Jesus' Exalted State In many parts and in various ways earlier, God, having spoken to the fathers by the prophets,
in [2last 3days 1these] spoke to us by the son, whom he established heir of all things, through whom also [2the 3eons 1he made];
who being the radiance of the glory, and impression of his essence, and bearing the whole by the word of his power, by himself [2a cleansing 1making] of our sins, he sat at the right of the greatness in heights;
[2so much 3better than 1having become] the angels, [3as much 4more diverse 5from 6them 1he has inherited 2a name].
For to whom said he at some time or other of the angels? [2my son 1You are], I today engendered you. And again, I will be to him for father, and he will be to me for son.
[3whenever 1and 2again] he should bring in the first-born into the inhabitable world, he says, And let [4do obeisance to 5him 1all 2angels 3of God]!
And indeed to the angels he says, The one making the angels his spirits, and his ministers [2of fire 1a flame].
But to the son, saying Your throne, O God, into the eon of the eon. A rod of uprightness is the rod of your kingdom.
You loved righteousness, and detested lawlessness; on account of this [4anointed 5you 1The 2God 3your God] with oil of exultation above your partakers.
And, saying You in the beginnings, O Lord, [2of the 3earth 1laid the foundation], and the works of your hands are the heavens.
They shall perish, but you abide; and all as a garment shall grow old.
And as a wrap-around garment, you shall coil them, and they shall be changed; but you [2the 3same 1are], and your years shall not fail.
[2to 3which 1And] of the angels said he at some time or other? Sit down at my right, until whenever I should put your enemies as a footstool of your feet!
[2not 3all 1Are they] ministering spirits, [2in 3service 1being sent] on account of the ones being about to inherit deliverance?
Jesus' Humbled State On account of this it is necessary more exceedingly for us to heed to the things heard, lest at any time we flow away.
For if the [3through 4angels 2being spoken 1word] became firm, and every violation and disobedience received just payment,
how shall we flee [2such a 1neglecting] deliverance? which in the beginning receiving, being spoken by the Lord, [4by 5the ones 6hearing him 2in 3us 1was firmed up];
[2bearing witness with 1God] both signs and miracles, and various works of power, and [3spirit 2of holy 1distributions], according to his volition.
For not to angels he submitted the inhabitable world, the one about to be, concerning of which we speak.
But [2testified 3somewhere 1one] saying, What is man that you remember him, or a son of man that you visit him?
You lessened him some a little than the angels; with glory and honor you crowned him, and established him over the works of your hands.
All things you submitted underneath his feet. For in the submitting to him all things, [2nothing 1he left] unsubmissive to him. But now not yet do we see [3to him 1all things 2being submitted].
But [4a little 5than 6the angels 3being lessened 1we see 2Jesus], on account of the suffering of death, [2with glory 3and 4honor 1being crowned]; that by favor of God [3for 4all 1he should taste 2death].
For it was becoming to him, (through whom is the whole, and of whom is the whole), [2many 3sons 4in 5glory 1for leading], [2the 3head 4of their deliverance 5through 6sufferings 1to perfect].
For both he who sanctifies and the ones being sanctified [2of 3one 1are all], for which reason he is not ashamed [2brethren 1to call them],
saying, I will report your name to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to you.
And again, I will be yielding upon him. And again, Behold, I and the children which [2gave to me 1God].
Since then the children have participated of flesh and blood, also he closely partook of the same, that through death he should cease the work, the one [2the 3might 1having] of death, that is to say -- the devil;
and should dismiss those, as many as by fear of death on account of all of the living, were liable of servitude.
For not in any way [2angels 1does he take hold of], but the seed of Abraham he takes hold of.
Whereupon, he owed in all things [2to the 3brethren 1to be likened], that [2a merciful 1he should become] and trustworthy chief priest in the things towards God, so as to atone the sins of the people.
For in that he suffered himself, having been tested, he is able [2the ones 3being tested 1to help].
Partakers of Christ Whereupon, [2brethren 1holy], [3calling 2of the heavenly 1partakers], contemplate the apostle and chief priest of our acknowledgment offering -- Christ Jesus!
being trustworthy to the one appointing him, as also Moses in all his house.
[4more 1For 5glory 2this one 6than 7Moses 3has been counted worthy of], on account of as much as [5more 6honor 4has 7than the 8house 1the one 2carefully preparing 3the house].
For every house is carefully prepared by someone, but the one [2the whole 1carefully preparing] is God.
