Releases: microsoft/PowerStig
Releases · microsoft/PowerStig
Release of version 4.9.0
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus STIG - Ver 2, Rel 2: #887
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows 10 STIG V2 R2: #891
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 DC STIG- Ver 3, Rel 2 #902
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft IIS 10.0 SITE/SERVER STIG V2R2: #882
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 Server Domain Name System STIG - Ver 2, Rel 2 #896
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply SQL Server 2016 Instance STIG- Ver 2, Rel 3 #905
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 MS STIG - Ver 3, Rel 2 #900
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows Server 2016 DC/MS Ver 2, Rel 2: #897
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 2: #893
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 2: #888
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft IIS 8.5 SITE/SERVER STIG - V2R2: #884
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Google Chrome Ver 2, Rel 2: #876
- Update PowerSTIG to remove old rule Ids in Hard Coded Framework: #864
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully add SQL Server 2016 vulnerability IDs: #872
- Fixed: PowerShell v7 Fix: AccessControlDsc/RegistryAccessEntry & NTFSAccessEntry "AccessControlList" should be an Array
- Fixed: Validation test fail because TABs are found in Description Field #878
Release of version 4.8.0
- Update PowerSTIG to remove old rule Ids in Hard Coded Framework: #790
- Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply MS Office 365 ProPlus Ver 2, Rel 1: #811
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply RHEL 7.x V3R1: #608
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply Ubuntu 18.04 LTS STIG - Ver 2, Rel 2: #821
- Update PowerSTIG to Add Checklist Accountability: #808
- Update PowerSTIG to move O365 Pro Plus log entries into Exclusion Rule list: #815
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply Mozilla Firefox V5R1 STIG: #834
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply Microsoft DotNet V2R1 STIG: #831
- Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Oracle JRE 8 Ver 2, Rel 1: #833
- Update PowerSTIG to use WindowsDefenderDSC 2.1.0: #822
- Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Google Chrome Ver 2, Rel 2: #841
- Update PowerSTIG SkipRule to Accept Parent Rule for Split Rules: #846
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Instance Version 2; Release 2: #838
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply MS Edge V1R1: #860
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply VMware 6.5 ESXI V2R1 STIG: #851
- Fixed: RHEL RuleId V-204406 should be removed: #847
Release of version 4.7.1
- ConvertTo-ManualCheckListHashTable function call is missing mandatory argument: #823
Release of version 4.7.0
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 and 2012 R2 DC STIG - Ver 3, Rel 1: #784
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 and 2012 R2 MS STIG - Ver 3, Rel 1: #785
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 10 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1: #783
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1: #786
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1: #782
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1 #787
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Google Chrome V2R1: #709
- Update PowerSTIG to include LegacyId to assist in determining Legacy Vuln Ids with the new DISA standard: #788
- Update PowerSTIG to include LegacyId query via Get-StigRule function: #800
- Fixed: Update PowerSTIG to fix LegacyId logic: #791
- Fixed: Update PowerSTIG to correctly parse Windows Server 2019 DC - LDAP SecurityOptionRule: #804
Release of version 4.6.0
- Provide Method to install DoD Root Certs for Server OS and Client OS: #755
- Update Windows 10 Client STIGs based on ACAS results: #778
- Update PowerSTIG to Provide Rule Data from Processed xml: #747
- Update PowerSTIG to send a warning to the user when using a composite that leverages the new DISA Ids: #772
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Office System 2013 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1: #769
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1: #760
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Instance Version 2; Release 1: #761
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Outlook 2016 Version 2; Release 1: #767
- Update spacing in DoD logon script: #757
- Update PowerSTIG to Increase Code Coverage of Unit Tests: #737
- Update PowerSTIG with new SkipRuleSeverity Parameter to skip entire STIG Category/Severity Level(s): #711
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft IIS 10 SITE/SERVER STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1: #759
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply IIS 8.5 Site/Server V2R1 STIGs: #762
Release of version 4.5.1
- Fixed #746: Functions.Checklist Manual Checks need to leverage psd1 files - Backward Compat Issue
Release of version 4.5.0
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows 2012 R2 DC Version 2, Rev 21: #677
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply IIS Site/Server V1R11 STIGs: #702
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 19: #707
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS - V1R15: #696
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply SQL Server 2016 Instance V1R10: #704
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply IIS 10.0 Site/Server V1R2 STIGs: #699
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft Windows 10 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 23: #678
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows Server 2019 Instance Ver. 1 Rel. 5: #683
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows 2016 DC/MS Version 1, Rev 12: #681
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows 2012 R2 MS Version 2, Rev 19: #676
