The Creation In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth.
But the earth was unseen and unready, and darkness was upon the abyss, and spirit of God bore upon the water.
And God said, Let there be light! And there was light.
And God beheld the light that it was good. And God parted between the light and between the darkness.
And God called the light, Day, and the darkness he called, Night; and there was evening and there was morning, day one.
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it be for parting between water and water!
And God made the firmament, and God parted between the water which was underneath the firmament, and between the water above the firmament.
And God called the firmament, Heaven. And God beheld that it was good; and there was evening and there was morning, [2day 1the second].
And God said, Let [6come together 1the 2water 3underneath 4the 5heaven] into [2gathering 1one], and let [3appear 1the 2dry land]! And it was so. And [6gathered together 1the 2water 3underneath 4the 5heaven] into their gatherings, and [3appeared 1the 2dry land].
And God called the dry land, Earth; and the collections of the waters he called, Seas. And God beheld that it was good.
And God said, Let [3grow 1the 2earth] pasturage of grass sowing seed according to type, and according to likeness, and [2tree 1the fruitful] producing fruit which the seed of it is in it, according to type upon the earth! And it was so.
And [3brought forth 1the 2earth] pasturage of grass sowing seed, according to type, and according to likeness; and [2tree 1the fruitful] producing fruit which the seed of it is in it, according to type upon the earth.
And God beheld that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, [2day 1the third].
And God said, Let there be luminaries in the firmament of the heaven for giving light upon the earth, to part between the day and between the night! And let them be for signs, and for times, and for days, and for years!
And let them be for giving light in the firmament of the heaven, so as to shine upon the earth! And it was so.
And God made the two [2luminaries 1great]; the [2luminary 1greater] for beginnings of the day, and the [2luminary 1lesser] for beginnings of the night, and the stars.
And [2put 3them 1God] in the firmament of the heaven, so as to shine upon the earth,
and to begin the day and the night, and to part between the light and between the darkness. And God beheld that it was good.
And there was evening and there was morning, [2day 1the fourth].
And God said, Let [3bring forth 1the 2waters] reptiles [2lives 1of living], and [2winged creatures 1flying] upon the earth below the firmament of the heaven! And it was so.
And God made the [2whales 1great], and every life of living creatures of reptiles which [3brought forth 1the 2waters] according to their types; and every [2winged creature 1feathered] according to type. And God beheld that it was good.
And [2blessed 3them 1God], saying, Grow and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas! And [2the 3winged creatures 1let] be multiplied upon the earth!
And there was evening and there was morning, [2day 1the fifth].
And God said, Let [3bring forth 1the 2earth 5life 4living] according to its type -- four-footed, and reptiles, and wild beasts of the earth according to type! And it was so.
And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to type, and the cattle according to their type, and all the reptiles of the earth according to type. And God beheld that it was good.
And God said, Let us make man according to [2image 1our], and according to likeness! And let them control the fishes of the sea, and the winged creatures of the heaven, and the cattle, and all the earth, and all the reptiles of the ones crawling upon the earth!
And God made man. According to the image of God he made him. Male and female he made them.
And [2blessed 3them 1God], saying, Grow and multiply, and fill the earth, and dominate it! And control the fishes of the sea, and the winged creatures of the heaven, and all the cattle, and all of the earth, and all of the reptiles of the ones crawling upon the earth!
And God said, Behold, I have given to you every grass fit for sowing a sowing of seed which is upon the earth, and every tree which has in itself a fruit seed fit for sowing; to you it will be for food,
and to all the wild beasts of the earth, and to all the winged creatures of the heaven, and to every reptile crawling upon the earth, which has in itself breath of life, even every [2grass 1green] for food. And it was so.
And God beheld all as much as he made. And behold, it was [2good 1exceedingly]. And there was evening and there was morning, [2day 1the sixth].
Completion of Heaven and Earth And [6were completed 1the 2heaven 3and 4the 5earth], and all the cosmos of them.
And God completed in the [2day 1sixth] his works which he did. And he rested on the [2day 1seventh] from all his works which he did.
And God blessed the [2day 1seventh], and sanctified it; for in it he rested from all his works -- which God began to do.
This is the book of the origin of heaven and earth, when it became, in the day [2made 1God] the heaven and the earth,
and every green field before it existed upon the earth, and all grass of the field before its rising, [4did not 1for 5rain 2the lord 3God] upon the earth, and [3man 2no 1there was] to work it.
But a spring ascended from out of the earth, and it watered all the face of the earth.
God Shapes Man And God shaped the man, [2dust 1taking] from the earth. And he breathed into his face breath of life, and [2became 1man] a [2soul 1living].
And God planted paradise in Eden according to the east, and he put there the man whom he shaped.
And [2caused to rise up 1God] yet from the earth every [2tree 1beautiful] to the sight, and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the paradise, and the tree, the one to know knowing good and evil.
And a river goes forth from Eden to water the paradise; from there it separates into four sources.
The name to the one is Phison. This is the one encircling all the land of Havilah -- [5there 1where 4is 2the 3gold].
And the gold of that land is good, and there is the carbuncle and the [2stone 1leek colored].
And the name to the [2river 1second] is Gihon. This is the one encircling all the land of Ethiopia.
And the [2river 1third] is the Tigris. This is the one going forth over against the Assyrians. And the [2river 1fourth] is the Euphrates.
And [3took 1the lord 2God] the man whom he shaped, and put him in the paradise to work it and to guard.
And [3gave charge 1the lord 2God] to Adam, saying, From all of a tree of the one in the paradise [2food 1you shall eat],
but from the tree of the knowing good and evil, you shall not eat from it; but in whatever day you should eat from it, to death you shall die.
God Makes Woman And [3said 1the lord 2God], It is not good [3to be 1for the 2man] alone, let us make for him a helper according to him!
And God shaped yet from out of the earth all the wild beasts of the field, and all the winged creatures of the heaven. And he led them to Adam, to behold what he would call them. And all what ever [2called 3it 1Adam] -- [2life 1the living], this was the name to it.
And Adam called names to all the cattle, and to all the winged creatures of the heaven, and to all the wild beasts of the field; but to Adam there was not found a helper likened to him.
And [3put 1the lord 2God] a change of state over Adam, and he slept. And he took one of his ribs, and supplied flesh against it.
And [3built 1the lord 2God] the rib which he took from Adam into a woman. And he led her to Adam.
And Adam said, This now is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh; she shall be called woman, for from the man she was taken.
Because of this [2shall leave 1man] his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and [3shall be 1the 2two] for [2flesh 1one].
And [3were 1the 2two] naked, both Adam and his wife. And they were not ashamed.
The Fall of Man But the serpent was most skilled of all the wild beasts, of the ones upon the earth whom [3made 1the lord 2God]. And [3said 1the 2serpent] to the woman, For why said God, No way should you eat from all of a tree of the paradise?
And [3said 1the 2woman], From fruit of the tree of the paradise we shall eat;
but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the paradise, God said, Eat not from it, nor touch it! that you should not die.
And [3said 1the 2serpent] to the woman, Not to death will you die.
[3knows 1For 2God] that in which ever day you should eat of it, [3will be opened wide 1your 2eyes], and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And [3beheld 1the 2woman] that [3is good 1the 2tree] for food, and that it is pleasing to the eyes to behold, and is beautiful for contemplating. And having taken the fruit of it, she ate, and she gave also to her husband with her, and they ate.
And [5were opened wide 1the 2eyes 3of the 4two], and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed leaves of a fig-tree, and made to themselves loincloths.
And they heard the voice of the lord God walking in the paradise at dusk. And [5hid 1both 2Adam 3and 4his wife] from the face of the lord God in the midst of the tree of the paradise.
And God called Adam, and said to him, Adam, Where are you?
And he said to him, [2your voice 1I heard] while walking in the paradise, and I feared, for I am naked, and I hid.
And [2said 3to him 1God], Who announced to you that you are naked, unless from the tree of which I gave charge to you, saying, This alone you are not to eat from it -- you ate.
And Adam said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave to me from the tree, and I ate.
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to the woman, What is this you did? And [3said 1the 2woman], The serpent deceived me, and I ate.
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to the serpent, Because you did this, accursed are you from all the cattle, and from all the wild beasts of the ones upon the earth. Upon your breast and belly you shall go, and earth you shall eat all the days of your life.
And [2hatred 1I will put] between you and between the woman; and between your seed and between her seed. He will give heed to your head, and you will give heed to his heel.
And to the woman he said, In multiplying I will multiply your distresses, and your moanings. In distresses you will bear children, and to your husband your submission, and he will dominate you.
And to Adam he said, Because you hearkened to the voice of your wife, and ate from the tree of which I gave charge to you, saying, This alone you are not to eat from it -- and you ate; accursed is the land among your works; in distresses you will eat it all the days of your life.
Thorn-bushes and thistles will rise to you, and you will eat the grass of the field.
By sweat of your face you will eat your bread, until the returning you into the earth from out of which you were taken. For earth you are and unto earth you will go.
And Adam called the name of his wife, Zoe, for she was mother of all the living.
And [3made 1the lord 2God] to Adam and his wife garments of skins, and he clothed them.
And God said, Behold, Adam has become as one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest at any time he might stretch out the hand, and should take from the tree of life, and should eat, and will live into the eon --
that [3ejected 4him 1the lord 2God] from the paradise of the delicacy, to work the earth from which he was taken.
And he cast out Adam, and settled him before the paradise of the delicacy, and ordered the cherubim, and the flaming [2broadsword 1turning], to guard the way of the tree of life.
Cain and Abel And Adam knew Eve his wife. And conceiving, she bore Cain, and said, I acquired a man through God.
And she added to bear his brother, Abel. And Abel became a shepherd of sheep, but Cain was working the land.
And it came to pass after some days, Cain brought from the fruits of the land a sacrifice to the lord.
And Abel brought also himself from the first-born of his sheep, and from his fatlings. And God looked upon Abel and upon his gifts.
But upon Cain and upon his sacrifices, he did not take heed. And Cain fretted exceedingly, and became downcast in the face.
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to Cain, Why [2dejected 1are you], and why is [2downcast 1your face]?
If not rightly you brought, [3rightly 1but 2not] divided, you sinned? Be still, to you shall be his submission, and you will control him!
And Cain said to Abel his brother, Let us go into the plain. And it came to pass in their being in the plain, Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and killed him.
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to Cain, Where is Abel your brother? And he said, I do not know, [2not 3the keeper 4of my brother 1I am].
And the lord said, What did you do? The voice of the blood of your brother yells to me from the ground.
And now, accursed are you from the earth which gaped wide her mouth to take the blood of your brother from your hand.
When you work the ground, and it does not add [2her strength 1to give] to you; then in moaning and trembling you will be upon the earth.
And Cain said to the lord, [2is too great 1My fault] to forgive me.
If you cast me today from the face of the earth, and from your face, I will hide, and I will be moaning and trembling upon the earth; and it will be all the ones finding me will kill me.
And [3said 4to him 1the lord 2God], Not so, all killing Cain [3seven times 2by punishing 1will be disabled]. And [3put 1the lord 2God] a sign to Cain [4to not 5do away with 6him 1for all 2finding 3him].
[3went forth 1And 2Cain] from the face of God, and he lived in the land of Nod, over against Eden.
And Cain knew his wife. And she, conceiving, bore Enoch. And he was building a city, and he named the city after the name of his son Enoch.
[3was born 1And 2to Enoch] Irad; and Irad procreated Mehujael; and Mehujael procreated Methusael; and Methusaela procreated Lamech.
And [2took 3to himself 1Lamech] two wives; the name to the one was Adah, and the name to the second was Zillah.
And Adah bore Jabel, this one was father of the ones living in tents, grazing cattle.
And the name to his brother was Jubal, this one was the one introducing the psaltery and the harp.
But Zillah also herself bore Tubal-cain, and he was a hammer-smith brazier of brass and of iron. And the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah.
[3said 1And 2Lamech] to his own wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, O wives of Lamech! Give ear to my words! for [2a man 1I killed] for giving a wound to me, and a young man for giving a stripe to me.
For [2seven times 1punishment] is for Cain, but for Lamech, seventy times seven.
[3knew 1And 2Adam] Eve his wife. And conceiving, she bore a son, and named his name Seth, saying, [3raised up 1For 4to me 2God 6seed 5another] instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.
And to Seth was born a son. And he named his name Enos; this one hoped to call upon the name of the lord God.
Genealogy of Adam This is the book of the origin of men in which day God made Adam. According to the image of God he made him.
Male and female he made them, and he blessed them. And he named his name Adam, in which day he made them.
[3lived 1And 2Adam] thirty and two hundred years. And he procreated a son according to his shape, and according to his image; and he named his name, Seth.
And came to pass the days of Adam which he lived after his procreating Seth, [2years 1seven hundred], and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Adam which he lived, thirty and nine hundred years, and he died.
[3lived 1And 2Seth] five and two hundred years, and he procreated Enos.
And Seth lived after his procreating Enos, seven years and seven hundred; and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Seth, twelve and nine hundred years, and he died.
And Enos lived [3years 1a hundred 2ninety], and he procreated Cainan.
And Enos lived after his procreating Cainan, fifteen years and seven hundred, and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Enos, five years and nine hundred, and he died.
And Cainan lived seventy and a hundred years, and he procreated Mahalaleel.
And Cainan lived after his procreating Mahalaleel, forty and seven hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Cainan, ten years and nine hundred, and he died.
And Mahalaleel lived five and sixty and a hundred years, and he procreated Jared.
And Mahalaleel lived after his procreating Jared, [4years 1thirty 2and 3seven hundred], and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Mahalaleel [6years 1five 2and 3ninety 4and 5eight hundred], and he died.
And Jared lived two and sixty years and a hundred, and he procreated Enoch.
And Jared lived after his procreating Enoch, eight hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Jared, two and sixty and nine hundred years, and he died.
And Enoch lived five and sixty and a hundred years, and he procreated Methuselah.
[3was well-pleasing 1And 2Enoch] to God. And Enoch lived after his procreating Methuseleh, two hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Enoch, five and sixty and three hundred years.
And Enoch was well-pleasing to God. And he was not found, for [2transposed 3him 1God].
And Methuselah lived seven and eighty and a hundred years, and he procreated Lamech.
And Methuselah lived after his procreating Lamech, two and eighty and seven hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Methuselah which he lived, nine and sixty and nine hundred years, and he died.
And Lamech lived eight and eighty and a hundred years, and he procreated a son.
And he named his name, Noah, saying, This one will rest us from our works, and from the distresses of our hands, and from the earth of which [3cursed 1the lord 2God].
And Lamech lived after his procreating Noah, five hundred and sixty and five years, and he procreated sons and daughters.
And came to pass all the days of Lamech, seven hundred and fifty three years, and he died.
And Noah was [2years old 1five hundred] and he procreated three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Noah Finds Favor And it came to pass when [3began 2men 1many] to become upon the earth, and daughters were born to them.
[5were beholding 1And 2the 3sons 4of God] the daughters of men, that they are good, that they took to themselves women from all of whom they chose.
And [3said 1the lord 2God], No way should [2stay 1my spirit] with these men, on account of their being flesh; [3will be 1and 2their days] a hundred twenty years.
And the giants were upon the earth in those days. And after that, [4continually 5entered 1the 2sons 3of God] to the daughters of men, and procreated for themselves. Those were the giants, the ones from the eon, the [2men 1renowned].
[4beholding 1And 2the lord 3God] that [4were multiplying 1the 2evils 3of men] upon the earth, and all that man considered in his heart was diligently upon the wicked things all the days,
and God pondered that he made the man upon the earth, and he considered it.
And [2said 1God], I will wipe away the man, whom I made, from the face of the earth; from man unto beast, and from the reptiles unto the winged creatures of the heaven; for I repented that I made them.
But Noah found favor before the lord God.
And these are the origins of Noah. Noah [2man 1was a just] being perfect in his generation; [3to God 2was well-pleasing 1Noah].
[3procreated 1And 2Noah] three sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth.
[4was corrupt 1But 2the 3earth] before God, and [3was filled 1the 2earth] with iniquity.
And [3beheld 1the lord 2God] the earth, and it was being corrupted, for [3corrupted 1all 2flesh] his way upon the earth.
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to Noah, Time for every man comes before me; for [3is filled 1the 2earth] with iniquity by means of them. And behold, I lay them waste, and the earth.
Make then for yourself an ark from [2wood 1four-cornered]! Nested compartments you shall make among the ark, and you shall apply asphalt to it -- from inside and from outside with the asphalt.
And so you shall make the ark -- three hundred cubits the length of the ark, and fifty cubits the width, and thirty cubits the height of it.
By an assembling, you shall make the ark; and by a cubit you shall complete it from above; but the door of the ark you shall make from out of the side. [3with ground 4second stories 5and 6third stories 1You shall make 2it].
And I, behold, I bring the flood of water upon the earth to lay waste all flesh in which is a breath of life underneath the heaven. And as much as might be upon the earth shall come to an end.
And I will establish my covenant with you. And you shall enter into the ark, you and your sons, and your wife, and the wives of your sons with you.
And from all the cattle, and from all the reptiles, and from all the wild beasts, and from all flesh, two by two from all you shall bring into the ark, that you may maintain them with yourself -- male and female they shall be.
From all the fowl according to type, and from all the cattle according to type, and from all the reptiles crawling upon the earth according to their type; two by two from all shall enter to you, to be maintained with you, male and female.
But you shall take to yourself from all of the foods which you shall eat, and you shall bring them together to yourself, and it shall be to you and to them to eat.
And Noah did all as much as [3gave charge 4to him 1the lord 2God] -- so he did.
The Flood And [3said 1the lord 2God] to Noah, Enter, you and all your house into the ark! for I beheld you as just before me among this generation.
And of the [2cattle 1clean], bring in for yourself seven by seven, male and female! but from the cattle of the ones not clean, two by two, male and female.
And from the winged creatures of the heaven, of the clean, seven by seven, male and female; and from all the winged creatures of the ones not clean, two by two, male and female, to maintain seed upon all the earth.
For yet [2days 1seven] I will bring rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights. And I will wipe away every height which I made from the face of all the earth.
And Noah did all as much as [3gave charge 4to him 1the lord 2God].
And Noah was [2years old 1six hundred], and the flood of the water came upon the earth.
[3entered 1And 2Noah], and his sons, and his wife, and the wives of his sons with him, into the ark, because of the water of the flood.
And from the winged creatures of the clean, and from the winged creatures of the ones not clean, and from the cattle of the ones clean, and from the cattle of the ones not clean, and from the wild beasts, and from all of the ones crawling upon the earth,
two by two they entered with Noah into the ark, male and female, as [2gave charge 3to him 1God].
And it came to pass after the seven days, and the water of the flood came upon the earth.
In the six hundredth year in the life of Noah, the second month, seventh and twentieth of the month, in this day, [6tore 1all 2the 3springs 4of the 5abyss], and the torrents of the heaven were opened.
And [2was 1rain] upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
In this day entered Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, the sons of Noah, and the wife of Noah, and the three wives of his sons with him into the ark.
And all the wild beasts according to type, and all the cattle according to type, and every reptile moving upon the earth, according to type, and every winged creature according to type,
they entered with Noah, into the ark, two by two, male and female, from all flesh in which there is a breath of life.
And the ones entering, male and female, from all flesh, entered as God gave charge to Noah. And [3locked 1the lord 2God] the ark from outside of it.
And came to pass the flood forty days and forty nights. And [3multiplied 1the 2water] and lifted up the ark, and raised it up high from the earth.
And [3prevailed 1the 2water] and multiplied exceedingly upon the earth. And [3was borne 1the 2ark] upon the water.
But the water prevailed exceedingly exceedingly upon the earth, and covered all the [2mountains 1high] which were underneath the heaven.
Fifteen cubits above was [3raised 1the 2water], and it covered over all the [2mountains 1high].
And there died all flesh moving upon the earth of the winged creatures, and of the cattle, and from wild beasts, and every reptile moving upon the earth, and every man,
and all as much as have the breath of life, and all which was upon the dry land died.
And he wiped away every height which was upon the face of all the earth, from man unto beast, and reptiles, and the winged creatures of the heaven; and they were wiped away from the earth; and he left behind only Noah and the ones with him in the ark.
And [3was raised up high 1the 2water] from the earth [3days 1a hundred 2fifty].