And Moses indeed was trustworthy in all his house, as an attendant, for a testimony of the things going to be spoken;
but Christ as a son over his house, whose house are we, if indeed the confidence and the boasting of the hope [3until 4the end 2firm 1we should hold].
Therefore, as [4says 1the 3spirit 2holy], Today, if [2his voice 1you should hearken to],
you should not harden your hearts as in the embittering, in the day of the test in the wilderness,
of which place [2tested 3me 1your fathers], tried me, and beheld my works forty years.
Therefore I loathed that generation, and said, Continually they err in the heart, and they knew not my ways;
as I swore by an oath in my wrath, Shall they enter into my rest, no.
Take heed, brethren, lest at any time there shall be in some of you [3in heart 1a wicked 2unbelief] in the separating from the living God.
But encourage yourselves according to each day, as long as of which [2today 1it is called], that you should not be hardened, any of you, any by the deception of sin.
[3partakers 1For 2we have become] of the Christ, if indeed the beginning of the support [3until 4the end 2firm 1we should hold],
as in the saying, Today if [2his voice 1you should hearken to], you should not harden your hearts as in the embittering.
For some having heard rebelled; but not all the ones coming forth out of Egypt with Moses.
And to whom did he loathe forty years? Was it not to the ones having sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
And to whom did he swear by an oath to not to enter into his rest, unless to the ones resisting persuasion?
And we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.
God's Rest We should fear then, lest at any time, being left behind of the promise to enter into his rest, [4should seem 1any 2of 3you] to fail.
For even we are being announced good news, just as those also; but [5did not 6benefit 1the 2word 3of the 4report] those, not being mixed together in the belief to the ones having heard.
For we entering into the rest, the ones having believed, as he has said, As I swore by an oath in my wrath, Shall they enter into my rest, no; and yet the works from the founding of the world were taking place.
For he has said somewhere concerning the seventh day, thus, And God rested in the [2day 1seventh] from all his works.
And in this place again, Shall they enter into my rest, no.
Since then it leaves some to enter into it, and the ones prior having been announced, did not enter because of disobedience;
again a certain [2he confirms 1day], Today, [2in 3David 1saying], after so great a time, as it has been said, Today, if [2to 3his voice 1you should hearken], you should not harden your hearts.
For if [3them 1Joshua 2gave] rest, then he would not [2concerning 3another 1speak 5after 6these things 4day].
Then there is left a Sabbath rest to the people of God.
For the one entering into his rest, himself also rested from his works, as [2from 3his own 1God].
We should hurry then to enter into that rest, lest [3in 4the 5same 1anyone 6example 2should fall] of disobedience.
The Word of God Is Alive [5is living 1For 2the 3word 4of God], and active, and sharper than any [2sword 1double-edged], and penetrating as far as the distribution of both soul and spirit, also of joints and marrows, and is a discerner of the thinking and reflections of the heart.
And there is not a creation unapparent before him; but all are naked and laid bare to his eyes, to whom [3is to us 1the 2reckoning].
Jesus the Chief Priest Having then [2chief priest 1a great] having gone through the heavens (Jesus the son of God,) let us keep the confession.
For not do we have a chief priest not being able to sympathize in our weaknesses, but one having been tested in all things according to our likeness, separate from sin.
Let us come forward then with confidence to the throne of favor, that we should receive mercy, and [2favor 1should find] for opportune help.
Duties of the Chief Priest For every chief priest [2from among 3men 1being taken], [2for 3men 1is established] in the things for God, that he should offer both gift offerings and sacrifices for sin offerings;
[2to moderate emotions 1being able] with the ones being ignorant and erring; since also he is encompassed with weakness.
And on account of this he ought, as concerning the people, so also concerning himself to offer for sins.
And not to himself does anyone take the honor, but the one being called by God, just as Aaron.
Thus also the Christ did not glorify himself to become chief priest, but the one saying to him, [2my son 1You are], I today have engendered you.
Order of Melchisedek As also in another place he says, You are a priest into the eon according to the order of Melchisedek.
Who in the days of his flesh offered both supplications and earnest entreaties to the one being able to deliver him from death, with [2cry 1a strong] and [2tears 1having offered], and was listened to because of his veneration;
though being a son, he learned [2from 3what 4he suffered 1obedience].
And having been perfected, he became [2the ones 3obeying 4him 1to all] the reason [2deliverance 1of eternal];
having been addressed by God as chief priest according to the order of Melchisedek.
Concerning of whom [3is much 1our 2word] and difficult in interpretation to speak, since [2dull 1you have become] in the hearings.
