Judgment on Israel and Judah And came to pass the word of the lord to Micah the one of the Morasthite, in the days of Jotham, and Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, over what he saw concerning Samaria and concerning Jerusalem.
Hear, O peoples, all the words! and take heed, O earth, and all the ones in it! Even [3will be 1the lord 2God] among you for a testimony -- the lord from out of [2house 1his holy].
For behold, the lord goes forth from out of his place, and he will go down, and will mount upon the heights of the earth.
And [3shall be shaken 1the 2mountains] from beneath him, and the valleys shall melt away as beeswax from in front of fire, and as water being carried down in a descent.
[3are on account of 4the impiety 5of Jacob 1All 2these things], and because of the sin of the house of Israel. What is the impiety of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what is the sin of the house of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem?
And I will make Samaria for a storehouse of fruits of the field, and for planting a vineyard. And I will tear down in chaos her stones; and her foundations I will uncover.
And all her carved images I will cut in pieces, and all her hires shall burn in fire, and all her idols I shall establish for extinction, because [2of 3the hires 4of harlotry 1she gathered together], and of the hires of harlotry he eradicated.
Because of this she shall beat her chest and wail. She shall go barefoot and naked. She shall make a beating of the breast as dragons, and mourning as the daughters of sirens.
For [2holds firmly 1her calamity]; because it went unto Judah; and it touched unto the gate of my people, unto Jerusalem.
O ones in Gath, do not magnify yourselves! And, O ones in Baceim, do not rebuild of your house with laughter! [2earth 1Strew] on your laughter!
Her inhabiting well her cities did not come forth. Her inhabiting Zaanan to beat her chest for the house next to her; she shall receive from your calamity of grief.
Who began to act for good to her dwelling in griefs? for [2came down 1bad things] from the lord upon the gates of Jerusalem;
even noise of chariots and ones riding. Dwelling Lachish [2the head 3of sin is] to the daughter of Zion; for in you they found the impious deeds of Israel.
On account of this he shall grant ones to be sent forth unto the inheritance of Gath, [2houses 1the vain]; for [2vanity 1they became] to the kings of Israel;
until [2the 3heirs 1they should bring] to you, O inhabitant of Lachish, your inheritance. Unto Adullam [5shall come 1glory 2of the 3daughter 4of Israel].
Shave and shear for [2children 1your delightful], widening your shaving as an eagle, for they were taken captive from you.
Destruction of Israel and Judah Foretold They came devising troubles, and working evils on their beds, and together during the day they complete them; for they lifted not [2to 3God 1their hands].
And they desired fields, and they plundered orphans, and [2households 1tyrannized], and plundered a man and his house, a man and his inheritance.
On account of this, thus says the lord, Behold, I devise against this tribe bad things, of which in no way should you lift your necks, and in no way should you be able to go straight; for [2time 1it is a wicked].
In that day there shall be taken up against you a parable, and [2shall be wailed 1a lament] in a strain, saying, With misery we were miserable; the portion of my people was measured out with a measuring line, and there was none restraining him to return. Your fields were divided.
On account of this, there will not be for you one putting a measuring line for a lot in the assembly of the lord.
Weep not tears, nor burst into tears over these things! For he will not thrust away the scorn.
The one saying, The house of Jacob provoked to anger the spirit of the lord; [2these 3his practices 1are]? Are not his words good with him, and straight going?
And in former times my people [2for 3enmity 1opposed] against his peace; his skin they flayed to remove hope of the conflict of war.
The ones leading my people shall be thrown from out of [2houses 1their luxurious]. Because of [2wicked 3practices 1their] they were pushed out. Approach [2mountains 1to everlasting]!
Rise up and go! for there is not to you this rest. Because of uncleanness you were corrupted by corruption.
You were pursued by no one pursuing. Your spirit established lying, it trickled you with wine and for strong drink; and it will be from the drop of this people.
