Release of version 4.15.0
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Canonical Ubuntu 18.04 LTS STIG - Ver 2, Rel 9: #1164
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG V3R9: #1179
Upgrade AccessControlDSC to Version 1.4.3 #1151
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Microsoft IIS 10.0 STIG V2R7: #1175
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Google_Chrome_V2R7_STIG: #1160
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Windows Server 2019 V2R5 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 5: #1159
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Windows_Server_2016_V2R5_STIG #1158
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 2: #1181
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply SQL Server 2016 Instance STIG V2R8: #1177
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply MS_Edge_V1R6_STIG: #1163
Update PowerSTIG to Parse/Apply MS_Office_365_ProPlus_V2R7_STIG #1161 : #1161
Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 10 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 5: #1157
Update PowerSTIG to successfully parse/apply Microsoft Windows 11 STIG - Ver 1, Rel 2: #1131
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