For though you ought to be teachers because of the time, again [2need 1you have] of one to teach you what are the elements of the beginning of the oracles of God; and you have become [2need 1having] of milk, and not of solid nourishment.
For every one partaking of milk is inexperienced of the word of righteousness; [3an infant 1for 2he is].
[5for full grown 1But 4is 2solid 3nourishment], of the ones through the manner [2the 3senses 4exercised 1of having] for the distinction of both good and evil.
Warnings Regarding Unbelief Therefore, having left the [2of the 3beginning 4of the 5Christ 1matter], [2unto 3the 4perfection 1we should bear on], not [2again 3a foundation 1casting down] of repentance from dead works, and of belief upon God,
[2of immersions 1of the teaching], and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and [2judgment 1eternal].
And this we shall do, if indeed God should permit.
For it is impossible of the ones once enlightened, having tasted also of the [2gift 1heavenly], and [2partakers 1becoming 4spirit 3of holy],
and [2the good 1having tasted 4of God 3word], and of powers [2about to be 1of the eon],
and having fallen, again to renew to repentance; crucifying again to themselves the son of God, and making an example of him.
For the earth having drunk the [4upon 5it 3often 2coming 1rain], and giving birth to [2pasturage 1fit] for those through whom also it is cultivated, shares of the blessing from God;
but that bringing forth thorn-bushes and thistles is rejected, and [2a curse 1near to], whose end is for burning.
But we are persuaded concerning you, beloved, of better things, and having deliverance, if even thus we speak.
[3is not 1For 4unjust 2God] to forget your work and the toil of the love which you demonstrated in his name, having served to the holy ones, and still serving.
But we desire each of you [2the 3same 1to demonstrate] diligence to the full assurance of the hope as far as until the end;
that [2not 4dull 1you should 3become], but imitators of the ones through belief and long-suffering inheriting the promises.
God's Promise by an Oath For to Abraham God having promised, since according to no one had he greater to swear an oath by, swore an oath according to himself,
saying, Assuredly blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.
And thus, having been long-suffering, he succeeded in the promise.
[2men 3indeed 1For 5by 6the 7greater 4swear an oath], and [6in all 7disputes to them 3is an end 4for 5security 1the 2oath].
In which [2more extra 3wanting 1God] to display to the heirs of the promise the immutability of his counsel, mediated by an oath;
that through two [2things 1immutable], (in which it was impossible for God to lie,) [2strong 3consolation 1we should have], we the ones taking refuge to hold to the [2situated before us 1hope],
which hope [2as 3an anchor 1we have] of the soul, both safe and firm, and entering into the inner veil;
where as forerunner for us, Jesus entered according to the order of Melchisedek, [2chief priest 1becoming] into the eon.
The Melchisedek Priesthood For this Melchisedek, king of Salem, priest of God the highest, the one having met with Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and having blessed him,
to whom also [3a tenth 4of 5all 2portioned 1Abraham], first indeed being translated king of righteousness, and thereupon also king of Salem, which is king of peace;
fatherless, motherless, of unknown genealogy, neither beginning of days, nor [3of life 2an end 1having], and taking an exact image to the son of God, abides a priest for perpetuity.
And view how great this one was, to whom [5even 6a tenth 1Abraham 4gave 7of 8the 9choice parts 2the 3patriarch].
And indeed the ones of the sons of Levi, [2the 3priesthood 1receiving], [2a commandment 1have] to tithe the people according to the law, that is to say, the ones of their brethren, though they are ones having come forth from out of the loin of Abraham.
But the one not tracing descent from them received a tenth from Abraham, and [2the one 3having 4the 5promises 1has blessed].
But separate from all dispute, the lesser [2by 3the 4better 1is blessed].
And here indeed [4tenths 2die 1men 3who receive], but there receives one witnessed of that he lives.
And, as literally to speak, through Abraham even Levi the one [2tenths 1receiving] pays a tenth.
[3still 1For 4in 5the 6loin 7of the 8father 2he was] when [2met with 3him 1Melchisedek].
If indeed then perfection [2through 3the 4Levitical 5priesthood 1were] ([2the 3people 1for 5upon 6it 4established law],) what still need was there [4according to 5the 6order 7of Melchisedek 1for another 3to arise 2priest], and not [2according to 3the 4order 5of Aaron 1to be named]?
[4being transposed 1For 2the 3priesthood], from necessity also [2of law 1a transposition] takes place.
For of whom are said these things, [3tribe 2of another 1partakes], from which no one has given attention to the altar.
