Our solution accelerator User Interface authentication uses the built-in Azure authentication and authorization layer formely know as EasyAuth.
The necessary configuration steps are described here
The platform would be Web with the below Redirect URIs
- "https://{{config.name}}ui.azurewebsites.net"
- "https://{{config.name}}ui.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/aad/callback",
Under Implicit grant and hybrid flows, select ID tokens.
All permissions would be Delegated. Minimum permission required is
- Microsoft Graph / User.Read (Sign In and read user profile)
You might want to add more permissions as you see fit. Microsoft Graph has extensive set of APIs for collaboration.
Application ID URI would show (typically)
- api://{{config.clientId}}
Scopes defined by this API should list the user_impersonation scope
- api://{{config.clientId}}/user_impersonation
To secure content, our solution accelerator would look up for the Security Groups (SGs) the user is member of so that a user would only see the content he is allowed to see.
By default, SGs membership is not emitted in the ID token by Azure AD.
To emit Security Groups claims, follow the official documentation
In a nutshell,
"groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup"
Refer to Content Security model documentation in the Security page for more explanation on why Security Groups are needed.
As your Enterprise Application is created, amend your environment deployment configuration to adjust the client id parameter.
Key | Value |
domain | {{config.domain}} |
tenantId | {{config.tenantId}} |
clientId | {{config.clientId}} |
subscriptionId | {{config.subscriptionId}} |
In the configuration/config/webapps/webappui.json, you will find the below entries for the Azure AAD Authentication integration.
"name": "AzureAd:Instance",
"value": "https://login.microsoftonline.com",
"slotSetting": false
"name": "AzureAd:Domain",
"value": "{{config.domain}}",
"slotSetting": false
"name": "AzureAd:TenantId",
"value": "{{config.tenantId}}",
"slotSetting": false
"name": "AzureAd:ClientId",
"value": "{{config.clientId}}",
"slotSetting": false
The client secret app settings is not deployed as part of our solution accelerator.
./init_env.ps1 -Name <env>
Publish-WebAppsSettings -WindowsOnly
The -WindowsOnly tag will target the Windows-based Web Application which here is our WebApp UI.
Once the UI Web application settings are pushed thus the web application restarted, you will be challenged for consent.
As you consented the application to read your profile upon the first connection, you can validate your security token by accessing
- https://{{config.name}}ui.azurewebsites.net/.auth/me
To decode the security JWT token you may use jwt.io. It will highlight among other things your security groups membership.
Set the Web-App to sign users in
In the UI webapp settings, change Authentication:AzureEasyAuthIntegration to false.
Add the below settings
"name": "AzureAd:CallbackPath",
"value": "/signin-oidc",
"slotSetting": false
"name": "AzureAd:SignedOutCallbackPath",
"value": "/signout-oidc",
"slotSetting": false
"name": "AzureAd:ClientSecret",
"slotSetting": false
Restart the UI web app.
Your UI application will now authenticate the users by itself.
In the UI webapp settings, change Authentication:AzureEasyAuthIntegration to false and Authentication:AllowAnonymous to true.