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Merge pull request #2178 from microsoft/MeasureEmailDelayInMTL2
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dpaulson45 authored Aug 28, 2024
2 parents 6f1a8bd + 0e111a5 commit 5980b43
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218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions Transport/Measure-EmailDelayInMTL.ps1
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

Name: Measure-EmailDelayInMTL.ps1
Requires: User Rights
Major Release History:
08/05/2024 - Initial Release
Generates a report of the maximum message delay for all messages in an Message Tracking Log.
Gather message tracking log details of all message to / from a given recipient for a given time range.
Recommend using Start-HistoricalSearch in EXO.
The script will provide an output of all unique message ids with the following information:
Time Sent
Total Time in transit
Useful for determining if a "slow" message was a one off or a pattern.
MTL File to process.
Folder path for the output file.
CSV File with the following information.
MessageID ID of the Message
TimeSent First time we see the message in the MTL
TimeReceived Last delivery time in the MTL
MessageDelay How long before the message was delivered
Default Output File:
.\Measure-EmailDelayInMTL -MTLPath C:\temp\MyMtl.csv
Generates a report from the MyMtl.csv file.

param (
$ReportPath = $PSScriptRoot

. $PSScriptRoot\..\Shared\ScriptUpdateFunctions\Test-ScriptVersion.ps1

function Test-CSVData {

# Check to make sure we have data in the CSV
if (($null -eq $CSV) -or !($CSV.count -gt 0)) {
Write-Error "Provided CSV null or empty" -ErrorAction Stop
return $false

# Read thru the data and make sure we have the needed columns
$ColumnHeaders = ($CSV | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name
foreach ( $ColumnToCheck in $ColumnsToCheck) {
if (!($ColumnHeaders.ToLower().Contains($ColumnToCheck.ToLower())) ) {
return $false
return $true

if (Test-ScriptVersion -AutoUpdate) {
# Update was downloaded, so stop here.
Write-Host "Script was updated. Please rerun the command."

# make sure out output variable is null
$output = $Null

# Test for the provided file and load it.
# Need to make sure the MTL file is there and if so load it.
# Straight from EXO it will be in Unicode. Onprem and modified files are not.
# First verify the file
if (!(Test-Path $MTLFile)) {
Write-Error "Unable to find the specified file" -ErrorAction Stop

# Make sure the path for the output is good
if (!(Test-Path $ReportPath)) {
Write-Error ("Unable to find report path " + $ReportPath)

# Try to load the file with Unicode since we need to start somewhere.
$mtl = Import-Csv $MTLFile -Encoding Unicode

# If it is null then we need to try without Unicode
if ($null -eq $mtl) {
Write-Host "Failed to Load as Unicode; trying normal load"
$mtl = Import-Csv $MTLFile
# If we still have nothing then log an error and fail
if ($null -eq $mtl) {
Write-Error "Failed to load CSV" -ErrorAction Stop
# Need to know that we loaded without Unicode.
else {
Write-Host "Loaded CSV without Unicode"
} else {
Write-Host "Loaded MTL with Unicode"

# Detecting if this is an onprem MTL
if (Test-CSVData -CSV $mtl -ColumnsToCheck "eventid", "source", "messageId", "timestamp") {
Write-Host "On Prem message trace detected; Updating property names"
$mtl = $mtl | Select-Object -Property @{N = "date_time_utc"; E = { $_.timestamp } }, @{N = "message_id"; E = { $_.messageID } }, source, @{N = "event_id"; E = { $_.EventId } }

# Making sure the MTL contains the fields we want.
if (!(Test-CSVData -CSV $mtl -ColumnsToCheck "event_id", "source", "message_id", "date_time_utc")) {
Write-Error "MTL is missing one or more required fields." -ErrorAction Stop

# Converting our strings into [DateTime]
Write-Host "Converting date_time_utc values"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $mtl.Count; $i++) {
$mtl[$i].date_time_utc = Get-Date($mtl[$i].date_time_utc)

# get all of the unique message IDs in the file.
[array]$uniqueMessageIDs = $mtl | Select-Object -ExpandProperty message_id | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

if ($uniqueMessageIDs.count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "No Unique MessageIDs found in data."

