The Word In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and [4God 3was 1the 2word].
This one was in the beginning with God.
All through him existed, and apart from him existed not even one thing which exists.
In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light in the darkness appears, and the darkness [2it 3not 1overtook].
John the Baptist There existed a man being sent by God, the name to him -- John.
This one came for a witness that he should witness concerning the light, that all should believe through him.
[2was not 1That one] the light, but that he should witness concerning the light.
[4was 1The 3light 2true] which lightens every man coming into the world.
[2in 3the 4world 1He was], and the world by him existed, and the world [2him 3not 1knew].
Unto his own he came, and his own [2him 3not 1received].
But as many as received him, he gave to them authority [2children 3of God 1to become], to the ones believing in his name;
the ones who not from blood, nor from will of flesh, nor from will of man, but from God were born.
The Word Became Flesh And the word [2flesh 1became], and tented among us, and we saw his glory, glory as an only child of the father, full of favor and truth.
John witnessed concerning him, and cried out, saying, This was whom I said, The one [2after 3me 1coming] [2before 3me 1was], for [2foremost over 3me 1he was].
And from out of his fullness we all received, even favor upon favor.
For the law [2through 3Moses 1was given]; the favor and the truth [2through 3Jesus 4Christ 1came].
[3God 1No one 2has seen] at any time; the only born son, the one being in the bosom of the father, that one described him.
And this is the witness of John, when [3sent 1the 2Jews] from Jerusalem priests and Levites, that they should ask him, [3you 1Who 2are]?
And he acknowledged, and did not deny; and acknowledged that, [2not 1I am] the Christ.
And they asked him, What then? [3Elijah 1Are 2you]? And he says, I am not. [3the 4prophet 1Are 2you]? And he answered, No.
They said then to him, Who are you? that an answer we should give to the ones having sent us; what say you concerning yourself?
He said, I am a voice yelling in the wilderness, Straighten the way of the lord! as said Isaiah the prophet.
And the ones being sent were of the Pharisees.
And they asked him, and said to him, Why then do you immerse, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?
[2answered 3to them 1John], saying, I immerse in water; but in the midst of you stands whom you know not.
He is the one [2after 3me 1coming], who [2before 3me 1exists], of whom I am not worthy that I should untie his strap of the sandal.
These things in Bethany took place on the other side of the Jordan, where John was immersing.
The Lamb of God The next day John sees Jesus coming to him, and he says, See the lamb of God! the one carrying the sin of the world.
This is concerning of whom I said, After me comes a man, who [2before 3me 1was], for [2foremost over 3me 1he was].
And I did not know him; but that he should be made manifest to Israel -- on account of this I came in the water immersing.
And John witnessed, saying that, I saw the spirit descending as a dove from out of heaven, and it remained upon him.
And I did not know him; but the one having sent me forth to immerse in water, that one said to me, Upon whom ever you should behold the spirit descending and remaining upon him, he is the one immersing by [2spirit 1holy].
And I have seen, and I have witnessed that this is the son of God.
Two Disciples Follow Jesus The next day again John stood, and [2of 3his disciples 1two].
And looking at Jesus walking, he says, Behold the lamb of God!
And [4heard 5him 1the 2two 3disciples] speaking, and they followed Jesus.
[3having turned 1And 2Jesus], and seeing them following, says to them What do you seek? And they said to him, Rabbi, which is to say, being translated, Teacher, where do you stay?
He says to them, Come and see! They came and saw where he stayed, and [2with 3him 1they stayed] that day. And the hour was about the tenth.
[6was 1Andrew 2the 3brother 4of Simon 5Peter] one of the two of the ones having heard from John, and having followed him.
[3finds 1He 2first] [2brother 1his own] Simon, and says to him, We have found the Messiah, which is being translated, Christ.
And he led him to Jesus. And looking at him, Jesus said, You are Simon the son of Jonah, you shall be called Cephas; which is translated, A piece of rock.
Philip and Nathanael The next day he wanted to go forth into Galilee, and he finds Philip, and [2says 3to him 1Jesus], Follow me!
[3was 1And 2Philip] from Bethsaida, from out of the city of Andrew and Peter.
Philip finds Nathanael, and says to him, The one whom Moses wrote in the law, and the prophets, we have found -- Jesus the son of Joseph, the one from Nazareth.
And [2said 3to him 1Nathanael], [5from out of 6Nazareth 3able 1Is anything 2good 4to be]? [2says 3to him 1Philip], Come and see!
Jesus beheld Nathanael coming to him, and says concerning him, See! truly an Israelite in whom [2deceit 1there is no].
[2says 3to him 1Nathanael], From what place do you know me? Jesus answered and said to him, Before [3you 1Philip 2calling], being under the fig-tree, I beheld you.
Nathanael responded and says to him, Rabbi, you are the son of God, you are the king of Israel.
Jesus responded and said to him, Because I said to you, I beheld you underneath the fig-tree, you believe? Greater things than these you shall see.
And he says to him, Amen, amen, I say to you, From now on you shall see the heaven opening, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man.
The Wedding at Cana And the [2day 1third] a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee. And [4was 1the 2mother 3of Jesus] there.
And were invited also Jesus and his disciples unto the wedding.
And lacking wine, [4says 1the 2mother 3of Jesus] to him, [3wine 1They do not 2have].
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], What is it to me and to you, O woman? [4not yet 3is 5come 2hour 1my].
Says his mother to the servants, What ever he should say to you, you do it!
And there were there [3water-pitchers 2stone 1six] being situated for the cleansing of the Jews, having capacity of up to [4measures 1two 2or 3three].
[2says 3to them 1Jesus], Fill the water-pitchers with water! And they filled them unto upward.
And he says to them, Draw out now, and bring it to the chief attendant! And they brought.
And as [3tasted 1the 2chief attendant] the water [2wine 1becoming], and knew not from where it is, (but the servants knew, the ones drawing the water), [3calls 4the 5groom 1the 2chief attendant],
and he says to him, Every man first [2the 3good 4wine 1places], and whenever they should be intoxicated, then the lesser; you have kept the good wine until just now.
This [6did 1the 2beginning 3of the 4signs 5Jesus] in Cana of Galilee, and manifested his glory; and [2trusted 3in 4him 1his disciples].
After this he went down into Capernaum, he and his mother, and his brothers, and his disciples; and there they stayed not many days.
Jesus Cleanses the Temple And near was the passover of the Jews, and [2ascended 3unto 4Jerusalem 1Jesus].
And he found in the temple the ones selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money-changers sitting down.
And having made a scourge out of rough cords, he cast out all from the temple -- both the sheep and the oxen. And of the money-changers, he poured out the brass coins, and the tables he overturned.
And to the ones [2the 3doves 1selling] he said, Take these from here! Do not make the house of my father a house of a market-place!
[3remembered 1And 2his disciples] that [2being written 1it is], The zeal of your house devoured me.
[3responded 4then 1The 2Jews], and said to him, What sign do you show to us that these things you do?
Jesus answered and said to them, Loosen this temple! and in three days I will raise it.
[3then said 1The 2Jews], Forty and six years it took to build this temple, and you in three days will raise it?
But that one spoke concerning the temple of his body.
When then he was raised from the dead, [2remembered 1his disciples] that this he said to them; and they believed in the scripture, and in the word which Jesus spoke.
Many Believe in Jesus And as he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the holiday feast, many trusted in his name, viewing his signs which he did.
[3himself 1But 2Jesus] did not trust himself to them, on account of his knowing all;
and that [2no 3need 1he had] that any should witness concerning man; for he knew what was in man.
Nicodemus and the New Birth And there was a man of the Pharisees, Nicodemus was the name to him, a ruler of the Jews.
This one came to Jesus by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we know that from God you have come as a teacher; for no one [3these 4signs 1is able 2to do] which you do, unless God should be with him.
Jesus responded and said to him, Amen, amen, I say to you, Unless one should be born from above, he is not able to behold the kingdom of God.
[2says 3to 4him 1Nicodemus], How is [2able 1a man] to be born being aged? Is he able [2into 3the 4belly 5of his mother 6a second time 1to enter], and be born?
Jesus answered, Amen, amen, I say to you, Unless one should be born of water and spirit, he is not able to enter into the kingdom of God.
The one being born of the flesh is flesh; and the one being born of the spirit is spirit.
You should not wonder that I said to you, It is necessary for you to be born from above.
The wind [2where 3it wants 1blows], and its sound you hear, but you know not from what place it comes, and where it goes; so is every one being born of the spirit.
Nicodemus answered and said to him, How is it possible for these things to be?
Jesus answered and said to him, You are the teacher of Israel, and these things you know not?
Amen, amen, I say to you that, What we know we speak, and what we have seen we witness; and our witness you do not receive.
If the earthly things I told to you, and you do not believe, how then if I should speak to you the heavenly things, will you believe?
And no one has ascended into the heaven, except the one from out of the heaven descending -- the son of man, the one being in the heaven.
And as Moses raised up high the serpent in the wilderness, so [5to be raised up high 1is it necessary 2for the 3son 4of man];
that every one believing in him should not perish, but have [2life 1eternal].
God Loves the World For thus God loved the world, so that [4son 2his 3only born 1he gave], that every one trusting in him, should not perish, but should have [2life 1eternal].
[3did not 1For 4send 2God] his son into the world that he should judge the world, but that [3should be delivered 1the 2world] by him.
The one trusting in him is not judged; but the one not trusting already has been judged, for he trusts not in the name of the only born son of God.
And this is the judgment -- that the light has come into the world, and [2loved 1men] more the darkness than the light; [4were 1for 5evil 2their 3works].
For every one [2heedlessly 1acting] detests the light, and does not come to the light, that [2should not 3be reproved 1his works].
But the one observing the truth comes to the light, that [3should be made manifest 1his 2works], that in God they are working.
After these things Jesus came and his disciples unto the Judean land; and there he spent time with them and was immersing.
[4was 1And 2also 3John] immersing in Aenon near Salim, for [3water 2much 1there was] there; and they were arriving and being immersed.
For not yet was [2thrown 3into 4the 5prison 1John].
Disciples of John the Baptist Question Jesus Became then an inquiry from the disciples of John with the Jews concerning cleansing.
And they came to John, and they said to him, Rabbi, the one who was with you on the other side of the Jordan, in whom you witnessed -- See! this one immerses and all come to him.
John answered and said, [2is not 3able 1Man] to receive anything, unless it should be given to him from the heaven.
You yourselves witness to me that I said, [3not 2am 1I] the Christ; but that I am one being sent before that one.
The one having the bride is the groom; and the friend of the groom, the one standing and hearing him, with joy rejoices because of the voice of the groom. This then [2joy 1my] is fulfilled.
That one must grow, but me to lessen.
The one [2from above 1coming] [2above 3all 1is]. The one being from the earth, [2of 3the 4earth 1is], and of the earth he speaks. The one [2from 3the 4heaven 1coming 6above 7all 5is],
and what he has seen and heard, this one witnesses; and his witness no one receives.
The one receiving of his witness, set a seal that God is true;
for the one whom God sent, [2the 3sayings 4of God 1speaks]; for not by measure does [2give 1God] the spirit.
The father loves the son, and all things he has put in his hand.
The one trusting in the son has [2life 1eternal]; but the one resisting the son shall not see the life, but the anger of God remains upon him.
The Woman of Samaria When therefore [3knew 1the 2Lord] that [3heard 1the 2Pharisees] that Jesus [4more 5disciples 1made 2and 3immersed] than John,
(though indeed Jesus himself did not immerse, but his disciples),
he left Judea, and went forth into Galilee.
But it was necessary for him to go through Samaria.
He comes then into a city of Samaria being called Sychar, neighboring the place which Jacob gave to Joseph his son.
[4was 1And 5there 2the spring 3of Jacob]. Then Jesus being tired from the journey, sat thus at the spring; [4hour 1it was 2about 3the sixth].
There comes a woman from out of Samaria to draw water. [2says 3to her 1Jesus], Give to me to drink!
For his disciples went forth into the city, that [2provisions 1they should buy].
[5says 1Then 6to him 4woman 2the 3Samaritan], How do you, being a Jew, [2from 3me 4to drink 1ask], being a Samaritan woman? [3do not 1For 4have dealings with 2Jews] Samaritans.
Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who is the one saying to you, Give to me to drink! you would have asked him, and he would have given to you [2water 1living].
[3says 4to him 1The 2woman], O master, neither a bucket do you have, and the well is deep; from what place then have you the [2water 1living]?
[2you 3greater than 1Are] our father Jacob, who gave to us the well, and himself [2from 3it 1drank], and his sons, and his livestock?
Jesus answered and said to her, Every one drinking of this water thirsts again;
but whoever should drink of the water which I give to him, in no way should he thirst into the eon; but the water which I shall give to him shall become in him a spring of water leaping up into [2life 1eternal].
Says to him the woman, O master, give to me this water! that I should not thirst, nor should come here to draw.
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], Go, call your husband, and come here!
[3answered 1The 2woman] and said, I do not have a husband. [2says 3to her 1Jesus], Well you said that, [3a husband 1I do not 2have];
for five husbands you had, and now the one whom you have is not your husband; this truly you have said.
[3says 4to him 1The 2woman], O master, I view that [2a prophet 1you are].
Our fathers in this mountain did obeisance, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary to do obeisance.
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], O woman, trust me, that there comes an hour, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you do obeisance to the father.
You do obeisance to whom you know not; we do obeisance to whom we know; for the deliverance [2of 3the 4Jews 1is].
But comes the hour, and now is, when the true ones doing obeisance shall do obeisance to the father in spirit and truth; for also the father [2such 1seeks] to do obeisance to him.
God is Spirit God is spirit, and the ones doing obeisance to him [3in 4spirit 5and 6truth 1must 2do obeisance].
[3says 4to him 1The 2woman], I know that Messiah comes, the one being called Christ; whenever he should come, that one will announce to us all things.
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], I am he, the one speaking to you.
And upon this came his disciples, and they marvelled that [2with 3a woman 1he spoke]; no one however said, What do you seek? or, Why do you speak with her?
[3then left 4her water-pitcher 1The 2woman], and she went forth into the city, and says to the men,
Come, see a man who told to me all things as much as I did! Maybe this is the Christ?
They came forth then from out of the city, and came to him.
But in between [3asked 4him 1the 2disciples], saying, Rabbi, eat!
And he said to them, I [2food 1have] to eat which you know not.
[4said 1Then 2the 3disciples] to one another, Did anyone bring anything to him to eat?
[2says 3to them 1Jesus], My food is that I do the will of the one having sent me, and I should perfect his work.
Do you not say that, [2still 3four months 1It is] and the harvest comes? Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and see the places! for they are white for harvest already.
And the one harvesting [2a wage 1receives], and gathers fruit unto life eternal; that also the one sowing [2together 1should rejoice] also with the one harvesting.
For in this the word is true that, Another is the one sowing, and another is the one harvesting.
I sent you to harvest what you have not tired in; others have tired, and you [2into 3their toil 1have entered].
And from that city many believed in him of the Samaritans, because of the word of the woman witnessing that, He told to me all things as much as I did.
Then as they came to him, the Samaritans asked him to stay with them; and he stayed there two days.
The Deliverer of the World And many more believed because of his word;
also to the woman they said that, No longer because of your speech do we believe; for ourselves we have heard, and we know that this is truly the deliverer of the world, the Christ.
And after the two days he came forth from there, and he went forth into Galilee.
[3himself 1For 2Jesus] testified that a prophet [3in 4his own 5fatherland 2value 1has no].
When then he came into Galilee, [3received 4him 1the 2Galileans], having seen all the things which he did in Jerusalem during the holiday feast; [3also 2they 1for] went to the holiday feast.
The Royal Official's Son is Healed Then came Jesus again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain royal official [3whose 4son 5was weak 1in 2Capernaum].
He having heard that Jesus is come from out of Judea into Galilee, went forth to him, and asked him that he should come down and heal his son; for he was about to die.
[3said 1Then 2Jesus] to him, If [2not 4signs 5and 6miracles 1you should 3behold], in no way should you trust.
[3says 4to 5him 1The 2royal official], O Lord, come down before [2dies 1my child]!
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], Go! your son lives. And [3trusted 1the 2man] in the word which [2said 3to him 1Jesus], and he went.
And already as he was going down, his servants met him, and reported, saying that, Your child lives.
He inquired then of them the hour in which [2much better 1he sufficed]. And they said to him that, Yesterday [2hour 1the seventh 5left 6him 3the 4fever].
[4knew 1Then 2the 3father] that it was in that hour in which [2said 3to him 1Jesus] that, Your son lives. And he trusted him, and [3family 1his 2entire].
This again was a second sign Jesus did, coming from out of Judea into Galilee.
Jesus Heals at Bethesda After these was a holiday of the Jews, and Jesus ascended unto Jerusalem.
And there is in Jerusalem at the sheep gate a pool, the one being called in Hebrew, Bethesda, [2five 3stoas 1having].
In these reclined [2multitude 1a great] being weak, blind, lame, withered, looking out for the [2of the 3water 1movement].
For an angel at times came down in the pool, and disturbed the water. The one then first stepping in after the disturbance of the water [2sound 1became] in whatsoever [2he was held 1disease].
And there was a certain man there thirty and eight years being held in his feebleness.
[3this one 2seeing 1Jesus] reclining, and knowing that [2a long 1already] time he was held, says to him, Do you want [2sound 1to be]?
Answered him the one being invalid, O Lord, [2no man 1I have], that whenever [3should be disturbed 1the 2water] should lay me in the pool; [2in 3which time 1but] I come, another before me descends.
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], Arise, lift your litter and walk!
And immediately [3became 4in health 1the 2man], and he lifted his litter, and walked. And it was the Sabbath on that day.
Then said the Jews to the one being cured, It is a Sabbath, it is not allowed for you to carry the litter.
He responded to them, The one making me in health, that one told me, Carry your litter, and walk!
Then they asked him, Who is the man having said to you, Carry your litter and walk?
But the one having been healed knew not who it is, for Jesus turned away, of a multitude being in the place.
After these things [2finds 3him 1Jesus] in the temple, and he said to him, See, [2in health 1you are], no longer sin, that nothing worse should happen to you!
[3went forth 1The 2man], and announced to the Jews that Jesus is the one making him in health.
The Jews Seek to Kill Jesus And on account of this [3persecuted 4Jesus 1the 2Jews], and sought to kill him; for these things he did on a Sabbath.
But Jesus answered to them, My father [2until 3now 1works], and I work.
On account of this then more [3sought 5him 1the 2Jews 4to kill], for not only he untied the Sabbath, but also [4father 3his own 1called 2God], [3equal 2himself 1making] to God.
The Father and the Son Then answered Jesus, and he said to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, [3is not able 1The 2son] to do of himself anything, unless what he should see the father doing; for what ever that one should do, these also the son in like manner does.
For the father is fond of the son, and [3all things 1shows 2to him] which he does; and greater [2than these 3he will show 4to him 1works], that you should marvel.
For as the father raises the dead, and restores to life; so also the son, whom he wants, he restores to life.
For neither the father judges any one, but all judgment he has given to the son;
that all should esteem the son, as they esteem the father. The one not esteeming the son, esteems not the father sending him.
Amen, amen, I say to you, that the one [2my word 1hearing], and trusting in the one sending me, has [2life 1eternal], and [2into 3judgment 1comes not], but has crossed over from death unto life.
Amen, amen, I say to you, that there comes an hour, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God, and the ones hearing shall live.
For as the father has life in himself, so he gave also to the son [2life 1to have] in himself;
and [2authority 1he gave] to him even [2judgment 1to execute], for [2son 3of man 1he is].
Do not wonder at this! For comes an hour in which all the ones in the tombs shall hear his voice,
and they shall exit; the ones [2good things 1doing] unto a resurrection of life; but the ones [2heedlessly 1acting] unto a resurrection of judgment.
Not am I able to do of myself anything. As I hear I judge; and [2judgment 1my] is just, for I do not seek [2will 1my], but the will of the [2sending me forth 1father].
If I testify concerning myself, my testimony is not true.
There is another - the one testifying concerning me. And I know that [3is true 1the 2testimony] which he testifies concerning me.
You have sent to John, and he testifies the truth.
But I do not [4from 5man 2the 3testimony 1receive], and these things I say, that you should be delivered.
That one was the lamp burning and shining, and you wanted to exult for an hour in his light.
But I have the testimony greater than John; for the works which [3gave 4me 1the 2father] that I should perfect them, [3themselves 1the 2works] which I do testify concerning me, that the father has sent me.
And the [2sending me forth 1father], he has testified concerning me. Neither his voice have you heard at any time, nor his appearance have you seen.
And his word you have not abiding in you. For the one whom that one sent, in this one you do not believe.
You search the scriptures that you think in them [3life 2eternal 1to have], and these are the ones testifying concerning me.
And you do not want to come to me, that [2life 1you should have].
Glory from men I receive not.
But I have known you, that the love of God you have not in yourselves.
I have come in the name of my father, and you did not receive me. If another should come in [2name 1his own], that one you will receive.
How are you able to believe, [2glory 3from 4one another 1receiving], and the glory, the one from the only God you do not seek?
Do not think that I accuse you to the father! there is the one accusing you -- Moses, in whom you hope.
For if you believed Moses, you would have believed in me; for concerning me that one wrote.
But if in that one's letters you believe not, how [2in my 3sayings 1shall you believe]?
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand After these things Jesus went forth on the other side of the sea of Galilee -- of Tiberias.
And there followed him [2multitude 1a great], for they saw his signs which he did for the invalids.
[3went up 1And 4into 5the 6mountain 2Jesus], and there sat down with his disciples.
And it was near the passover holiday of the Jews.
[3having lifted up 1Then 2Jesus] the eyes, and seeing that a great multitude comes to him, says to Philip, From what place should we buy bread loaves, that these should eat?
But this he said testing him, for he knew what he was about to do.
[2answered 3to him 1Philip], Of two hundred denarii worth of bread loaves are not sufficient for them, that each of them [2a little 1should receive].
Says to him one from his disciples, Andrew the brother of Simon Peter,
There is [2boy 1one] here who has five bread loaves of barley, and two little fishes; but these, what are they for so many?
[3said 1And 2Jesus], Make the men recline! And there was [2grass 1much] in the place. [4reclined 1Then 2the 3men] -- the number was about five thousand.
[3took 1And 4the 5bread loaves 2Jesus], and having given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to the ones reclining; in like manner also of the little fishes, as much as they wanted.
And as they were filled up, he says to his disciples, Gather together the abounding pieces, that nothing should perish!
They gathered together then, and filled twelve hampers of pieces of the five bread loaves of barley, which abounded to the ones having eaten.
The men then, having seen what [3did 1sign 2Jesus], said that, This is truly the prophet, the one coming into the world.
Jesus then knowing that they were about to come and to seize him by force, that they should make him king, again withdrew unto the mountain himself alone.
Jesus Walks on the Sea And as [2late 1it became], [2went down 1his disciples] unto the sea.
And having stepped into the boat, they went to the other side of the sea unto Capernaum. And darkness already was, and [2had not 3come 4with 5them 1Jesus];
in which also the sea [3wind 2by a great 4blowing 1was awakened].
Having rowed then about [2stadiums 1twenty-five] or thirty, they viewed Jesus walking upon the sea, and [2near 3the 4boat 1coming], and they feared.
And he says to them, I am he, fear not!
They wanted then to receive him into the boat, and immediately the boat became upon the land into which they were going.
The next day, the multitude standing on the other side of the sea, seeing that [3boat 2no other 1there was] except one, that one into which [3stepped into 2disciples 1his], and that [2entered not together with 3his disciples 1Jesus] into the boat, but that [3alone 1his disciples 2went forth],
(but other [2came 1small boats] from Tiberias near the place where they ate the bread having given thanks to the Lord).
When then [3saw 1the 2multitude] that Jesus is not there, nor his disciples, they stepped also themselves into the boats, and came unto Capernaum seeking Jesus.
The Bread of Life And having found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him, Rabbi, How [2here 1have you become]?
[2answered 3to them 1Jesus] and said, Amen, amen, I say to you, You seek me, not that you saw signs, but that you ate from the bread loaves and were filled.
Work not for the food perishing! but the food abiding unto life eternal, which the son of man will give to you; for this one [2the 3father 4set seal upon 1God]!
They said then to him, What should we do that we work the works of God?
Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you should have trusted in whom that one sent.
They said then to him, What [2then 3do you do 1sign], that we should know and we should trust in you? What work do you do?
Our fathers [2the 3manna 1ate] in the wilderness, as it is written, Bread from out of the heaven he gave to them to eat.
[3said 2then 4to them 1Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you, Moses has not given to you the bread from the heaven; but my father gives to you the bread from the heaven -- the true.
For the bread of God is the one descending from out of the heaven, and [2life 1giving] to the world.
They said then to him, O Master, at all times give to us this bread!
[3said 1And 4to them 2Jesus], I am the bread of life; the one coming to me, in no way should hunger; and the one believing in me, in no way should thirst at any time.
But I said to you, that even you have seen me and do not trust.
All which [3gives 4to me 1the 2father], [2to 3me 1shall come]; and the one coming to me in no way shall I cast outside.
For I have descended from the heaven, not that I should do [2will 1my], but the will of the one having sent me.
And this is the will of the [2having sent 3me 1father], that all which he has given to me I should not lose of it, but should raise it in the last day.
And this is the will of the one having sent me, that every one viewing the son, and trusting in him, should have life eternal; and I will raise him up, I myself in the last day.
Jesus Rejected by the Jews [3were grumbling 4then 1The 2Jews] concerning him, because he said, I am the bread, the one descending from out of the heaven.
And they said, [3not 2this 1is] Jesus the son of Joseph, of whom we know the father and the mother? How then says this one that, From out of the heaven I have descended?
[2answered 3then 1Jesus] and said to them, Do not grumble with one another!
No one is able to come to me unless the father, the one having sent me, should draw him; and I will raise him up in the last day.
It is written in the prophets, And they will be all instructed of God. Every one then hearing from the father, and having learned, comes to me.
Not that [3the 4father 1anyone 2has seen], except the one being from God, this one has seen the father.
Amen, amen, I say to you, The one trusting in me has life eternal.
I am the bread of life.
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and died.
This is the bread, the one [2from 3the 4heaven 1descending], that whoever [2of 3it 1should eat] even should not die.
I am the [2bread 1living], the one [2from 3the 4heaven 1having descended]. If anyone shall eat from this bread, he shall live into the eon. [2also 3the 4bread 1But] which I shall give [2my flesh 1is], which I shall give for the [2of the 3world 1life].
[4were quarreling 1Then 5with 6one another 2the 3Jews], saying, How will this one be able to give us flesh to eat?
[3said 1Then 4to them 2Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you, Unless you should have eaten the flesh of the son of man, and should have drunk of his blood, you shall not have life in yourselves.
The one chewing of my flesh, and drinking of my blood, has life eternal, and I will raise him up in the last day.
For my flesh truly is solid food, and my blood truly is drink.
The one chewing of my flesh, and drinking of my blood, [2in 3me 1abides], and I in him.
As [4sent 5me 1the 2living 3father], I also live on account of the father; and the one chewing me, that one shall live through me.
This is the bread [2from out of 3the 4heaven 1having descended]. Not as [3ate 2fathers 1your] the manna and died; the one chewing this bread shall live into the eon.
These things he said in the synagogue teaching in Capernaum.
Many Disciples Grumble Concerning Jesus Many then having heard from out of his disciples said, [3is hard 1this 2word], who is able to hear it?
[3knowing 1And 2Jesus] in himself that [2grumbled 3concerning 4this 1his disciples], said to them, This causes you to stumble?
What then if you should view the son of man ascending where he was formerly?
The spirit is the one restoring to life, the flesh does not benefit anyone; the sayings which I speak to you -- it is spirit, and it is life.
But there are of you ones who do not believe. [3knew 1For 4from 5the beginning 2Jesus] who are the ones not believing, and who it is that shall be delivering him up.
And he said, On account of this I have said to you, that no one is able to come to me, unless it should be given to him from my father.
The Words of Life Because of this, many [2departed 1of his disciples] to the rear, and no longer [2with 3him 1walked].
[3said 1Then 2Jesus] to the twelve, Do you also want to go away?
[4answered 1Then 5to him 2Simon 3Peter], O Lord, to whom shall we go forth? [2the words 3of life 4eternal 1You have].
And we have believed and have known that you are the Christ, the son of the living God.
[2responded 3to them 1Jesus], Did I not [2you 3the 4twelve 1choose], and [2of 3you 1one 5a devil 4is]?
But he spoke of Judas son of Simon Iscariot; for this one was about to deliver him up, being one of the twelve.
Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles And Jesus was walking with these in Galilee, for he did not want [2in 3Judea 1to walk], for [3sought 5him 1the 2Jews 4to kill].
And it was near the holiday of the Jews -- the one of pitching tents.
[3said 1Then 4to 5him 2his brothers], Cross over from here, and go into Judea! that also your disciples should view your works which you do.
For no one [2in 3secret 1does anything], and [2seeks 1he himself 4in 5an open manner 3to be]. If these things you do, manifest yourself to the world!
For neither his brothers believed in him.
Then says Jesus to them, [2time 1My] is not yet at hand; but [2time 1your] at all times is ready.
[3is not 4able 1The 2world] to detest you; but me it detests, for I testify concerning it, that its works are evil.
You ascend unto this holiday feast! I not yet ascend unto this holiday feast, for [2time 1my] has not yet been fulfilled.
And these things having said to them, he stayed in Galilee.
But as [2ascended 1his brothers], then also he ascended unto the holiday feast, not openly, but as in secret.
Then the Jews sought him during the holiday feast, and they said, Where is that one?
And [3grumbling 2much 4concerning 5him 1there was] among the multitudes. Some said that, He is good. Others said, No, but he misleads the multitude!
No one however in an open manner spoke concerning him for fear of the Jews.
Jesus Teaches in the Temple But already [2of the 3holiday 1being in the middle], Jesus ascended into the temple, and was teaching.
And [3marvelled 1the 2Jews], saying, How did this one [2letters 1know], not having learned?
[2answered 3them 1Jesus], and said, My teaching is not mine, but the one having sent me.
If anyone should want [2his will 1to do], he shall know concerning the teaching, whether [2of 3God 1it is], or I [2from 3myself 1speak].
The one [2from 3himself 1speaking], [3glory 2his own 1seeks]; but the one seeking the glory of the one having sent him, this one is true, and unrighteousness [2in 3him 1is not].
Has not Moses given you the law, and not one of you practices the law? Why [3me 1do you seek 2to kill]?
[3answered 1The 2multitude] and said, [2a demon 1You have]; who [3you 1seeks 2to kill]?
Jesus answered and said to them, One work I did, and you all marvel.
On account of this Moses has given to you circumcision, not that [2from 3Moses 1it is], but from the fathers; and on the Sabbath you circumcise a man.
If [3circumcision 2receives 1a man] on the Sabbath, that [4should not 5be untied 1the 2law 3of Moses], [2with me 1why are you incensed] that entirely [2a man 3in health 1I made] on the Sabbath?
Judge not according to appearance, but [2righteous 3judgment 1judge]!
Said then some of the ones of Jerusalem, [2not 1Is this] whom they seek to kill?
And you see! [2in an open manner 1he speaks], and [2nothing 3to him 1they say]; perhaps truly [3know 1the 2rulers] that this is truly the Christ.
But this we know from what place he is; but the Christ whenever he should come, no one knows from what place he is.
[3cried out 2then 4in 5the 6temple 7teaching 1Jesus], and saying, And me you have known, and you have known from what place I am. And of myself I have not come, but [4is 5true 1the one 2sending 3me], whom you know not.
I have known him, for from him I am, and that one sent me.
They were seeking then to lay hold of him; and no one put [3upon 4him 1their 2hand], for [2had not yet 3come 1his hour].
But many from out of the multitude believed in him, and said that, The Christ, whenever he should come, will [2more 3signs 4than these 1he do] which this one did?
[3heard 1The 2Pharisees] of the multitude murmuring [2concerning 3him 1these things]; and [6sent 7officers 1the 2Pharisees 3and 4the 5chief priests] that they should lay hold of him.
[2said 3then 4to them 1Jesus], Still a little time [2with 3you 1I am], and I go away to the one having sent me.
You shall seek me, and shall not find; and where I am, you are not able to come.
[3said 4then 1The 2Jews] to themselves, Where is this one about to go that we shall not find him? Is [3unto 4the 5dispersion 6of the 7Greeks 1he about 2to go], and to teach the Greeks?
What is this word which he said, You shall seek me, and shall not find; and, Where I am, you are not able to come?
And during the last day, the great one of the holiday feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone should thirst, come to me and drink!
The one believing in me, as [3said 1the 2scripture], [4rivers 1From out of 2his belly 3shall flow 6water 5of living].
But this he said concerning the spirit, of which [5were about 6to receive 1the ones 2believing 3in 4him]; [3not yet 1for 2there was 5spirit 4holy], for Jesus was not yet glorified.
Many then from out of the multitude, hearing the word, said, This is truly the prophet.
Others said, This is the Christ. And others said, Does [4from out of 5Galilee 1the 2Christ 3come]?
[2not 3the 4scripture 1Said] that from out of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, of the town where David was from, the Christ comes?
A split then among the multitude took place because of him.
But some [3wanted 1of 2them] to lay hold of him, but no one put [3upon 4him 1the 2hands].
The Unbelief of the Religious Leaders Came then the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees, and [2said 3to them 1those], For why did you not bring him?
[3answered 1The 2officers], At no time thus spoke a man as this man.
[3responded 4then 5to them 1The 2Pharisees], Have you also been misled?
Did any of the rulers believe in him, or of the Pharisees?
But this multitude, the one not knowing the law, they are accursed.
Nicodemus says to them, (the one coming by night to him, being one of them),
Does our law judge the man, if it not be heard from him prior, and made known what he does?
They answered and said to him, [2you also 3from out of 4Galilee 1Are]? Search and see! that a prophet [2from out of 3Galilee 1arises not].
And [2went 1each] unto his house.
The Woman Caught in Adultery And Jesus went to the mount of olives.
And at dawn again he came into the temple, and all the people came to him; and having sat he taught them.
[7led 1And 2the 3scribes 4and 5the 6Pharisees] to him a woman [2adultery 1having been overtaken in]. And having stood her in the midst,
they say to him, Teacher, this woman we found in the very act committing adultery.
And in our law, Moses gave charge for such to be stoned; you then, what do you say?
But this they said testing him, that they should have a charge against him. But Jesus [2low 1bowing], with his finger he wrote on the ground.
And as they continued asking him, having raised the head he said to them, The one sinless of you [3first 2the 4stone 5at 6her 1let him cast]!
And again [2low 1bowing] he wrote on the ground.
And they having heard, and by their consciences being reproved, went forth one by one, beginning from the older; and was left behind alone Jesus, and the woman [2in 3the middle 1being].
[3having raised the head 1And 2Jesus], and [2no one 1seeing] except the woman, said to her, Woman, where are they, those your accusers, did no one condemn you?
And she said, No one, O Lord. [3said 1And 4to her 2Jesus], Nor I condemn you; go and from now [2no more 1sin]!
The Light of the World Again then to them Jesus spoke, saying, I am the light of the world; the one following me in no way should walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life.
[3said 4then 5to him 1The 2Pharisees], You [2concerning 3yourself 1testify]; your testimony is not valid.
Jesus answered and said to them, Even if I testify concerning myself, [2is valid 1my testimony]; for I know from what place I came, and where I go. But you do no know from what place I come, and where I go.
You according to the flesh judge, I do not judge anyone.
And if [3judge 2also 1I], [2judgment 1my] is valid, because [2alone 1I am not], but I and the [2having sent 3me 1father].
And in [2law 3also 1your] it has been written that, Of two men the testimony is valid.
I am the one testifying concerning myself, and [5testifies 6concerning 7me 1the 3having sent 4me 2father].
They said then to him, Where is your father? Jesus answered, Neither me you know, nor my father. If you would have known me, also my father you would have known.
Jesus Warns of Unbelief These words Jesus spoke in the treasury, teaching in the temple; and no one laid hold of him, for [2had not yet 3come 1his hour].
[4said 1Then 2again 5to them 3Jesus], I go away, and you shall seek me, and in your sin you shall die. Where I go, you are not able to come.
[4said 1Then 2the 3Jews], Maybe to kill himself, that he says, Where I go, you are not able to come.
And he said to them, You [2of 3the 4lowers 1are], I [2of 3the 4uppers 1am]; you [2of 3this world 1are], I am not of this world.
I said then to you that, You shall die in your sins; for if you should not believe that I am, you shall die in your sins.
They said then to him, You, who are you? And [2said 3to them 1Jesus], The source of whatever also I speak to you.
Many things I have concerning you to say, and to judge; but the one having sent me is true, and I, what I heard from him, these things I say unto the world.
They did not know that [3the 4father 2to them 1he spoke].
[2said 3then 4to them 1Jesus], Whenever you should raise up high the son of man, then you shall know that I am; and from myself I do nothing, but as [2taught 3me 1my father], these things I speak.
And the one having sent me, [2with 3me 1is]. [5not 3left 4me 6alone 1The 2father], for I [2the things 3pleasing 4to him 1do] at all times.
These things of his having spoken, many believed in him.
The Truth Shall Free You [3said 1then 2Jesus] to the [2believing 3in him 1Jews], If you should stay in [2word 1my], truly [2disciples 1you are my].
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall free you.
They answered him, [2seed 3of Abraham 1We are], and to no one have we been a slave to at any time. How do you say that, [2free 1You shall become]?
[2answered 3to them 1Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you that, Every one committing the sin is a slave of the sin.
And the manservant does not abide in the house into the eon; the son abides into the eon.
If then the son should free you, really you will be free.
Children of Abraham I know that [2seed 3of Abraham 1you are]; but you seek to kill me, for [2word 1my] does not have space in you.
I [2what 3I have seen 4by 5my father 1speak]; and you then what you have seen by your father you do.
They answered and said to him, Our father is Abraham. [2says 3to them 1Jesus], If [2children 3of 4Abraham 1you were], the works of Abraham you would have done.
But now you seek to kill me, a man who [2the 3truth 4to you 1has spoken], which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do.
You do the works of your father. They said then to him, We [3of 4harlotry 1have not 2been born]; [2one 3father 1we have] -- God.
[2said 3to them 1Jesus], If God [2father 1was your], you would have loved me; for I [2from 3God 1came forth], and I come; for neither from myself have I come, but that one sent me.
Why [4speech 3my 1do you not 2know]? it is that you are not able to hear [2word 1my]?
You [2of 3the 4father 5of the 6devil 1are], and the desires of your father you want to do. That one [2a man-killer 1was] from the beginning, and [3in 4the 5truth 1has not 2stood], for [2is not 1truth] in him. Whenever he should speak the lie, from out of his own he speaks; for he is a liar, and the father of it.
But I, for [2the 3truth 1I speak], but you do not believe me.
Who of you reproves me concerning sin? But if [2truth 1I speak], why do you not believe in me?
The one being of God [2the 3sayings 4of God 1hears]; on account of this, you do not hear, for [2of 3God 1you are not].
The Jews Dishonor Jesus [4answered 1Then 2the 3Jews], and they said to him, [2not 4well 3speak 1Do we] that [2a Samaritan 1you are], and [2a demon 1have]?
Jesus answered, I [3a demon 1do not 2have], but I esteem my father, and you dishonor me.
But I do not seek my glory; there is the one seeking and judging.
Amen, amen, I say to you, If anyone [3word 2my 1should give heed to 6death 4in no way 5shall he view] into the eon.
[3said 4then 5to him 1The 2Jews], Now we know that [2a demon 1you have]. Abraham died, and the prophets, and you say, If anyone [2word 1should give heed to my] in no way shall he taste death into the eon.
[2you 3greater than 1Are] our father Abraham who died, and the prophets that died? Whom [3yourself 1do you 2make]?
Jesus answered, If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my father glorifying me, whom you say, that [2your God 1he is].
And you have not known him; but I know him. And if I should say that, I do not know him, I will be like you, a liar. But I know him, and his word I give heed to.
Abraham, your father exulted that he should behold [2day 1my], and he saw and rejoiced.
I Am Then said the Jews to him, [3fifty 4years 2not yet 1You have], and [2Abraham 1you have seen]?
[2said 3to them 1Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you, Before Abraham existed I am.
Then they lifted stones that they should throw at him; but Jesus was hidden, and he went forth from out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and passed by thus.
Jesus Heals the Blind Man And passing on, he beheld a man blind from birth.
And [2asked 3him 1his disciples], saying, Rabbi, Who sinned, this one or his parents, that [2blind 1he was born]?
Jesus answered, Neither this one sinned, nor his parents; but that should be made manifest the works of God in him.
It is necessary to work the works of the one sending me forth, while it is day; there comes the night when no one is able to work.
Whenever [2in 3the 4world 1I should be], [3light 1I am 2the] of the world.
These things having said, he spit on the ground and he made mud from out of the spittle, and he smeared the mud upon the eyes of the blind man.
And he said to him, Go wash in the pool of Siloam! which is translated, Being sent. He went forth then and washed, and came seeing.
Then the neighbors, and the ones viewing him prior, knowing that he was blind, said, [2not 3this 1Is] the one sitting down and begging?
Others said that, This one is he. And others that, [2likened 3to him 1He is]. That one said that, I am he.
They said then to him, How were [3opened 1your 2eyes]?
That one answered and said, A man being called Jesus [2mud 1made], and smeared it upon my eyes, and said to me, Go unto the pool of Siloam, and wash! And going forth and washing, I gained sight.
They said then to him, Where is that one? He says, I know not.
The Blind Man Questioned by the Pharisees They led him to the Pharisees -- the one at one time blind.
And it was the Sabbath when [3the 4mud 2made 1Jesus], and opened his eyes.
Then again [3asked 4him 5also 1the 2Pharisees] how he gained sight. And he said to them, [2mud 1He placed] to me upon the eyes, and I washed, and I see.
Said then [2from 3the 4Pharisees 1one], This man is not from God, for the Sabbath he did not give heed to. Others said, How is [3able 1a man 2a sinner] [2such 3signs 1to do]? And a split was among them.
They say then to the blind man again, You, what say you concerning him, for he opened your eyes? And he said that, He is a prophet.
[3did not 4believe 5then 1The 2Jews] concerning him, that he was blind, and gained sight, until whenever [2spoke up 1his parents], of the one gaining sight.
And they asked them saying, Is this your son, whom you say that [2blind 1he was born]? How then just now does he see?
[2answered 3to them 1His parents] and said, We know that this is our son, and that [2blind 1he was born].
But how he now sees, we do not know; or who opened his eyes, we do not know. He [2age 1has]; ask him! he [2for 3himself 1shall speak].
These things [2said 1his parents], for they feared the Jews; for already [3agreed 1the 2Jews], that if anyone should acknowledge him as Christ, [2removed from the synagogue 1he should be].
On account of this his parents said that, [2age 1He has]; ask him!
They called then for a second time the man who was blind, and said to him, Give glory to God! we know that this man is a sinner.
[3answered 1Then 2that one] and said, If he is a sinner I know not. One thing I know, that being blind, now I see.
And they said to him again, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?
He answered to them, I told you already, and you heard not. Why again do you want to hear? Do also you want [2his 3disciples 1to become]?
Then they reviled him, and said, You are that one's disciple; but we [3of Moses 1are 2disciples].
We know that to Moses [2has spoken 1God]; but this one we do not know from what place he is.
[3answered 1The 2man] and said to them, For this is wonderful, that you do not know from where he is, and he opened my eyes.
And we know that [4sinners 1God 2does not 3hear]; but if anyone might be godly and [2his will 1should do] this one he hears.
From out of the eon it was not heard that anyone opened the eyes [2blind 1of one being born].
Unless this one was from God, he would not be able to do anything.
They answered and said to him, In sin you [2born 1were entirely], and you teach us? And they cast him outside.
Jesus heard that they cast him outside; and having found him, he said to him, Do you believe in the son of God?
That one answered and said, And who is he, O Lord, that I should believe in him?
[3said 1And 4to him 2Jesus], Both you see him and the one speaking with you is that one.
And he said, I believe, O Lord. And he did obeisance to him.
And Jesus said, For judgment I [2into 3this world 1came], that the ones not seeing shall see; and the ones seeing [2blind 1should become].
And [3heard 1some of 2these Pharisees], the ones being with him. And they said to him, And not we, are we blind?
[2said 3to them 1Jesus], If you were blind, you would not have sin; but now you say that, We see; therefore your sin remains.
The Good Shepherd Amen, amen, I say to you, The one not entering through the door into the courtyard of the sheep, but ascending from elsewhere, that one is a thief and robber.
But the one entering through the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
To this one the doorkeeper opens; and the sheep [2his voice 1hear]; and his own sheep he calls by name, and leads them out.
And whenever his own sheep should come forth, [2in front of 3them 1he goes], and the sheep follow him; for they know his voice.
But a stranger in no way shall they follow, but they shall flee from him; for they do not know the stranger's voice.
This proverb [2spoke 3to them 1Jesus]; but those did not know what it was which he spoke to them.
[2said 3then 4again 5to them 1Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you that, I am the door of the sheep.
All as many as came are thieves and robbers; but [3did not 4hear 5them 1the 2sheep].
I am the door; through me if anyone should enter, he shall be delivered, and shall enter and shall go forth, and [2pasture 1shall find].
The thief comes not, except that he should steal, and should sacrifice, and should destroy; I came that [2life 1one should have], and [2extra 1should have].
I am the [2shepherd 1good]. The [2shepherd 1good] [2his life 1renders] for the sheep.
[2the 3hireling 1But] (and not being the shepherd,) of which [2are not 1sheep] his own, views the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees; and the wolf seizes them by force, and disperses the sheep.
And the hireling flees, for he is a hireling, and there is no care to him concerning the sheep.
I am the [2shepherd 1good], and I know the ones mine, and I am known by the ones of mine.
As [3knows 4me 1the 2father], I also know the father; and my life I place for the sheep.
And other sheep I have which are not of this yard; and those it is necessary for me to lead, and [2my voice 1they shall hear]; and there shall be one flock, one shepherd.
On account of this the father loves me, for I place my life, that again I should take it.
No one takes it from me, but I place it of myself. [2authority 1I have] to place it, and [2authority 1I have] again to take it. This commandment I received from my father.
Then a split again took place among the Jews on account of these words.
[5said 1And 2many 3of 4them], [2a demon 1He has], and is maniacal; why listen to him?
Others said, These sayings are not of one being demon-possessed. Is a demon able [3of blind ones 2eyes 1to open]?
Jesus at the Feast of Rededication And took place the holiday of rededication in Jerusalem, and it was winter.
And Jesus was walking in the temple, in the stoa of Solomon.
[4encircled 1Then 5him 2the 3Jews], and said to him, For how long [2our soul 1do you carry]? If you are the Christ, tell us in an open manner!
[2answered 3them 1Jesus], I told to you, and you believe not. The works which I do in the name of my father, these testify concerning me.
But you believe not, [3not 1for 2you are] of [2sheep 1my], as I said to you.
[2sheep 1My 4my voice 3hear], and I know them, and they follow me.
And I [4life 3eternal 1give 2to them], and in no way shall they perish into the eon; and not shall any seize them by force from out of my hand.
My father, who has given to me, [2greater than 3of all 1is]; and no one is able to seize them by force from out of the hand of my father.
I and the father -- we are one.
Jesus Accused of Blasphemy [5bore 1Then 2again 6stones 3the 4Jews] that they should stone him.
[2responded 3to them 1Jesus], Many good works I showed to you from my father; for what work of them do you stone me?
[3answered 4to him 1The 2Jews], saying, Concerning a good work we do not stone you; but concerning blasphemy, and that you, being a man, make yourself God.
[2responded 3to them 1Jesus], Is it not written in your law, I said, You are gods?
If those he said of gods, to whom the word of God came, (and [3is not 4able 5to be untied 1the 2scripture]),
the one whom the father sanctified and sent into the world, you say that, You blaspheme; for I said, [2the son 3of God 1I am]?
If I do not do the works of my father, do not believe me!
But if I do, and if [3me 1you should not 2believe], [2the 3works 1believe]; that you should know, and should believe, that [3is in 4me 1the 2father], and I in him!
They sought then again to lay hold of him; and he went forth from out of their hand.
And he went forth again on the other side of the Jordan, unto the place where John was first immersing; and he stayed there.
And many came to him, and said that, John indeed [3sign 1did 2no]; but all as much as John said concerning this one was true.
And [2believed 1many] there in him.
The Death of Lazarus And there was a certain sick man, Lazarus, from Bethany, from out of the town of Mary and Martha her sister.
[3was 1And 2Mary] the one anointing the Lord with perfumed liquid, and wiped clean his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.
[3sent 4then 1The 2sisters] to him, saying, O Lord, behold, whom you are fond of is sick.
And hearing, Jesus said, This sickness is not to death, but for the glory of God, that [4should be glorified 1the 2son 3of God] through it.
[3loved 1And 2Jesus] Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
Then as he heard that he is sick, then indeed he stayed in [2where 3he was 1the place] two days.
Thereupon after this he says to the disciples, We should lead unto Judea again.
[3say 4to him 1The 2disciples], Rabbi, now [3seek 4to stone you 1the 2Jews], and again you go there?
Jesus answered, [2not 3twelve 1Are there] hours in the day? If anyone should walk in the day, he shall not stumble, for the light of this world he sees.
But if anyone should walk in the night, he stumbles, for the light is not in him.
These things he said. And after this he says to them, Lazarus our friend has went to sleep; but I shall go that I should wake him.
[2said 3then 1His disciples], O Lord, if he has went to sleep, he will be delivered.
[3had spoken 1But 2Jesus] concerning his death; but they thought that concerning the resting of sleep he spoke of.
Then therefore [2said 3to them 1Jesus] in an open manner, Lazarus died.
And I rejoice because of you, (that you should believe,) that I was not there; but we should lead on to him.
Then said Thomas, the one being called Didymus, to the fellow-disciples, We should lead on also ourselves that we should die with him.
Having come then, Jesus found him four days already having been in the sepulchre.
[3was 1And 2Bethany] near Jerusalem, about [2stadiums 1fifteen].
And many from the Jews had come to the ones around Martha and Mary, so as to console them concerning their brother.
Then Martha, as she heard that Jesus comes, met him; but Mary [2in 3the 4house 1was seated].
Then said Martha to Jesus, O Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died.
But even now I know that as much as you should ask God, [2will give 3to you 1God].
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], [2shall arise 1Your brother].
[2says 3to him 1Martha], I know that he will rise up in the resurrection in the last day.
The Resurrection and the Life [2said 3to her 1Jesus], I am the resurrection and the life. The one believing in me, even if he should die, he shall live.
And every one living and believing in me, in no way should die into the eon. Do you believe this?
She says to him, Yes, O Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the son of God, the one [2into 3the 4world 1coming].
And these things having said, she went forth, and called Mary her sister in private, having said, The teacher is at hand, and calls you.
That one, as she heard, rises quickly and comes to him.
But not yet was Jesus come into the town, but was in the place where [2met 3him 1Martha].
Then the Jews, the ones being with her in the house, and consoling her, seeing Mary, that quickly she rose up and went forth, they followed her, saying that, She goes unto the sepulchre that she should weep there.
Then Mary as she came where Jesus was, seeing him, fell unto his feet, saying to him, O Lord, if you might have been here, [3would not have 4died 1my 2brother].
Jesus then as he beheld her weeping, and the [2coming with 3her 1Jews] weeping, was deeply moved in the spirit, and troubled himself.
And he said, Where have you placed him? They say to him, O Lord, come and see!
Jesus burst into tears.
Then said the Jews, See how he was fond of him!
But some of them said, [2not 3able 1Was this one], opening the eyes of the blind, to execute that also this one should not have died?
Lazarus Raised from the Dead Jesus then again deeply moved in himself comes unto the sepulchre. And it was a cave, and a stone was pressed against it.
Jesus says, Lift the stone! [6says 7to him 2the 3sister 4of the one 5having died 1Martha], O Lord, already he reeks, [3the fourth day 1for 2it is].
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], Did I not say to you, that if you should believe, you shall see the glory of God?
Then they lifted away the stone where [3was 1the one 2having died] situated. And Jesus lifted his eyes upward, and said, O father, I give thanks to you that you heard me.
And I know that at all times you hear me; but on account of the multitude standing around I spoke, that they should believe that you sent me.
And these things having said, [2voice 1with a great] he cried out, Lazarus, come outside.
And came forth the one having died, being tied of the feet, and the hands swathed, and his face with a scarf tied about. [2says 3to them 1Jesus], Untie him, and let him go!
Then many of the Jews, the ones having come with Mary, and seeing what Jesus did, believed in him.
But some of them went forth to the Pharisees, and told to them what Jesus did.
[7gathered together 1Then 2the 3chief priests 4and 5the 6Pharisees] the sanhedrin, and said, What do we do, for this man [2many 3signs 1does]?
If we let him do thus, all shall believe in him; and [3shall come 1the 2Romans] and take us and the place and the nation.
[3one 1And 2a certain] of them, Caiaphas, being chief priest that year, said to them, You do not know anything;
nor reason that it be advantageous to us that one man should die for the people, and [4not 1the entire 2nation 3should] perish.
But this [3of 4himself 2not 1he said]. But being chief priest that year he prophesied that Jesus was about to die for the nation;
and not for the nation only, but that also the children of God, the ones being dispersed, should be brought together into one.
From that [2then 1day] they advised that they should kill him.
Jesus then no longer in an open manner walked among the Jews, but went forth from there into the place near the wilderness, into [2being called Ephraim 1a city], and there he spent time with his disciples.
And it was near the passover of the Jews; and [2ascended 1many] unto Jerusalem from out of the region before the passover, that they should purify themselves.
Then they were seeking Jesus, and said with one another in the temple standing, What do you think, that in no way should he come unto the holiday feast?
[8gave 1And 2even 3the 4chief priests 5and 6the 7Pharisees] a command, that if any should know where he is, he should indicate it, so that they should lay hold of him.
Mary Anoints the Feet of Jesus Then Jesus, [3before 1six 2days] the passover, came into Bethany, where Lazarus was, the one having died, whom he raised from the dead.
They made then for him a supper there, and Martha served; and Lazarus was one of the ones reclining with him.
Then Mary, having taken a liter of [2perfumed 3spikenard 4liquid 1valuable], anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped clean with her hair his feet; and the house was filled of the scent of the perfumed liquid.
Says then one of his disciples, Judas son of Simon Iscariot, the one being about to deliver him up.
Why was this perfumed liquid not sold for three hundred denarii, and given to the poor?
But he said this, not that concerning the poor he was caring, but because he was a thief, and [2the 3money container 1he had], and the things being thrown in it he bore.
[2then said 1Jesus], Leave her alone! [3for 4the 5day 6of my entombing 1she has kept 2it];
[4the 5poor 1for 2at all times 3you have] with you, but me not at all times do you have.
[7knew 1Then 3multitude 2a great 4of 5the 6Jews] that he is there; and they came not on account of Jesus only, but that also they should see Lazarus whom he raised from the dead.
[4consulted 1And 2the 3chief priests] that also [2Lazarus 1they should kill],
for many [4because of 5him 3drew away 1of the 2Jews], and believed on Jesus.
Jesus Enters into Jerusalem The next day [2multitude 1a great] having come unto the holiday feast, having heard that Jesus comes unto Jerusalem,
took palm fronds of the palm trees, and came forth to meet him, and were crying out, Hosanna, being blessed is the one coming in the name of the lord, the king of Israel.
[3having found 1And 2Jesus] a young donkey, sat upon it, as it is written,
Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king comes, sitting upon the foal of a donkey.
But these things [2did not 3know 1his disciples] at first; but when Jesus was glorified then they remembered that these things were [2about 3him 1written], and these things they did to him.
[7testified 1Then 2the 3multitude 4being 5with 6him], when he called Lazarus from out of the sepulchre, and raised him from the dead.
On account of this also [3met 4him 1the 2multitude], for it heard this [2for him to have done 1sign].
Then the Pharisees said to themselves, Do you contemplate that you benefit nothing? See! the world [2after 3him 1went forth].
Jesus Foretells of His own Death And there were certain Greeks from the ones ascending, that they should do obeisance during the holiday feast.
These then came forward to Philip, to the one from Bethsaida of Galilee, and they asked him, saying, O master, we want to see Jesus.
Philip comes and speaks to Andrew; and again Andrew and Philip speak to Jesus.
But Jesus answered to them saying, [3has come 1The 2hour] that [4should be glorified 1the 2son 3of man].
Amen, amen, I say to you, Unless the kernel of grain falling into the earth should die, it alone remains; and if it should die, [2much 3fruit 1it bears].
The one being fond of his life, shall lose it; and the one detesting his life in this world [3unto 5life 4eternal 1shall keep 2it].
If [3to me 2should serve 1anyone], [2me 1follow]! And where I am, there also [3servant 2my 1will be]. And if anyone should serve to me, [3shall esteem 4him 1the 2father].
Now my soul has been disturbed, and what should I say? O father, deliver me from this hour! But on account of this I came unto this hour.
O father, glorify your name! Then came a voice from out of the heaven, Even I glorified, and again I will glorify.
Then the multitude standing and hearing, said, Thunder has taken place; others said, An angel has spoken to him.
Jesus answered and said, Not on account of me has this voice taken place, but on account of you.
Now is judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world shall be cast outside;
and I, if I be raised up high from the earth, I will draw all to myself.
And this he said, signifying what death he was about to die.
[3answered 4him 1The 2multitude], We hear from the law that the Christ abides into the eon; and how say you that it is necessary for [4to be raised up high 1the 2son 3of man]? Who is this Son of man?