For it is exposed to view that [3from out of 4Judah 2has risen 1our Lord], for which tribe [3nothing 4concerning 5priesthood 1Moses 2spoke].
And more extra still it is quite evident, since according to the likeness of Melchisedek [3arises 2priest 1another],
who not according to the law [2commandment 1of fleshly] exists, but according to the power [2life 1of an indissoluble].
For he testifies, that, You are a priest into the eon according to the order of Melchisedek.
[3an annulment 2indeed 1For 6takes place 5before 4of the commandment] because of its weak and unprofitable state;
[5nothing 1for 4perfected 2the 3law], but there is the further introduction of a better hope through which we approach to God.
And according to as much as not separate from the swearing of an oath
(for indeed the ones separate from swearing of an oath are [2priests 1become], but the one with swearing of an oath through the saying as to him, The Lord swore by an oath, and will not repent; you are a priest into the eon according to the order of Melchisedek,)
by so much of a better covenant [2has become 3surety 1Jesus].
And indeed, there are more [2being 1priests], on account of death restrained from remaining;
but he, because of his abiding into the eon, [3inviolable 1has 2the] priesthood.
From where [2even 3to deliver 4totally 1he is able] the ones coming forward through him to God, at all times living to intercede for them.
For such [3us 2becomes 1a chief priest] -- sacred, guileless, undefiled, being separated from sinners, and [2higher 3than the 4heavens 1becoming];
who has not had a daily necessity, as the chief priests, prior [3for 4their own 5sins 2sacrifices 1to offer], and thereupon for the sins of the people; for this he did once for all, [2himself 1having offered].
[2the 3law 1For 5men 4ordains] chief priests, ones having weakness; [2the 3word 1but] of the swearing of an oath which is after the law [2a son 3into 4the 5eon 1has perfected].
The Chief Priest of the New Covenant But the total sum upon the things being spoken is, [2such 1we have] a chief priest, one who sat at the right of the throne of the greatness in the heavens,
[2of the 3holies 1a minister], and of the [2tent 1true], which [3pitched 1the 2Lord], and not man.
For every chief priest [2for 3the 4offering 5both gifts 6and 7sacrifices 1is ordained]. Whereupon it is important [3to have 4something 1even 2this one] which he should offer.
For if indeed he was upon the earth, not even would he be a priest, there being the priests of the ones offering [3according to 4the 5law 1the 2gifts];
the ones who [2the example 3and 4shadow 1serve] of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed, being about to complete the tent. For see, says he, you shall make all things according to the model having been shown to you on the mountain.
But now a more diverse [2he has attained 1ministration], in as much as also [3of a better 1he is 4covenant 2mediator], which [2upon 3better 4promises 1is established].
For if that first covenant was blameless, [2would not 5for a second 1there 3be sought 4place].
For complaining against them he says, Behold, days come, says the Lord, and I will complete upon the house of Israel and upon the house of Judah [2covenant 1a new];
not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day of my taking hold of their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; for they did not adhere to my covenant, and I neglected them, says the Lord.
But this is the covenant which I will ordain with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord, imputing my laws into their thought, and [3upon 4their hearts 1I will inscribe 2them]; and I will be to them for God, and they will be to me for a people;
and in no way [2teach 1should each] his neighbor, nor each his brother, saying, Know the Lord! For all shall know me, from their small unto their great.
For I will be propitious to their unrighteousness and their sins; and their lawless deeds in no way should I remember any more.
In the saying, New, he has made [3old 1the 2first]. And the one being old and growing old is near extinction.
The Old and New Covenants Compared [4had 5indeed 6then 7also 1The 2first 3tent] ordinances of service, and the [2holy place 1worldly].
[4tent 1For 5was carefully prepared 2the 3first], in which was both lamp-stand and the table, and the place setting of the bread loaves, which is called holy;
and after the second veil, a tent, being called holy of holies;
[2a golden 1having] incense pan, and the ark of the covenant having been covered over on all sides with gold, in which was [2jar 1the golden] having the manna, and the rod of Aaron, the one having burst forth, and the tablets of the covenant;
and up above it were the cherubim of glory shading the atonement-seat; concerning which it is not for now to speak in turn.
And of these things thus being carefully prepared, [6into 5indeed 7the 8first 9tent 3always 4enter 1the 2priests], [2the 3services 1completing].
But into the second part [4once 5in the year 3went in alone 1the 2chief priest], not separate from blood, which he offers for himself and the [2for the 3people 1ignorance sacrifices].