# Carve the data up into smaller collections
# Most of what is in the MTL we don't need
$SMTPReceive = $mtl | Where-Object { ($_.event_id -eq 'Receive') -and ($_.source -eq 'SMTP') }
$StoreDeliver = $mtl | Where-Object { ($_.event_id -eq 'Deliver') -and ($_.source -eq 'StoreDriver') }
$SMTPDeliver = $mtl | Where-Object { ($_.event_id -eq 'SendExternal') -and ($_.source -eq 'SMTP') }

# Loop thru each unique messageID
foreach ($id in $uniqueMessageIDs) {

# make sure we aren't carrying anything over from the previous foreach.
$AllSentTimes = $Null
$AllStoreDeliverTimes = $Null
$AllRemoteDeliverTimes = $Null

# extract the times for a message ID ... there can be more than one of each of these.
[array]$AllSentTimes = ($SMTPReceive | Where-Object { ($_.message_id -eq $id) }).date_time_utc
[array]$AllStoreDeliverTimes = ($StoreDeliver | Where-Object { ($_.message_id -eq $id) }).date_time_utc
[array]$AllRemoteDeliverTimes = ($SMTPDeliver | Where-Object { ($_.message_id -eq $id) }).date_time_utc

# If we didn't find any sent information then drop the messageID
if ($AllSentTimes.count -eq 0) {
Write-Warning ($id.ToString() + " unable to find sent time. Discarding messageID")

# If we didn't find any delivery information then drop the messageID
if ($AllStoreDeliverTimes.count -eq 0 -and $AllRemoteDeliverTimes.count -eq 0) {
Write-Warning ($id + " not able to find delivery time in MTL. Discarding messageID")

# Get the newest time sent that we found
$SortedTimeSent = Get-Date ($AllSentTimes | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1)

# Combine all of the delivery times and grab the newest one
$SortedTimeDelivered = (($AllStoreDeliverTimes + $AllRemoteDeliverTimes) | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1)

# Build report object
$report = [PSCustomObject]@{
MessageID = $id
TimeSent = $TimeSent
TimeReceived = $SortedTimeSent
MessageDelay = $SortedTimeDelivered - $SortedTimeSent

# Build output object
[array]$output = [array]$output + $report

# Make sure we have something to output
if ($null -eq $output) {
Write-Error "No output generated" -ErrorAction Stop
} else {

# Export the data to the output file
$outputFile = (Join-Path -Path $ReportPath -ChildPath ("MTL_Latency_Report_" + (Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).ToString() + ".csv"))
$output | Export-Csv -IncludeTypeInformation:$false -Path $outputFile
Write-Output ("Report written to file " + $outputFile)

# Gather general statistical data and output to the screen
$Stats = ($output.MessageDelay.TotalMilliseconds | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum)

$GeneralData = [PSCustomObject]@{
EmailCount = $Stats.Count
MaximumDelay = [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($Stats.Maximum)
MinimumDelay = [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($Stats.Minimum)
AverageDelay = [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($Stats.Average)

Write-Output $GeneralData
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# Measure-EmailDelayInMTL
Generates a report of the maximum message delay for all messages in an Message Tracking Log output.

Gather message tracking log details of all message to / from a given recipient for a given time range. Useful for determining if a "slow" message was a one off or a pattern.

### Exchange Online
Recommend using [Start-HistoricalSearch]( in EXO to gather a detailed Message Tracking Log for processing.

``` PowerShell
Start-HistoricalSearch -ReportTitle "Fabrikam Search" -StartDate 8/10/2024 -EndDate 8/12/2024 -ReportType MessageTraceDetail -SenderAddress -NotifyAddress

### Exchange On Premises
Recommend using [Get-MessageTrackingLog]( in Exchange On Premises for gathering a Message Tracking Log for processing.

``` PowerShell
Get-TransportService | Get-MessageTrackingLog -Recipients -Start 08/10/2024 -End 08/12/2024 | Export-Csv c:\temp\MyMTL.csv

**Note:** If you provide a raw message tracking log to the script it WILL generate significant errors since many RECEIVE events and DELIVERY events occur on different servers.



CSV output of Message Tracking Log to process.


Folder path for the output file.

## Outputs

### CSV File

| Header | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| MessageID | ID of the Message |
| TimeSent | First time we see the message in the MTL |
| TimeReceived | Last delivery time in the MTL |
| MessageDelay | How long before the message was delivered |

### Statistical Summary

| Statistic | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| EmailCount | Number of email found in the MTL |
| MaximumDelay | Longest delivery delay found in the MTL |
| MinimumDelay | Shortest delivery delay found in the MTL |
| AverageDelay | Average of all delivery delays across all email in the MTL |

### Default Output File:
``` PowerShell

``` PowerShell
.\Measure-EmailDelayInMTL -MTLPath C:\temp\MyMtl.csv
Generates a report to the default path from the file C:\Temp\MyMtl.csv.

``` PowerShell
.\Measure-EmailDelayInMTL -MTLPath C:\temp\LargeMTL.csv -ReportPath C:\output
Generates a report to the c:\output directory from the file C:\Temp\LargeMTL.csv.
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- Transport:
- Compute-TopExoRecipientsFromMessageTrace: Transport/
- ReplayQueueDatabases: Transport/
- Measure-EmailDelayInMTL: Transport/
name: 'material'
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