Then said Jesus to them, Still a little time the light [2with 3you 1is]. Walk while [2the 3light 1you have], that [3not 1darkness 5you 2should 4overtake]. And the one walking in the darkness knows not where he goes.
While [2the 3light 1you have], trust in the light! that [2sons 3of light 1you should become]. These things Jesus spoke, and going forth, was hid from them.
[4such great 1But 2his 5signs 3doing] in front of them, they did not believe in him;
that the word of Isaiah the prophet should be fulfilled, which he said, O Lord, who believed our report? and the arm of the Lord, to whom was it uncovered?
On account of this they were not able to believe, for again Isaiah said,
He has blinded their eyes, and calloused their heart; that they should not see with the eyes, and comprehend with the heart, and be turned, and I should heal them.
These things Isaiah said, when he beheld his glory, and spoke concerning him.
Even however also [2from 3the 4rulers 1many] believed in him; but because of the Pharisees they did not acknowledge it, that they should not [2removed from the synagogue 1be].
For they loved the glory of men rather than the glory of God.
And Jesus cried out and said, The one believing in me, believes not in me, but in the one having sent me;
and the one contemplating me, contemplates the one having sent me.
I [2a light 3unto 4the 5world 1have come], that every one believing in me, [2in 3the 4darkness 1should not abide].
And if anyone should hear of my sayings, and should not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come that I judge the world, but that I should deliver the world.
The one disregarding me, and receives not my words, has the thing judging him -- the word which I have spoken, that shall judge him in the last day.
For I of myself spoke not; but the [2having sent 3me 1father], he [3to me 2command 1gave] what I should say, and what I should speak.
And I know that his command [2life 3eternal 1is]. What then I speak, as [3has said 4to me 1the 2father], so I speak.
Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet But before the holiday feast of the passover, Jesus knew that [3has come 1his 2hour], that he should cross over out of this world to the father, having loved his own, of the ones in the world -- unto the end he loved them.
And supper taking place, the devil already casting into the heart of Judas son of Simon Iscariot, that he should deliver him up;
Jesus knowing that [5all 3had given 4to him 1the 2father], into his hands, and that from God he came forth, and to God he goes;
he rises from the supper, and he puts aside his garments. And having taken a linen towel he girded up himself.
Then he throws water into the washpot, and began to wash the feet of the disciples, and to wipe them clean with the linen towel in which he was girding himself up.
He comes then to Simon Peter; and [2says 3to him 1that one], O Lord, do you wash my feet?
Jesus answered and said to him, What I do, you know not just now, but you shall know after these things.
[2says 3to him 1Peter], In no way should you wash my feet into the eon. [2responded 3to him 1Jesus], Unless I should wash you, you have no part with me.
[3says 4to him 1Simon 2Peter], O Lord, not my feet only, but also the hands and the head.
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], The one being bathed [2no 3other need 1has] than [2the 3feet 1to wash], but is clean entirely; and you are clean, but not all.
For he knew the one delivering him up; on account of this he said, Not all are clean.
When therefore he washed their feet, and took his garments, having reclined again, he said to them, Do you know what I have done to you?
You call me, The teacher, and, The Lord; and well you speak, for I am.
If then, I washed your feet, being the Lord and the teacher, even you ought [2one another's 1to wash] feet.
[4an example 1For 2I gave 3to you], that as I did to you, also you should do.
Amen, amen, I say to you, [3not 2is 1A servant] greater than his master; nor an apostle greater than the one having sent him.
If these things you know, blessed are you if you should do them.
Not concerning all of you I speak. I know whom I chose, but that the scripture should be fulfilled, The one chewing [2with 3me 1bread] lifts [2against 3me 1his heel].
From just now I tell it to you before it takes place, that whenever it takes place you should believe that I am he.
Amen, amen, I say to you, the one receiving whomsoever I shall send, receives me; and the one receiving me, receives the one having sent me.
These things having said, Jesus was disturbed in the spirit, and testified and said, Amen, amen, I say to you, That one of you shall deliver me up.
[4looked 1Then 5at 6one another 2the 3disciples], being perplexed concerning what he says.
[4was 1And 5reclining 2one 3of his disciples] at the bosom of Jesus, whom Jesus loved.
[4nodded 1Then 5to this one 2Simon 3Peter] to inquire about who it may be concerning of whom he speaks.
[3having fallen 1And 2that one] upon the breast of Jesus, says to him, O Lord, who is it?
Jesus answers, That one is to whom I having dipped the morsel shall give it. And having dipped the morsel, he gives it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot.
And after the morsel, then [2entered 3into 4that one 1Satan]. [2says 3then 4to him 1Jesus], What you do, do more quickly!
[4this 1But 2no one 3knew] of the ones reclining about what he said to him.
For some thought, since [3the 4money container 2had 1Judas], that [2says 3to him 1Jesus], Buy what [2need 1we have] for the holiday feast; or, [3to the 4poor 1that 2he should give something].
Having taken then the morsel, that one immediately went forth; and it was night.
A New Commandment When he went forth, Jesus says, Now [4was glorified 1the 2son 3of man], and God was glorified in him.
If God was glorified in him, also God shall glorify him in himself, and straightway shall glorify him.
Sons, still a little while [2with 3you 1I am]. You will seek me, and as I said to the Jews that, Where I go, you will not be able to come; and to you I speak just now.
[2commandment 1A new] I give to you, that you love one another! as I loved you, that also you love one another!
In this all shall know that [2my 3disciples 1you are], if [2love 1you should have] among one another.
[3says 4to him 1Simon 2Peter], O Lord, where do you go? [2answered 3to him 1Jesus], Where I go, you are not able [2me 3now 1to follow]; but afterwards you shall follow me.
[2says 3to him 1Peter], O Lord, why am I not able to follow you just now? [2my life 3for 4you 1I will put].
[2answered 3to him 1Jesus], [2your life 3for 4me 1Shall you place]? Amen, amen, I say to you, In no way the rooster shall call out, until of which you shall totally reject me three times.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life Let not [3be disturbed 1your 2heart]! Trust in God, and [2in 3me 1trust]!
In the residence of my father [3abodes 2many 1there are]; but if not, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And whenever I should go and should prepare for you a place, again I will come and take you to myself; that where I am, [3also 1you 2should be].
And where I go you know, and the way you know.
[2says 3to him 1Thomas], O Lord, we know not where you go; and how are we able [2the 3way 1to know]?
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the father unless through me.
The Father Revealed If you had known me, also [2my father 1you would have known]; and from now on you know him and you have seen him.
[2says 3to him 1Philip], O Lord, show to us the father! and it suffices to us.
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], So great a time [2with 3you 1I am], and you do not know me, Philip? The one seeing me has seen the father; and how do you say, Show us the father?
Do you not believe that I am in the father, and the father [2in 3me 1is]? The words which I speak to you, [2from 3myself 1I speak not]; but the father, the one [2in 3me 1abiding], he does the works.
Trust me! that I am in the father, and the father [2in 3me 1is]. But if not, because of the works themselves believe me!
Amen, amen, I say to you, The one believing in me, the works which I do, even that one shall do; and greater than these he shall do; for I [2to 3my father 1go].
And whatever you should ask in my name, this I shall do, that [3should be glorified 1the 2father] in the son.
If you should ask anything in my name, I shall do it.
The Promise of The Spirit If you should love me, [3commandments 2my 1give heed to]!
And I will ask the father, and [3another 4comforter 1he shall give 2to you], that he should abide with you into the eon.
The spirit of truth; whom the world is not able to receive, for it does not contemplate it, nor knows it. But you know it, for [2with 3you 1it abides], and in you it will be.
I will not leave you orphans; I am coming to you.
Yet a little while and the world [3me 1no longer 2views], but you view me, for I live, and you shall live.
In that day you shall know that I am in my father, and you in me, and I in you.
The one having my commandments, and giving heed to them, that one is the one loving me; and the one loving me shall be loved by my father; and I will love him, and I will reveal myself to him.
[2says 3to him 1Judas] (not Iscariot), O Lord, what has taken place that to us you are about to reveal yourself, and not to the world?
Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves me, [2my word 1he will give heed to], and my father will love him, and to him we will come, and [2an abode 3with 4him 1we will make].
The one not loving me, [3my words 1does not 2give heed to]; and the word which you hear is not mine, but the [2having sent 3me 1father].
These things I have spoken to you, [2with 3you 1abiding].
But the comforter, the [2spirit 1holy], whom [3will send 1the 2father] in my name, that one will teach you all things, and will remind you all things which I said to you.
Peace I leave with you, [2peace 1my] I give to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not [3be disturbed 1your 2heart], nor be timid!
You heard that I said to you, I go away, and I come to you. If you loved me, you would have rejoiced that I said, I go to the father, for my father [2greater than 3me 1is].
And now I have told it to you before it takes place, that whenever it happens, you should believe.
No longer [2many things 1will I speak] with you; [5comes 1for 2the one 3of the 4world] -- the ruler; and with me he does not have one thing.
But that [3should know 1the 2world] that I love the father; and as [3gave charge 4to me 1the 2father], so I do. Arise! we should lead on from here.
The True Grapevine I am the [2grapevine 1true], and my father [2the 3grower 1is].
Every vine branch in me not bearing fruit, he takes it; and every one [2fruit 1bearing], he cleanses it, that [2more 3fruit 1it should bear].
Already you are clean through the word which I have spoken to you.
Abide in me, and I in you! As the vine branch is not able [2fruit 1to bear] of itself, unless it should abide in the grapevine, so not even you, unless [2in 3me 1you should abide].
I am the grapevine, you are the vine branches. The one abiding in me, and I in him, this one bears [2fruit 1much]; for apart from me you are not able to do anything.
Unless one should abide in me, he is thrown outside as the vine branch, and withers; and they gather them, and [2them into 3the fire 1cast], and they are burned.
If you abide in me, and my words [2in 3you 1abide], whatever you should want, ask! and it shall be to you.
In this [2is glorified 1my father], that [3fruit 2much 1you should bear], and should become [2to me 1disciples].
As [3loved 4me 1the 2father], I also loved you; abide in the love, in the one mine!
If [2my commandments 1you should keep], you shall abide in my love; as I [2the 3commandments 4of my father 1have kept], and I abide [4of his 1in 2the 3love].
These things I have spoken to you, that [2joy 1my 4in 5you 3should abide], and your joy should be full.
Love One Another This is [2commandment 1my], That you love one another! as I loved you.
Greater love than this no one has, that one [2his life 1should place] for his friends.
You [2my friends 1are], if you should do as much as I give charge to you.
No longer do I call you servants, for the servant knows not what [3does 1his 2master]. [3you 1But 2I have called] friends, for all things which I heard from my father I made known to you.
[3not 1You 2chose me], but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and [2fruit 1bear], and your fruit should abide; that whatever you should ask the father in my name, he should give to you.
These things I give charge to you, that you should love one another.
Enmity of the World If the world detests you, know that [2me 3first 4before you 1it detested]!
If [2of 3the 4world 1you were], the world would [2its own 1be fond of]; but because [2of 3the 4world 1you are not], but I chose you from out of the world, on account of this [3detests 4you 1the 2world].
Remember the word which I said to you! [3not 2is 1A servant] greater than his master. If me they persecuted, also you they shall persecute. If [2my word 1they give heed to], then [2yours 1they will give heed to].
But all these things they shall do to you because of my name, for they know not the one having sent me.
Unless I came and spoke to them, [2sin 1they had not had]; but now [2an excuse 1they have not] concerning their sin.
The one detesting me, even [2my father 1detests].
If [2the 3works 1I did not] among them which no other has done, [2sin 1they had not had]; but now even they have seen and have detested even me and my father.
But that [3should be fulfilled 1the 2word] having been written in their law that, They detested me without a charge.
But whenever [3should come 1the 2comforter], whom I send to you from the father, the spirit of the truth, who from the father goes forth, that one will witness concerning me;
[2also 1and you] witness, for [4from 5the beginning 2with 3me 1you were].
The Coming Persecution These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be caused to stumble.
From out of the synagogue they shall put you; and there comes the hour that every one killing you think [2service 1he offers] to God.
And these things they shall do, for they know not the father, nor me.
But these things I have spoken to you, that whenever [3should come 1the 2hour], you should remember them, that I spoke to you. But these things [3to you 4at 5the beginning 2not 1I said], for [2with 3you 1I was].
The Comforter But now I go away to the one having sent me, and not one of you asks me, Where do you go?
But because these things I have spoken to you, distress has filled your heart.
But I [3the 4truth 1speak 2to you]; it is advantageous to you that I go forth. For if I should not go forth, the comforter shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
And having come, that one will reprove the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment.
Concerning sin then, that they believe not in me.
[2concerning 3righteousness 1And], that to my father I go away, and no longer you view me.
And concerning judgment, for the ruler of this world has been judged.
Still many things I have to say to you, but you are not able to bear them just now.
But whenever that one should come, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth; [3not 1for 2he shall] speak from himself; but as much as whatever he should hear, he shall speak; and the things coming he shall announce to you.
That one [2me 1will glorify]; for of mine he shall take, and shall announce to you.
All as much as [3has 1the 2father] is mine. On account of this I said that, Of mine he takes, and shall announce to you.
A little while, and you shall not view me; and again a little while and you shall see me, for I go away to the father.
Said then some of his disciples to one another, What is this which he says to us, A little while, and you will not see me; and again a little while, and you shall see me; and, For I go away to the father?
They said then, [3this 1What 2is] which he says, the, Little while? We do not know what he speaks.
[2knew 3then 1Jesus] that they wanted to ask him, and he said to them, Concerning this do you seek with one another, that I said, A little while, and you shall not view me; and again a little while, and you shall view me?
Amen, amen, I say to you that, [2will weep 3and 4wail 1You], but the world will rejoice; and you will be distressed, but your distress [2for 3joy 1will become].
The woman whenever she should give birth [2distress 1has], for [3came 2hour 1her]; but whenever she should bear the child, no longer does she remember the affliction, on account of the joy, that [2was born 1a man] into the world.
And you then [4distress 1indeed 2now 3have]; but again I shall see you, and [3shall rejoice 1your 2heart], and your joy no one shall take from you.
And in that day [2me 1you shall ask] nothing. Amen, amen, I say to you that, Whatever as much as you should ask the father in my name, he will give to you.
Until now you asked not anything in my name; ask and you shall receive, that your joy should be filled!
These things in proverbs I have spoken to you; comes the hour when no longer in proverbs shall I speak to you, but [6in an open manner 3concerning 4the 5father 1I will announce 2to you].
In that day [2in 3my name 1you shall ask]; and I say not to you that I will ask the father concerning you;
[4himself 1for 2the 3father] is fond of you, for you are fond of me, and you have believed that I [2from 3God 1have come forth];
Be of Good Courage I came forth from the father, and I have come into the world; again I leave the world, and I go to the father.
[2say 3to him 1His disciples], See, now in an open manner you speak, and [2proverb 1not one] do you say!
Now we know that you know all things, and [2no 3need 1you have] that anyone should ask you. In this we believe that [2from 3God 1you came forth].
[2responded 3to them 1Jesus], Now you believe?
Behold, there comes an hour, and now has come, that you will be dispersed each unto his own place, and [2me 3alone 1you shall leave]; and I am not alone, for the father [2with 3me 1is].
These things I have spoken to you, that in me [2peace 1you should have]. In the world [2tribulation 1you shall have]; but be of courage! I have overcome the world.
Jesus' Prayer These things Jesus spoke, and lifted up his eyes unto the heaven, and said, O father, [3has come 1the 2hour]; glorify your son! that also your son should glorify you.
As you gave to him authority over all flesh, that all whom you have given to him, he gives to them life eternal.
And this is the eternal life, that they should know you the only true God, and [3whom 4you sent 1Jesus 2Christ].
I glorified you upon the earth; [2the 3work 1I perfected] which you have given to me that I should do.
And now [2glorify 3me 1you], O father, with [3of yourself 1the 2glory]! which I had [3before 4the 5world 6being in existence 1with 2you].
I made manifest your name to the men whom you have given to me from out of the world. They were yours, and [2them to me 1you have given]; and your word they have given heed.
Now they have known that all things, as many as you have given to me, [2from 3you 1are].
For the words which you have given to me, I have given to them; and they received, and they know truly that from you I came forth, and they believed that you sent me.
I [2concerning 3them 1ask]; not concerning the world do I ask, but concerning whom you have given to me; for they are yours.
And the ones mine [2all 3yours 1are]; and the ones yours mine; and I have been glorified in them.
And no longer am I in the world, but these [2in 3the 4world 1are], and I [2to 3you 1come]. [2father 1O holy], keep them in your name! the ones whom you have given to me, that they might be one, as we.
When I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name; whom you have given to me I guarded, and not one of them perished, except the son of destruction; that the scripture should be fulfilled.
And now to you I come, and these things I speak in the world, that they should have [2joy 1my] having been filled in them.
I have given to them your word; and the world detested them, for they are not of the world, as I am not of the world.
I ask not that you should take them from out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil.
[2of 3the 4world 1They are not], as I [2of 3the 4world 1am not].
Sanctify them in your truth! [2word 1Your] is truth.
As you sent me into the world, I also send them into the world.
And for them I sanctify myself, that also they might be ones having been sanctified in truth.
[3not 4for 5these 1And 2I ask] only, but also for the ones believing [3through 4their word 1in 2me];
that all might be one; as you, O father, are in me, and I in you, that also they in us might be one; that the world should believe that you sent me.
And I [3the 4glory 5which 6you have given 7to me 1have given 2to them], that they should be one, as we are one.
I in them, and you in me, that they should be perfected into one; and that [3should know 1the 2world] that you sent me, and loved them, as you loved me.
O father, whom you have given to me, I want that where I am, also those should be with me; that they should view [2glory 1my], which you gave to me; for you loved me before the founding of the world.
[2father 1O Righteous], even the world [3you 1did not 2know], but I knew you, and these knew that you sent me.
And I made known to them your name, and I will make it known; that the love which you loved me [2in 3them 1should be], and I in them.
Jesus Prays in the Garden These things having said, Jesus came forth with his disciples on the other side of the rushing stream of the Kidron, where there was a garden into which [4entered 1he 2and 3his disciples].
[6knew 1And 5also 2Judas 3the one 4delivering him up] the place; for often Jesus gathered together there with his disciples.
Judas Delivers Up Jesus Then Judas, taking the cohort and [2of 3the 4chief priests 5and 6Pharisees 1officers], came there with torches and lamps and weapons.
Jesus then knowing all things, the ones coming upon him, having come forth, said to them, Whom do you seek?
They answered to him, Jesus the Nazarene. [2says 3to them 1Jesus], I am he. And standing by also was Judas, the one delivering him up, with them.
When then he said to them that, I am he, they went rearwards, and fell on the ground.
Again then he asked them, Whom do you seek? And they said, Jesus the Nazarene.
Jesus answered, I said to you that I am he. If then you seek me, let these go!
that should be fulfilled the word which he said, that, Whom you have given to me perished not of them not one.
Simon Peter then having a sword drew it, and hit the [2of the 3chief priest 1servant], and cut off his [2ear 1right]. [5was 1And 2the name 3to the 4servant] Malchus.
[3said 1then 2Jesus] to Peter, Put your sword into its holder! The cup which [3has given 4to me 1the 2father], should I in no way drink it?
Then the cohort and the commander and the officers of the Jews seized Jesus, and bound him.
And they took him away to Annas first; for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was chief priest that year.
And it was Caiaphas advising the Jews, saying that, It is advantageous for one man to perish for the people.
Peter Denies Jesus [4followed 1And 5Jesus 2Simon 3Peter], and another disciple. And that disciple was known to the chief priest, and he entered together with Jesus into the courtyard of the chief priest.
And Peter stood by the door outside. [4came forth 5then 1The 3disciple 2other] who was known to the chief priest, and he spoke with the doorkeeper, and she brought in Peter.
Says then the maidservant doorkeeper to Peter, [3not 4also 2you 5of 6the 7disciples 1Are] of this man? That one says, I am not.
[7were standing 1And 2the 3servants 4and 5the 6officers], [2a charcoal bed 1having made]; for it was chilly. And they were heating themselves. [3was 1And 5with 6them 2Peter 4standing], and heating himself.
Jesus is Questioned by the Chief Priest Then the chief priest asked Jesus concerning his disciples, and concerning his teaching.
[2answered 3to him 1Jesus], I in an open manner spoke to the world; I at all times taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where at all times the Jews come together; and in secret I spoke nothing.
Why do you ask? Ask the ones hearing what I spoke to them! See! these know what I said.
[4these things 1And 2in his 3having said], one of the officers standing by gave a slap to Jesus, having said, Thus you answer to the chief priest?
[2responded 3to him 1Jesus], If ill I have spoken, testify concerning the bad; but if well, why do you flay at me?
[2sent 3him 1Annas] being bound to Caiaphas the chief priest.
[4was 1And 2Simon 3Peter] standing and heating himself. Then one said to him, [3not 4also 2you 5of 6his disciples 1are]? That one denied, and said, I am not.
Says one of the servants of the chief priest, being a relative of whom Peter cut off the ear, Did I not see you in the garden with him?
Then again Peter denied; and immediately a rooster called out.
Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas unto the praetorium. And it was morning; and they did not enter into the praetorium, that they should not be defiled; but that they should eat the passover.
Jesus Before Pilate Then came forth Pilate to them, and said, What charge do you bring against this man?
They answered and said to him, If [3not 2was 1this one] doing evil, [2would not 4to you 1we 3have delivered him up].
Then said Pilate to them, [2take 3him 1You], and according to your law judge him! [4said 1Then 5to him 2the 3Jews], To us it is not allowed to kill anyone;
that the word of Jesus should be fulfilled which he spoke signifying by what death he was about to die.
[2entered 3then 4into 5the 6praetorium 7again 1Pilate]. And he called Jesus, and said to him, Are you the king of the Jews?
[2answered 3to him 1Jesus], From yourself do you say this, or others spoke to you concerning me?
Pilate answered, Much less [2I 3a Jew 1am]; [2nation 1your] and the chief priests delivered you to me. What did you do?
Jesus answered, [2kingdom 1My] is not of this world. If [4of 5this world 3was 2kingdom 1my], [2officers 3would 1my] have been struggling that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But now [2kingdom 1my] is not from here.
Then said Pilate to him, Then [2a king 1you are]? Jesus answered, You say it, for [3a king 2am 1I]. I [2for 3this 1have been born], and for this I have come into the world, that I should testify to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice.
[2says 3to him 1Pilate], What is truth? And this having said, again he came forth to the Jews, and says to them, I [2not one 3fault 1find] in him.
But it is a custom with you that [2one 3to you 1I should loosen] at the passover. Do you want then I should loose to you the king of the Jews?
They cried out then again, all saying, Not this one, but Barabbas; [3was 1and 2Barabbas] a robber.
The Crown of Thorns Then therefore Pilate took Jesus and whipped him.
And the soldiers, having plaited a crown of thorns, placed it upon his head, and a cloak of purple they put around him.
And they said, Hail, the king of the Jews! And they gave him slaps.
[2came forth 3then 4again 5outside 1Pilate], and says to them, See! I bring him to you outside, that you should know that in him not one fault I find.
[2then came forth 1Jesus] outside, wearing the thorny crown, and the purple cloak. And he says to them, Behold the man!
The Jews Ask to Crucify Jesus When then [6beheld 7him 1the 2chief priests 3and 4the 5officers], they cried out saying, Crucify, crucify him! [2says 3to them 1Pilate], Take him yourselves, and crucify! for I find no [2in 3him 1fault].
[3answered 4him 1The 2Jews], We [2a law 1have], and according to our law he ought to die, for [2himself 3a son 4of God 1he made].
Then when Pilate heard this word, more he feared.
And he entered into the praetorium again, and says to Jesus, From what place are you? But Jesus [2an answer 1gave not] to him.
Then says Pilate to him, To me you speak not? Do you not know that [2authority 1I have] to crucify you, and [2authority 1I have] to release you?
Jesus answered, You do not have authority in anything against me, except what was given to you from above. On account of this, the one delivering me up to you [2the greater 3sin 1has].
From this Pilate sought to release him. But the Jews cried out, saying, If this one you should release, you are not a friend of Caesar. Every one [2king 1making himself], speaks against Caesar.
Then Pilate hearing this word, brought Jesus outside; and he sat upon the rostrum in the place being called Lithostratus, but in Hebrew Gabbatha.
And it was preparation of the passover, [4hour 1and 2about 3the sixth]; and he says to the Jews, Behold your king!
And they cried out, Take him, take him! Crucify him! [2says 3to them 1Pilate], [2your king 1Shall I crucify]? [3answered 1The 2chief priests], We have no king except Caesar.
Then therefore he delivered him up to them that he should be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him.
The Crucifixion And bearing his cross, he came forth unto the [2being called 3of the Skull 1place], which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha;
where they crucified him, and with him [2others 1two], one here on this side and one here on that side, [3in the middle 1and 2Jesus].
[3wrote 1And 4also 5a title 2Pilate], and put it upon the cross. And was written, Jesus the Nazarene the King of the Jews.
This [2then 1title] many [3read 1of the 2Jews], for [3was near 1the 2place] the city where Jesus was crucified; and it was written in Hebrew, in Greek, in Roman.
[6said 1then 7to Pilate 2the 3chief priests 4of the 5Jews], Write not, The King of the Jews! but that, That one said, I am king of the Jews.
Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written.
The Soldiers Cast Lots Then the soldiers when they crucified Jesus, took his garments, (and they made four parts, to each soldier a part), and the inner garment; [4was 1but 2the 3inner garment] seamless, from the top woven through entire.
They said then to one another, We should not split it, but obtain by lot for it, whose it shall be; that the scripture should be fulfilled, the one saying, They divided into parts my garments among themselves, and over my clothes they cast a lot. Then indeed the soldiers did these things.
And stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and the sister of his mother, Mary the one of Klopas, and Mary the Magdalene.
Jesus then seeing his mother, and the disciple standing by whom he loved, says to his mother, O woman, Behold your son.
Then he says to the disciple, Behold, your mother. And from that hour [3took 4her 1the 2disciple] for his own.
Jesus Delivers Up His Spirit After this, Jesus knowing that all things already have been finished, that [3should be perfected 1the 2scripture], says, I thirst.
A utensil then was situated [2of vinegar 1full]; and the ones having filled a sponge with vinegar, and [2hyssop 1putting on], brought it near his mouth.
When therefore [2took 3the 4vinegar 1Jesus], he said, It has been finished; and having leaned the head, he delivered up the spirit.
Then the Jews (that [3should not 4remain 5upon 6the 7cross 1the 2bodies] during the Sabbath, since it was preparation, [3was 1for 4a great 5day 2that] of the Sabbath) asked Pilate that [3should be broken 1their 2legs], and they should be taken away.
Then came the soldiers. And the first one they broke the legs, and the other being crucified along with him.
[3unto 1But 4Jesus 2having come], when they saw him already having died, they did not break his legs.
But one of the soldiers with a lance [2his 3side 1pierced], and immediately came forth blood and water.
And the one seeing bears witness, and [4true 3is 2testimony 1his]; and that one knows that [2true 1he speaks], that you should believe.
[3took place 1For 2these things], that the scripture should be fulfilled, Not a bone of his shall be broken.
And again another scripture says, They shall look on whom they pierced.
The Burial of Jesus And after these things [4asked 5Pilate 1Joseph 2of 3Arimathea] (being a disciple of Jesus, but being hidden for the fear of the Jews) that he should take the body of Jesus; and Pilate committed it to his care. Then he came, and took the body of Jesus.
And came also Nicodemus (the one coming to Jesus by night at first) bearing a mixture of myrrh and aloe, about [2liters 1a hundred].
They then took the body of Jesus, and tied it with small pieces of cloth with the aromatics, as is custom with the Jews to embalm.
[3was 1And 4in 5the 6place 7where 8he was crucified 2a garden], and in the garden [2sepulchre 1a new], in which not yet was anyone placed.
There then (because of the preparation of the Jews, for [3was near 1the 2sepulchre]) they placed Jesus.
The Resurrection But on day one of the Sabbaths, Mary the Magdalene comes in the morning, [3dark 1still 2being], unto the sepulchre; and she sees the stone having been lifted from the sepulchre.
She runs then and comes to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus is fond of, and says to them, They took the Lord from out of the sepulchre, and we do not know where they put him.
[2went forth 3then 1Peter], and the other disciple, and they came unto the sepulchre.
[4ran 1And 2the 3two] together; and the other disciple ran in front more quickly than of Peter, and came first unto the sepulchre.
And leaning over, he sees [3lying 1the 2linen bands]; [3not 1however 2he enters].
Comes then Simon Peter following him, and he entered into the sepulchre, and views the linen bands lying.
And the scarf which was upon his head was not [2with 3the 4linen bands 1lying], but separate from them, being swathed in one place.
Then therefore entered also the other disciple, the one having come first unto the sepulchre, and he saw, and he believed.
For not yet they knew the scripture that it is necessary for him [2from 3the dead 1to rise up].
[4went forth 1Then 5again 6to 7their own 2the 3disciples].
Jesus Appears unto Mary Magdalene But Mary stood at the sepulchre weeping outside. As then she wept, she leaned over into the sepulchre,
and she views two angels in white, [2being seated 1one] at the head, and one at the feet where [4has been laid 1the 2body 3of Jesus].
And they say to her, those ones, O woman, why do you weep? She says to them that, They took my Lord, and I know not where they placed him.
And these things having said, she turns to the rear, and she views Jesus standing; and she knows not that it is Jesus.
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], O woman, Why do you weep? Whom do you seek? That one thinking that [2the 3gardener 1he is], says to him, O master, if you bore him, tell me where you put him, and I will take him.
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], Mary. Turning, that one says to him, Rabboni, which is to say, Teacher.
[2says 3to her 1Jesus], Do not touch me! for not yet have I ascended to my father. But go to my brethren and say to them! I ascend to my father, and your father; and my God and your God.
Comes then Mary the Magdalene reporting to the disciples that she has seen the Lord, and these things he said to her.
Jesus Appears to the Disciples It being then late in that day, in the day one of the Sabbaths, and the doors being locked where [3were 1the 2disciples] being gathered together because of the fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and says to them, Peace to you.
And this having said, he showed to them [2hands 3and 4the 5side 1his]. [3rejoiced 4then 1The 2disciples] seeing the Lord.
[2said 3then 4to them 1Jesus] again, Peace to you; as [3sent 4me 1the 2father], I also send you.
The Disciples Receive Holy Spirit And this having said, he breathed onto, and says to them, Receive [2spirit 1holy].
Of whosoever [2you should forgive 1sins], they are forgiven to them; of whosoever you should hold, they are held.
The Unbelief of Thomas But Thomas, one of the twelve, the one being called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.
[4said 5then 6to him 1The 2other 3disciples], We have seen the Lord. And he said to them, Unless I should see in his hands the impression of the nails, and should put my finger into the impression of the nails, and should put my hand into his side, in no way shall I believe.
And after [2days 1eight] again [2were 3inside 1his disciples], and Thomas was with them. Comes Jesus, of the doors having been locked, and stood in the midst and said, Peace to you.
So then he says to Thomas, Bring your finger here, and behold my hands; and bring your hand, and put it into my side; and be not unbelieving, but believing!
And Thomas responded and said to him, My Lord and my God.
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are the ones not seeing and having believed.
Indeed many then even other signs Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this scroll.
But these things have been written that you should believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing [2life 1you should have] in his name.
Jesus Appears at the Sea of Tiberias After these things [2manifested 3himself 4again 1Jesus] to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias. And he manifested thus --
were together Simon Peter, and Thomas, the one being called Didymus, and Nathanael, the one from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and [2others 3of 4his disciples 1two].
[3says 4to them 1Simon 2Peter], I go to fish. They say to him, [3go 2also 1We] with you. And they went forth, ascending into the boat straightly; and in that night they laid hold of nothing.
And morning already coming to pass, Jesus stood on the shore; not however [3know 1did the 2disciples] that it is Jesus.
[2then says 3to them 1Jesus], Sons [2anything 3for eating 1do you have]? They answered to him, No.
And he said to them, Cast unto the right parts of the boat with the net and you shall find. They cast then, and no longer [2to draw 1were they able] because of the multitude of the fishes.
Says then that disciple whom Jesus loved to Peter, [2the 3Lord 1It is]. Then Simon Peter, having heard that [2the 3Lord 1it is], [2the outer garment 1girded up], (for he was naked,) and threw himself into the sea.
And the other disciples [2in the 3boat 1came], ([3not 1for 2they were] far from the land, but about [2cubits 1two hundred],) dragging along the net of the fishes.
Then as they disembarked onto the land, they see a charcoal bed being situated, and little fish resting upon it, and bread.
[2says 3to them 1Jesus], bring of the little fish which you laid hold of just now.
[3ascended 1Simon 2Peter], and he drew the net upon the land full [2fishes 1of great], a hundred and fifty-three; and being so great [3was not 4split 1the 2net].
[2says 3to them 1Jesus], Come dine! But no one dared of the disciples to diligently inquire of him, [3you 1Who 2are]? knowing that [2the 3Lord 1it is].
Then comes Jesus, and takes the bread, and gives to them, and the little fish in like manner.
This is already the third time Jesus was manifested to his disciples, having been raised from the dead.
When therefore they dined, [2says 3to Simon 4Peter 1Jesus], Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me more than these? He says to him, Yes, O Lord, you know that I am fond of you. He says to him, Graze my little lambs!
He says to him again a second time, Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me? He says to him, Yes, O Lord, you know that I am fond of you. He says to him, Tend my sheep!
He says to him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, are you fond of me? Peter fretted that he said to him the third time, Are you fond of me? And he said to him, O Lord, you know all things, you know that I am fond of you. [2says 3to him 1Jesus], Graze my sheep!
Amen, amen, I say to you, When you were younger you tied up yourself, and you walked where you wanted; but whenever you shall grow old, you shall stretch out your hands, and another will tie you up, and shall bring you where you do not want.
And this he said, signifying by what death he shall glorify God. And this having said, he says to him, You follow me!
[3turning 1And 2Peter], sees the disciple whom Jesus loved following; the one who also reclined at the supper upon his breast and said, O Lord, who is the one delivering you up?
Seeing this one, Peter says to Jesus, O Lord, [3about this one 1but 2what]?
[2says 3to him 1Jesus], If I want him to remain until I come, what is it to you? You follow me!
[3went forth 1Then 2this word] unto the brethren, that that disciple does not die. But [2said not 3to him 1Jesus] that he does not die; but, If I want him to remain until I come, what is it to you?
This is the disciple, the one witnessing concerning these things, and writing these things; and we know that [2is true 1his witness].
And there are also [2other things 1many], as much as Jesus did, which if they should be written one by one, [2not even 5itself 1I imagine 3the 4world] to have space for the [2being written 1scrolls]. Amen.