The Gathering of the Remnant In being gathered Jacob shall be brought together with all. In looking out I shall look out for the remnant of Israel. Together I will establish their return, as sheep in affliction; as a flock in the midst of their fold, they leap out because of men.
Ascend through the breach before in front of them! They cut through and went through the gate, and came forth through it; and [2went forth 1their king] before in front of them; and the lord shall lead them.
The Leaders Rebuked And he shall say, Hear indeed, O heads of Jacob, and O remnant of the house of Israel! [2not 3for you 1Is it] to know equity?
O ones detesting the good things, and seeking the wicked things; seizing by force their skins from them, and their flesh from their bones;
in which manner they devoured the flesh of my people, and their skins they flayed from them, and their bones they fractured in pieces as flesh for the kettle, and as meats for the pot.
Thus they shall cry out to the lord, and he will not listen to them. And he shall turn his face from them in that time, because they were wicked in their practices.
Thus says the lord concerning the prophets, of the ones misleading my people; the ones biting with their teeth, and proclaiming peace upon them, and when nothing was put into their mouth, they even sanctified [2against 3them 1a war].
On account of this [2night 3to you 1there shall be] instead of a vision; and darkness will be to you for divination; and [3shall go down 1the 2sun] upon the prophets, and [3shall darken 4upon 5them 1the 2day].
And [5shall be disgraced 1the ones 2seeing 3the 4dreams]; and [3shall be ridiculed 1the 2clairvoyants]; and [3shall speak ill 4against 5them 1all 2these]; because there is not one heeding them.
Surely I shall fill up strength in spirit of the lord, and judgment, and might, to report to Jacob of his impiety, and to Israel of his sins.
Hear indeed these things, O leaders of the house of Jacob, and, O remnants of the house of Israel! the ones abhorring equity, and all the ones [2straight things 1perverting];
the ones building Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with injustice.
Her leaders [2with 3bribes 1judge], and her priests [2with 3a wage 1answer], and her prophets [2with 3silver 1are divining]; but upon the lord they rest upon, saying, [2not 3the lord 4among 5us 1is]? In no way shall [2come 3upon 4us 1bad things].
On account of this, because of you, Zion [2as 3a field 1shall be plowed], and Jerusalem [2as 3a vacant storehouse of fruits 1will be], and the mountain of the house as a place of the forest.
The Last of the Days And [8will be 1at 2the last 3of the 4days 9apparent 5the 6mountain 7of the lord], readied upon the tops of the mountains, and it shall rise up high above the hills; and [2shall hasten 3to 4it 1peoples].
And [3shall go 2nations 1many], and shall say, Come, we should ascend unto the mountain of the lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob; and they shall show us his way, and we shall go by his roads. For from out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the lord from out of Jerusalem.
And he shall judge between [2peoples 1many], and shall completely refute [2nations 1strong] unto afar. And they shall cut their broadswords into plows, and their spears into sickles. And no longer should [2raise up 1a nation 4against 5a nation 3a broadsword], and no longer should they learn to wage war.
And [2shall rest 1each] underneath his grapevine, and each underneath his fig-tree. And there shall not be one frightening them, because the mouth of the lord almighty spoke these things.
For all the peoples shall go each in his own way; but we shall go in the name of the lord our God into the eon and beyond.
Future Promise of Nationhood In that day, says the lord, I will gather together her being broken, and her being thrust away. I will take in even whom I thrusted away.
And I will make her being broken into a vestige, and her being thrust away into [2nation 1a mighty]. And the lord shall reign over them on mount Zion, from the present and unto the eon.
And you, O tower of the flock, austere daughter of Zion, unto you shall come, and shall enter in the head of the foremost kingdom of Babylon to the daughter of Jerusalem.
And now, why did you know bad things? [2not a king 1Was] in you? Or has your counsel perished? For [3hold firmly 1your 2pangs] as one giving birth.
Travail, and take courage, O daughter of Zion, as the one giving birth! For now you shall come forth from the city, and shall encamp in the plain, and shall come unto Babylon. From there he shall rescue you, and from there he shall ransom you, the lord your God, from the hand of your enemies.