This manifesting of the [2spirit 1holy] not yet has been made apparent [7the 9of the 10holies 8way 1while still 2the 3first 4tent 5was having 6a position].
Which is a parable in the time being present, in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, not being able as to conscience to perfect the one serving,
consisting only in foods and drinks, and diverse immersions, and ordinances of flesh, until a time of straightening rests.
But Christ being come is chief priest of the [2about to be 1good things], through the greater and more perfect tent, not made by hand -- that is to say, not of this creation,
nor through the blood of he-goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered once for all into the holies, [2an eternal 3ransoming 1having found].
For if the blood of bulls and he-goats, and ashes of a heifer sprinkling the ones being unclean, sanctifies for the [2of the 3flesh 1cleanliness],
how much more the blood of the Christ, (who through [2spirit 1eternal] offered himself unblemished to God,) shall cleanse your conscience from dead works for serving the living God.
And because of this [4covenant 3of a new 2mediator 1he is], so that death having taken place, for the release by ransom for the [2unto 3the 4first 5covenant 1violations], [4of the 5promise 3should receive 1so the ones 2having been called] of the eternal inheritance.
For where there is a will, [2for the death 1it is necessary 5to come to bear 3of the 4one ordaining the will].
For a will with the dead is firm; since not at any time does it prevail when [3lives 1the one 2ordaining the will].
Whereupon neither the first covenant [2separate from 3blood 1has been dedicated].
[4having been spoken 1For 2every 3commandment] according to the law by Moses to all the people, having taken the blood of the calves and he-goats with water and [2wool 1scarlet] and hyssop, both itself the scroll and all the people he sprinkled,
saying, This is the blood of the covenant, which [2gave charge 3to 4you 1God].
[2also 3the 4tent 1But] and all the utensils of the ministration with blood in like manner he sprinkled.
And nearly [2with 3blood 1all things] are cleansed according to the law, and separate from blood-letting there becomes no release.
It was necessary then for indeed the examples of the things in the heavens [2with these 1to be cleansed], [4themselves 1but 2the 3heavenly things] with better sacrifices than these.
For not into hand made holy places [3entered 1the 2Christ], which are antitypes of the true, but into heaven itself, now to be revealed to the face of God for us.
Nor that he should often offer himself, as the chief priest enters into the holy places yearly with [2blood 1another's];
since it would have been necessary for him to often suffer from the founding of the world. But now once at the completion of the eons, for annulment of sin, [2through 3his sacrifice 1he has been manifested].
And for as much as it has been reserved to men once to die, but after this the judgment;
so also the Christ once having been offered for [3of many 1bearing 2the sins], that of a second time separate from sin he shall appear to the ones awaiting him for deliverance.
The New Covenant [5a shadow 1For 4having 2the 3law] of the [2about to be 1good things] is not itself the very image of the things, [2yearly 4with the 5same 6sacrifices 1which 3they offer] in perpetuity, and at no time is able [2the ones 3coming forward 1to perfect].
Since [2would not 1they] have ceased to be offered. On account of [5would not 6have 7any longer 8conscience 9of sins 1the ones 2serving 3once 4being cleansed];
but in these there is a remembrance of sins yearly.
For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and of he-goats to remove sins.
Therefore entering into the world, he says, Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but a body you readied for me.
Whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin you did not think well of.
Then I said, Behold, I come (in the roll of the scroll it has been written concerning me) to do, O God, your will.
By earlier saying that, Sacrifice and offering and whole burnt-offerings and for sin offerings you did not want, nor think well of (which [2according to 3the 4law 1are offered])
then he said, Behold, I come to do, O God, your will. In this he does away with the first, that the second should be established.
By which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
And indeed every priest stands daily officiating, and [2the 3same 5often 1offering 4sacrifices], which at no time are able to remove sins.
But he [2one 4for 5sins 1having offered 3sacrifice], in perpetuity sat at the right of God;
for the remaining time looking out until [2be placed 1his enemies] as a footstool of his feet.
For by one offering he has perfected in perpetuity the ones having been sanctified.
[5bears witness 1And 6to us 7also 2the 4spirit 3holy]; for after he describes beforehand,
This is the covenant which I will ordain with them after those days, says the Lord, putting my laws upon their hearts; and upon their thoughts I will inscribe them;
and their sins and their lawless deeds in no way shall I remember any longer.
But where there is a release of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.
