These two scripts are designed to automate the deployment of Azure components for configuration of Splunk logging from the Azure Activity Log. It uses the "Azure Monitor Add-on for Splunk":
The wiki for that add-on describes the steps necessary to configure Splunk Logging from Azure:
There are 2 main scripts in the repo:
- Deploys the following infrastructure:
- Azure Event Hub
- Azure Key Vault
- Azure AD Application/Service Principal
- Grants Sign-in and Read directory role
- Grants RBAC "Reader" to the subscription
- Grants permission to get secrets from Key Vault
- Stores Event Hub Primary Key in Key Vault
- Returns the following output:
$output = @{ "Name" = "AzureActivityLogs"; "SPNTenantID" = $tenantid; "SPNApplicationID" = $Security.ServicePrincipal.AppId; "SPNApplicationKey" = $Security.SPSecret; "eventHubNamespace" = $EventHub.Name; "vaultName" = $vault.KeyVault.VaultName; "secretName" = "EHLoggingCredentials"; "secretVersion" = $vault.EHSecretVersion; "ruleid" = $; }
- All of the above (except "ruleid") is used to connect Splunk to the connector:
- Deploys the following infrastructure:
- Configures the Activity Log to export activity to Event Hub
- Uses the "ruleid" value exported from the first script
- Can be run on multiple subscriptions, as long as all subscriptions are in the same tenant
- For each iteration, the following settings are required:
#settings $AzureSub="[Subscription name being connected to Splunk]" $LogRetentionDays = [int, days to retain data in Event Hub] $ServiceBusRuleId = "[ruleid string from SetupDefaultEventHub output]"
- (LogRetentionDays gives you a "backup" in case your Splunk instance goes offline for a period of time)
The Monitor Add-on provides the capability for Splunk to capture Metrics, Diagnostic Logs and the Activity Log. The approach outlined here is primarily designed for capturing Activity Log data from multiple subscriptions into one Splunk instance, using a single Event Hub. Per the add-on documentation, capturing Metrics and/or Diagnostic Logs requires additional consideration regarding the number of Event Hubs to use, and where they are deployed.
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