And now [3were assembled 4against 5you 2nations 1many], saying, We shall rejoice and scrutinize over Zion with our eyes.
But they knew not the devices of the lord, and perceived not his counsel. For he gathered them as sheaves for the threshing-floor.
Rise up and thresh them, O daughter of Zion! For [2your horns 1I will make] iron, and your hoofs I will make brass, and I will dissolve [2peoples 1many]. And you shall present to the lord their abundance, even their strength to the lord of all the earth.
The Coming Ruler Now [2shall be obstructed 1the daughter] by an obstruction. [2conflict 1He ordered] for us. [2with 3a rod 1They shall strike] upon the jaw the tribes of Israel.
And you, Beth-lehem, of the house of Ephratah, are very few being among thousands of Judah; from out of you to me shall come forth the one being for ruler of Israel; and his goings forth were from the beginning, from [2of days 1eon].
On account of this, he will appoint them unto a time of giving birth. She shall give birth, and the remnants of their brethren shall return unto the sons of Israel.
And he shall stand and tend in strength of the lord; and in the glory of the name of the lord their God they shall exist; for now he shall be magnified unto the uttermost parts of earth.
Assyria Mounts Up And this shall be the peace, whenever the Assyrian should come upon our land, and whenever he should mount upon our place. And there shall be roused up against him seven shepherds, and eight strikes of men.
And they shall tend Assyria with a broadsword, and the land of Nimrod at her trench. And he shall rescue from Assyria whenever it should come against your land, and whenever it should mount over your borders.
The Vestige And [4will be 1the 2vestige 3of Jacob] in the midst [2peoples 1of many], as the dew from the lord falling, and as lambs upon wild grass; so that it should be gathered to no one, nor should stand among the sons of men.
And [4will be 1the 2vestige 3of Jacob] among the nations, in the midst [2peoples 1of many], as a lion among cattle in the forest, and as a cub among the flocks of sheep, in which manner whenever he should go through and draw apart to seize his prey by force, and there should be none rescuing.
[2shall be raised up high 1Your hand] against the ones afflicting you, and all your enemies shall be utterly destroyed.
And it will be in that day, says the lord, I will utterly destroy your horses from out of your midst, and I will destroy your chariots.
And I will utterly destroy the cities of your land, and I will remove all your fortresses.
And I will utterly destroy your potions from out of your hands; and ones declaring fortunes shall not be to you.
And I will utterly destroy your carved images, and your monuments from out of your midst. And no longer should you do obeisance to the works of your hands.
And I will cut your sacred groves from out of your midst; and I will obliterate your cities.
And I will execute in anger and in rage vengeance among the nations, because they listened not.
The Judgment of The LORD Hear indeed what the lord said! Rise up, plead with the mountains, and let [3hear 1the 2hills] your voice!
Hear, O mountains, the judgment of the lord, and O ravines, foundations of the earth! For there is a case with the lord against his people; and with Israel he will plead.
O my people, what did I to you, or how did I trouble you? Answer me!
For I led you out of the land of Egypt; and from out of the house of slavery I ransomed you. And I sent out before your face Moses and Aaron and Miriam.
O my people, remember indeed what [4planned 5against 6you 1Balak 2king 3of Moab]! and what [4answered 5to him 1Balaam 2son 3of Beor], from the rushes unto Gilgal, so that [5should be known 1the 2righteousness 3of the 4 lord].
By what means should I overtake the lord? Shall I take hold of my God the highest? Shall I overtake him with a whole burnt-offering, with calves of a year old, no.
Shall the lord favorably receive a thousand rams, or myriads [2winter yearlings 1of hearty], no. Shall I give my first-born for my sin offering, no. the fruit of my belly for impiety of my soul, no.
He explained to you, O man, what is good or what the lord requires from you; but only to execute equity, and to love mercy, and to be prepared to go with your God.
