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347 lines (269 loc) · 14.1 KB

Vision and Sensing Application SDK
Model Quantization
Functional Specifications

1. Change history

Date What/Why


Initial draft.


Fixed how images are stored for quantization calibration and evaluation.
Added how to store the label information file used during evaluation.
Removed the evaluate_ground_truth_file setting and added the evaluate_label_file setting.

Fixed the default path for the dataset_image_dir, evaluate_image_dir settings.
Added supported image formats.
Directory structure change.
Added that symbolic links must not be used.
Following the deletion of the secret information, Initial was removed from the configuration file entry and added about creating a configuration file.
Updated the PDF build environment.


Fixed the notation of tool names and parentheses and parameters.
Made fixes associated with "MCT" upgrade.
Added parameter specification for configuration.json.
Some environments do not render AsciiDoc’s Mermaid diagrams, so modified to rendered image references.
Added alternate text to images.

2. Terms/Abbreviations

Terms/Abbreviations Meaning


Open source software for quantizing neural network models


A Keras model is a type of neural network format


TensorFlow Lite
A .tflite model is a type of neural network format


One occasion of neural network model training

3. Reference materials

4. Expected use case

  • Quantize the model
    Reduce the size of the model by quantization so that it can be deployed to the target edge AI device

  • Run inferences and confirm accuracy using pre- and post-quantization models

5. Functional overview/Algorithm

Functional overview

  • The SDK quantizes the AI model (Keras) of image classification and converts it to an AI model (TFLite) in the following flow

  • The SDK runs inferences on pre- and post-quantization AI models to get statistics (Top1 accuracy) for the inference results

  • The AI models supported by the SDK conform to "MCT" supported features

  • The image format supported by the SDK is JPEG

flowchart TD;
    %% definition
    classDef object fill:#FFE699, stroke:#FFD700
    style legend fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#000000

    %% impl
    subgraph legend["Legend"]
        process(Processing/User behavior)
  • Flow overview

    flowchart TD
        start((Start)) --> id1(1.Prepare an AI model to quantize)
        id1 --> id2(2.Prepare images for quantization and evaluation)
        id2 --> id3(3.Create and edit the configuration file for quantization)
        id3 --> id4(4.Edit the notebook)
        id4 --> id5(5.Run quantization and evaluation)
        id5 --> finish(((Finish)))
  • Flow details

    1. Prepare an AI model to quantize

      • Prepare an AI model (Keras) to quantize

    2. Prepare images for quantization and evaluation

      • Prepare images used in training AI models because they will be used to calibrate the quantization

      • Prepare images and their label information for validation of AI models because they will be used as input during inference evaluation

    3. Create and edit the configuration file for quantization

      • Create and edit the configuration file configuration.json to configure notebook runtime settings

    4. Edit the notebook

      • Modify the implementation of the preprocessing part for calibration in the notebook according to the AI model used

    5. Run quantization and evaluation

      • Run the notebook that quantizes an AI model (Keras), converts it to an AI model (TFLite), and evaluates inferences

6. User interface specifications

How to start each function

  1. Launch the SDK environment and preview the in the top directory

  2. Jump to the in the tutorials directory from the hyperlink in the SDK environment top directory

  3. Jump to the in the 3_prepare_model directory from the hyperlink in the in the tutorials directory

  4. Jump to the in the develop_on_sdk directory from the hyperlink in the in the 3_prepare_model directory

  5. Jump to the in the 2_quantize_model directory from the hyperlink in the in the develop_on_sdk directory

  6. Jump to the in the image_classification directory from the hyperlink in the in the 2_quantize_model directory

  7. Jump to each feature from each file in the image_classification directory

Prepare an AI model to quantize

  1. Prepare an AI model (Keras) to quantize

    • Store the AI model (Keras) to be quantized in the SDK execution environment.

Prepare images for quantization and evaluation

  1. Prepare images used in training AI models because they will be used to calibrate the quantization

    • Store the directory containing the images, about 300 files, used in training the AI model in the SDK execution environment.

      • For example, if you want to use the tutorials/_common/dataset directory, store it as follows:

          └ _common
            └ dataset
              ├ training/  (1)
              │  ├ Image class name/
              │  │   └ Image file
              │  ├ Image class name/
              │  │   └ Image file
              │  ├ ・・・・

        (1) Dataset used during training. This directory can have any subdirectory structure.

  2. Create annotation data and label information file according to the directory structure for ImageNet 1.0 format for use as input during inference evaluation.

    • Set up a directory for images to use for validation of the AI model. Store it in the SDK execution environment.

      • For example, if you want to use the tutorials/_common/dataset directory, store it as follows:

          └ _common
            └ dataset
              ├ validation/ (1)
              │  ├ Image class name/
              │  │   └ Image file
              │  ├ Image class name/
              │  │   └ Image file
              │  ├ ・・・・
              └ labels.json (2)

        (1) Dataset used during evaluation. As described in the preceding create it according to the directory structure for ImageNet 1.0 format.