Having then, brethren, confidence for the entrance into the holies by the blood of Jesus,
which he dedicated to us a way newly made and living, through the veil, that is to say his flesh;
and having [2priest 1a great] over the house of God,
let us draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of belief, [3being sprinkled 1with 2hearts] from [2conscience 1a wicked], and [3being bathed 1the 2body 5water 4with clean].
Let us hold fast the confession of the hope unwavering! for trustworthy is the one promising.
And let us mind one another for stimulating love and good works!
not abandoning the assembling of ourselves, as the custom with some, but encouraging one another, and by so much more as much as you see [3approaching 1the 2day].
For where voluntarily we sin after receiving the full knowledge of the truth, no longer [3for 4sins 1is left 2a sacrifice];
[3fearful 1but 2a certain] expectation of judgment, and [2fire 1a zealous 4to devour 3being about] the adversaries.
Anyone disregarding the law of Moses [2without the help 3of compassions 4upon the testimony 5of two 6or 7three 8witnesses 1dies].
Of how much do you think worse shall he be worthy of punishment the one [2the 3son 4of God 1having trampled], and [2the 3blood 4of the 5covenant 6as common 1esteeming], in which he was sanctified, and [2the 3spirit 4of favor 1having insulted]?
For we know the one having said, Punishment is mine, I will recompense, says the Lord. And again, saying The Lord will judge his people.
It is fearful to fall into the hands of the living God.
But call to mind the prior days, in which having been enlightened, [2much 3conflict 1you endured] of sufferings;
this indeed [2both in scornings 3and 4afflictions 1being made a public spectacle]; but by this [2partners 3of the ones 4thus 5behaving in being scorned 1having become].
For both in my bonds you sympathized; and the seizure of your possessions with joy you accepted, knowing to have in yourselves a better possession in heavens, and abiding.
Do not throw off then your confidence, which has [2payment 1great].
[4of endurance 1For 2you have 3need], that [2the 3will 4of God 1having done], you should receive the promise, saying,
For yet a little while the one coming shall come, and will not delay.
But the just [2of 3belief 1shall live]; and if he keeps back, [2takes no pleasure 1my soul] in him.
But we are not keeping back to destruction, but of belief for a procurement of life.
Examples of Belief [3is 1And 2belief 5of hoping 4the reality] of things, the proof not being seen.
[2in 3this 1For 6were borne witness to 4the 5elders].
By belief we comprehend [3to be fashioned 1the 2eons] by the word of God, so that not of things appearing [2the things 3seen 1take place].
By belief [3a greater 4sacrifice 1Abel 5than 6Cain 2offered] to God, by which he bore witness to be just, [2testifying 3over 4his gifts 1by God]; and through it having died still speaks.
By belief Enoch was transposed to not know death, and was not found, because [2transposed 3him 1God]; for before his transposition he bore witness to have been well-pleasing to God.
But apart from belief it is impossible to well-please; [6to believe 1for 2it is necessary 3for the one 4coming forward 5to God] that he is; and to the ones seeking after him [2a paymaster 1he becomes].
By belief Noah having received a divine message concerning the things not as yet being seen, showing reverence, carefully prepared the ark for deliverance of his house; by which he condemned the world; and of the thing according to belief [3of righteousness 1he became 2heir].
By belief Abraham being called, obeyed to go forth unto the place which he was about to receive for an inheritance; and he went forth not having knowledge of where he went.
By belief he sojourned in the land of the promise, as an alien, in tents dwelling with Isaac and Jacob, the joint-heirs of the same promise;
for he looked out for the [3foundations 2having 1city], of which the craftsman and engineer is God.
By belief also Sarah herself [2power 3for 4founding 5seed 1received], and past the time of vigor gave birth, since believing she esteemed the one promising.
Therefore also from one they were born (and these were as deadened) as the stars of the heaven in multitude, and as the sand by the edge of the sea is innumerable.
According to belief [3died 1these 2all], not receiving the promises, but at a distance beholding them, and being persuaded, and greeting, and acknowledging that [2strangers 3and 4immigrants 1they are] upon the earth.
For the ones [2such things 1saying] reveal that [2the fatherland 1they anxiously seek].
And if indeed, those remembering from where they came forth, they had even time to return.
But now a better thing they reach for, that is to say, a heavenly. Therefore [2is not 3ashamed of 4them 1God], [3God 1to be called 2their]; for he prepared for them a city.
By belief Abraham offered Isaac, being tested, and [5the 6only child 4offered up 2the 3promises 1the one receiving],
towards whom it was said that, In Isaac [2shall be called 3to you 1a seed];
considering that [4even 5from 6the dead 3to raise 2was able 1God]; from where [2him 3even 4in 5parable 1he received].