The Ark Settles on Ararat And God called to mind Noah, and all of the wild beasts, and all of the cattle, and all of the winged creatures, and all of the crawling things, as much as was with him in the ark. And God brought a wind upon the earth, and [3abated 1the 2water].
And were revealed the springs of the abyss and the torrents of the heaven. And [3was constrained 1the 2rain] from the heaven.
And [3gave way 1the 2water] going from the earth; and [3was lessened 1the 2water] after fifty and a hundred days.
And [3settled 1the 2ark] in the seventh month, the seventh and twentieth of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.
And the water going forth lessened unto the tenth month. In the first of the month, [5appeared 1the 2heads 3of the 4mountains].
And it came to pass after forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark which he made. And he sent forth the crow to see if [3abated 1the 2water].
And going forth it returned not until the drying of the water from the earth.
And he sent the dove after it to see if [3abated 1the 2water] from the earth.
And [3no 4finding 1the 2dove] rest for her feet, returned to him into the ark, for water was upon all the face of the earth. And stretching out the hand, he took her to himself, and he brought her into the ark.
And waiting still [3days 2seven 1another], again he sent out the dove from the ark.
And [3returned 4to 5him 1the 2dove]; and she had [3leaf 2of an olive 1a twig] in her mouth; and Noah knew that [3abated 1the 2water] from the earth.
And waiting still [3days 2seven 1another]; again he sent out the dove; and she proceeded not to return to him again.
And it came to pass in the one and six hundredth year in the life of Noah, the first month, day one of the month, [3subsided 1the 2water] from the earth. And Noah uncovered the roof of the ark which he made. And he beheld that [3subsided 1the 2water] from the face of the earth.
And in the [2month 1second], seventh and twentieth of the month, [3was dried 1the 2earth].
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to Noah, saying,
Come forth from out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons, and the wives of your sons with you!
And all flesh from winged creatures unto cattle, and every reptile moving upon the earth, lead out with yourself! And grow and multiply upon the earth!
And Noah came forth, and his wife, and his sons, and the wives of his sons with him.
And all the wild beasts, and all the cattle, and every winged creature, and every reptile moving upon the earth, according to their type, came forth from the ark.
And Noah built an altar to the lord. And he took from all the [2cattle 1clean], and from all the [2winged creatures 1clean], and offered them for a whole burnt-offering upon the altar.
And the lord smelled the scent of pleasant aroma. And [3said 1the lord 2God], In considering, I will not add yet to curse the earth on account of the works of men, for [4clings 1the 2thought 3of man] upon the wicked things from his youth. I will not add then still to strike all [2flesh 1living] as I did.
All the days of the earth, seed and harvest, chilliness and sweltering heat, summer and spring, day and night, will not be caused to cease.
God's Covenant with Noah And God blessed Noah, and his sons, and said to them, Grow and multiply, and fill the earth, and dominate it!
And the fear of you and trembling will be upon all the wild beasts of the earth, upon all the winged creatures of the heaven, and upon all the things moving upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Under your hands I have given them to you.
And every reptile which is living shall be to you for food; as [3vegetation 4of grass 1I have given 5to you 2all].
Except [3meat 4with 5the blood 6of life 1you shall not 2eat].
For even your blood -- of the blood of your lives at the hand of all the wild beasts I shall require it, and from the hand of a man's brother I shall require it.
The one shedding blood of a man, in return his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God I made the man.
But you grow, and multiply, and fill the earth, and multiply upon the earth!
And God said to Noah, and to his sons, saying,
Behold, I raise up my covenant to you, and to your seed after you,
and every [2soul 1living] after you, from fowls and from cattle, and with all the wild beasts of the earth, as many as are with you, from all the ones coming forth from out of the ark.
And I will establish my covenant with you, and [3will not 4die 1all 2flesh] any longer from the water of the flood; and there shall not be any longer a flood of water to lay waste all the earth.
And God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant which I execute between me and you, and between every [2soul 1living], as many as are with you for [2generations 1eternal].
[2my bow 1I put] in the cloud, and it will be for a sign of covenant between me and the earth.
And it will be in my collecting together the clouds upon the earth, [3will be seen 1the 2bow] in the cloud.
And I will remember my covenant which is between me and you, and between every [2soul 1living] among all flesh. And there will not be any longer the water for a flood so as to wipe away all flesh.
And [2will be 1my bow] in the cloud; and I will see it to remember [2covenant 1the eternal] between me and the earth, and between [2soul 1the living] which is in all flesh upon the earth.
And God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant of which I ordained between me and between all flesh which is upon the earth.
Shem, Ham and Japheth And these were the sons of Noah, the ones coming forth from the ark, Shem, Ham, Japheth. And Ham was father of Canaan.
These three are the sons of Noah. From these, men were disseminated upon all the earth.
And [3began 1Noah 2the man] to be a farmer of the land. And he planted a vineyard,
and drank from the wine, and became intoxicated, and became naked in his house.
And [5looked at 1Ham 2the 3father 4of Canaan] the nakedness of his father; and going forth, he announced it [2two 3brothers 1to his] outside.
And [4taking 1Shem 2and 3Japheth] the cloak, placed it upon [2two 3backs 1their], and went backwards, and they covered up the nakedness of their father; and their face was backwards, and [3the 4nakedness 5of their father 1they did not 2look at].
[3sobered up 1And 2Noah] from the wine, and knew as much as [4did 5to him 3son 1his 2younger].
And he said, Accursed be Canaan -- a child, [2a domestic servant 1he will be] to his brothers.
And he said, Blessed be the lord God of Shem, and Canaan will be [3servant 2domestic 1his].
May God widen to Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan become their servant.
[3lived 1And 2Noah] after the flood three hundred fifty years.
And [5were 1all 2the 3days 4of Noah] nine hundred fifty years, and he died.
The Generations of Noah And these are the generations of the sons of Noah -- Shem, Ham, Japheth. And were born to them sons after the flood.
The sons of Japheth -- Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
And the sons of Gomer -- Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
And the sons of Javan -- Elisha, and Tarshish, Kittim, Dodanim.
From out of these were separated islands of the nations in their land, each according to tongue, among their tribes, and among their nations.
And the sons of Ham -- Cush, and Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan.
And the sons of Cush -- Seba and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah. And the sons of Raamah - Sheba and Dedan.
And Cush procreated Nimrod. This one began to be a giant upon the earth.
This one was a giant hunter with hounds before the lord God. On account of this they shall say, As Nimrod a giant hunter with hounds before the lord.
And came to pass the beginning of his kingdom -- Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.
From out of that land came forth Assyria. And he built Nineveh, also in the midst of Calah --
this is the [2city 1great].
And Mizraim procreated the Ludim, and the Naphtuhim, and the Anamim, and the Lehabim,
and the Pathrusim and the Casluhim, from where came forth the Philistines, and the Caphtorim.
And Canaan procreated Sidon the first-born,
and the Hittite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite, and the Hivite, and the Arkite,
and the Sinite,
the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite, and after these were scattered the tribes of the Canaanites.
And [5were 1the 2boundaries 3of the 4Canaanites] from Sidon unto the coming into Gerar and Gaza, unto the coming unto Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, unto Lasha.
These are the sons of Ham among their tribes, according to their languages, among their regions, and among their nations.
And to Shem was born, even to him, the father of all the sons of Eber, brother of Japheth the greater.
Sons of Shem -- Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Cainan.
And the sons of Aram -- Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash.
And Arphaxad procreated Cainan; and Cainan procreated Salah; and Salah procreated Eber.
And to Eber were born two sons, the name given to the one was Peleg; for in his days [3was divided into parts 1the 2earth]; and the name of his brother was Joktan.
And Joktan procreated Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah
and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah,
and Obal and Abimael Sheba,
and Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.
And [2was 1their dwelling] from Mesha unto the coming into Sephar, a mountain of the east.
These are the sons of Shem among their tribes, according to their languages, among their regions, and among their nations.
These are the tribes of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, according to their nations. From these were scattered islands of the nations upon the earth after the flood.
Tower of Confusion And [4was 1all 2the 3earth 6lip 5one], and [2voice 1one] to all.
And it came to pass in their moving from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.
And [2said 1a man] to his neighbor, Come let us make bricks, and let us bake them in fire. And [3became 4to them 1the 2brick] as stone, and asphalt was their mortar.
And they said, Come let us build to ourselves a city and tower of which the top will be unto the heaven. And let us make to ourselves a name before the being scattered upon the face of all the earth.
And the lord went down to look at the city and the tower, which [4built 1the 2sons 3of men].
And the lord said, Behold, there is [2kind 1one] and [2lip 1one] for all, and this they began to do. The things now shall not fail from them, all as much as they might attempt to do.
Come, and going down, let us confound their language, that they should not [2hearken to 1each] the voice of the neighbor.
And the lord scattered them from there upon the face of all the earth; and they ceased building the city and the tower.
On account of this [4was called 1the 2name 3of it] Confusion, because there the lord confounded the lips of all the earth, and from there [3scattered 4them 1the 2 lord] upon the face of all the earth.
Generations of Shem And these are the generations of Shem. And Shem was a hundred years old when he procreated Arphaxad, the second year after the flood.
And Shem lived after his procreating Arphaxad, five and thirty and three-hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Arphaxad lived a hundred thirty five years, and he procreated Cainan.
And Arphaxad lived after his procreating Cainan, [3years 1three hundred 2thirty], and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years, and he procreated Salah. And Cainan lived after his procreating Salah, [3years 1three hundred 2thirty], and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Salah lived a hundred thirty years, and he procreated Eber.
And Salah lived after his procreating Eber, three hundred thirty years, and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Eber lived a hundred thirty four years, and he procreated Peleg.
And Eber lived after his procreating Peleg, [3years 1three hundred 2seventy], and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Peleg lived thirty and a hundred years, and he procreated Reu.
And Peleg lived after his procreating Reu, nine and two hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Reu lived a hundred thirty and two years. and he procreated Serug.
And Reu lived after his procreating Serug two hundred seven years, and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Serug lived a hundred thirty years, and he procreated Nahor.
And Serug lived after his procreating Nahor, [2years 1two hundred], and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Nahor lived [3years 1seventy 2nine], and he procreated Terah.
And Nahor lived after his procreating Terah, [3years 1a hundred 2twenty-nine], and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died.
And Terah lived seventy years and he procreated Abram and Nahor and Haran.
Generations of Terah And these are the generations of Terah. Terah procreated Abram, and Nahor, and Haran. And Haran procreated Lot.
And Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in the land in which he was procreated, in the region of the Chaldeans.
And [4took 1Abram 2and 3Nahor] to themselves wives. The name of the wife of Abram was Sarai, and the name of the wife of Nahor was Milcha, daughter of Haran. And he was the father of Milcha, and father of Iscah.
And Sarai was sterile, and not able to produce children.
And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, the son of his son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, the wife of Abram his son. And he led them from out of the region of the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan. And they came unto Haran and dwelt there.
And were the days of Terah in Haran, two hundred five years; and Terah died in Haran.
Abram and Lot Enter Canaan And the lord said to Abram, Come forth from out of your land, and from your kin, and from the house of your father, and come into the land which ever I shall show to you.
And I will make you into [2nation 1a great], and I will bless you, and I will magnify your name, and you will be a blessing.
And I will bless the ones blessing you; and the ones cursing you, I will curse. And [6will be blessed 7by 8you 1all 2the 3tribes 4of the 5earth].
And Abram went just as [2spoke 3to him 1the lord]. And [2set out 3with 4him 1Lot]. And Abram was [2years old 1seventy-five] when he came forth from out of Haran.
And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot the son of his brother, and all their possessions, as much as they acquired, and every soul which they acquired from out of Haran. And they went forth to go into the land of Canaan. And they entered into the land of Canaan.
And Abram traveled through the land unto the place of Shechem unto the [2oak 1high]. And the Canaanites then dwelt the land.
And the lord appeared to Abram, and said to him, [3to 4your seed 1I will give 2this land]. And [2built 3there 1Abram] an altar to the lord, to the one appearing to him.
And he left from there into the mountain according to the east of Beth-el. And he set up there his tent in Beth-el according to the west, and Hai according to the east. And he built there an altar to the lord, and he called upon the name of the lord.
And Abram departed; and going he encamped in the wilderness.
Abram and Sarai in Egypt And there was a famine upon the land. And Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, for [3grew in strength 1the 2famine] upon the land.
And it was when Abram approached to enter into Egypt, Abram said to Sarai his wife, I know that [3woman 2a good-looking 1you are].
It will be then as when [3shall see 4you 1the 2Egyptians] they will say that his wife is this one, and they will kill me, [3you 1and 2procure].
Say then that! [2his sister 1I am]. so that [2good 3to me 1it may become] on account of you, and [2shall live 1my soul] because of you.
And it came to pass when Abram entered into Egypt, [3were looking at 1the 2Egyptians] his wife, for [3beautiful 1she was 2exceedingly].
And [4beheld 5her 1the 2rulers 3of Pharaoh], and praised her to Pharaoh; and they brought her into the house to Pharaoh.
And [2Abram 3well 1they treated] on account of her, and there existed to him sheep, and calves, and donkeys, and manservants, and maidservants, and mules and camels.
And the lord chastised Pharaoh [4chastisements 1with great 2and 3severe], and his house, on account of Sarai the wife of Abram.
[3calling 1And 2Pharaoh] Abram, said, What is this you did to me, that you reported not to me that [2wife 1she is your]?
Why did you say that, [2my sister 1She is]; and I took her to myself as wife? And now, behold, your wife is before you -- taking her run from me!
And Pharaoh charged the men concerning Abram, to escort him out, and his wife, and all, as much as was his, and Lot with him.
Abram and Lot Part [3ascended 1And 2Abram] from out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all of his, and Lot with him, into the wilderness.
And Abram was [2rich 1exceedingly] in cattle, and silver, and gold.
And he went from where he came into the wilderness, unto Beth-el, unto the place where [3was 1his tent 2formerly], between Beth-el and between Hai;
unto the place of the altar which he made there at the beginning. And [2called upon 6there 1Abram 3the 4name 5of the lord].
And to Lot, the one going forth with Abram, was sheep, and oxen, and cattle.
And [3did not 4have space 5for them 1the 2land] to dwell together, for [2were 1their possessions] many, and they were not able to dwell together.
And there was a battle between the herdsmen of the cattle of Abram, and between the herdsmen of the cattle of Lot. And the Canaanites and the Perizzites then inhabited the land.
[3said 1And 2Abram] to Lot, Do not let there be a battle between me and you, and between your herdsmen and between my herdsmen! for [2men 4brothers 3are 1we].
[3not 1Behold 4all 5the 6earth 7before 8you 2is]? Part yourself from me! If you go to the left, I will go to the right; but if you go to the right, I will go to the left.
And Lot, lifting up his eyes, looked upon all the place round about the Jordan, that all was watered (before the eradicating by God of Sodom and Gomorrah) as the paradise of God, and as the land of Egypt unto coming into Zoar.
And Lot chose to himself all the place round about the Jordan. And Lot departed from the east. And they were parted, each from his brother.
And Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in a city of the place round about, and he pitched a tent in Sodom.
But the men in Sodom were wicked and sinners before God, exceedingly.
God Promises Land And God said to Abram, after Lot parted from him, Look up with your eyes, and behold from the place which [3now 1you 2are], to the north and south, and east, and west!
That all the land which you see, [3to you 1I will give 2it], and to your seed, unto the eon.
And I will make your seed as the sand of the earth. If [2is able 1anyone] to count out the sand of the earth, then [2your seed 1they shall count out].
In rising up, you travel through the land unto both the length of it and unto the width; for to you I shall give it, and to your seed, into the eon.
And moving his tent, Abram came and dwelt around the oak of Mamre, which was in Hebron. And he built there an altar to the lord.
Abram Rescues Lot And it came to pass in the kingdom of Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar, and Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations,
they made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, and with Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and king Bela -- this is Zoar.
All these joined in harmony upon the [2ravine 1salty], this being the sea of salts.
Twelve years they slaved to Chedorlaomer, but in the thirteenth year they revolted.
And in the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer came and the kings with him. And they cut in pieces the giants, of the ones in Astaroth Karnaim, and [2nations 1the strong] together with them, and the Emim in Shaveh the city,
and the Horites, the ones in the mountains of Seir, unto the terebinth tree of El-paran, which is in the wilderness.
And returning, they came upon the Spring of Judgment, this is Kadesh. And they cut in pieces all the rulers of Amalek, and the Amorites, of the ones dwelling in Hazezon-tamar.
And came forth the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela -- this is Zoar. And they deployed themselves for war in the [2valley 1salty]
against Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar -- the four kings against the five.
And the [2valley 1salty] had wells of asphalt, [4fled 1and 2the king 3of Sodom], and the king of Gomorrah, and they fell in there; and the ones being left behind fled into the mountainous area.
And they took [2the 3cavalry 1all] of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their foods, and they went forth.
And they took also Lot, the son of the brother of Abram, and his belongings, and moved -- for he was dwelling in Sodom.
[5coming 1And 3of the 4ones being rescued 2a certain person], reported to Abram, to the traveler. And he dwelt at the oak of Mamre the Amorite of the brother of Eshcol, and the brother of Aner, who were confederates of Abram.
[3having heard 1And 2Abram] that [4has been captured 1Lot 2the son 3of his brother], counted out [2own 3native-born servants 1his], three hundred ten and eight. And he pursued unto Dan.
And he fell upon them at night, he and his manservants. And he struck them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is at the left of Damascus.
And he returned all the cavalry of Sodom; and [2Lot 3the son 4of his brother 1he returned], and all his possessions, and the women, and the people.
[4came forth 1And 2the king 3of Sodom] to meet him, after his returning from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and the kings with him, into the valley of Shaveh -- this was the plain of the king.
Melchisedek King of Salem And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread loaves and wine. And he was priest of God the highest.
And he blessed him. And he said, Abram, a blessing to God the highest, who created the heaven and the earth.
And blessed be God the highest who delivered up your enemies under your hands to you. And [2gave 3to him 1Abram] a tenth from all.
And said the king of Sodom to Abram, Give to me the men, but the cavalry you take to yourself!
[3said 1And 2Abram] to the king of Sodom, I will stretch out my hand to the lord God the highest, who created the heaven and the earth,
that not [2from 3the string 4unto 5the knob 6of the shoe 1will I take for myself] from all of your things, that you should not have said that, I enriched Abram;
except what [3ate 1the 2young men] and the portion of the men, of the ones going with me, Eshcol, Aner, Mamre; these will take for themselves a portion.
God Promises Offspring And after these words came the word of the lord to Abram in a vision, saying, Do not fear Abram, I will shield you. Your wage [3much 1will be 2exceedingly].
[3says 1And 2Abram], Master, O lord, what will you give to me, for I am wasting away childless, but the son of Masek of my native-born maid servant, this Damascus Eliezer is heir?
And Abram said, Since to me you gave not a seed, then my native-born servant will be heir to me.
And straightly the voice of the lord came to him, saying, [2will not 3be heir 4to you 1This one], another will come forth from you, this one will be heir to you.
And he led him outside, and said to him, Look up indeed into the heaven, and count out the stars, if you are able to count them! And he said, Thus will be your seed.
And Abram trusted in God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.
And he said to him, I am the God leading you from out of the place of the Chaldeans, so as to give to you this land to inherit.
And he said, Master, O lord, how will I know that I will inherit it?
And he said to him, Take for me a heifer being three years old, and a goat being three years old, and a ram being three years old, and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon!
And he took to himself all these, and he divided them in the middle, and put them facing one another; but the birds he did not divide.
[3came down 1And 2birds] upon the [3bodies 1pieces 2of their], and [2sat down 3with them 1Abram].
And about [2of the sun 1the descent] a change of state fell upon Abram. And behold, [3fear 2dark 1a great] fell upon him.
And it was said to Abram, In knowing you will know that [3a sojourner 2will be 1your seed] in a land not their own, and they will enslave them, and will afflict them, and humble them four hundred years.
But the nation which ever they may be slave to, I will judge. And after these things they shall come forth here with [2belongings 1much].
But you shall go forth to your fathers with peace, being entombed in [2old age 1a good].
And the fourth generation shall return here, for not yet have [5been filled up 1the 2sins 3of the 4Amorites] unto the present.
And when the sun was in descent, a flame came, and behold, there was an oven smoking; and there were lamps of fire which went through in the midst of these pieces.
In that day the lord ordained a covenant with Abram, saying, To your seed I will give this land, from the river of Egypt unto the river of the great Euphrates,
the Kenites, and the Kenizites, and the Kadmonites,
and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Raphaim,
and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.
Sarai and Hagar And Sarai, the wife of Abram, bore not to him. But there was to her a maidservant, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.
[3said 1And 2Sarai] to Abram, Behold, [2closed me up 1the lord] to not bear. Enter then to my maidservant, that I may produce children from her! [3obeyed 1And 2Abram] the voice of Sarai.
And [4having taken 1the 2wife 3of Abram] Hagar the Egyptian her maidservant, after ten years of living with Abram in the land of Canaan, and she gave her to Abram her husband to him for wife.
And he entered to Hagar, and she conceived. And she saw that [2in 3the womb 1she had a child], and [3was dishonored 1the 2lady] before her.
[3said 1And 2Sarai] to Abram, I am being wronged because of you. I gave my maidservant to your bosom. And seeing that [2a child in 3the womb 1she had] I was dishonored before her. May God judge between me and you.
[3said 1And 2Abram] to Sarai, Behold, your maidservant is in your hands, treat her however [2pleasing to you 1might be]. And [2maltreated 3her 1Sarai], and she ran away from her face.
[4found 1And 5her 2the angel 3of the lord] upon the spring of water in the wilderness, upon the land in the way of Shur.
And [4said 5to her 1the 2angel 3of the lord], Hagar, maidservant of Sarai, from what place do you come, and where do you go? And she said, [3from 4the face 5of Sarai 6my lady 1I 2am running away].
[5said 1And 6to her 2the 3angel 4of the lord], You return to your lady, and be humble under her hands!
And [4said 5to her 1the 2angel 3of the lord], In multiplying I will multiply your seed, and it shall not be counted because of the multitude.
Birth of Ishmael And [4said 5to her 1the 2angel 3of the lord], Behold, you [2in 3the womb 1have a child], and you shall bear a son, and you shall call his name, Ishmael, for the lord heeded your humiliation.
This one will be a rugged man; his hands will be upon all, and the hands of all upon him. And [2before 3the face 4of all 5his brothers 1he will dwell].
And she called the name of the lord, the one speaking to her, You, the God, the one looking upon me; for she said, For even face to face I beheld the one appearing to me.
Because of this she called the well, Well of which [2Face to Face 1I Beheld]. Behold, it is between Kadesh and between Bared.
And Hagar bore to Abram a son. And Abram called the name of his son, whom [2bore 3to him 1Hagar], Ishmael.
And Abram was [2years old 1eighty-six] when Hagar bore to Abram, Ishmael.
Covenant and Circumcision [3was 1And 2Abram 5years old 4ninety-nine], and the lord appeared to Abram, and he said to him, I am your God, you are well-pleasing before me -- then be blameless!
And I will establish my covenant between me and between you, and I will multiply you exceedingly.
And Abram fell upon his face. And [2spoke 3to him 1God], saying,
And behold, my covenant is with you, and you will be father of a multitude of nations.
And [2will not 3be called 4any longer 1your name], Abram; but [2will be 1your name] Abraham, for [3father 4of many 5nations 1I have appointed 2you].
And I will increase you exceedingly exceedingly. And I will establish you for nations; and kings [2from 3you 1will come forth].
And I will establish my covenant between me and between you, and between your seed after you, unto their generations, for [2covenant 1an eternal], to be your God, and with your seed after you.
And I will give to you and to your seed after you the land which you sojourn, all the land of Canaan for [2possession 1an eternal]. And I myself will be to them for God.
And God said to Abraham, You also [2my covenant 1shall observe], and your seed after you for their generations.
And this is the covenant which you shall observe between me and you, and between your seed after you. [4shall be circumcised 3to you 1Every 2male].
And you shall be circumcised of the flesh of your foreskin. And it will be for a sign of covenant between me and you.
And a male child eight days old shall be circumcised by you -- every male into your generations; the native-born servant of your house, and the one bought with silver, from every son of an alien who is not from your seed.
By circumcision he shall be circumcised -- the native-born servant of your house, and the one bought with silver. And [2will be 1my covenant] upon your flesh for [2covenant 1an eternal].
And the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin in the [2day 1eighth], [2shall be utterly destroyed 1that soul] from its race, for my covenant he effaced.
And God said to Abraham, Sarai your wife -- [2shall not 3be called 1her name] Sarai, but, Sarah will be her name.
The Promise of a Son And I will bless her, and give to you from her a child. And I will bless it, and it will be for nations; and kings of nations [2from 3him 1will be].
And Abraham fell upon his face and laughed. And he said in his mind, saying, Shall to the hundred year old be a son? And shall Sarah at ninety years bear?
[3said 1And 2Abraham] to God, Ishmael, this one, let him live before you!
[3said 1And 2God] to Abraham, Yes, behold, Sarah your wife will bear to you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will establish my covenant with him, for [2covenant 1an eternal], and to his seed after him.
And concerning Ishmael, behold, I heeded you. And behold, I shall bless him, and I will increase him, and I will multiply him exceedingly. Twelve nations he will procreate, and I will make him for [2nation 1a great].
But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom [2shall bear 3to you 1Sarah] at this time in [2year 1another].
And he completed speaking to him. And God ascended from Abraham.
And Abraham took Ishmael, his son, and all his native-born servants, and all the ones bought with silver, and every male of the men in the house of Abraham. And he circumcised their foreskins in [2time 3of the 4day 1that], as [2spoke 3to him 1God].
And Abraham [2ninety-nine 1was] years old when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin.
And Ishmael his son was [2years old 1thirteen] when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin.
In [2time 3of the 4day 1that] Abraham was circumcised, and Ishmael his son,
and all the males of his house, and the native-born servants, and the ones bought with silver from foreign nations.
The LORD Appears at Mamre [3appeared 1And 4to him 2God] before the oak in Mamre, at his sitting near the door of his tent at midday.
And lifting up his eyes he saw; and behold, three men had set upon him. And seeing, he ran up to meet with them from the door of his tent. And he did obeisance upon the ground.
And he said, O Lord, if surely I found favor before you, you should not go by your servant.
Let there be taken now water, and let them wash your feet, and be cooled under the tree!
And I will bring bread, and you shall eat, and after this you shall go in your journey, because of which you turned aside to your servant. And they said, Thus do as you have said!
And Abraham hastened unto the tent to Sarah. And he said to her, Hasten and mix up three measures of fine flour, and make a cake baked in hot ashes!
And [2to 3the 4oxen 1Abraham ran], and he took a tender [3young calf 1and 2good], and gave it to the servant; and he hastened to prepare it.
And he took butter, and milk, and the young calf which he prepared, and placed it near to them, and they ate. And he stood beside them under the tree.
And he said to him, Where is Sarah your wife? And answering he said, Behold, in the tent.
And he said, Returning, I will come to you according to this time to the hour; and [3will have 4a son 1Sarah 2your wife]. And Sarah heard by the door of the tent, being behind him.
And Abraham and Sarah were older, advanced of days, [3ceased 1and 2Sarah] to be in the feminine ways.
[3laughed 1And 2Sarah] in herself, saying, For not yet has it happened to me until now, and my lord is older.
And the lord said to Abraham, Why is it that Sarah laughed in herself, saying, Indeed is it truly I will bear, and I have grown old?
Is [2impossible 3to 4the lord 1the saying]? At this time to the hour I will return to you, and there will be to Sarah a son.
[3denied 1But 2Sarah], saying, I did not laugh; for she feared. And he said to her, No, but you laughed!
And having risen up from there, the men looked down upon the face of Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abraham went with them, escorting them.
And the lord said, No way shall I hide from Abraham my servant what I do.
[3to Abraham 1But 2coming to pass], he will be made into [4nation 1a great 2and 3populous], and [6shall be blessed 7by 8him 1all 2the 3nations 4of the 5earth].
For I had known that he will order his sons, and his house after him; and they will guard the ways of the lord, to do righteousness and judgment; that the lord may bring upon Abraham all as much as he said to him.
[3said 1And 2the lord], The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah has multiplied towards me, and their sins are great, exceedingly.
Going down then, I will see if it is according to their cry, the cry coming to me that they exhaust; and if not, that I may know.
And turning back from there, the men came unto Sodom. And Abraham was still standing before the lord.
And Abraham approaching, said, You would not destroy together the just with the impious, and [3will be 1the 2just] as the impious?
If there might be fifty just in the city, will you destroy them? Will you not spare all the place because of the fifty just, if there should be so in it?
By no means shall you do as this saying, to kill the just with the impious, and [3shall be 1the 2just] as the impious; by no means, O one judging all the earth. Will you not execute judgment?
[3said 1And 2the lord], If there should be in Sodom fifty just in the city, I will leave off doing so to all the place on account of them.
And Abraham responding said, Now that I began to speak to my Lord, and I am earth and ashes.
But if [4may be lessened 1the 2fifty 3just] to forty-five, will you destroy because of the five, all the city? And he said, No way will I destroy if I find there forty-five.
And he added yet to speak to him. And he said, But if there may be found there forty? And he said, No way should I destroy because of the forty.
And he said, Much less, O Lord, if I may speak, but if there may be found there thirty? And he said, No way will I destroy because of the thirty.
And he said, Since I have taken to speak to the Lord, but if there may be found there twenty? And he said, No way will I destroy if I should find there twenty.
And he said, Much less, O Lord, if I may speak still once more, but if there may be found there ten? And he said, No way will I destroy because of the ten.
[3went forth 1And 2the lord] as he ceased speaking to Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.
Eradication of Sodom and Gomorrah [5came 1And 2the 3two 4angels] into Sodom at evening. And Lot settled by the city of Sodom. And seeing, Lot rose up to meet them, and did obeisance with his face upon the ground.
And he said, Behold lords, turn aside to the house of your servant, and rest up, and wash your feet! that rising early you may go forth into your way. And they said, No, but in the square we will rest up.
And he constrained them, and they turned aside towards him, and entered unto his house. And he made for them a banquet, and [2unleavened breads 1he baked] for them, and they ate.
Before putting to bed, the men of the city, the Sodomites, surrounded the house, from the young man unto the older, all the people together.
And they called forth Lot. And they said to him, Where are they, the men, the ones entering to you this night? Lead them to us, that we may be intimate with them!
[3came forth 1And 2Lot] to them, to the threshold, [3the 1and 4door 2he shut] behind him.
And he said to them, By no means, brethren, should you do wickedly.
But there are to me two daughters who knew not a man. I will lead them to you, and you treat them as pleases you! Only to these men you should not do unjust, because they entered under the protection of my beams.
And they said to him, You left there to enter here to sojourn, and not [2with judgment 1to judge]. Now then to you we will inflict evil rather than them. And they were pressing the man Lot exceedingly, and they approached to break the door.
[4stretching out 1And 2the 3men] the hands, drew Lot towards themselves into the house, and the door of the house they locked.
And the men being at the door of the house were struck with inability to see, from small unto great, and they were disabled in seeking the door.
[4said 1And 2the 3men] to Lot, Are there [2to you 3here 1in-laws], or sons or daughters? Or if [2any 4to you 3other 1there is] in the city you lead them out of this place!
For we destroy this place. For [2was raised up high 1their cry] before the lord, and [2sent 3us 1the lord] to obliterate it.
[3went forth 1And 2Lot] and spoke to his sons-in-law, the ones taking his daughters. And he said, Rise up, and come forth from out of this place, for the lord is obliterating the city. [4he seemed 1But 5to be joking 2before 3his sons-in-law].
And when dawn came [3hurried 1the 2angels] Lot, saying, In rising up, take your wife and [2two 3daughters 1your] whom you have, and come forth! that [3not 4also 1you 2should] be destroyed together in the lawlessnesses of the city.
And they were disturbed, and [3held 1the 2angels] his hand, and the hand of his wife, and the hands [2two 3daughters 1of his], in the lord sparing him.
And it came to pass when they led them outside, and said, By escaping escape with your own life! You should not look round about to the rear, nor stand in any round about place. [2into 3the 4mountain 1Escape]! lest at any time you may be taken along with them.
[3said 1And 2Lot] to them, I beseech, O lord,
since [2found 1your servant] favor before you, and you magnified your righteousness, which you do unto me, that [2may live 1my soul], but I will not be able to come through safe into the mountain, lest [2overtake 3me 1evils] and I die.
Behold, this city is near for me to take refuge there, which is small, there I will be delivered. [2not 3a small thing 1Is it] that [2will live 1my soul] because of you?
And he said to him, Behold, I admired your countenance over this saying, that I should not eradicate the city, concerning of which you spoke.
You hasten then to escape there, [3not 1for 2I will] be able to do the thing until you go there! On account of this he called the name of that city, Zoar.
The sun came up upon the earth, and Lot entered into Zoar.
And the lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah sulphur and fire from the lord from out of heaven.
And he eradicated these cities, and all the place round about, and all the ones dwelling in the cities, and the things rising from out of the ground.
Lot's Wife Becomes a Monument of Salt And [2looked 1his wife] unto the rear, and she became a monument of salt.
[3rose early 1And 2Abraham] in the morning to the place of which he had stood before the lord.
And he looked upon the face of Sodom and Gomorrah, and upon the face of the place round about. And he saw. And behold, [2ascended 1a flame] from out of the earth, as vapor of a furnace.
And it came to pass in God obliterating all the [2cities 1adjacent], God remembered Abraham, and he sent out Lot from the middle of the final event, in the eradicating the cities in which [2dwelt 3in 4them 1Lot].
Incest Between Lot and His Daughters [3came forth 1And 2Lot] from out of Zoar, and settled in the mountain, and the two daughters of his with him; for he feared dwelling in Zoar. And he dwelt in the cave, he and the two daughters of his with him.
[4said 1And 2the 3elder] to the younger, Our father is older, and there is no one upon the land who will enter to us, as it is fit in all the earth.
Come and we should give [3to drink 1our father 2wine], and we should go to bed with him, that we might raise up [2from 3our father 1seed].
And they gave [3to drink 1their father 2wine] in that night. And entering, the elder went to bed with her father in that night, and he did not know about her going to bed and rising up.
And it came to pass in the next day, and [3said 1the 2elder] to the younger, Behold, I went to bed yesterday with our father. We should give [3to drink 1him 2wine] also in this night, and entering, you go to bed with him! that we might raise up [2from 3our father 1seed].
And they gave to drink also in that night [2for their father 1wine]. And entering, the younger went to bed with her father. And he did not know about her going to bed and rising up.
And [5conceived 1the 2two 3daughters 4of Lot] from their father.
And [3bore 1the 2elder] a son, and she called his name Moab, saying, He is from my father. This one is father of the Moabites, unto today's day.
[5bore 1And 4also 2the 3younger] a son, and she called his name Ammon, he is a son of my family. This one is father of the Ammonites until today's day.
Abraham Deceives Abimelech And [2moved 3from there 1Abraham] into the land towards the south, and lived between Kadesh and between Shur, and sojourned in Gerar.
[3said 1And 2Abraham] concerning Sarah his wife, that, [2my sister 1She is]. For he feared to say that, [2my wife 1She is], lest at any time [5should kill 6him 1the 2men 3of the 4city] on account of her. [5sent 1So 2Abimelech 3king 4of Gerar], and he took Sarah.
And God entered to Abimelech by sleep in the night. And he said, Behold, you die on account of the woman of whom you took, for she is living with a man.
And Abimelech [3not 1touched 2her]. And he said, O Lord, [2a nation 3ignorant 4and 5just 1will you destroy]?
[3not 2he 4to me 1Said], [2sister 1She is my]; and she said to me, [2brother 1He is my]? With a clean heart, and with righteousness of hands I did this.
[3said 1And 4to him 2God] by sleep, And I knew that with a clean heart you did this, and I spared you for [2to not 3sin 1you] against me; because of this I did not let you touch her.
And now give back the wife of the man, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for your account, and you shall live. But if you do not give back, you shall know that you shall die, you and all yours.
And Abimelech rose early in the morning, and he called all his servants. And he spoke all these words into their ears. [5feared 1And 2all 3the 4men] exceedingly.
And Abimelech called Abraham. And he said to him, What is this you did to us, lest we sinned against you, that you bring upon me and upon my kingdom [2sin 1a great]? A work which no one will do, you have done to me.
[3said 1And 2Abimelech] to Abraham, What seeing did you do this?
[3said 1And 2Abraham], For I said, Surely there is not godliness in this place, [3me 1and 2they will kill] because of my wife.
For also truly [2sister 1she is my] from my father, but not from my mother; and she became to me for wife.
And it happened when [2led 3me 1God] from the house of my father, and I said to her, This righteousness you will do for me in every place of which ever I enter; there you say of me that, [2brother 1He is my]!
[3took 1And 2Abimelech] a thousand double-drachmas, and sheep, and calves, and manservants, and maidservants, and gave to Abraham, and he gave back to him Sarah his wife.
And Abimelech said to Abraham, Behold, my land is before you, which ever it may please you, dwell there!
And to Sarah he said, Behold, I have given a thousand double-drachmas to your brother, these will be to you for the value of your person, and all the ones with you; and [2in all things 1you be truthful]!
[3prayed 1And 2Abraham] to God. And God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants, and they bore.
For in closing up, the lord closed up outside every womb in the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah the wife of Abraham.
Birth of Isaac And the lord visited Sarah as he said, and the lord did to Sarah as he spoke.
And conceiving, she bore to Abraham a son in his old age, in the time as [2spoke 3to him 1the lord].
And Abraham called the name of his son, the one born to him whom [2bore 3to him 1Sarah] -- Isaac.
[3circumcised 1And 2Abraham] Isaac on the eighth day as [2gave charge 3to him 1God].
And Abraham was a hundred years old when [3was born 4to him 1Isaac 2his son].
[3said 1And 2Sarah], [3laughter 4to me 2caused 1The lord], for whoever may hear will rejoice along with me.
And she said, Who will announce to Abraham that [2nurses 3a male child 1Sarah], for I bore a son in my old age.
And [3grew 1the 2child] and was weaned. And Abraham made [2banquet 1a great] the day [3was weaned 1Isaac 2his son].
Hagar Cast Out [3beholding 1And 2Sarah] the son of Hagar the Egyptian, who was born to Abraham, playing with Isaac her son,
that she said to Abraham, You cast out this maidservant and her son, for [5shall not 6be heir 1the 2son 3of the 4maidservant] with my son Isaac.
[6hard 1But 4appeared 2the 3saying 5very] before Abraham concerning his son Ishmael.
[3said 1And 2God] to Abraham, [2not 4hard 1Let it 3be] before you on account of the child, and on account of the maidservant! All as much as [2should have said 3to you 1Sarah], you hearken to her voice! for by Isaac [2shall be called 3to you 1a seed].
[2also 3the 4son 1But] of this maidservant [2into 4nation 3a great 1I will make], for he [3seed 2your 1is].
[3rose up 1And 2Abraham] in the morning, and took bread loaves and a leather bag of water; and he gave to Hagar, and he placed the male child upon her shoulders, and he sent her. And she went forth wandering about the wilderness by the Well of the Oath.
[4ceased 1But 2the 3water] coming from out of the leather bag, and she tossed the male child underneath one fir tree.
And going forth she sat down before him, far off as a bow shot. For she said, no way shall I see the death of my child. And she sat before him. And yelling out the child wept.
[3listened to 1But 2God] the voice of the child from the place where he was. And [3called 1an angel 2of God] Hagar from out of the heaven, and said to her, What is it, Hagar? Fear not! [3has heeded 1for 2God] the voice of your child from out of the place where he is.
Rise up and take the child, and hold [2in your hand 1it]! [4into 1For 6nation 5a great 2I will make 3it].
And God opened her eyes. And she saw a well [2water 1of living]. And she went and filled the leather bag of water, and gave a drink to the child.
And God was with the child. And he grew, and he dwelt in the wilderness. And he became a bowman.
And he dwelt in the wilderness in Parah. And [2took 3to him 1his mother] a wife from the land of Egypt.
Abraham's Covenant with Abimelech And it came to pass in that time, that Abimelech spoke, along with Ahuzzath his groomsman, and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his force, to Abraham, saying, God is with you in all things what ever you should do.
Now then swear by an oath to me by God that you will not wrong me, nor my seed, nor my name! but according to the righteousness which I did with you, you shall do with me, and in the land where you sojourned in it.
And Abraham said, I will swear by an oath.
And Abraham reproved Abimelech on account of the wells of water, which [4removed 1the 2servants 3of Abimelech].