        (2) Label information file

      • The format of label information files is a json file with the label name and its id value as follows:

        {"daisy": 0, "dandelion": 1, "roses": 2, "sunflowers": 3, "tulips": 4}
See "Convert annotation information format" in the "CVAT Image Annotation Functional Specifications" for how to convert the format of annotation information to the preceding format when quantizing a user-prepared AI model.

Create and edit the configuration file for quantization

  1. Create and edit the configuration file, configuration.json, in the execution directory.

If you want to run image classification, the run directory becomes quantize_model/image_classification.
All parameters are required, unless otherwise indicated.
All values are case sensitive, unless otherwise indicated.
Do not use symbolic links to files and directories.
Configuration Meaning Range Remarks


Path to the AI model (Keras) to convert from.
Specify a directory in Keras SavedModel format, or a file in h5 format.

Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb)

Don’t abbreviate


Directory containing dataset images for calibration during quantization

Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb)

Don’t abbreviate


Number of sets of images to be calibrated during quantization to find features such as weights and biases

An integer equal to or greater than 1 and less than or equal to the number of images contained in dataset_image_dir

Don’t abbreviate


Size of the AI model input tensor (number of pixels on one side of image)

Comply with AI model input tensor
An integer greater than or equal to 1

Don’t abbreviate


Number of iterations when quantizing

An integer greater than or equal to 1

Don’t abbreviate


Directory to store the quantized AI model

Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb)

Don’t abbreviate


Directory containing images to use as input during inference

Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb)

Don’t abbreviate


Extension of image files to use as input during inference


Don’t abbreviate


Label information for AI models

Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb)

Don’t abbreviate


Directory to store statistics of inference results

Absolute path or relative to the notebook (*.ipynb)

Don’t abbreviate

Edit the notebook

  1. Open the notebook for running quantization, *.ipynb, in the execution directory.

  2. Edit the preprocessing part of the notebook for calibration.

    • Edit the FolderImageLoader argument preprocessing=[resize, normalization] to set it equivalent to a preprocessing operation when training your AI model.

Run quantization and evaluation

  1. Open the notebook for running quantization, *.ipynb, in the execution directory, and run the python scripts in it.

    • The scripts do the following:

      • Checks that configuration.json exists in the execution directory.

        • If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.

      • Checks the contents of configuration.json.

        • If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.

      • Checks that configuration.json includes values for source_keras_model and dataset_image_dir.

        • If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.

      • Reads the following values from configuration.json, makes the necessary settings in "MCT", and then quantizes and converts the AI model (Keras):

      • If an error occurs in external software, for example, "MCT", the error output by the external software is displayed and running is interrupted.

      • Outputs the AI model quantized by "MCT" (TFLite) model_quantized.tflite , and the AI model converted to TFLite by standard TensorFlow functionality (TFLite) model.tflite to the directory specified in configuration.json output_dir.

        • If the directory specified by output_dir does not already exist, it is created at the same time.

      • During conversion, the notebook will display information as follows (when iteration_count is 10), for example:

          0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
         30%|███       | 3/10 [00:15<00:35,  5.10s/it]
        100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:50<00:00,  5.07s/it]
      • Checks that configuration.json includes values for output_dir, evaluate_image_dir, evaluate_label_file.

        • If an error occurs, the error description is displayed and running is interrupted.

      • Reads the following values from configuration.json, makes the necessary settings for the tflite interpreter:

      • Runs inference and displays statistics for three types of AI model: the original AI model (Keras), the AI model converted to TFLite by standard TensorFlow functionality (TFLite), and the AI model quantized by "MCT" (TFLite).

      • Saves statistics as the file results.json in the directory specified in evaluate_result_dir.

      • If an error occurs in external software, for example, TensorFlow, the error output by the external software is displayed and running is interrupted.

      • While the AI model (TFLite) is being inferred, information is displayed as follows (when the number of images is 10), for example:

          0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
         40%|████      | 4/10 [00:03<00:05,  1.08it/s]
        100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:09<00:00,  1.08it/s]
      • While the AI model (Keras) is being inferred, logs from TensorFlow library are displayed.

      • While processing, you can interrupt with the Stop Cell Execution of notebook cell function.

7. Target performances/Impact on performances

  • When the SDK environment is built, AI models (Keras) can be quantized and converted to AI models (TFLite) without any additional installation steps

  • UI response time of 1.2 seconds or less

  • If processing takes more than 5 seconds, indicates that processing is in progress with successive updates

8. Assumption/Restriction

  • None

9. Remarks

  • To check the versions of "Model Compression Toolkit (MCT)" and TensorFlow

    • See requirements.txt in the SDK environment root directory.

10. Unconfirmed items

  • None