- Update PowerSTIG To Use WindowsDefenderDsc version 2.0.0 : #657
- Update PowerSTIG To Use PSDSCResources version #723
- Update PowerSTIG To Use AuditPolicyDsc version : #715
- Update PowerSTIG To Use xWebAdministration version 3.2.0 : #713
- Update PowerSTIG To Use xDnsServer version #695
- Update PowerSTIG To Use SecurityPolicyDsc version #690
- Update PowerSTIG To Use FileContentDsc version #722
- Update PowerSTIG To Use ComputerManagementDsc version 8.4.0: #720
- Update PowerSTIG to support multiple STIGs per checklist #567
- Release Process Update: Ensure the nuget package uses explicit DSC Resource Module Versions: #667
- Fixed #668: Incorrect key for SSL 3.0 rules in SqlServer-2016-Instance.*.xml
- Fixed #669: Missing TLS 1.2 configuration for rule V-97521
- Fixed #663: Missing OrgSettings for V-88203 - Win10 Client 1.19 and 1.21
- Fixed #673: IIS Sever 10.0 STIG hardening rule V-100163 fails with error in Windows Server 2019 while using PowerSTIG 4.4.2
- Fixed: Removed Windows Server 2016 DC/MS R1V9 from processed STIGs folder
- Fixed #718: Allow application of applicable user rights assignments for non-domain and disconnected systems
- Fixed #731: Update Windows 10 Client Org Default Setting For Rule V-63405 to "15"
- Fixed #735: Rule V-63353 won't reach desired state if system partition is Fat32
Release of version 4.4.2
- Removed required dependency of Vmware.VsphereDSC due to cyclic redundancy error when importing PowerSTIG
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply MS SQL Server 2012 Instance Ver. 1 Rel. 20: #639
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply MS SQL Server 2016 Instance Ver. 1 Rel. 9: #636
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows Server 2012 DNS STIG - Ver 1, Rel 14: #633
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft IIS Server/Site 10.0 STIG STIG V1R1: #632
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft Visio 2013 STIG V1R4: #629
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Windows Defender Antivirus STIG - V1R8: #625
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Database STIG V1R20: #618
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft IIS Server/Site 8.5 STIG - Ver 1, Rel10: #622
- Update PowerSTIG to use Azure Pipelines and DSC Community based build logic: #600
- Update PowerSTIG to parse/convert the Vmware Vsphere 6.5 STIG V1R3: #604
- Update PowerSTIG to parse/convert the Vmware Vsphere 6.5 STIG V1R4: #634
- Fixed #647: Conflict when configuring multiple databases
- Fixed #616: Unable to Import PowerSTIG 4.4.0 Due to cyclic dependency Error
- Fixed #632: Update PowerSTIG to allow for workgroup level scansr
- Fixed #652: Invalid ValueName for InternetExplorer11 rules V-75169 and V-75171
Release of version 4.3.0
- Update PowerSTIG to Expand .NET STIG Automation: #591
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply McAfee VirusScan 8.8 Local Client STIG V5R16: #588
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Instance STIG - Ver 1, Rel 8: #586
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply Windows Server 2019 V1R3 STIG: #584
- Update PowerSTIG to parse/convert the Windows Server 2016 V2R10: #582
- Update PowerSTIG to parse/convert the Windows Server 2012 DNS STIG V1R13: #580
- Update PowerSTIG to to parse/convert the Windows Server 2012 R2 DC V2R19: #578
- Update PowerSTIG to parse/convert the Windows Defender STIG V1R7: #576
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Mozilla Firefox STIG - Ver 4, Rel 28: #573
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 1, Release 6: #562
- Update PowerSTIG release process to include STIG Coverage markdown wiki automation: #560
- Update to PowerSTIG to show duplicate rule status matching in a checklist: #257
- Fixed #589: Update module manifest to leverage GPRegistryPolicyDsc v1.2.0
- Fixed #569: Update SqlServerDsc module version references
- Fixed #259: Checklist .ckl file fails XML validation in Stig Viewer 2.8.
- Fixed #527: Checklist is not using manualcheckfile when using DscResult.
- Fixed #548: Target/host data is blank when creating a new checklist.
- Fixed #546: Typecast causing an issue when trying to generate checklist using New-StigChecklist function.
- Fixed #401: Checklists generated by New-StigChecklist do not provide finding details.
- Fixed #593: Update PowerSTIG Convert naming conventions of output STIGs
Release of version 4.2.0
- Update PowerSTIG parsing for IIS 8.5 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 9: #530
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft .Net Framework STIG 4.0 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 9: 535
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse MS Internet Explorer 11 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 18: #538
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Mozilla Firefox STIG - Ver 4, Rel 27: #540
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft Windows 10 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 19: 533
- Update PowerSTIG to parse/convert the Windows Server 2012 R2 MS/DC V2R17/V2R18 Respectively: 531
- Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Instance STIG - Ver 1, Rel 7: #542
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply OfficeSystem 2013 STIG V1R9 / 2016 V1R1: #551
- Update PowerSTIG to parse and apply Windows Server 2019 V1R2 STIG: #554
- Fixed #428: Updated JRE rule V-66941.a to be a Organizational setting
- Fixed #427: Windows 10 Rule V-63373 fails to apply settings to system drive
- Fixed #514: Feature request: additional support for servicerule properties
- Fixed #521: Organizational setting warning should include Stig name
- Fixed #443: Missing cmdlet Get-StigXccdfBenchmark function
- Fixed #528: New-StigChecklist should not require a ManualCheckFile
- Fixed #545: Need a test to verify the conversionstatus="fail" does not exist in processed STIGs
- Fixed #517: Need a test to verify the module version in the module manifest matches the DscResources.