This tool is deprecated. Web booking option was removed.
The company introduced changes in the access system in late 2023. Booking of group classes was moved to be completely handled by their mobile app. This technology solution cannot handle the change and it is discontinued from support.
- Clone the repository / Download in the Zip file
- Open the PowerShell console
- list the directory with the cloned files
- open text editor with file fitness24seven-fi-auto-booking-launch.ps1
- configure values of variables (gym location, class, date+time) and save changes
- execute PS> ./fitness24seven-fi-auto-booking-launch.ps1
- enjoy auto-booked activity 👌
Requires installed Python
and the following libraries (commands for Powershell console)
pip install robotframework
pip install --upgrade robotframework-selenium2library
When starting the PowerShell script for the first time, there might be an error "fitness24seven-fi-auto-booking-launch.ps1 is not digitally signed". This can be removed by executing the command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
Download, unpack and place to PATH accessible folder (e.g. C:\Program files\Chromedriver) one or all following browser drivers: Chromedriver / Geckodriver / Microsoft Edge WebDriver based on your local browser preference/presence. These components must be always up-to-date.
If this project helps you, you can send me the equivalent of a cup of coffee via the following link: