Godly Endurance James, [2of God 3and 4the Lord 5Jesus 6Christ, 1bondman], to the twelve tribes, to the ones in the dispersion, Hail!
[2all 3joy 1Esteem it], my brethren, whenever [3tests 1you should fall into 2various]!
knowing that the proving [3of yours 1of the 2belief] manufactures endurance;
and [2endurance 5work 4its perfect 1let 3have]! that you should be perfect and entire, with nothing missing.
And if anyone of you miss wisdom, let him ask of the giving God! to all simply, and not berating, and it shall be given to him.
But let him ask in belief, [2nothing 1scrutinizing]! For the one scrutinizing is like a swell of the sea driven by wind and being blown about.
[3not 1For 2let 6imagine 5man 4that] that he shall receive anything from the Lord!
[2man 1he is a double-minded], confused in all his ways.
[2let 6boast 1But 3the 5brother 4humble] in his stature,
and the rich in his humiliation! for as the flower of grass, he will pass away.
[4rose 1For 2the 3sun] with the burning wind, and dried the grass, and its flower fell, and the beauty of its countenance perished; so also the rich one in his goings shall wither.
Blessed is a man who endures test; for [2unadulterated 1becoming], he shall receive the crown of life, which [3promised 1the 2Lord] to the ones loving him.
[2no one 3being tested 1Let] say that, From God I am tested! For God is beyond testing by evils, [3tests 1and 2he himself] no one.
But each is tested by his own desire, being dragged away and being entrapped.
So then the desire having conceived, gives birth to sin; but sin being perpetrated, engenders death.
Do not be misled, [3brethren 1my 2beloved]!
Every [2portion 1good] and every [2gift 1perfect] [2from above 1is], coming down from the father of the lights, of whom there is no alteration or [2circuit 1shaded].
Engendered by the Word Willingly he engendered us by word of truth, for us being certain first-fruit of the ones of his creations.
So that, [3brethren 1my 2beloved], let [3be 1every 2man] quick in the hearing, slow in the speaking, slow in anger!
[3anger 1For 2man's 6righteousness 7of God 4does not 5manufacture].
Therefore, having put aside all filthiness and abundance of evil, in gentleness, receive the implanted word! the one being able to deliver your souls.
But become doers of the word! and not only listeners, misleading yourselves.
For if any [2a listener 3of the word 1is], and not a doer, this one is like a man contemplating the face of his creation in a mirror;
for he contemplated himself, and went forth, and immediately forgot what he was like.
But the one having leaned over into [2law 1the perfect], the one of the freedom, and remained, this one is not [3listener 2a forgetful 1becoming], but a doer of work, this one [2blessed 3in 4his doing 1shall be].
If anyone seems to be religious among you, and not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his heart, of this one [2is in vain 1religion].
Religion pure and undefiled before the God and father is this -- to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, [3spotless 2oneself 1to keep] from the world.
Concerning Discrimination My brethren, [2no 4in 3discrimination 1have] the belief of our Lord Jesus Christ of the glory!
For if [2should enter 3into 4your gathering 1a man] wearing gold rings in [2attire 1bright], and there should enter also a poor man in filthy attire,
and you should look unto the one wearing the [2attire 1bright], and should say to him, You sit down here, well! And to the poor man you should say, You stand there! or, Sit down here under my footstool!
Then did you not discriminate among yourselves, and became judges [2thoughts 1of evil]?
Hearken, [3brethren 1my 2beloved]! Did not God choose the poor of this world, rich in belief, and heirs of the kingdom of which he promised to the ones loving him?
But you dishonored the poor. Do not the rich tyrannize over you, and they draw you to judgment seats?
[3not 2they 1Do] blaspheme the good name, the one [2are called 3by 1you]?
If however [3law 1you fulfill 2the royal] according to the scripture -- You shall love your neighbor as yourself; [2well 1you do].
But if you discriminate because of appearance, [2sin 1you practice], being reproved by the law as violators.
For whoever [2the entire 3law 1shall give heed to], but shall be at fault in one thing, he has become liable of all.
For the one having said, You shall not commit adultery, said also, You shall not murder. But if you shall not commit adultery, but shall murder, you have become a violator of the law.
So speak and so do as by the law of freedom! being about to be judged.
For judgment is merciless to the one not having mercy, and [2glories over 1mercy] judgment.
Belief and Works What is the benefit, my brethren, if [4belief 2should say 1anyone 3to have], [5works 1but 3not 2should 4have]? Shall [3be able 1the 2belief] to deliver him?
And if a brother or sister [2naked 1should be], and should be forsaken of the daily nourishment,
and [4should say 1anyone 5to them 2among 3you], Go in peace, be warmed and filled! [2does not 3give 1but] to them the things needful of the body, what is the benefit?
So also the belief, if [2not 4works 1it should 3have] it is dead by itself.
But one shall say, You [2belief 1have], and I [2works 1have]. Show to me the belief of yours from out of your works! and I will show to you from out of my works the belief of mine.
You believe that God is one. [2well 1You do], even the demons believe and shudder.
But you want to know, O [2man 1vain], that the belief separate from works is dead?
[3Abraham 4our Father 2not 6by 7works 1Was 5justified], having offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
Do you see that the belief was working together with his works, and by the works the belief was perfected?
And [3was fulfilled 1the 2scripture], the one saying, [3believed 1And 2Abraham] in God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness; and [2friend 3of God 1he was called].
See therefore that by works [2is justified 1a man], and not by belief only!
And in like manner also Rahab the harlot -- [2not 4by 5works 1was she 3justified], welcoming the messengers and [2by another 3way 1putting them out]?
For as the body separate from spirit is dead, so also the belief separate from the works is dead.
The Tongue [2not 4many 5teachers 1Let there 3be], my brethren! knowing that [2greater 3judgment 1we shall receive].
For many times we are at fault all together. If any in word is not at fault, this one is a perfect man, able to bridle even his entire body.
See! [7of the 8horses 2the 3bits 4into 5the 6mouths 1we put], for them to comply to us, and [3entire 4body 2their 1we lead around].
Behold, also the boats being so great, and by harsh winds being driven, are led around by the least size rudder, where even the thrust of the one straightening wills it to go.
So also the tongue [2a small 3member 1is], and brags. Behold, a little fire how much material it lights;
And the tongue is fire, the world of unrighteousness. Thus the tongue is placed among our members, staining the entire body, and blazing the whirlwind of creation, and being set ablaze by Gehenna.
For every species of nature, both of wild beasts and of birds, both of reptiles and marine life, is tamed and has been tamed by the [2nature 1human].
But the tongue no one is able of men to tame; it is an unrestrained evil, full of poison causing death.
By it we bless God and father, and by it we curse men, the ones [2according to 3the likeness 4of God 1who are born].
From out of the same mouth comes forth blessing and curse. It does not behoove us, my brethren, for these things so to be.
Does the spring from out of the same opening gush the sweet and the bitter?
Is [2able 3my brethren 1the fig-tree 5olives 4to produce], or a grapevine to produce figs? Thus not one spring is able [2salty 3and 4sweet 1to produce] water.
Wisdom from Above Who is wise and intelligent among you? Let him show out of the good behavior his works in gentleness of wisdom!
But if [3jealousy 2bitter 1you have] and contention in your heart, do not glory over and lie against the truth!
[2is not 1This] the wisdom [2from above 1coming down], but earthly, physical, demoniacal.
For where there is jealousy and contention, there is commotion and every heedless thing.
But the [2from above 1wisdom] first indeed is pure, thereupon peaceable, lenient, obeys readily, full of mercy and [2fruits 1of good], impartial and unpretentious.
And fruit of righteousness in peace is sown to the ones making peace.
Warring in Your Members From where come wars and fights among you? Is it not from here, from your pleasures soldiering in your members?
You desire and do not have; you murder and are jealous, and are not able to succeed; you do combat and wage war; you have not because [2do not 3ask 1you].
You ask, and do not receive, because wickedly you ask, that [2for 3your own pleasures 1you should spend].
Adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship of the world [2hatred 3of God 1is]? Who ever therefore should want to be a friend of the world, [2as enemy 3of God 1stands].
Or do you think that uselessly the scripture says, [8with 9envy 7longs after 1The 2spirit 3which 4dwells 5in 6us]?
[3greater 1But 2he gives] favor. Therefore he says, The lord [2the proud 1resists], but to the humble he gives favor.
Be submitted then to God! Oppose the devil, and he will flee from you!
Approach to God, and he will approach unto you! Cleanse your hands, O sinners! and purify your hearts, O double-minded!
Languish and mourn and weep! [2your laughter 4into 5mourning 1Let 3be converted], and your joy into sadness!
Humble Yourself before The Lord Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you!
Do not speak ill of one another, brethren! The one speaking ill of a brother, and judging his brother, speaks ill of the law, and judges the law. But if [2the law 1you judge], you are not a doer of law, but a judge.
There is one lawgiver, the one being able to deliver and to destroy. But you, and who are you who judges the other?
Come now, O ones saying, Today and tomorrow we should go to thus the city, and we should spend there [2year 1one], and should trade, and should make gain,
you who do not know the thing of tomorrow. For what is your life? [3a vapor 1For 2it shall be], [2for 3a little 1appearing], and thereupon disappearing.
Instead your saying should be, If the Lord should will, and we should live, then we should do this or that.
But now you boast in your ostentatiousness; all [2boasting 1such] is wicked.
Knowing then [2good 1to do] and not doing, [2sin 3to him 1it is].
A Warning to the Rich Come now, O rich, weep shrieking over your miseries, the ones coming upon you!
Your riches are rotted, and your garments [2moth-eaten 1have become].
Your gold and silver are corroded, and their poison [2for 3a testimony 4against you 1shall be], and shall eat your flesh as fire. You treasured up in your last days.
Behold, the wage of the workers, of the ones reaping your places; the one being deprived by you cries out; and the yells of the ones harvesting [2into 3the 4ears 5of the Lord 6of Hosts 1have entered].
You indulged upon the earth, and lived extravagantly; you maintained your hearts as in a day of slaughter.
You condemned, you murdered the just; he does not resist against you.
Ending Exhortations Patiently wait then, brethren, until the arrival of the Lord! Behold, the farmer looks out for the precious fruit of the earth, patiently waiting for it, until whenever it should receive [4rain 1the early 2and 3late].
[3patiently wait 2also 1You]! Establish your hearts! for the arrival of the Lord approaches.
Do not moan against one another, brethren, that you should not be judged! Behold, the judge [2before 3the 4doors 1stands].
[2for an example 1Take] the evil suffering, my brethren, and the long-suffering of the prophets, the ones who spoke in the name of the Lord!
Behold, we declare happy the ones enduring. The endurance of Job you have heard, and the end by the Lord you know; that [2very compassionate 1he is] and pitying.
[2before 3all things 1But], my brethren, do not swear by an oath, neither by the heaven, nor the earth, nor any other oath; [2let 5be 1but 3your 4yes], Yes! and the no, No! that [2not 4into 5hypocrisy 1you should 3fall].
Does anyone suffer hardships among you? Let him pray! Is anyone cheerful? Let him strum praise!
Is anyone sick among you? Let him call on the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, having anointed him with olive oil in the name of the Lord!
And the vow of the belief will deliver the weary one, and [3will raise 4him 1the 2Lord]. And if [3sins 1he should be 2committing], it shall be forgiven him.
Acknowledge to one another the transgressions, and make a vow for one another, so that you should be healed! Much prevails by the supplication [2by a just person 1being energized].
Elijah was a man having the same passions as us, and with prayer he prayed for it not to rain; and it rained not upon the earth [2years 1for three] and [2months 1six].
And again he prayed, and the heaven [2rain 1gave], and the earth burst forth its fruit.
Brethren, if any among you should be misled from the truth, and anyone should return him,
know! that the one turning a sinner from the delusion of his way, shall deliver a soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.