The voice of the lord [2in the 3city 1shall be called upon], and he shall deliver ones fearing his name. Hear, O tribe! and who shall adorn the city?
Is there not fire, and the house of the lawless one treasuring up treasures of lawless deeds, and with [2insolence 1unrighteous]?
Shall [2be justified 3by 4a yoke balance scale 1the lawless one], or by a bag [2weights 1of deceitful],
of which [2their riches 3of impiety 1they filled], and the ones dwelling it spoke lies, and their tongue was exalted in their mouth, no.
And I tormented you for extinction on account of your sins.
You shall eat, and in no way be filled up. And I shall banish you to yourself, and you shall be forsaken, and in no way should you be preserved; and as many as should be preserved [2unto 3the broadsword 1shall be delivered up].
You shall sow, but you shall not reap; you shall compress the olive, but in no way should you anoint with olive oil; and wine, and in no way shall you drink; and [3shall be obliterated 1the laws 2of my people].
For you kept the ordinances of Omri, and all the works of the house of Ahab. And you went by their plans, so that I should deliver you unto extinction, and the ones dwelling her for a hissing; and [2scorn 3of peoples 1you shall receive].
Wait Upon The LORD Alas, for I became as one gathering stubble in a harvest, and as [2grape gleanings 1one gathering] where there does not exist a cluster of [2grapes 3to eat 1first-ripe], which [2longs after 1my soul]. Woe O soul.
For [2is destroyed 1the reverent one] from the earth; and [3one keeping straight 4among 5men 1there does not 2exist]. All [2unto 3blood 1adjudicate]; each [2his neighbor 1squeezes out] by oppression;
[3for 4evil 2their hands 1they prepare]; the ruler asks for gifts, and the judge [2peaceable 3words for bribes 1speaks]. [2the wish 3of his soul 1It is].
And I will take out their good things, as a moth chews away, and one proceeding by the rule in the day of the watch. Woe, your punishments came, now there shall be their weeping.
Do not confide in friends; do not hope upon leaders; of your bed-mate watch out to not present anything to her.
For the son dishonors the father; the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; enemies are all the men, the ones in his own house.
But I [2upon 3my lord 1will look]; I will wait upon the lord my deliverer. [2will listen to 3me 1My God].
Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! for I have fallen and I will rise up. For if I shall sit in the darkness, the lord will give light to me.
The anger of the lord I shall endure, for I sinned against him, until he does justice to my cause, and shall execute my judgment. He shall lead me into the light; I shall see his righteousness.
And [2shall see 1my enemy] and shall wear shame, saying to me, Where is the lord your God? My eyes shall scrutinize her, now she will be for trampling upon as mud in the ways.
A day of plastering of brick is your wiping out, and [2shall be thrust away 1your laws] in that day.
And your cities shall come unto leveling, and into partition by the Assyrians; and [3cities 1your 2fortified] for partitioning from Tyre unto the river, and from sea unto sea, and from mountain unto mountain.
And [3will be 1the 2land] for extinction with the ones dwelling it, because of the fruits of their practices.
Tend your people with your rod, the sheep of your inheritance, the ones encamping by themselves in a forest, in the midst of Carmel! They shall feed Bashan, and Gilead, according to the days of the eon.
And according to the days of your departure from the land of Egypt, I will show to them wonderful things.
[2shall see 1Nations] and shall be disgraced, even of all their strength. They shall place hands over their mouth, their ears shall be deafened.
They shall lick dust as serpents dragging on the earth; they shall be confounded in their confinement; by the lord our God they shall be amazed, and shall fear from you.
What God is as you, removing iniquities and passing over impiety to the remnants of his inheritance? [2is not constrained 3for 4a testimony 1His anger], for [2a wisher 3of mercy 1he is].
He shall turn and shall pity us; he shall sink our iniquities, and shall throw away into the depths of the sea all our sins.
He shall give truth to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, in so far as you swore an oath to our fathers, according to the [2days 1former].