This is D3.js v5 example visualize the result from Neo4j.
If you have Neo4j installed and started locally with HTTP endpoint opened for 7474
port (of course with neo4j:password
as login/password), you can try the live demo directly.
- General example for D3.js + Neo4j (query.html)
- Styled example for D3.js + Control-M model in Neo4j (ctm-query.html)
- You have to start your the Neo4j server as the example page connect it via HTTP endpoint.
- Modify the Neo4j login and password in the example page as below.
//Modify below value to match your Neo4j setup
var neo4jAPIURL = 'http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit';
var neo4jLogin = 'neo4j';
var neo4jPassword = 'password';
This is an example to visualize the Control-M jobflow in Neo4j. To try this, you have to load the Control-M job xml into Neo4j via APOC plugin and a series of Cypher queries.
The example of Cypher script can be found in (here).