By belief concerning things about to be Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau.
By belief Jacob dying [2each 3of the 4sons 5of Joseph 1blessed], and did obeisance upon the tip of his cane.
By belief Joseph, coming to an end, [2concerning 3the 4exodus 5of the 6sons 7of Israel 1made mention]; and [2concerning 3his bones 1gave charge].
By belief Moses, having been born, was hid three months by his fathers, because they saw [3as fair 1the 2child]; and they did not fear the edict of the king.
By belief Moses, [2great 1having become], denied to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter,
[2rather 1seeming it as being good] to suffer affliction with the people of God, than [2temporary 1to have 4in sins 3enjoyment];
[6greater 7riches 1esteeming 8than the 10in 11Egypt 9treasures 2the 3scorning 4of the 5anointed]; for he looked away to the payment.
By belief he left Egypt, not fearing the rage of the king; for [3the unseen 1as 2seeing] he persevered.
By belief he observed the passover and the pouring of the blood, lest the one annihilating the first-born should touch them.
By belief they passed over the red sea, as through dry land; of which [4the attempt 3taking 1the 2Egyptians] were swallowed down.
By belief the walls of Jericho fell, having been encircled for seven days.
By belief Rahab the harlot was not destroyed together with the ones having disobeyed, receiving the spies with peace.
And what yet say I? For it shall be deficient of me not describing the time concerning Gideon, Barak and also Samson, and Jephthah, also David and Samuel, and the prophets;
the ones who through belief conquered kingdoms, worked righteousness, succeeded in the promises, shut up mouths of lions,
extinguished the power of fire, fled the mouths of swords, were empowered from out of weakness, became strong in war; [2the camps 1they leaned] of aliens;
[2received 1women] a resurrection of their dead; and others were pounded, not accepting the release by ransom, that a better resurrection they should attain.
And others [3of mocking 4and 5of whips 2a trial 1received], and still of bonds and prison.
They were stoned, were sawn, were tested, [2by 3murder 4of the sword 1they died]; they went around in sheepskins, in goat's skins; lacking, being afflicted, being mistreated;
(of whom [3was not 4worthy 1the 2world]) [2in 3desolate places 1wandering], and in mountains, and in caves, and the openings of the earth.
And these all testifying on account of the belief while not receiving the promise,
[3of God 4for 5us 2something better 1having foreseen], that [2not 4separate from 5us 1they should 3be perfected].
Christ the Perfection of Belief Accordingly also, we [2so great 1having 5encompassing 6us 3a cloud 4of witnesses], [3swelling 1having put aside 2every] and accessible sin, through endurance let us run the [2being situated before 3us 1struggle],
looking to [2the 6of the 7belief 3head 4and 5perfection 1Jesus], who, instead of the [2being situated before 3him 1joy], endured the cross, [2the shame 1disdaining], [2at 3the right 1and] of the throne of God has sat.
For consider the cost by the one [2such 1enduring 6by 7the 8sinners 4against 5him 3dispute], that you should not weary [2in 3your souls 1fainting].
Not yet unto blood have you stood firm [2against 3sin 1struggling],
and you have been totally forgotten of the exhortation, which [2to you 3as 4to sons 1he reasons], saying, O my son, do not have little regard for the instruction of the Lord, nor be enfeebled [2by 3him 1being reproved]!
For whom the Lord loves he corrects, and he whips every son whom he welcomes.
If [2discipline 1you endure], [4as 5sons 3to you 2brings discipline 1God]; for who is the son whom [2does not 3correct 1a father]?
And if you are without the help of instruction, of which [3partakers 2have become 1all], then you are illegitimate and not sons.
So then indeed, of the [3flesh 2of our 1fathers] we have correctors, and we show respect; [2not 4much 5more 1shall we 3be] submitted to the father of the spirits, and we shall live?
[2they 3indeed 1For] for a few days, as it seemed good to them, corrected; but he does so for the advantage, for us to share in his sanctity.
But any discipline by indeed the hand does not seem to be joy, but distress; but afterwards [3fruit 2peaceable 5to the ones 7by 8it 6having been exercised 1it renders 4of righteousness].
Christian Instruction Therefore the weakened hands and the disabled knees re-erect!
And [3tracks 2straight 1make] to your feet! that [4not 1the 2lame 3should] be turned aside, [3should be healed 1but 2rather]!