And [2said 3to him 1Abimelech], I do not know who did this matter, nor you reported it to me, nor I heard -- but only today.
And Abraham took sheep and calves, and gave to Abimelech, and [2ordained 1both 3a covenant].
And Abraham set seven ewe-lambs of sheep alone.
And Abimelech said to Abraham, What are the seven ewe-lambs of sheep -- these, which you set alone?
And he said, that, [4seven 5ewe-lambs 3these 1You shall take 2of] of mine, that they should be to me for a testimony that I dug this well.
Because of this [4was named 1the 2name 3of that place], Well of the Oath, for there [2swore by an oath 1both].
And they ordained a covenant at the Well of the Oath. [3rose up 1And 2Abimelech], and Ahuzzath his groomsman, and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his force, and they returned to the land of the Philistines.
And Abraham planted plowed fields near the Well of the Oath. And he called there the name of the lord, God eternal.
[3sojourned 1And 2Abraham] in the land of the Philistines [2days 1many].
Abraham Offers Isaac And it came to pass after these words, God tested Abraham, and said to him, Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Behold, it is I.
And he said, Take your son, the beloved, whom you loved -- Isaac! And go into the [2land 1high], and offer him there as a whole offering upon one of the mountains! which ever I may tell you.
[3rising up 1And 2Abraham] in the morning, saddled his donkey, and he took with himself two servants, and Isaac his son. And splitting wood for a whole offering, [2rising up 3to go 1and], they came upon the place which [2spoke 3to him 1God], [3day 1on the 2third].
And Abraham looking up with his eyes saw the place far off.
And Abraham said to his servants, You sit here with the donkey! and I and the lad will go through unto here. And doing obeisance we will return to you.
[3took 1And 2Abraham] the wood for the whole offering, and placed it upon Isaac his son. And he took with his hands the fire and the knife; and [3went 1the 2two] together.
[3said 1And 2Isaac] to Abraham his father, Father. And he said, What is it child? And he said, Behold, the fire and the wood, where is the sheep -- the one for a whole offering?
[3said 1And 2Abraham], God will see to himself a sheep for a whole offering, child. [3going 1And 2both] together,
they came upon the place which [2spoke 3to him 1God]. And [2built 3there 1Abraham] the altar. And he placed upon it the wood. And binding [3hand and foot 1Isaac 2his son], he placed him upon the altar upon the wood.
And Abraham stretched his hand to take the knife to slay his son.
And [3called 4him 1an angel 2of the lord] from out of the heaven. And he said, Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Behold, it is I.
And he said, You should not put your hand upon the lad, nor should you do anything to him by any means. For now I know that you fear God, and spared not [3son 1your 2beloved] on account of me.
And Abraham looking up with his eyes, saw. And behold, [2ram 1one] being held in a plant of a thicket by the horns. And Abraham went and took the ram, and he offered it for a whole offering instead of Isaac his son.
And Abraham called the name of that place, The lord saw; that they may say today, [3in 4the 5mountain 1the lord 2was seen].
And [3called 1the angel 2of the lord] Abraham a second time from out of the heaven, saying,
According to myself I swear by an oath, says the lord, because you did this saying, and you did not spare [3son 1your 2beloved] on account of me.
Assuredly in blessing, I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand by the edge of the sea. And [2will inherit 1your seed] the cities of your opponents.
And [6will be blessed 7by 8your seed 1all 2the 3nations 4of the 5earth]; because you obeyed my voice.
[3returned 1And 2Abraham] to his servants. And rising up they went together to the Well of the Oath. And Abraham dwelt near the Well of the Oath.
And it came to pass after these words, that it was announced to Abraham, saying, Behold, [3has born 1even Milcah 2herself] sons to Nahor your brother.
Huz first-born, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel father of the Syrians,
and Chesed, and Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph and Bethuel.
And Bethuel procreated Rebekah. These are the eight sons whom Milcah bore to Nahor the brother of Abraham.
And his concubine, whose name was Reumah, bore even herself, Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachah.
The Death and Burial of Sarah [5was 1And 2the 3life 4of Sarah 8years 6a hundred 7twenty-seven].
And Sarah died in the city of Arba, which is in the hollow -- this is Hebron in the land of Canaan. [3came 1And 2Abraham] to lament Sarah, and to mourn.
And Abraham rose up from his dead. And Abraham said to the sons of Heth, saying,
[2a sojourner 3and 4an immigrant 1I am] among you. Give then to me a possession of a burying-place among you! and I will entomb my dead away from me.
And answered the sons of Heth to Abraham, saying, No, O lord.
But hear us; [5as a king 6by 7God 1you 2are 3with 4us]. [3in 5choice 6sepulchres 4our 1You entomb 2your dead]! for not one of us in any way will withhold his sepulchre from you to entomb your dead there.
And rising up, Abraham did obeisance to the people of the land, to the sons of Heth.
And [2spoke 3to 4them 1Abraham], saying, If you have it in your soul so as to entomb my dead away from my presence, hear me, and speak about me to Ephron, the son of Zohar!
And let him give to me the [2cave 1double] which is his -- the one being in a part of his field. [4of silver 3for its worth 1Let him give 2it to me], [4among 5you 1for 2a possession 3of a memorial].
And Ephron was sitting down in the midst of the sons of Heth. And responding Ephron the Hittite [2to 3Abraham 1spoke] in the hearing of the sons of Heth, and [2the ones 3entering 4into 5the 6city 1of all], saying,
By me let it be, O lord, and hear me! The field and the cave in it I give to you. Before all of my fellow-countrymen I have given it to you. You entomb your dead.
And Abraham did obeisance before the people of the land.
And he said to Ephron in the ears before the people of the land, Since [2with me 1you are] hear me! The silver for the field, you take from me! and I will entomb my dead there.
[3answered 1And 2Ephron] Abraham, saying,
Not so O lord, for I heard four hundred double-drachmas of silver; but what ever may this be between me and you? But you [2your dead 1entomb]!
And Abraham hearkened to Ephron. And Abraham restored to Ephron the silver, which he spoke into the ears of the sons of Heth -- four hundred double-drachmas [2silver 1of unadulterated] of merchants.
And [4is 1the 2field 5of Ephron 3which] was in Double Cave, which is against the face of Mamre. The field and the cave which was in it, and every tree which was in the field, which is in its borders round about,
came to Abraham for a possession before the sons of Heth, and all the ones entering into the city.
And after these things Abraham entombed Sarah his wife in the cave of the field at Double Cave, which is before Mamre; this is Hebron in the land of Canaan.
And [3was validated 1the 2field], and the cave which was in it to Abraham for a possession of a burying-place from the sons of Heth.
The Search for a Wife And Abraham was older, advancing of days. And the lord blessed Abraham according to all things.
And Abraham said to his servant, to the elder of his house, to the one in charge of all his things, Put your hand under my thigh!
And I adjure you by the lord God of the heaven, and the God of the earth, that you should not take a wife to my son Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites, with whom I live among them.
But only unto my land of which I was shall you go, and unto my tribe. And you shall take a wife for my son Isaac from there.
[4said 1And 5to 6him 2the 3servant], If at any time [4not 3wills 1the 2woman] to go with me back into this land, shall I return your son into the land from where you came forth from there?
[3said 1And 4to 5him 2Abraham], Take heed to yourself that you should not return my son there.
The lord God of the heaven, and the God of the earth, who took me from [2house 1my father's], and from the land of which I was born, who spoke to me, and who swore by an oath to me, saying, To you I will give this land and your seed -- he will send his angel in front of you, and you shall take a wife, for my son from there.
And if [3should not 4want 1the 2woman] to go with you into this land, you will be clean from this oath. Only [3my son 1you should not 2return] there.
And [3put 1the 2servant] his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master. And he swore by an oath to him on account of this saying.
And [3took 1the 2servant] ten camels from the camels of his master, and from all the good things of his master with himself. And rising up he went into Mesopotamia, into the city of Nahor.
And he rested the camels outside of the city by the Well of the Water, towards late in the day, when the women came forth drawing water.
And he said, O lord God of my master Abraham, prosper the way before me today, and perform mercy with my master Abraham!
Behold, I stand near the spring of water, and the daughters of the men living in the city come forth to draw water.
And it shall be the virgin, who ever I should have said, Incline your water-pitcher! that I might drink. And she should have said to me, You drink! and [2your camels 1I will water] until whenever they cease to drink -- this one you prepared for your servant Isaac, and in this I will know that you executed mercy with my master Abraham.
And it came to pass before completing his speaking in his mind, that behold, Rebekah came forth -- the one born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, and brother of Abraham, having the water-pitcher upon her shoulders.
And the virgin was good in the appearance -- exceedingly. She was a virgin, no man knew her. And coming upon the spring, she filled her water-pitcher, and ascended.
[4ran 1And 2the 3servant] to meet with her, and he said, Give me to drink a little water from out of your water-pitcher!
And she said, Drink, O lord! And she hastened and lowered the water-pitcher upon her arm, and gave him to drink until he ceased drinking.
And she said, Also to your camels I will draw water until whenever all should have drunk.
And she hastened and emptied out the water-pitcher into the channel, and ran yet again unto the well to draw water. And she drew water for all the camels.
And the man studied her, and remained silent to know if the lord prospered his way or not.
And it came to pass when [4ceased 1all 2the 3camels] drinking, [3took 1the 2man] ear-rings of gold worth up to a drachma scale-weight, and two bracelets, and put them upon her hands -- ten pieces of gold scale-weight was their weight.
And he asked her, and said, Whose daughter are you? Announce to me if there is by your father a place for us to rest up!
And she said to him, [2the daughter 3of Bathuel 1I am], the son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor.
And she said to him, Also [2straw 3and 4fodder 1there is much] by us, and a place to rest up.
And [3finding favor 1the 2man], did obeisance to the lord, and said,
Blessed be the lord God of my master Abraham, who abandoned not righteousness and truth from my master. [2indeed prospered me 1The lord] to the house of the brother of my master.
And running, the maidservant announced in the house to her mother about these words.
And to Rebekah there was a brother whose name was Laban. And Laban ran to the man outside near the spring.
And it came to pass when he saw the ear-rings, and the bracelets upon the hands of his sister, and when he heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, So spoke to me the man; that he came to the man standing by himself by the camels near the spring.
And he said to him, Come, enter blessed of the lord! Why stand outside? For I prepared the residence, and a place for the camels.
[4entered 1And 2the 3man] into the residence. And he unharnessed the camels, and gave straw and fodder to the camels, and water for his feet, and for the feet of the men with him.
And he placed near them bread loaves to eat. And he said, No way will I eat until speaking my words. And he said, Speak!
And he said, A servant of Abraham I am.
And the lord blessed my master exceedingly; and he was raised up high, and he gave to him sheep, and calves, and silver, and pieces of gold, and manservants, and maidservants, camels, and donkeys.
And [5bore 1Sarah 2the 3wife 4of my master] a son, one to my master after his growing old. And he gave to him as much as was his.
And [2bound me by an oath 1my master], saying, You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in which I sojourned in their land.
But unto the house of my father you should go, and to my tribe; and you shall take a wife for my son.
And I said to my master, Perhaps [3should not go 1the 2woman] with me.
And he said to me, The lord God in whom I was found well-pleasing before him, he will send out his angel with you, and prosper your way. And you will take a wife for my son from out of my tribe, and from out of the house of my father.
Then [2innocent 1you will be] concerning my oath. For when ever you should have come to my tribe, and [2not 4to you 1they should 3give her], then you will be innocent concerning my oath.
And coming today upon the spring, I said, O lord, the God of my master Abraham; if you prosper my way, in which now I go by it,
behold, I stand near the spring of water, and the daughters of the men of the city came forth to draw water, and it will be the virgin to whom ever I should say, [4to drink 1Give me 5from 6your water-pitcher 2a little 3water]!
And she should have said to me, You also drink, and to your camels I will draw water. This is the woman whom the lord prepared for his own attendant Isaac; and in this you will know that you have done mercy to my master Abraham.
And it came to pass before the completing my speaking in my mind, straightway Rebekah came forth having the water-pitcher upon the shoulders, and she went down to the spring, and she drew water. And I said to her, Give me a drink!
And she hastened to lower the water-pitcher upon her arm from herself, and she said, You drink! and [2your camels 1I will water]. And I drank, and [2the 3camels 1she watered].
And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter are you? And she said, [2the daughter 3of Bethuel 1I am], son of Nahor, whom [2bore 3to him 1Milcah]. And I put on her the ear-rings, and the bracelets about her hands.
And finding favor, I did obeisance to the lord. And I blessed the lord God of my master Abraham, who prospered me in the way of truth, to take the daughter of the brother of my master, for his son.
If then you do mercy and righteousness to my master, report to me that I might turn to the right or left!
And answering Laban and Bethuel said, From the lord came forth this thing, we will not be able to contradict bad or good.
Behold, Rebekah is before you, in taking her, run! and let her be wife to the son of your master! as the lord spoke.
And taking place in the hearing of the servant of Abraham their words, he did obeisance upon the ground to the lord.
And [3brought forth 1the 2servant] items made of silver and of gold. And [2clothes 1he gave] to Rebekah, and [2gifts 1he gave] to her brother, and to her mother.
And they ate and drank. And he and the men [2with 3him 1being] went to sleep. And rising up in the morning, he said, Send me forth! that I may go forth to my master.
[5said 1And 2her brothers 3and 4mother], Let [3remain 1the 2virgin] with us [3days 1about 2ten]! and after this she shall go forth.
And he said to them, Do not hold me, for the lord prospered my way! Send me! that I may go forth to my master.
And they said, We should call the maidservant, and we should ask by her mouth.
And they called Rebekah, and said to her, Will you go with this man? And she said, I will go.
And they sent forth Rebekah their sister, and her possessions, and the servant of Abraham, and the ones with him.
And they blessed Rebekah, and said to her, [3sister 2our 1You are], become for a thousand myriads, and [2inherit 1let your seed] the cities of your opponents!
And rising up, Rebekah and her handmaidens mounted upon the camels, and they went with the man. And taking the girl Rebekah, he went forth.
And Isaac was traveling over through the wilderness by the Well of the Vision. And he dwelt in the land towards the south.
And Isaac came forth to meditate in the plain towards afternoon. And looking up with his eyes, he saw camels coming.
And Rebekah looking up with the eyes, saw Isaac, and she leaped down from the camel.
And she said to the servant, Who is that man going in the plain to meet us? And said the servant, This is my master. And she having taken the lightweight covering put it on.
And [3described 1the 2servant] to Isaac all the words which he did.
[3entered 1And 2Isaac] into the house of his mother, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife. And he loved her. And Isaac was comforted concerning Sarah his mother.
Death of Abraham [3added 1And 2Abraham] to take a wife whose name was Keturah.
And she bore to him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.
And Jokshan procreated Sheba and Dedan. And sons of Dedan were the Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim.
And the sons of Midian were Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these were sons of Keturah.
[3gave 1And 2Abraham] all his possessions to Isaac his son.
And to the sons of his concubines Abraham gave gifts. And he sent them from Isaac his son [2still 3living 1while he was] towards the east into the land of the east.
And these were the years of the days of the life of Abraham, as many as he lived, a hundred seventy-five years.
And failing, Abraham died in [2old age 1a good], an old man and full of days. And he was added to his people.
And [4entombed 5him, 1Isaac 2and 3Ishmael] [2two 3sons 1his], in the [2cave 1double], in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre;
the field and the cave which Abraham acquired from the sons of Heth. There they entombed Abraham and Sarah his wife.
And it came to pass after the dying of Abraham, God blessed Isaac his son. And Isaac dwelt by the Well of the Vision.
Generations of Ishmael And these are the origins of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, whom Hagar bore (the Egyptian maidservant of Sarah) to Abraham.
And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, according to the names of his generations. First-born of Ishmael, Nebajoth, and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,
and Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,
and Hadar, and Tema, and Jetur, and Naphish, and Kedemah.
These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are the names of them by their tents, and by their properties -- twelve rulers according to their nation.
And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred thirty-seven years; and failing, he died. And he was added to his family.
And he dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, which is against the face of Egypt, unto coming to Assyrian. By the face of all his brethren he dwelt.
Generations of Isaac And these are the generations of Isaac the son of Abraham.
Abraham procreated Isaac. [3was 1And 2Isaac 5years old 4forty] when he took Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Syrian to himself for wife.
[3beseeched 1And 2Isaac] the lord concerning Rebekah his wife, for she was sterile; [4listened 1and 2his 3God], and [3conceived 4in 5the womb 1Rebekah 2his wife].
[4leaped 1And 2the 3male babies] in her. And she said, If thus [3to me 1is about 2to happen], why [2to me 1is this]? And she went to inquire of the lord.
And the lord said to her, Two nations [2in 3your womb 1are]; and two peoples from out of your belly will draw apart. And one people [2another people 1will be superior over]; and the greater will be a servant to the lesser.
And were fulfilled the days for her to bear. And thus there were twins in her belly.
And came forth the first-born fiery red entirely, and of [2skin 1hairy]. And she named his name Esau.
And after this came forth his brother, and his hand took hold of the heel of Esau. And she called his name Jacob. And Isaac was [2years old 1sixty] when [2bore 3them 1Rebekah].
[4grew 1And 2the 3young]. And Esau was a man knowing to hunt with hounds -- rugged; but Jacob [2man 1was a simple] living in a residence.
[3loved 1But 2Isaac] Esau, for his hunting food for him. But Rebekah loved Jacob.
Esau Sells the Right of the First-born [3boiled 1And 2Jacob] stew; [3came 1and 2Esau] from out of the plains -- failing.
And Esau said to Jacob, Let me taste from [2stew 1this spicy] for I fail; on account of this [2was called 1his name] Edom.
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to Esau, Give to me today your rights as first-born.
And Esau said, Behold, I am going to come to an end, and what to me are these, the rights of the first-born?
And [2said 3to him 1Jacob], You swear by an oath to me today! And he swore by an oath to him. [3gave 1And 2Esau] the rights of the first-born to Jacob.
And Jacob gave to Esau bread and stew of lentils. And he ate and drank, and rising up he set out. And Esau treated as worthless the rights of the first-born.
Isaac Deceives Abimelech And there became a famine upon the land, separate from the famine formerly, which happened in the time of Abraham. [3went 1And 2Isaac] to Abimelech king of the Philistines in Gerar.
[3appeared 1And 4to him 2the lord], and said, You should not go down into Egypt, but dwell in the land! which ever I should tell you.
And sojourn in this land! And I will be with you, and I will bless you. For to you and your seed I will give all this land. And I will establish my oath, which I swore to Abraham your father.
And I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven. And I will give your seed all this land. And shall be blessed by your seed all the nations of the earth;
because [3obeyed 1Abraham 2your father] my voice, and guarded my orders, and my commandments, and my ordinances, and my laws.
[3dwelt 1And 2Isaac] in Gerar.
[6asked 1And 2the 3men 4of the 5place] concerning Rebekah his wife. And he said, [2sister 1She is my], for he feared to say that, [2wife 1She is my], lest at any time [5should kill 6him 1the 2men 3of the 4place] on account of Rebekah; for [4beautiful 1her 2appearance 3was].
And he became long-lived there. And [5leaned over 1Abimelech 2the 3king 4of Gerar] through the window, and saw Isaac playing with Rebekah his wife.
[3called 1And 2Abimelech] Isaac, and said to him, So indeed [2your wife 1is she]? Why is it that you said, [2sister 1She is my]? [3said 1And 4to him 2Isaac], I said it for lest at any time I might die on account of her.
[3said 1And 4to him 2Abimelech], What is this you did to us? Is it a small thing [4went to bed 1if someone 3kind 2of my] with your wife, and you brought upon us a sin of ignorance?
[3gave orders 1And 2Abimelech] to all his people, saying, Any one touching this man and his wife [3unto death 2liable 1will be].
[3sowed 1And 2Isaac] in that land. And he found in that year [2bearing a hundred fold 1barley], [3blessed 1and 4him 2the lord].
And [3was exalted 1the 2man], and [2advancing 3greatly 1was], until of which time [3great 1he became 2exceedingly].
And there became to him herds of sheep, and herds of oxen, and [2farms 1many]. [4envied 1And 5him 2the 3Philistines].
Combat Over the Wells And all the wells which [4dug 1the 2servants 3of his father] [3obstructed 4them 5in 6the 7time 8of his father 1the 2Philistines], and filled them with earth.
[3said 1And 2Abimelech] to Isaac, Go forth from us! for [3mightier than 4us 1you became 2exceedingly].
