AI model is being inferred, logs from TensorFlow library are displayed.
While processing, you can interrupt with the Stop Cell Execution of notebook cell function.
When the SDK environment is built, transfer learning can be run without any additional installation steps
UI response time of 1.2 seconds or less
If processing takes more than 5 seconds, indicates that processing is in progress with successive updates
Depending on the size of the dataset, even if Codespaces has a Machine Type of 4-core, an error will occur due to insufficient memory during transfer learning. In this case, select a Machine Type of 8-core or higher
To check the versions of "Model Compression Toolkit (MCT)" and TensorFlow
See requirements.txt in the SDK environment root directory.