[2peace 1Pursue] with all, and the sanctification! apart from which no one shall see the Lord;
overseeing, lest any lack of the favor of God; lest any root of bitterness [2upward 1germinating] should be trouble, and through this [2should be defiled 1many];
lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau, who for [2of food 1one portion] delivered over his rights of the first-born.
For you understand that also afterwards wanting to inherit the blessing, he was rejected; [5for repentance 1for 3place 2no 4was found], though with tears he sought it.
[3not 1For 2you have] come forward to [2being handled 1the mountain] and being kindled with fire, and to dimness, and to darkness, and to storm,
and to the trumpet's sound, and to the voice of utterances, of which the ones hearing asked pardon [2to not 3proceed 4to them 1for the word];
[2they could not 3bear 1for] the giving of orders, saying, And if a beast should touch lightly upon the mountain, it shall be stoned, or [2an arrow 1shot with].
And so fearful was the visible display, Moses said, I am frightened and trembling.
But you have come forward to mount Zion, and the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem; and to myriads of angels,
to the festival and to the assembly of the first-born [2in 3the heavens 1having been registered], and to God the judge of all, and to spirits of the righteous having been perfected,
and [4covenant 3of a new 2the mediator 1Jesus], and to the blood of sprinkling, [2better 1speaking] than the one of Abel.
Take heed that you should not refuse the one speaking! For if those did not flee escaping, [2the one 4upon 5earth 1refusing 3receiving a divine message], how much more we the ones [2the one 3from 4heavens 1turning away],
of whose voice the earth shook then; but now he has promised, saying, Still once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.
And the saying, Still once more, manifests [3of the things 4being shaken 1the 2transposition], as things being made, that [4should abide 1the things 2not 3being shaken].
Therefore [2a kingdom 3unshaken 1receiving], we should have favor by which we should serve [2pleasantly 1God] with respect and veneration.
For even our God [2fire 1is a consuming].
Concluding Exhortations [2brotherly affection 1Let] abide!
Let not hospitality be forgotten! [2by 3this 1for] some were unaware having lodged angels.
Remember the prisoners! as being tied with them, the ones being mistreated, as also yourselves being in the body.
[3is esteemed 1The wedding] in every way, and the marriage-bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Let not loving money be the manner, but being sufficient with the things at hand. For he has said, In no way will I forsake you, nor in no way will I abandon you.
So that taking courage we say, The Lord is to me a helper, and I will not be afraid. What shall [2do 3to me 1man]?
Remember the ones leading you! ones who spoke to you the word of God; whom contemplating the result of the behavior, you imitate the belief!
Jesus Christ yesterday and today the same, and into the eons.
[6teachings 3by various 4and 5strange 1Be not 2carried about]! For it is a good thing [4with favor 1to be firmed up 2in the 3heart], not by foods, in which [3derive no benefit 1the ones 2walking].
We have an altar, of which [8to eat 5do not 6have 7authority 1the ones 3the 4tent 2serving].
For those [2whose 4is carried in 1creatures 3blood] for a sin offering into the holies by the chief priest, of these the bodies are incinerated outside the camp.
Therefore also Jesus, that he should sanctify [3by 4his own 5blood 1the 2people 7outside 8the 9gate 6suffered].
Therefore let us go forth to him outside the camp, [3scorn 2his 1bearing].
[3not 1For 2we do] have here an abiding city, but [2the one 3about to be 1we anxiously seek].
By him then we should offer a sacrifice of praise at all times to God, that is to say, fruit of the lips of acknowledging to his name.
But of the well-doing and fellowship do not forget! for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased.
Comply with the ones leading you, and give precedence! for they are sleepless over your souls, for [2a reckoning 1recompensing], that with joy they should do this, and not moaning; [3would be unserviceable 1for 4to you 2this].
Pray for us! for we are persuaded that [2a good 3conscience 1we have] in all things [3well 1wanting 2to behave].
And more exceedingly I encourage you to do this, that more quickly I should be restored to you.
And the God of peace, the one leading [5from 6the dead 1the 2shepherd 3of the 4sheep], the great one in the blood [2covenant 1of the eternal], the one of our Lord Jesus Christ,
ready you in every [2work 1good], for the doing the will of his; doing in you the thing well-pleasing before him, through Jesus Christ, to whom is the glory in the eons of the eons. Amen.
But I exhort you, brethren, endure the word of the exhortation! for also in short I wrote to you.
Know the brother Timothy having been released, with whom if [2more quickly 1he should come], I shall see you.
Greet all your leaders, and all the holy ones! [4greet 5you 1The ones 2from 3Italy].
Favor be with you all. Amen.