And Isaac went forth from there. And he rested up in the ravine of Gerar, and dwelt there.
And again Isaac dug the wells of water which [5dug 1the 2servants 3of Abraham 4his father]; and [3obstructed 4them 1the 2Philistines], after the dying of Abraham his father. And he named them with names according to the names which [2named 1his father].
And [4dug 1the 2servants 3of Isaac] in the ravine of Gerar, and found there a well of [2water 1living].
And [4did combat 1the 2shepherds 3of Gerar] with the shepherds of Isaac, maintaining [4theirs 3to be 1the 2water]. And they called the name of the well, Injustice, for they wronged him.
And departing from there he dug [2well 1another]. And they quarreled also on account of that well. And he named the name of it, Hatred.
And departing from there, he dug [2well 1another]. And they did not do combat over it. And he named the name of it, Expanse, saying, Because now the lord widened us, and caused us to grow upon the earth.
And he ascended from there towards the Well of the Oath.
And [2appeared 3to him 1the lord] in that night, and said, I am the God of Abraham your father. Do not fear! [3with 4you 1for 2I am]. And I will bless you, and I will multiply your seed because of Abraham your father.
And he built there an altar, and called upon the name of the lord, and he pitched there his tent. [5dug 1And 7there 2the 3servants 4of Isaac 6a well] in the ravine Gerar.
Isaac's Covenant with Abimelech And Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath his groomsman, and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his force.
And [2said 3to them 1Isaac], Why did you come to me; for you detested me, and you sent me from you?
And they said, Seeing, we have seen that the lord was with you. And we said, Let there become an oath between us and between you! And we will ordain with you a covenant.
You shall not do [2with 3us 1evil], in so far as [2did not abhor 3you 1we], and which manner we treated you well, and we sent you out in peace. And now, you are being blessed by the lord.
And he made a banquet for them. And they ate and drank.
And rising up in the morning, [2swore by an oath 1each] to the neighbor. And [2sent them out 1Isaac], and they moved away from him with safety.
And it came to pass in that day, also [4coming 1the 2servants 3of Isaac] reported to him concerning the well which they dug, and said, We did not find water.
And he called it, Oath. On account of this he called the name of that city, Well of Oath, unto today's day.
[3was 1And 2Esau 5years old 4forty] and he took a wife -- Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath daughter of Elon the Hittite.
And they were contending with Isaac and Rebekah.
Rebekah Deceives Isaac And it came to pass after the growing old of Isaac, that [2were blunted 1his eyes] to see. And he called Esau [3son 1his 2older], and said to him, O my son. And he said, Behold, it is I.
And he said, Behold, I have grown old, and I do not know the day of my decease.
Now then, take your hunting equipment, both the quiver and the bow! and go forth into the plain, and hunt for me game!
And make for me food as I am fond of, and bring it to me! that I may eat, so that [2may bless 3you 1my soul] before my dying.
And Rebekah heard Isaac speaking to Esau his son. [3went 1And 2Esau] into the plain to hunt game for his father.
And Rebekah said to Jacob [3son 1her 2lesser], See! I heard your father speaking to Esau your brother, saying,
Bring to me game, and make food for me! that eating, I may bless you before the lord, before my dying.
Now then, O my son, hear me as I give charge to you!
And going unto the sheep, you take for me from there two kids, tender and good! And I will make them for food for your father as he is fond of.
And you shall carry them in to your father, and he shall eat, that [2may bless 3you 1your father] before his dying.
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to Rebekah his mother, [2is 1My brother 4man 3a hairy], and I am [2man 1a smooth];
lest at any time [2should handle 3me 1my father], and I will be before him as disdained, and I shall bring upon myself a curse, and not a blessing.
[4said 1And 5to him 2the 3mother], Upon me be your curse, child. Only you heed my voice! And in going bring them to me!
And going, he took them, and brought them to the mother. And [2made 1his mother] food as [2was fond of 1his father].
And Rebekah having taken the apparel of Esau [3son 1her 2elder], the goodly, which was by her in the house, she put it on Jacob [3son 1her 2younger].
And [2the 3skins 4of the 5kids 1she put] upon his arms, and upon the naked parts of his neck.
And she gave the foods and the bread loaves which she made unto the hands of Jacob her son.
And he carried in to his father. And he said, Father! And he said, Behold, it is I, who are you child?
Jacob Deceives Isaac And Jacob said to his father, I am Esau your first-born. I did as you told me. In rising up come take a seat and eat from my game! that [2may bless 3me 1your soul].
[3said 1And 2Isaac] to his son, What is this which so quickly you found, O child? And he said, that which [3delivered up 1the lord 2your God] before me.
[3said 1And 2Isaac] to Jacob, Approach me, and I shall handle you child, to see if you are my son Esau or not!
[3approached 1And 2Jacob] to Isaac his father. And he handled him, and said, Indeed the voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau.
And he did not recognized him, [3were 1for 2his hands] as the hands of Esau his brother -- hairy; and he blessed him.
And he said, You are my son Esau? And he said, I am.
Jacob's Blessing And he said, Bring to me! and I will eat from your game, child, that [2may bless 3you 1my soul]. And he brought it near to him, and he ate; and he carried to him wine, and he drank.
And [3said 4to him 1Isaac 2his father], Approach me, and kiss me child!
And approaching, he kissed him. And he smelled the scent of his garments, and blessed him, and said, Behold, the scent of my son is as the scent [2field 1of a full] which the lord blessed;
and may [2give 3to you 1God] from the dew of the heaven, and from the fatness of the earth, and a multitude of grain and wine.
And let [2be slave 3to you 1nations]! And let [2do obeisance 3to you 1rulers]! And you become master of your brother! And [4will do obeisance 5to you 1the 2sons 3of your father]. The one cursing you will be accursed, and the one blessing you will be for a blessing.
And it came to pass after the ceasing of Isaac blessing Jacob his son, that it happened as Jacob went forth from the face of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother came from the hunt.
And he made also himself food, and brought it near his father. And he said to the father, Rise up my father, and eat from the game of his son! that [2may bless 3me 1your soul].
And [3said 4to him 1Isaac 2his father], Who are you? And he said, I am your son, the first-born, Esau.
[3was amazed 1And 2Isaac 6change of state 5great 4with an exceedingly]. And he said, Who then is the one hunting game for me, and carrying it in to me? And I ate from all before your coming, and blessed him, and a blessing let it be!
And it happened when Esau heard the words of his father Isaac, he yelled out [5voice 1with a great 2and 4bitter 3exceedingly]. And he said, You bless indeed also me father!
And he said to him, In coming, your brother with cunning took your blessing.
And he said, Justly was [2called 1his name] Jacob. For he has stomped upon me already this second time. Even my rights of the first-born he has taken, and now he took my blessing. And Esau said to his father, Do you not leave behind to me a blessing, O father?
And answering Isaac said to Esau, If [3master 2him 1I made] of you, and [2all 3his brothers 1I made] his servants, [3with grain 4and 5wine 1to support 2him] -- then to you what may I do child?
[3said 1And 2Esau] to his father, [2not 4blessing 3one 5in you 1Is there], O father? [2bless 1Indeed] me also father! [3being vexed 1And 2Isaac], [2yelled out 3a sound 1Esau], and he wept.
[4answering 1And 2Isaac 3his father] said to him, Behold, from the fatness of the earth will be your dwelling, and from the dew of the heaven above.
And upon your sword you shall live, and [2of your brother 1you will be a servant]. And it will be when ever you should demolish and loosen his yoke from your neck.
Esau Seeks to Kill Jacob And Esau was angry at Jacob on account of the blessing of which [2blessed 3him 1his father]. [3said 1And 2Esau] in his mind, Let approach the days of the mourning of my father! that I may kill Jacob my brother.
And were reported to Rebekah the words of Esau [3son 1her 2elder]. And sending forth, she called Jacob [3son 1her 2younger], and she said to him, Behold, Esau, your brother threatens you -- to kill you.
Now then, child, hear my voice! and rising up run away into Mesopotamia to Laban my brother in Haran!
And live with him some days!
until the turning back the rage and the anger of your brother from you, and he should forget what you have done to him. And sending, I will fetch you from there, lest at any time I should be childless from the two of you in [2day 1one].
[3said 1And 2Rebekah] to Isaac, I loathe my life, on account of the daughters of the sons of Heth. If Jacob shall take a wife from the daughters of this land, why is it for me to live?
Jacob Sent to Laban [3having called 1And 2Isaac] Jacob, blessed him, and gave charge to him, saying, Not shall you take a wife from the daughters of the Canaanites.
Having risen up, you run away unto Mesopotamia to the house of Bethuel the father of your mother! and take to yourself from there a wife from the daughters of Laban the brother of your mother!
And [2my God 1may 3bless] you, and increase you, and multiply you; and you will be for gatherings of nations.
And may he give to you the blessing of Abraham, my father, to you, and your seed after you; to inherit the land of your sojourning, which God gave to Abraham.
And Isaac sent Jacob. And he went into Mesopotamia to Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian, brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau.
[3having seen 1And 2Esau] that Isaac blessed Jacob, and sent him into Mesopotamia of Syria to take to himself a wife from there -- in the blessing him, and gave charge to him, saying, You shall not take a wife of the daughters of the Canaanites,
that Jacob hearkened to [2father 3and 4mother 1his], and went into Mesopotamia of Syria,
and seeing, even Esau, that [4are wicked 1the 2daughters 3of Canaan] before Isaac his father,
that Esau went to Ishmael, and he took Mahalath daughter of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, sister of Nebajoth, to his wives, as a wife.
And Jacob went forth from the Well of the Oath, and went into Haran.
The Stairway to Heaven And he encountered a place, and slept there, [4went down 1for 2the 3sun]. And he took from one of the stones of the place, and put it at his head, and went to sleep in that place.
And he dreamed. And behold, there was a stairway being supported by the earth, of which the top arrived in the heaven. And the angels of God ascended and descended upon it.
And the lord stayed upon it. And he said, I am the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. Do not fear! The land of which you sleep upon it, to you I will give it, and to your seed.
And [2will be 1your seed] as sand of the earth. And it will be widened unto the west, and south, and north, and unto the east. And shall be blessed by you all the tribes of the earth, and by your seed.
And behold, I am with you, guarding you in [2way 1every] of which ever you may go. And I will return you to this land, for no way would I abandon you until my doing all as much as I spoke to you.
And Jacob awoke from out of his sleep. And he said that, The lord is in this place, but I had not known it.
And he feared, and said, How fearful this place. Is not this none other than the house of God, and this the gate of heaven.
And Jacob rose up in the morning, and took the stone which he placed there at his head. And he set it as a monument, and poured oil upon the top of it.
And he called the name of that place, House of God, and Lam-luz was the name to the city formerly.
And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If [3should be 1the lord 2God] with me, and should guard me in this journey which I go, and should give to me bread to eat, and a cloak to put on,
and will return me with safety unto the house of my father, and the lord will be to me for God,
and this stone which I set as a monument, will be to me a house of God. And all, what ever, you should give to me, [2a tenth 1I will tithe] of it to you.
Jacob Meets Rachel and Laban And Jacob lifting his feet, went into the land of the east to Laban, the son of Bethuel the Syrian, and brother of Rebekah, mother of Jacob and Esau.
And he saw, and behold, there was a well in the plain. And there were there three flocks of sheep resting near it, for from out of that well they watered the flocks. [4stone 1And 2there was 3a great] upon the mouth of the well.
And [4came together 5there 1all 2the 3flocks]. And they rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and they watered the sheep, and restored the stone upon the mouth of the well into its place.
[3said 1And 4to them 2Jacob], Brethren, from what place are you? And they said, [2from 3Haran 1We are].
And he said to them, You know Laban the son of Nahor? And they said, We know him.
And he said to them, Is he in health? And they said, He is in health, and behold, Rachel his daughter comes with the sheep.
And Jacob said, There is still [2day 1much], for not yet is the hour [3to come together 1for the 2herds]; having watered the sheep, sending them forth graze them!
And they said, We are not able until the coming together of all the shepherds, for they should roll away the stone from the mouth of the well, and we shall water the sheep.
While he was speaking to them, and behold, Rachel the daughter of Laban comes with the sheep of her father. For she grazed the sheep of her father.
And it came to pass as Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, brother of his mother, and the sheep of Laban, the brother of his mother; and coming forward, Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well. And he watered the sheep of Laban, the brother of his mother.
And Jacob kissed Rachel. And yelling with his voice he wept.
And he reported to Rachel that [2a brother 3of her father 1he is], and that [2a son 3of Rebekah 1he is]. And she ran to report to her father concerning these words.
And it came to pass as Laban heard the name Jacob, the son of his sister, he ran to meet him. And taking hold of him, he kissed him and brought him into his house. And he described to Laban all these matters.
And [2said 3to him 1Laban], From out of my bones, and from out of my flesh are you. And he was with him a month of days.
[3said 1And 2Laban] to Jacob that, For [2brother 1you are my], you shall not be a slave to me without charge, you tell to me what your wage is?
Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel And to Laban there were two daughters, the name of the older -- Leah, and the name of the younger -- Rachel.
But the eyes of Leah were weak, but Rachel was good to the sight, and beautiful in appearance -- exceedingly.
[3loved 1And 2Jacob] Rachel. And he said, I will serve you seven years for Rachel [3daughter 1your 2younger].
[3said 1And 4to him 2Laban], Better for me to give her to you, than for me to give her [2man 1to another]. You live with me!
And Jacob served for Rachel seven years, and they were before him as [2days 1a few], because of his love for her.
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to Laban, Give to me my wife, [4are fulfilled 1for 2the 3days] so as to enter to her!
[3brought together 1And 2Laban] all the men of the place, and he made a wedding.
And it became evening. And taking Leah his daughter, he brought her to Jacob, and [2entered 3to 4her 1Jacob].
[3gave 1And 2Laban] Leah his daughter Zilpah his maidservant.
And it happened in the morning, and behold, there was Leah. [3said 1And 2Jacob] to Laban, What is this you did to me, was it not on account of Rachel I served for you, and why did you mislead me?
[3said 1And 2Laban], It is not so in our place to give the younger before the elder.
You complete then these sevenths and I will give to you also this woman for the work of which you will work for me, yet [2seven 3years 1another].
[3did 1And 2Jacob] so, and fulfilled these her sevenths. And [2gave 3to him 1Laban] Rachel his daughter, to him as wife.
[3gave 1And 2Laban 7to his daughter 4Bilhah 5the 6maidservant].
And he entered to Rachel. And he loved Rachel rather than Leah. And he served him [2seven 3years 1another].
Leah Bears Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah [3seeing 1And 2the lord] that Leah was detested, he opened her womb. But Rachel was sterile.
And Leah conceived and bore a son to Jacob. And she called his name, Reuben, saying, Because [2saw 3my 1the lord] the humiliation, and he gave to me a son; now then [2will love 3me 1my husband].
And [3conceived 1again 2Leah] and bore [2son 1a second] to Jacob. And she said, For the lord heard that I am detested, and he gave in addition to me also this one. And she called his name, Simeon.
And she conceived again and bore a son. And she said, In the present time [3by 4me 2will be 1my husband], for I bore to him three sons. On account of this she called his name, Levi.
And conceiving again she bore a son. And she said, Now yet this I will acknowledge to the lord. On account of this she called his name, Judah. And she stopped bearing.
Bilhah Bears Dan and Naphtali [3saw 1And 2Rachel] that she has not borne to Jacob. And Rachel envied her sister. And she said to Jacob, Give to me a child! and if not, I will come to an end.
[3being enraged 1And 2Jacob] with Rachel, said to her, [3not 4in place 5of God 1I 2am] who deprived you of the fruit of the belly?
[3said 1And 2Rachel] to Jacob, Behold, my maidservant Bilhah. Enter to her! and she will bear upon my knees, and [2will produce children 1even I] from her.
And she gave Bilhah to him -- her maidservant to him as wife. And [2entered 3to 4her 1Jacob].
And [5conceived 1Bilhah 2the 3maidservant 4of Rachel]. And she bore to Jacob a son.
And Rachel said, [2judged 3me 1God], and he heeded my voice, and he gave to me a son through this one. On account of this she called his name, Dan.
And [5conceived 6again 1Bilhah 2the 3maidservant 4of Rachel]. And she bore [2son 1a second] to Jacob.
And Rachel said, [2aided 3me 1God], and I was twisted by my sister, and I was able. And she called his name, Naphtali.
Zilpah Bears Gad and Asher [3saw 1And 2Leah] that she stopped bearing. And she took Zilpah her maidservant, and gave her to Jacob as wife.
And [5conceived 1Zilpah 2the 3maidservant 4of Leah]. And she bore to Jacob a son.
And Leah said, I am in good luck. And she named his name, Gad.
And [5conceived 6again 1Zilpah 2the 3maidservant 4of Leah]. And she bore to Jacob [2son 1a second].
And Leah said, Blessed am I, for [3declare me happy 1the 2women]. And she called his name, Asher.
Leah Bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah [3went 1And 2Reuben] in the day [2harvest 1of the wheat], and he found apples of mandrakes in the field. And he brought them to Leah his mother. [3said 1And 2Rachel] to Leah her sister, Give to me of the mandrakes of your son!
[3said 1And 2Leah], Is it not fit to you that you took my man, shall also [2of the 3mandrakes 4of my son 1you take]? [3said 1And 2Rachel], Not so, let him go to bed with you this night in return for the mandrakes of your son.
[3entered 1And 2Jacob] from out of the field at evening. And came forth Leah to meet him. And she said, [2to 3me 1You shall enter] today, for I have hired you in return for the mandrakes of my son. And he went to bed with her that night.
And God heeded Leah. And conceiving, she bore [2son 1a fifth] to Jacob.
And Leah said, [2gave 3to me 1God] my wage because I gave my maidservant to my husband. And she called his name, Issachar, which is, Wage.
And [2conceived 3again 1Leah]. And she bore [2son 1a sixth] to Jacob.
And Leah said, God has presented to me [2gift 1a good] in the present time, [2will select me 1my man] for having borne to him six sons. And she called his name, Zebulun.
And after this she bore a daughter, and she called her name, Dinah.
Rachel Bears Joseph [3remembered 1And 2God] Rachel. And [2heeded 3her 1God], and he opened her womb.
And conceiving, she bore to Jacob a son. [3said 1And 2Rachel], God removed from me the scorn.
And she called his name Joseph, saying, God added to me [2son 1another]!
And it came to pass when Rachel bore Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Send me that I may go forth into my place, and unto my land!
Give to me my wives, and my children! for whom I have served to you, that I might go forth. For you know the servitude which I have served you.
[3said 1And 4to him 2Laban], If I found favor before you, could I foretell even -- [2blessed 3me 1God] in your entrance.
You draw your wage from me! and I will give it.
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to him, You know in what I served you, and how much [3was 2cattle 1of your] with me.
[3little 1For 2there was] as much as was to you before me, and it was grown into a multitude; and [2blessed 3you 1the lord] by my foot. Now then, when shall [2produce 1I also] for myself a house?
And Laban said to him, What shall I give to you? [3said 1And 4to him 2Jacob], You shall not give to me anything. If you should do for me this word, again I will tend your flocks, and guard them.
Jacob's Wage Let [3go by 1all 2your flocks] today, and you part from there every [2sheep 1gray] among the rams, and all white-mixed and speckled among the goats! It will be to me a wage.
And [2will take heed 3to me 1my righteousness] in the [2day 1next]; for [2is 1my wage] before you -- all which might not be speckled and white-mixed among the goats, and gray among the rams, [2stolen 1will be as] by me.
[3said 1And 4to him 2Laban], Let it be according to your word!
And he drew apart in that day the [2he-goats 1speckled], and the white-mixed, and all the goats, the speckled and the white-mixed, and all gray, the one which was among the rams. And he gave by the hand of his sons.
And he left a journey of three days between them and between Jacob. And Jacob tended the flocks of Laban -- the ones left behind.
[3took 1And 4to himself 2Jacob] a rod [2poplar 1of green], and of walnut, and of the plane tree. And [2peeled 3them 1Jacob 5peels 4into white], tearing away the green. And there appeared upon the rods the white which he peeled -- varying.
And he placed the rods which he peeled at the watering troughs of the channels of the water. That whenever [3came 1the 2flocks] to drink in front of the rods of those having come to drink, the rods should stimulate the flocks at the rods.
And [3bore 1the 2flocks] white-mixed, and colored, and ashen speckled.
[4the 1And 5lambs 3drew apart 2Jacob]. And he set [3before 4the 5sheep 1a ram 2white-mixed], and every colored one among the lambs. And he parted to himself flocks for himself, and did not mix them into the flocks of Laban.
And it came to pass in the time [3which 4he stimulated 1the 2flocks] in the womb, [2taking them 3put 1Jacob] the rods before the flocks at the watering troughs for the purpose of stimulating them by the rods.
But whenever [3bore 1the 2flocks] he did not place them. [4became 1And 2the 3unmarked] Laban's, and the marked Jacob's.
And [3became rich 1the 2man] exceedingly, exceedingly. And there was to him [2cattle 1much], and oxen, and manservants, and maidservants, and camels, and donkeys.
Jacob's Flight from Laban [3heard 1And 2Jacob] the utterances of the sons of Laban, saying, Jacob has taken all the things of our father. And by the things of our father he has produced all this glory.
And Jacob saw the face of Laban; and behold, he was not for him as yesterday and the third day before.
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Jacob, Return to the land of your father, and to your family! and I will be with you.
[3sending 1And 2Jacob], called Leah and Rachel to the plain where [3were 1the 2flocks].
And he said to them, I see the face of your father, that it is not towards me as yesterday and the third day before. But the God of my father was with me.
[2also 3you yourselves 1But] know that with all my strength I have served to your father.
But your father cheated me, and bartered my wage for the ten lambs. And [4did not 5give 6to him 1the 2God 3of my father] the power to do evil against me.
If thus he should have said, The colored will be your wage, then [4would bear 1all 2the 3flocks] colored. And if he should have said, The white will be your wage, then [4would bear 1all 2the 3flocks] white.
And God removed all the herds of your father, and he gave them to me.
And it came to pass when [3were stimulated 1the 2flocks], in the womb conceiving, that I saw [2with 3my eyes 1them] in sleep. And behold, the he-goats and the rams ascended upon the flocks, and the she-goats white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled.
And [4said 5to me 1the 2angel 3of God] during sleep, Jacob. And I said, What is it?
And he said, Look up with your eyes, and see the he-goats and the rams ascending upon the flocks, and the she-goats -- white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled! For I have seen as much as [3to you 1Laban 2does].
I am God, the one appearing to you in the place of God, of which you anointed to me there a monument, and vowed to me there a vow. Now then, rise up and go forth from out of this land! And go forth into the land of your birth!
And answering Rachel and Leah said to him, Is there not to us still a portion or inheritance in the house of our father?
Are we not [2as 3the 4aliens 1considered] to him? For he has sold us, and by eating up a thing devoured our silver.
All the riches and the glory which [4removed 1the 2God 3of our father] will be ours and our children's. Now then as much as [2has said to you 1God], you do!
[3rising up 1And 2Jacob], took his wives, and his children upon the camels.
And he took away all his possessions, and all his belongings, which he procured in Mesopotamia, and all his things to go forth to Isaac his father, in the land of Canaan.
And Laban set out to shear his flocks, [3stole 1and 2Rachel] the idols of her father.
[3hid the fact from 1And 2Jacob] Laban the Syrian, so as not to announce to him that he is running away.
And he ran away, himself and all of his. And he passed over the river, and he advanced unto the mountain of Gilead.
And it was announced to Laban the Syrian on the [2day 1third] that Jacob ran away.
And taking all the ones of his brethren with himself, he pursued after him [3journey 2days 1seven]. And he overtook him in the mountain of Gilead.
[3came 1And 2God] to Laban the Syrian during sleep in the night, and he said to him, Guard! lest at any time you should speak [2against 3Jacob 1evil].
Laban Quarrels with Jacob And Laban overtook Jacob. And Jacob pitched his tent in the mountain. And Laban stationed his brethren in the mountain of Gilead.
[3said 1And 2Laban] to Jacob, What did you do? Why did you secretly run away, and ransacked me, and took away my daughters as captives taken by sword?
For if you announced to me, I would have sent out even you with gladness, and with music, and tambourines, and harps.
And not am I worthy to kiss my children, and my daughters. Now then [2unwisely 1you acted].
And now [2is strong 1my hand] to do evil against you. But the God of your father yesterday said to me, saying, Guard yourself! lest at any time you should speak [2against 3Jacob 1evil].
Now then, you go! For with desire you desired to go forth unto the house of your father; why did you steal my gods?
And answering Jacob said to Laban, For I said, Lest at any time you should remove your daughters from me, and all my things.
And Jacob said, By whomsoever you should find your gods, he shall not live before our brethren. Recognize what is from me of the things of yours, and take them! And he did not recognize among what was his -- not one thing. [3did not 4know 1But 2Jacob] that Rachel his wife stole them.
And entering, Laban searched in the house of Leah, and he did not find. And he came forth from out of the house of Leah, and he searched the house of Jacob, and in the house of the two maidservants, and he did not find. And he entered also into the house of Rachel.
And Rachel took the idols, and put them in the packsaddles of the camel, and sat on them.
And she said to her father, Do not [2heavily 1bear], O master, I shall not be able to rise up before you, for the custom of women is to me. [3searched 1And 2Laban] in the entire house, and he did not find the idols.
[3was provoked to anger 1And 2Jacob], and he quarreled with Laban. And responding Jacob said to Laban, What is my offence? and what is my sin, that you pursued after me?
and that you searched all the items of my house? What did you find from all the items of your house? Put here before your brethren and my brethren, and let them reprove between the two of us!
These twenty years I am with you; your flocks and your goats were not barren, and the rams of your flocks I did not eat.
That taken by wild beasts I have not brought to you. I paid for them by myself, even thefts by day, and thefts by night.
I was [4by day 1burning with 2the 3sweltering heat], and with the icy coldness of the night. And [3departed 2sleep 1my] from my eyes.
These twenty years I am in your residence. I served you fourteen years for [2two 3daughters 1your], and six years among your sheep, and you cheated my wage by ten ewe-lambs.
Unless the God of my father Abraham, and the fear of Isaac was with me, now then would [2me empty 1you have sent]. My humiliation and the toil of my hands God saw, and he reproved you yesterday.
And responding Laban said to Jacob, The daughters are my daughters, and the sons my sons, and the cattle my cattle; and all as much as you see is mine, and the property of my daughters. What shall I do with these women today or the children of them whom they bore?
Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant Now then, come here, we should ordain a covenant, I and you, and it will be a testimony between me and you.
[3taking 1And 2Jacob] a stone, established it as a monument;
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to his brethren, Collect together stones! And they collected together stones. And they made a hill. And they ate there upon the hill.
And [2called 3it 1Laban], Hill of the Witness, but Jacob called it, The Hill is Witness.
[3said 1And 2Laban], this hill witnesses between me and you today. Because of this [5was called 1the 2name 3of the 4place], Hill Witnesses.
And the vision, which he said, Let God look between me and you, is that we will leave the other from the other.
If you shall humble my daughters, if you should take wives over my daughters, you see no one [2with 3us 1is] seeing -- God is witness between me and between you.
And Laban said to Jacob, Behold, this hill, and the monument which I stood between me and you;
[2witnesses 1this hill], and the monument which I stood -- it witnesses. For if I pass over, I to you, neither shall you pass over to me beyond this hill and this monument, for evil.
The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor judges between us.
And Jacob swore by an oath according to the fear of his father Isaac. And he sacrificed a sacrifice in the mountain, and he called his brethren; and they ate and drank, and they went to sleep in the mountain.
[3rising up 1And 2Laban] in the morning, kissed the sons and daughters of his, and he blessed them. And Laban turned and went forth to his place.
Jacob Fears Esau And Jacob went forth into his own way. And having looked up, he saw the camp of God encamped. And [4met with 5him 1the 2angels 3of God].
[3said 1And 2Jacob], when he saw them, [2the camp 3of God 1This is]. And he called the name of that place, Camps.
[3sent 1And 2Jacob] messengers in front of him to Esau his brother, into the land of Seir into the region of Edom.
And he gave charge to them, saying, Thus you shall say to my master Esau; Thus says your servant Jacob, [2with 3Laban 1I sojourned], and passed time until the present.
And came to me oxen, and donkeys, and sheep, and manservants, and maidservants. And I sent to announce to my master Esau, that [2might find 1your servant] favor before you.
And [3returned 1the 2messengers] to Jacob, saying, We came to your brother Esau. And behold, he is coming to meet you, and four hundred men with him.
[3feared 1And 2Jacob] exceedingly, and he was perplexed. And he divided the people, the one with himself, and the oxen, and the sheep into two camps.
And Jacob said, If Esau should come into [2camp 1one] and should smite it, [4will be 1the 3camp 2second] for delivering.
[3said 1And 2Jacob], The God of my father Abraham, and the God of my father Isaac, O lord, the one saying to me, Run to the land of your birth! and [2good 3to you 1I will do].
It is fit to me for all righteousness, and of all truth, of which you did to your servant; for with [2my rod 1this] I passed over this Jordan, and now I exist in two camps.
Rescue me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau! For I fear him, lest coming he should strike me, and the mother with children.
But you, you said, [3good 2you 1I will do], and I will establish your seed as the sand of the sea, which shall not be counted by the multitude.
And he went to sleep there that night. And he took [2of which 3he brought 1gifts], and he sent to Esau his brother;
goats -- two hundred; he-goats -- twenty; sheep -- two hundred; rams -- twenty;
camels nursing and their offspring -- thirty; oxen -- forty; bulls -- ten; donkeys -- twenty; and foals -- ten.
And he gave them by hand to his servants a flock alone. And he said to his servants, You go forth in front of me, and [2a space 1make] between flock and flock.
And he gave charge to the first, saying, If [3should meet you 1Esau 2my brother], and he should ask you, saying, Who are you? and where might you go? and who are these going before you?
You shall say, Your servant Jacob [2gifts 1has sent] to my master Esau. And behold, he is behind us.
And he gave charge to the first, and to the second, and to the third, and to all the ones going before behind these flocks, saying, According to this saying you speak to Esau when you find him!
And you shall say, Behold, your servant Jacob comes after us. For he said, I will appease his face by the gifts going before him; and after this I will see his countenance, for perhaps he will favorably receive my person.
And [3went before 1the 2gifts] his face. And he went to sleep that night in the camp.
And rising that night, he took the two wives, and the two maidservants, and the eleven children of his, and he passed over the ford of the Jabbok.
And he took them, and passed over the rushing stream, and he caused to pass over all the ones of his.
Jacob Wrestles with God [3was left behind 1And 2Jacob] alone, and [2wrestled 1a man] with him until morning.
And he saw that he was not able to prevail against him; and he touched the wide part of his thigh, and he paralyzed the wide part of the thigh of Jacob in his wrestling with him.
And he said to him, You send me away! [4ascended 1for 2the 3dawn]. And he said, No way will I send you away if [2not 4me 1you should 3bless].
And he said to him, What [3name 2your 1is]? And he said, Jacob.
Jacob's Name Changed to Israel And he said to him, [3not 2shall 5be called 4any longer 1your name] Jacob, but Israel will be your name; for you grew in strength against God, and against [2men 1mighty].
[3asked 1And 2Jacob] and said, Announce to me your name! And he said, Why is this you ask my name, which is wonderful? And he blessed him there.
And Jacob called the name of that place, Sight of God. For I saw God face to face, and [3was delivered 1my 2life].
[4arose 1And 5to him 2the 3sun] when he went by the form of God, but he was limping in his thigh.
Because of this, no way [4eat 1do the 2sons 3of Israel] the nerve by which he was paralyzed, which is upon the wide part of the thigh, until this day. For he touched the wide part of the thigh of Jacob, of the nerve, in which he was paralyzed.
Jacob and Esau Reunite [3looking up 1And 2Jacob] saw. And behold, Esau his brother was coming, and four hundred men with him. And Jacob divided the servants unto Leah and unto Rachel, and the two maidservants.
And he made the two maidservants and their sons go in first, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph last.
But he went forth in front of them, and did obeisance on the ground seven times, while approaching to his brother.
And Esau ran up to meet him. And taking hold of him, he kissed him. And he fell upon his neck. And he kissed him, and they [2wept 1both].
And Esau looking up, he saw the women and the children. And he said, What [2these 3to you 1are]? And he said, The children which God showed mercy on your servant.
And [5drew near 1the 2maidservants 3and 4their children], and did obeisance.
And Leah drew near and her children, and they did obeisance. And after this [4drew near 1Rachel 2and 3Joseph], and they did obeisance.
And he said, What [2these 3to you 1are], all these camps which I have met? And he said, that [2should find 1your servant] favor before you, O master.
[3said 1And 2Esau], There is to me much, O brother, let [3be 4yours 2things 1your]!
[3said 1And 2Jacob], If I found favor before you, take the gifts by my hands! Because of this I saw your face, as if one may have seen the face of God, and you shall think well of me.
Take the things of my blessing, which I brought to you! for [2showed mercy 3on me 1God], and there is to me all things. And he forced him, and he took.
And he said, Departing we will go straight.
And he said to him, My master knows that the children are tender, and the sheep and the oxen are giving birth to me. If then I should drive them [2day 1one more 6will die 3all 4the 5cattle].
Let [2go forth 1my master] in front of his servant! and I shall gain strength in the way according to the ease of the trek before me, and according to the foot of the youngsters, until my coming to my master in Seir.
[3said 1And 2Esau], I will leave behind with you some of the people of the ones with me. And he said, Why this? It is enough that I found favor before you, O lord.
[3returned 1And 2Esau] in that day unto his journey to Seir.
And Jacob departed to Tents. And he made himself there a residence, and [3for his cattle 1he made 2tented shelters]. On account of this they call the name of that place, Tents.
And Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he returned back from Mesopotamia Syria. And he camped before the face of the city.
And he acquired the portion of the field which sat there by his tent, from Hamor father of Shechem, for a hundred lambs.
And he set up there an altar, and called upon the God of Israel.
Dinah is Humbled by Shechem And went forth Dinah, the daughter whom Leah bore to Jacob, to study the daughters of the native inhabitants.
And [2beheld 3her 1Shechem], the son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of the land. And taking her, he went to bed with her, and humbled her.
And he took heed to the soul of Dinah the daughter of Jacob. And he loved the virgin, and he spoke concerning the thought of her virgin state.
And said Shechem to Hamor his father, saying, Take for me this maidservant for a wife.
And Jacob heard that [4defiled 1the 2son 3of Hamor] Dinah his daughter. But his sons were with his cattle in the plain. [3remained silent 1And 2Jacob] until they came.
And came forth Hamor the father of Shechem to Jacob to speak to him.
And the sons of Jacob came from the plain. And as they heard, [3were vexed 1the 2men], and it was distressing to them exceedingly. For [2an indecent act 1he did] in Israel, going to bed with the daughter of Jacob. And not thus shall it be.
And Hamor spoke to them, saying, Shechem my son prefers [2in his 3soul 1your daughter]. Give her then to him as wife!
And be allied by marriage to us! [3your daughters 1You give 2us], and [2our daughters 1you take] for your sons!
And [2with 3us 1dwell]! And the land -- behold, it is spacious before you; you dwell and do trade in it, and acquire possessions in it!
[3said 1And 2Shechem] to her father, and to her brothers, I want to find favor before you, and what ever you should have said we will give.
You multiply the dowry exceedingly! and I will give in so far as whatever you should have said to me. And you shall give to me this child as wife.
Treachery of Jacob's Sons [5responded 1And 2the 3sons 4of Jacob] to Shechem and Hamor his father with treachery. And they spoke to them, for they defiled Dinah their sister.
And said to them Simeon and Levi the brothers of Dinah, We shall not be able to do this matter, to give our sister to a man who has a foreskin, for it is scorn to us.
Only in this we will be like you, and dwell among you, if you should become as us and we you, in the circumcision [3of yours 1of every 2male].
And we will give our daughters to you, and from your daughters we will take to ourselves wives, and we will live by you, and we will be [2race 1one].
But if you should not listen to us, of the being circumcised, taking our daughter, we shall go forth.
And [3were pleasing 1the 2words] before Hamor, and before Shechem the son of Hamor.
And [3did not 4pass time 1the 2young man] to do this word, for he clung to the daughter of Jacob. And he was most honorable of all of the ones in the house of his father.
[6came 1And 2Hamor 3and 4Shechem 5his son] to the gate of their city, and spoke to the men of their city, saying,
These men are peaceable with us; let them live upon the land, and let them trade in it! And the land, behold, it is spacious before them; [4of their daughters 1we shall take 2to ourselves 3wives], and [2daughters 1we shall give our] to them.
In this only will [3be like 4us 1the 2men], to dwell with us, so as to be [2people 1one] -- in the being circumcised of us every male, as also they have been circumcised.
And their cattle, and the four-footed animals, and their possessions -- [2not 4ours 1will they 3be]? Only in this, should we be like them, and they will live with us.
And they listened to Hamor and Shechem his son, and all the ones going forth at the gate of their city. And they were circumcised in the flesh of their foreskin -- every male.
And it came to pass in the [2day 1third], when they were in misery, [11taking 1the 2two 3sons 4of Jacob 5Simeon 6and 7Levi 8brothers 9of Dinah 10each] his sword, even entered to the city safely, and killed every male.
Also Hamor and Shechem his son they killed by the mouth of the sword. And they took Dinah from the house of Shechem, and went forth.
And the sons of Jacob entered unto the wounded, and plundered the city in which [3was defiled 1Dinah 2their sister].
And their sheep, and their oxen, and their donkeys, as much as was in the city, and as much as was in the plain, they took.
And all their persons, and all their belongings, and their women they captured. And they plundered as much as was in the city, and as much as was in the houses.
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to Simeon and Levi, [2me detested 1You have made], so as [3wicked 1for me 2to be] to all the ones dwelling the land, among both the Canaanites and among the Perizzites. And I am very few in number. And gathering against me, they shall cut me down, and I shall be obliterated, I and my house.
And they said, But as a harlot they treated our sister.
Jacob Builds an Altar at Beth-el [3said 1And 2God] to Jacob, Rising up, ascend unto the place Beth-el! And live there, and make there an altar to God! to the one appearing to you in the running away from the face of Esau your brother.
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to his house, and to all the ones with him, Take away [3gods 1the 2alien] from your midst, and cleanse and change your robes!
And rising up, let us ascend unto Beth-el, and let us make there an altar to God! to the one taking heed of me in the day of affliction, who was with me, and preserved me in the way which I went.
And they gave to Jacob [3gods 1the 2alien], which were in their hands, and the ear-rings in their ears. And [2hid 3them 1Jacob] under the turpentine tree, the one in Shechem. And he destroyed them unto today's day.
And Israel lifted away from Shechem. And there was a fear of God upon the cities round about them. And they did not pursue after the sons of Israel.
[3came 1And 2Jacob] into Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, which is Beth-el, he and all the people who were with him.
And he built there an altar, and he called the name of the place, Beth-el, for there [2appeared 3to him 1God] in his running away from the face of Esau his brother.
[6died 1And 2Deborah 3the 4nurse 5of Rebekah], and they entombed her below Beth-el, under the acorn tree, and Jacob called the name of it, Acorn tree of Mourning.
God Changes Jacob's Name to Israel [3appeared 1And 2God] to Jacob still in Luz, when he came from out of Mesopotamia of Syria. And [2blessed 3him 1God].
And [2said 3to him 1God], Your name shall not be called any longer Jacob, but Israel will be your name. And he called his name Israel.
[3said 1And 4to him 2God], I am your God. Grow and multiply! Nations and gatherings of nations will be from you, and kings [2from 3your loin 1shall come forth].
And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, [3to you 1I give 2it]. And to your seed after you I shall give this land.
[3ascended 1And 2God] from him, from the place where he spoke with him.
And Jacob set up a monument in the place in which [2spoke 3with 4him 1God] -- [2monument 1a stone]. And he offered upon it a libation, and he poured upon it olive oil.
And Jacob called the name of the place in which [2spoke 3with 4him 5there 1God], Beth-el.
Death of Rachel [3departed 1And 2Jacob] from Beth-el, and he pitched his tent beyond the tower of Gader. And it came to pass when he approached Chabratha, to come into Ephrath, Rachel bore. And in the giving birth she suffered birth pangs.
And it came to pass in her harshly bearing, [3said 4to her 1the 2midwife], Be of courage! for also this [3to you 1is 2a son].
And it came to pass in her letting go the soul, for she was dying, she called his name, Son of my Grief; but the father called his name, Benjamin.
[3died 1And 2Rachel], and she was entombed in the way of Ephrath, this is Beth-lehem.
And Jacob set up a monument for her memorial. This is the monument upon the tomb of Rachel, until this day.
And it came to pass when Israel dwelt in that land, Reuben went and bedded with Bilhah, the concubine of his father Jacob. And Israel heard, and [2wicked 1it appeared] before him.
Generations of Jacob and the Death of Isaac [5were 1And 2the 3sons 4of Jacob] twelve.
The sons of Leah, the first-born of Jacob, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun.
And the sons of Rachel, Joseph and Benjamin.
And the sons of Bilhah the maidservant of Rachel, Dan and Naphtali.
And the sons of Zilpah the maidservant of Leah, Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob, the ones who were born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria.
[3came 1And 2Jacob] to Isaac his father in Mamre, in a city of the plain -- this is Hebron, in the land of Canaan, where [4sojourned 1Abraham 2and 3Isaac].
And were the days of Isaac which he lived, [3years 1a hundred 2eighty].
And failing, Isaac died. And he was added to his family, older and full of days. And [7entombed 8him 1Esau 2and 3Jacob 5two 6sons 4his].
The Generations of Esau And these are the generations of Esau -- he is Edom.
And Esau took wives to himself from the daughters of the Canaanites -- Adah, daughter of Elon the Hittite; and Aholibamah, daughter of Anah the son of Zibeon the Hivite;
and Bashemath, daughter of Ishmael, sister of Nebajoth.
[3bore 1And 4to him 2Adah] Eliphaz; and Bashemath bore Reuel.
And Aholibamah bore Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. These are the sons of Esau, born to him in the land of Canaan.
[3took 1And 2Esau] his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and all his possessions, and all the cattle, and all as much as he acquired, and all as much as he procured in the land of Canaan. And Esau went from the land of Canaan, from the face of Jacob his brother.
For it was that their possessions were many to live together. And [4was not able 1the 2land 3of their sojourning] to bear them, because of the multitude of their possessions.
Esau Dwells in Seir [3dwelt 1And 2Esau] in the mountain of Seir. Esau, he is Edom.
And these are the generations of Esau, father of Edom in the mountain of Seir.
And these were the names of the sons of Esau -- Eliphaz son of Adah, wife of Esau, and Reuel, son of Bashemath wife of Esau.
And born to Eliphaz -- sons Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz.
And Timnah was a concubine of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. And she bore to Eliphaz, Amalek. These were the sons of Adah, wife of Esau.
And these are the sons of Reuel -- Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the sons of Bashemath wife of Esau.
And these were the sons of Aholibamah daughter of Anah, of the son of Zibeon wife of Esau; and she bore to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah.
These were the princes, sons of Esau. The sons of Eliphaz first-born of Esau -- prince Teman, prince Omar, prince Zepho, prince Kenaz,
prince Korah, prince Gatam, prince Amalek. These were the princes of Eliphaz in the land of Edom; and these were the sons of Adah.
And these were the sons of Reuel, son of Esau -- prince Nahath, prince Zerah, prince Shammah, prince Mizzah. These were the princes of Reuel in the land of Edom. These were the sons of Bashemath, wife of Esau.
And these were the sons of Aholibamah, wife of Esau -- prince Jeush, prince Jaalam, prince Korah. These were the princes of Aholibamah, daughter of Anah, wife of Esau.
These were the sons of Esau. And these were their princes. These are sons of Edom.
And these were the sons of Seir the Horite, of the one dwelling the land -- Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,
and Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan. These were the princes of the Horite, of the son of Seir, in the land of Edom.
And were born sons of Lotan -- Hori and Heman. And the sister of Lotan -- Timna.
And these were the sons of Shobal -- Golam, and Manahath, and Ebal, and Shepho, and Onam.
And these were the sons of Zibeon -- Ajah and Anah; this Anah is who found the mules in the wilderness when he was feeding the beasts of burden of Zibeon his father.
And these were the sons of Anah -- Dishon, and Aholibama was daughter of Anah.
And these were the sons of Dishon -- Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran.
And these were the sons of Ezer -- Bilhan, and Zaavan, and Akan.
And these were the sons of Dishan -- Uz and Aran.
And these were the princes of Horites -- prince Lotan, prince Shobal, prince Zibeon, prince Anah,
prince Dishon, prince Ezer, prince Dishan. These were the princes of Hori, in their governing in the land of Edom.
And these were the kings, the ones reigning in the land of Edom before the reigning of a king in Israel.
And [4reigned 5in 6Edom 1Balak 2son 3of Beor], and the name of his city -- Dinhabah.
[3died 1And 2Balak], and there reigned instead of him -- Jobab, son of Zerah, from Bozrah.
[3died 1And 2Jobab], and reigned instead of him -- Husham, from the land of Temani.
[3died 1And 2Husham], and reigned instead of him, Hadad son of Bedad, the one cutting off Midian in the plain of Moab. And the name of his city -- Getham.
[3died 1And 2Hadad], and reigned instead of him -- Samiah from Masrekah.
[3died 1And 2Samiah], and reigned instead of him -- Saul from Rehoboth of the place by the river.
[3died 1And 2Saul], and reigned instead of him -- Baal-hanan son of Achbor.
[5died 1And 2Baal-hanan 3son 4of Achbor], and reigned instead of him -- Arad, son of Barad; and the name of his city -- Phogor; and the name of his wife -- Mehetabel, daughter of Matred, son of Mezahab.
These are the names of the princes of Esau, in their tribes according to their place, in their regions, and in their nations -- prince Timnah, prince Alvah, prince Jetheth,
prince Aholibamah, prince Elah, prince Pinon,
prince Kenaz, prince Teman, prince Mibzar,
prince Magdiel, prince Zaphoi. These are the princes of Edom, in the buildings in the land of their property. This is Esau, father of Edom.
Joseph's Dreams [3dwelt 1And 2Jacob] in the land of which [2sojourned 1his father] in the land of Canaan.
These are the generations of Jacob. And Joseph [2ten 3and 4seven 5years old 1was] tending the sheep of his father with his brothers, being young among the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, the wives of his father. And they brought against Joseph [2fault 1a bad] to Israel their father.
But Jacob loved Joseph beyond all his sons, for [3the son 4of old age 1he was 2to him]. And he made for him [2garment 1a colored].
[3seeing 1And 2his brothers] that [4him 1the 2father 3was fond of] over all of his sons, they detested him, and were not able to speak to him, not one thing peaceable.
[3dreaming 1And 2Joseph] a dream, reported it to his brothers.
And he said to them, Hear this dream which I dreamed!
I imagined you all were binding sheaves in the middle of the plain. And there rose up my sheaf, and it was straight up. [4moving around 1And 3sheaves 2your], did obeisance to my sheaf.
[3said 1And 4to him 2his brothers], Do you mean in reigning you will reign over us, or in dominating you will dominate us? And they added still to detest him because of his dreams, and because of his words.
And he saw [2dream 1another]. And he described it to his father, and to his brothers. And he said, Behold, I dreamed [2dream 1another]; as if the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars did obeisance to me.
And [2reproached 3him 1his father], and said to him, What is this dream which you dreamed? Is it so indeed in having come I will come also, and your mother, and your brothers, to do obeisance to you upon the ground?
[3envied 1And 4him 2his brothers], but his father kept the saying.
[3went 1And 2his brothers] to graze the sheep of their father in Shechem.
And Israel said to Joseph, Did not your brothers tend in Shechem? Come, I will send you to them. And he said to him, Behold, I am ready.
[3said 1And 4to him 2Israel], In going see if [2are in health 1your brothers] and the sheep, and announce it to me! And he sent him from the valley of Hebron. And he came into Shechem.
And [2found 3him 1a man] wandering in the plain. [4asked 1And 5him 2the 3man], saying, What do you seek?
And he said, [2my brothers 1I seek]; report to me where they graze!
[4said 1And 5to him 2the 3man], They have departed from here. For I heard them saying, Let us go unto Dothan. And Joseph went after his brothers, and found them in Dothan.
Joseph Sold into Egypt And they spied him far off before his approaching to them. And they acted wickedly to kill him.
And said each to his brother, Behold, that dreamer comes.
Now then, come, let us kill him and toss him into one of the wells! And we shall say, [2wild beast 1A ferocious] devoured him. And we shall see what will be of his dreams.
[3hearing 1And 2Reuben], rescued him from out of their hands. And he said, Do not strike him as far as his life.
[3said 1And 4to them 2Reuben], You should not shed blood, put him into one of these wells of the ones in the wilderness, [4a hand 1and 3not 2bear] against him, that he might rescue him from out of their hands, and that he might give him to his father.
And it came to pass when Joseph came to his brothers, they took [4off 5Joseph 3garment 1the 2colored], the one around him.
And taking him, they tossed him into the well. But the well was empty, [3water 1it did not 2have].
And they sat to eat bread. And looking up with the eyes they saw. And behold, journeying Ishmaelites having come from Gilead, and their camels full of incenses, and balm, and balsam. And they were going leading down into Egypt.
[3said 1And 2Judah] to his brothers, What profit if we kill our brother, and hide his blood?
Come let us give him to these Ishmaelites, and the hands of ours, let them not be upon him! for he is our brother, and [2flesh 1he is our]. [3hearkened 1And 2his brothers].
And [2came near 1the men], the Midianite merchants, and they drew out and hauled Joseph from out of the well. And [3rendered 4for Joseph 1the 2Ishmaelites] twenty pieces of gold. And they led Joseph into Egypt.
[3returned 1And 2Ruben] upon the well, and he did not see Joseph in the well, and he tore his clothes.
And he turned towards his brothers, and he said, The boy is not, and I, where shall I go yet?
And taking the garment of Joseph, they slew a kid of the goats, and tainted the garment in the blood.
And they sent [3garment 1the 2colored], and they carried it to their father, and said, This we found, do you recognize if the garment [2son 1is of your] or not?
And he recognized it, and said, The garment [2of my son 1is], [2wild beast 1a ferocious] devoured him, a wild beast seized Joseph.
[3tore 1And 2Jacob] his clothes, and placed sackcloth upon his loin, and mourned for his son [2days 1many].
[6came together 1And 2all 3his sons 4and 5daughters]. And they came to comfort him, and he did not want to be comforted, saying that, I will go down to my son in mourning into Hades. And [2wept 3for him 1his father].
And the Midianites gave Joseph into Egypt to Potiphar the castrato of Pharaoh -- the chief guard.
Judah and Tamar And it came to pass in that time, Judah went from his brothers, and he arrived unto before a certain man of Adullam, whose name was Hirah.
And [2saw 3there 1Judah] a daughter of a Canaanite man, whose name was Shuah. And he took her, and entered to her.
And she conceived and bore a son, and she called his name, Er.
And she conceived and bore a son still again, and she called his name, Onan.
And adding she bore a son, and she called his name, Shelah. And she was in Chezib when she bore them.
And Judah took a wife for Er his first-born, whose name was Tamar.
And it came to pass Er the first-born of Judah was wicked before the lord; and [2killed 3him 1God].
[3said 1And 2Judah] to Onan, Enter to the wife of your brother, and ally to her by marriage, and raise up seed to your brother!
[3knowing 1And 2Onan] that [4not 6his 3will 5be 1the 2seed] -- that it came to pass whenever he entered to [2wife 1his brother's], he discharged upon the ground, to not give seed to his brother.
[3wicked 1And 2it appeared] before God that he did this; and he put to death also this one.
[3said 1And 2Judah] to Tamar his daughter-in-law, You sit as a widow in the house of your father! until [4older 3becomes 1Shelah 2my son]. For he said, Lest at any time [3should die 2also 1this one] as also his brothers. [3going forth 1And 2Tamar] settled in the house of her father.
[4multiplied 1And 2the 3days], and [5died 1Shuah 2the 3wife 4of Judah]. And being comforted, Judah ascended to the shearing of his sheep, himself and Hirah his shepherd the Adullamite, unto Timnath.
And it was reported to Tamar his daughter-in-law, saying, Behold, your father-in-law ascends to Timnath, to shear his sheep.
And removing the garments of the widowhood from herself, she put around a lightweight covering, and bedecked herself, and sat by the gates of Enaim, which is in the byway of Timnath. For she knew that [3older 2was 1Shelah], but he did not give her to him as wife.
And [2seeing 3her 1Judah], assumed her to be a harlot. For she covered up her face, and [3not 1he recognized 2her].
And he turned aside to her in the way. And he said to her, Allow me to enter to you. For he did not know that [2his daughter-in-law 1she is]. And she said, What will you give to me, if you should enter to me?
And he said, I will send to you a kid of the goats from out of my flocks. And she said, You should give a deposit until you send it.
And he said, What deposit shall I give to you? And she said, Your ring, and the pendant, and the rod in your hand. And he gave them to her, and he entered to her. And [2in 3the womb 1she conceived] from him.
And rising up she went forth. And she removed her lightweight garment from herself, and put on the garments of her widowhood.
[3sent 1And 2Judah] the kid of the goats by the hand of his shepherd the Adullamite, to deliver by him to the woman the deposit. And he did not find her.
And he asked the men of the place, Where is the harlot, the one being in Enaim upon the way? And they said, There was no [2here 1harlot].
And he returned to Judah, and said, I did not find her, and the men, the ones from the place, say, There was no [2here 1harlot].
[3said 1And 2Judah], Let her have them, but lest at any time we should be ridiculed, I indeed sent this kid, but you have not found her.
And it came to pass after three months, it was announced to Judah, saying, [3fornicated 1Tamar 2your daughter-in-law]. And behold, [2in 3the womb 1she has one] out of harlotry. [3said 1And 2Judah], Lead her out, and let her be incinerated!
[3her 1And 2while leading], she sent to her father-in-law, saying, From the man whom these things are I [2in 3the womb 1have one]. And she said, Recognize whose ring and pendant and rod these are!
[3realized 1And 2Judah], and said, Tamar has done justice rather than I, because I did not give her Shelah my son. And he did not add any longer to know her.
And it came to pass when she was bearing, that thus there were twins in her womb.
And it came to pass in her bearing, the one put forth first the hand. And taking it, the midwife tied upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This one will come forth prior.
And as he retracted the hand, straightway came forth his brother. And she said, Why was [2cut 3because of 4you 1the barrier]? And she called his name, Pharez.
And after this came forth his brother, of which was upon his hand the scarlet thread. And she called his name Zarah.
Joseph in Potiphar's House And Joseph was carried down into Egypt. And [2acquired 3him 1Potiphar], the eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief guard, an Egyptian man, from out of the hands of the Ishmaelites, the ones that led him there.
And the lord was with Joseph. And he was a man succeeding in things. And he was in the house by his master the Egyptian.
[3saw 1And 2his master] that the lord was with him, and whatever as much as he should do, the lord prospered the way by his hands.
And Joseph found favor before his master. And he was well-pleasing to him, and he placed him over his house; and all as much as was his he gave through the hand of Joseph.
And it came to pass after placing him over his house, and over all as much as was his, that the lord blessed the house of the Egyptian on account of Joseph; and he became a blessing for his master in all his possessions in the house, and in his fields.
And he committed to care all as much as was his into the hand of Joseph. And he did not know the things about his own -- not one thing, except the bread which he ate. And Joseph was good to the sight, and handsome in appearance -- exceedingly.
Potiphar's Wife And it happened after these things, and [4put 1the 2wife 3of his master] her eyes upon Joseph. And she said, Come to bed with me!
But he was not willing. And he said to the wife of his master, If my master does not know on account of me one thing in his house, and all as much as is his he gave into my hands,
and not exists in this house one thing outside of me, nor is [2secretly removed 3from 4me 1one thing], besides you, on account of you [2his wife 1being], then how should I do [2thing 1this wicked], and sin before God?
And when she spoke to Joseph day by day, and he did not obey her to sleep with her, to be intimate with her.
And it came to pass on such a day, Joseph entered into the house to do his works, and no one was in the house inside.
And she drew him by his clothes, saying, Come to bed with me! And leaving behind his clothes in her hands, he fled and went forth outside.
And it came to pass as she saw that leaving behind his clothes in her hands, he fled and went forth outside,
that she called the ones being in the house, and said to them, saying, See! he brought in to us a Hebrew servant to mock us. He entered to me, saying, Come to bed with me! And I yelled [2voice 1a great].
And in his hearing that [2was raised 1my voice], and I yelled, leaving behind his clothes by me, he fled, and he went forth outside.
And she left the clothes by herself, until [3came 1the 2master] into his house.
And she spoke to him concerning these things, saying, There entered to me the Hebrew servant, whom you brought in to us, to mock me. And he said to me, I will come to bed with you.
But as he heard that I raised my voice, and I yelled, leaving behind his clothes by me, he fled, and went forth outside.
And it happened as [2heard 1his master] the words of his wife, as much as she spoke to him, saying, Thus [2did 3to me 1your servant], that he was enraged with anger.
Joseph Cast into Prison And [3taking 1the 2master] Joseph, put him into the fortress, in the place in which the prisoners of the king were held there in the fortress.
And the lord was with Joseph, and he poured down upon him mercy; and he gave to him favor before the chief jailer.
And [3gave 1the 2chief jailer] the jail over to the hand of Joseph, and all the ones being taken away, as many as were in the jail, and all as much as they do there, he was doing.
For not was the chief jailer of the jail knowing anything concerning him -- not one thing. For all was through the hand of Joseph, because of the reason the lord [2with 3him 1being]. And as much as he did, the lord prospered the way in his hands.
Joseph Interprets Dreams And it came to pass after these things, [6sinned 1the 2chief wine taster 3of the 4king 5of Egypt], and the chief baker against their master the king of Egypt.
And Pharaoh was provoked to anger over [2two 3eunuchs 1his] -- over the chief wine taster and over the chief baker.
And he put them under guard in the jail, into the place where Joseph had been taken away there.
And [3combined 1the 2chief jailer] them to Joseph, and he stood beside them. And they were some days under guard.
And [2saw 1both] a dream in one night. And the vision of the dream of the chief wine taster and the chief baker, the ones who were in service to the king of Egypt, the ones being in the jail, was this.
[3entered 1And 4to 5them 2Joseph] in the morning, and he saw them, and they were disturbed.
And he asked the eunuchs of Pharaoh, who were with him under guard, by his master, saying, Why is it that your faces are looking downcast today?
And they said to him, [2a dream 1We saw], and the interpreting it is not. [3said 1And 4to them 2Joseph], [2not 6through 7God 3the 4explanation 5of them 1Is]? Describe them then to me.
And [3described 1the 2chief wine taster] his dream to Joseph. And he said, In my sleep there was a grapevine before me.
And in the grapevine three lower branches; and it flourished offering [2buds 1mature] -- the clusters of the grape.
And the cup of Pharaoh was in my hand, and I took the grape cluster and squeezed it into the cup, and gave the cup into the hand of Pharaoh.
And [2said 3to him 1Joseph], This is the interpretation of it. The three lower branches [2three 3days 1are].
In yet three days and Pharaoh will remember your office, and restore you to your office of chief wine taster, and you will give the cup to Pharaoh, into his hand according to [3office 1your 2former], as you were of the wine servers.
But remember me of yourself, whenever good happens to you, and you shall do with me an act of mercy. And you shall remind [2concerning 3me 1Pharaoh], and lead me from this fortress.
For by stealth I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews, and here I did not do anything, but they put me into this pit.
And [3saw 1the 2chief baker] that rightly he interpreted, and he said to Joseph, I also saw a dream, and I imagined three bins of groats, lifted upon my head.
And in the bin above, items of all kinds of things of which Pharaoh eats -- the work of a baker. And the birds of the heaven ate them from the bin upon my head.
And answering Joseph said to him, This is the interpretation of it. The three bins [2three 3days 1are].
Yet in three days and Pharaoh will remove your head from you, and hang you upon a timber, and [5will eat 1the 2birds 3of the 4heaven] the flesh from you.
And it came to pass in the [2day 1third], [3day 2the birth 1that it was] of Pharaoh, and he made a banquet for all his servants, and he remembered concerning the chief wine taster, and the office of the chief baker in the midst of his servants.
And he restored the chief wine taster to his office, and he gave the cup unto the hand of Pharaoh.
And the chief baker he hung, as [2interpreted 3to them 1Joseph].
And [3remembered not 1the 2chief wine taster] Joseph, but forgot him.
Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams And it came to pass after two years of days, Pharaoh saw a dream. He imagined standing at the river.
And behold, as if from the river ascended seven oxen good to the sight and choice in the flesh; and they were grazing in the reed-grass.
And another seven oxen ascended after these from out of the river, shameful to the sight and thin in the flesh, and feeding by the oxen by the edge of the river.
And [9ate up 1the 2seven 8oxen 3shameful 4and 5thin 6in the 7flesh] the seven oxen good to the sight and choice. [3arose 1And 2Pharaoh].
And he dreamed the second time. And behold, seven [4ears of corn 5ascended 6in 7the 9lower branch 8one 1choice 2and 3good].
And behold, seven ears of corn, thin and destroyed by the wind grew up after them.
And [7swallowed down 1the 2seven 6ears of corn 3thin 4and 5destroyed by wind] the seven [4ears of corn 1choice 2and 3full]. [3arose 1And 2Pharaoh], and it was a dream.
And it came to pass in the morning and [2was disturbed 1his soul]. And sending, he called all the expositors of Egypt, and all her wise men. And [2described 3to them 1Pharaoh] his dream. And there was no one reporting it to Pharaoh.
And [3spoke 1the 2chief wine taster] to Pharaoh, saying, My sin I call to mind today.
Pharaoh was provoked to anger against his servants, and he put us under guard in the house of the chief guard -- both me and the chief baker.
And we saw a dream, both in [2night 1one], I and he, each according to his dream saw.
And there was there with us a young Hebrew servant of the chief guard. And we described to him, and he interpreted to us.
And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, so also it came to pass, both me being restored to my office, and that one being hanged.
[3having sent 1And 2Pharaoh], called for Joseph. And they led him from the fortress, and shaved him, and changed his apparel, and he came to Pharaoh.
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, [2a dream 1I have seen], and [2not one interpreting 1there is] it. But I have heard concerning you, saying, In your hearing dreams you interpret them.
[3answering 1And 2Joseph] to Pharaoh said, Without God [2shall not be answered 1deliverance] to Pharaoh.
[3spoke 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, saying, In my sleep I imagined standing by the edge of the river.
And as if from out of the river ascended seven oxen, good to the sight and choice in the flesh, and they fed at the reed-grass.
And behold, [2seven 3oxen 1another] ascended after them from the river, in a sorry state and shameful to the sight, and thin in the flesh, what thing [2I saw not 1such as] [2in 3the entire 4land 5of Egypt 1a shameful thing].
And [7ate up 1the 2seven 6oxen 3shameful 4and 5thin] the seven oxen -- the first, the good and the choice.
And they entered into their bellies. And it did not [2apparent 1become] that they entered into their bellies. And their appearance was shameful, as also in the beginning. And after awakening, I went back to bed.
And I saw again in my sleep, even as if seven ears of corn ascended in [2lower branch 1one], full and good.
And another seven ears of corn, thin and destroyed by the wind grew up next to them.
And [7swallowed down 1the 2seven 6ears of corn 3thin 4and 5destroyed by the wind] the seven [4ears of corn 1good 2and 3full]. I told it then to the expositors, and there was no one reporting it to me.
And Joseph said to Pharaoh, The dream to Pharaoh is one. As much as God does, he showed to Pharaoh.
The seven [2oxen 1good 4seven 5years 3are], and the seven [2ears of corn 1good 4seven 5years 3are]; the dream of Pharaoh is one.
And the seven [2oxen 1thin], the ones ascending after them, [2seven 3years 1are]; and the seven [4ears of corn 1thin 2and 3destroyed by the wind 6seven 7years 5are] -- there will be seven years of famine.
And the saying which I have said to Pharaoh, [3as much 1God 2will do] to show to Pharaoh.
Behold, for seven years there comes [2prosperity 1great] in all the land of Egypt.
[5shall come 1But 2seven 3years 4of famine] after these, and they shall forget the fullness being in all the land Egypt, and [3will consume 1the 2famine] the land.
And [3shall not 4be realized 1the 2prosperity] in the land because of the famine being after these things. [4strong 1For 2it will be 3exceedingly].
And concerning the repetition of the dream to Pharaoh twice, it is because [5will be true 1the 2saying 3by 4God], and God will hasten to do it.
Now then, look about for a man intelligent and discerning, and place him over the land of Egypt!
And let Pharaoh make and place toparchs over the land. And let them take a fifth of all the produce of the land of Egypt of the seven years of prosperity!
And let them bring together all the foods [3seven 5years 2coming 4good 1of these]! And let them bring together the grain under the hand of Pharaoh! foods [2in 3the 4cities 1to be guarded].
And [4shall be 1the 2foods 3being guarded] for the land in the seven years of the famine, which will be in the land of Egypt, and [3shall not be obliterated 1the 2land] in the famine.
[4was pleasing 1And 2the 3saying] before Pharaoh, and before all his servants.
Joseph Made Ruler Over Egypt And Pharaoh said to his servants, Shall we find [2a man 1such] who has spirit of God in him?
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, Since God showed to you all these things, there is not a man more intelligent and more discerning than you.
You will be over my house, and by your mouth [3shall obey 1all 2my people]. Except for the throne -- [2will excel 3you 1I].
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, Behold, I place you today over all the land of Egypt.
And Pharaoh removing the ring from his hand, put it upon the hand of Joseph. And he put on him [2apparel 1fine linen], and he put a collar of gold about his neck.
And he transported him upon [3chariot 2second 1his]. And [2proclaimed 3in front of 4him 1a herald]. And he placed him over the entire land of Egypt.
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, I am Pharaoh, without you not [2shall lift 1anyone] his hand over all the land of Egypt.
And Pharaoh called the name of Joseph, Zaphnath-paaneah. And he gave to him Asenath, daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis, to him as a wife.
And Joseph was [2years old 1thirty] when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. [3went forth 1And 2Joseph] from the face of Pharaoh, and went through all the land of Egypt.
And [3produced 1the 2land] in the seven years prosperity of sheaves.
And was brought together all the foods of the seven years in which there was prosperity in the land of Egypt. And he put the foods in the cities. Foods of the plains of the city of the places round about it, he put in it.
And Joseph gathered together grain as the sand of the sea, much exceedingly, until they were not able to count it, [3no 1for 2there was] number.
And to Joseph were born [2sons 1two] before the coming of the seven years of famine, which [2bore 3to him 1Asenath], the daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis.
[3called 1And 2Joseph] the name of the first-born, Manasseh, for [3me forget 2made 1God] all my miseries, and all of the things of my father.
And the name of the second he called, Ephraim, for [2increased 3me 1God] in the land of my humiliation.
And went by the seven years of prosperity, which came to pass in the land of Egypt.
And [5began 1the 2seven 3years 4of famine] to come as Joseph said. And there became famine in all the earth; but in all the land of Egypt there were bread loaves.
And [5hungered 1all 2the 3land 4of Egypt]. [4cried out 1And 2the 3people] to Pharaoh for bread loaves. [3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to all the Egyptians, You go to Joseph, and what ever he says to you, you do!
And the famine was upon the face of all the earth. [3opened 1And 2Joseph] all the granaries, and sold to all the Egyptians.
And all the regions came to Egypt to buy from Joseph, [4prevailed 1for 2the 3famine] in all the earth.
Joseph's Brothers Seek Food in Egypt [3seeing 1And 2Jacob] that there is grain for sale in Egypt, said to his sons, Why are you lazy?
Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down there and buy for us a small amount of foods! that we should live, and not die.
[5went down 1And 2the 3brothers 4of Joseph], the ten, to buy grain from Egypt.
But Benjamin the brother of Joseph was not sent with his brothers. For he said, Lest at any time should come to pass to him an infirmity.
[5came 1And 2the 3sons 4of Israel] to buy with the ones coming; [4was 1for 2the 3famine] in the land of Canaan.
And Joseph was the ruler of the land; he sold to all the people of the land. [5coming 1And 2the 3brothers 4of Joseph] did obeisance to him upon their face upon the ground.
[3seeing 1And 2Joseph] his brothers recognized and alienated himself from them, and he spoke to them hard. And he said to them, From what place have you come? And they said, From out of the land of Canaan, to buy foods.
[3recognized 1And 2Joseph] his brothers, but they did not recognize him.
And Joseph remembered his dreams, of which he himself saw. And he said to them, You are spies to study the tracks of the place in which you have come.
And they said, Not so, O lord, your servants came to buy foods.
We are all sons of one man; we are peaceable. [2are not 1Your servants] spies.
And he said to them, No, but [3the 4tracks 5of the 6land 1you came 2to see].
And they said, [3twelve 1We are 2your servants] brothers in the land of Canaan; and behold, our younger brother is with our father today, and the other does not exist.
[3said 1And 4to them 2Joseph], This is it that I have said to you, saying that, You are spies.
In this you shall appear exposed, by the health of Pharaoh, no way should you go forth from here, if [4should not 3brother 1your 2younger] come here.
You send [2from 3you 1one], and take your brother! But you shall be taken away until [3apparent 2become 1your sayings], if you be truthful, or not. But if not, by the health of Pharaoh, assuredly you are spies.
And he put them in prison [2days 1three].
And he said to them [3day 1on the 2third], You do this and you shall live! [4God 1For 2I 3fear].
If you are peaceable, [3of your brothers 1let 4be held 2one] in the prison! but you yourselves proceed, and take back the purchase of your provision!
And [4brother 2your 3younger 1you lead] to me! and I will trust your sayings; but if not you shall die. And they did so.
And said each to his brother, Yes, [3in 4sins 1for 2we are] on account of our brother, for we overlooked the affliction of his soul when he besought us, and we did not listen to him, and because of this [2came 3upon 4us 1this affliction].
[3answering 1And 2Reuben] said to them, Did I not speak to you, saying, You should not wrong the lad, and you did not hearken to me? And behold, his blood is required.
And they did not know that Joseph heard, for the translator [2between 3them 1was].
And turning from them, Joseph wept. And again he came forward to them, and spoke to them. And he took Simeon from them, and he tied him before them.
[3gave charge 1And 2Joseph] to fill up their containers of grain, and to give back their silver to each in his sackcloth, and to give them provisions for the journey. And it became to them so.
And placing the grain upon their donkeys, they went forth from there.
[3untying 1And 2one] his bag, to give fodder to his donkeys where they rested, and he saw [2bundle 3of silver 1his], for it was upon the mouth of the bag.
And he said to his brothers, [3was given back 4to me 1the 2silver], and behold, this is in my bag. And it startled their hearts, and they were disturbed with one another, saying, What is this God did to us?
Joseph's Brothers Return to Canaan And they came to Jacob their father in the land of Canaan. And they reported to him all the things coming to pass to them, saying,
[7spoke 1The 2man 3the 4master 5of the 6land] to us hard, and put us in prison as spying out the land.
And we said to him, We are peaceable, we are not spies.
Twelve brothers we are, sons of our father; the one does not exist, and the younger is with our father today in the land of Canaan.
[8said 1And 9to us 2the 3man 4the 5master 6of the 7land], By this I will know that you are peaceable, [3of your brothers 1you leave 2one] here with me! and the purchase of the provision for your house having taken, you go forth!
And you lead to me [3brother 1your 2younger]! and I shall know that [2not 3spies 1you are], but that you are peaceable, and [3your brother 1I will give back 2to you], and [2in the 3land 1you can trade]!
And it happened in their emptying their sackcloths, and there was [3in each 1a bundle 2of silver] in their sackcloth. And they saw the bundles of their silver to them, and their father, and they feared.
[4said 1And 5to them 2Jacob 3their father], You are making me childless; Joseph is not, Simeon is not, and will you take Benjamin? Upon me [3happened 2these things 1all].
[3said 1And 2Reuben] to his father, saying, The two sons of mine you may kill if I do not lead him to you. You give him into my hand, and I will lead him to you.
And he said, [2shall not 3go down 1My son] with you, for his brother died, and he alone is left behind. And suppose it shall come to pass that he be infirm in the way which ever you go, and you will lead me in old age with distress into Hades.
Joseph's Brothers Return to Egypt But the famine grew in strength upon the land.
And it came to pass when they completed eating up the grain which they brought from Egypt, that [2said 3to them 1their father], In again going, you buy us a small amount of foods!
[3said 1And 4to him 2Judah], saying, [3bore witness 4by testifying 5to us 1The 2man], the master of the land, saying, You shall not see my face if [4should not 3brother 1your 2younger 6with 7you 5come].
If then, you send our brother with us, we will go down, and we will buy foods for you.
But if you do not send our brother with us, we will not go, for the man said to us, saying, You shall not see my face if [4should not 3brother 1your 2younger 6with 7you 5be].
[3said 1And 2Israel], Why did you do evil to me announcing to the man that there is to you a brother?
And they said, In asking, [3asked 4of us 1the 2man] and our family, saying, Does [2still 1our father] live, and if there is to us a brother. And we reported to him according to this questioning. We did not know that he would say to us, You bring your brother!
[3said 1And 2Judah] to Israel his father, You send the lad with me, and rising up let us go, that we may live and not die, and we and you and our belongings.
I will look out for him. [3from out of 4my hand 1You seek 2him]. If I do not lead him to you, and set him before you, I will be sinning against you all the days.
[2if 4not 1For 3we slowed], already even we should have returned twice.
[4said 1And 5to them 2Israel 3their father], If so it is, this you do! You take from the fruits of the earth in your containers, and bring to the man gifts of balm, and of honey, and incense, and balsam, and turpentine, and walnuts!
And [3silver 2double 1you take] in your hands. And the silver being returned in your bags, return it with you, perhaps it is by ignorance!
And [2your brother 1you take], and rising go down to the man!
And my God give to you favor before the man, even to send your brother, the other one, and Benjamin. [3I indeed 1For 2as much as] have been made childless, I have been made childless.
[4receiving 1And 2the 3men] these gifts, and the [2silver 1double] they took in their hands, and Benjamin, and rising up they went down into Egypt, and stood before Joseph.
[3saw 1And 2Joseph] them, and Benjamin his brother, the one born of the same mother. And he said to the one over his house, Bring the men into the house, and slay the things offered for sacrifices, and prepare! [5with 6me 1for 4will eat 2the 3men] bread loaves at midday.
[4did 1And 2the 3man] as Joseph said. And he brought the men into the house of Joseph.
[4seeing 1And 2the 3men] that they were brought into the house of Joseph, said, On account of the silver returned in our bags in the beginning we are brought in -- to extort us, and to place charge upon us, to take us as servants, and our donkeys.
And coming forward to the man, the one over the house of Joseph, they spoke to him in the vestibule of the house,
saying, We beseech you, O master, we went down in the beginning to buy foods,
and it happened when we came to rest up, and we opened our bags, that thus, the silver was in each of his bag. [3our silver 4with 5the weight 1We returned 2now] in our hands,
and [3silver 2other 1we brought] with ourselves to buy foods, we do not know who put the silver in our bags.
And he said to them, Kindness be to you, do not fear. Your God, and the God of your fathers gave to you treasures in your bags, and your silver in approving I receive. And he led out to them Simeon.
And he brought water to wash their feet. And he gave fodder to their donkeys.
And they prepared the gifts until [2came 3at 1Joseph] midday. For they heard that [3there 1he was about 2to dine].
[3entered 1And 2Joseph] into the house, and they brought to him the gifts which they had in their hands, into the house. And they did obeisance to him upon their face upon the ground.
And he asked them, How have you been? And he said to them, Is [2in health 1your father], the old man whom you spoke of? Still he lives?
And they said, He is in health -- your servant our father, still lives. And he said, Blessed be that man by God. And bowing they did obeisance to him.
And looking up with his eyes, he saw Benjamin his brother, the one born of the same mother. And he said, This is your brother the younger whom you spoke to me of bringing? And he said, God show mercy to you child.
[3was disturbed 1And 2Joseph]. [3contracted 1For 2his innards] over his brother, and he was seeking to weep, and he entered into the storeroom to weep there.
And he washed his face, and coming forth he controlled himself, and said, You place the bread loaves.
And they placed a setting to him alone, and to them by themselves, and to the Egyptians dining with them by themselves, [4were not 1for 5able 2the 3Egyptians] to eat [2with 3the 4Hebrews 1bread loaves], [3an abomination 1for 2it is] to the Egyptians.
And he seated before himself the first-born according to their seniority, and the younger according to his youth. [5were looking amazed 1And 2the 3men 4each] at his brother.
And they lifted away the portions from him to them. [5was magnified 1And 2the 3portion 4of Benjamin] over the portions of all -- five-fold over those. And they drank and became intoxicated with him.
Joseph's Cup And Joseph gave charge to the one over his house, saying, Fill the bags of the men with foods, as much as they are able to lift away. And put in each the silver at the mouth of the bag.
And [3drinking cup 1my 2silver] put into the bag of the younger, and the value of his grain. And it happened according to the word of Joseph, as he said.
In the morning light shone through, and the men were sent, they and their donkeys.
[3going forth from 1And 2their] the city, not [2distance 1at a far], and Joseph said to the one over his house, In rising up, pursue after the men, and you shall overtake them! And you shall say to them, For what reason did you recompense bad for good? Why did you steal my [2drinking cup 1silver]?
[2not 1Is this] in which [2drinks 1my master]? And he [2an omen 1foretells] by it? [2the wicked things 1You completed] which you have done.
And having found them, he said to them according to these words.
And they said to him, Why speaks the master in these words? May it not be for your servants to do according to this word;
since the silver which we found in our bags we returned to you from the land of Canaan. How then would we steal from out of the house of your master silver or gold?
By whom ever [3should be found 1the 2drinking cup] of your servants, let him die. [3also 2we 1And] will be servants to your master!
And he said, And now as you say, so it will be. By whom ever [3should be found 1the 2drinking cup], will be my servant, and you all shall be pure.
And they hastened, and [2lowered 1each] his bag upon the ground, and [2opened 1each] his bag.
And he searched [2from 3the 4older 1beginning] until he came to the younger. And he found the drinking cup in the bag of Benjamin.
And they tore their cloaks, and [2placed 1each] his bag upon his donkey, and returned to the city.
[3entered 1And 2Judah] and his brothers to Joseph, while he was there. And they fell before him upon the ground.
[3said 1And 4to them 2Joseph], What is this you did? Did you not know that [5an omen 4shall foretell 1a man 2such as 3I]?
[3said 1And 2Judah], How shall we contradict the master, or what shall we speak, or how shall we be justified? For God found the injustice of your servants. Behold, we are servants to our master, both we and by whom was found with the drinking cup.
[3said 1And 2Joseph], Let it not be to me to do this thing. The man by whom was found with the drinking cup, he will be my servant. But you all ascend with safety to your father.
And approaching to him, Judah said, I beseech O lord, let [2speak 1your servant] before you, and be not enraged with your servant, for you are after Pharaoh!
O lord you asked your servants, saying, [2you 1Have] a father or brother?
And we said to the master, There is to us a father, an older man, and [2child 4old age 1a younger 3in his], and his brother died, and he alone was left behind of his mother, and his father loved him.
And you said to your servants, Lead him to me! and I will care for him.
And we said to the master, [3is not able 1The 2child] to leave his father; and if he should leave his father, he will die.
And you said to your servants, If [4does not 5go down 3brother 1Your 2younger] with you, you shall not proceed to see my face.
And it happened when we ascended to your servant our father, we reported to him the words of our master.
[3said 1And 2our father], Proceed again, and buy for us a small amount of foods!
And we said, We will not be able to go down; but if then [3brother 1our 2younger] goes down with us, we will go down; for not will we be able to see the face of the man, [4brother 2our 3younger 1if] is not being with us.
[4said 1And 2our father 3your servant] to us, You know that [4two 2bore 3to me 1my wife];
and [3went forth 1the 2one] from me, and you said that, [2devoured by wild beasts 1He was]. And I did not see him as far as now.
If then you should take also this one from my face, and comes to pass to him an infirmity in the way, then know that you will lead me in old age with distress into Hades.
Now then, if I should enter to your servant [3father 1and 2our], and the child should not be with us, then know his life depends on this one's life.
And it will be in his seeing [3not 4being 1the 2child] with us, he will come to an end, and [2will lead 1your servants] to old age your servant [3father 1and 2our] with distress into Hades.
For your servant has looked out for the child for my father, saying, If I do not lead him to you, [2sinning 1I will be] against my father all the days.
Now then, I will remain to you as a servant instead of the child, as a domestic servant of my master. But let the child ascend with his brothers.
For how shall I ascend to the father of the child not being with us, that I should not see the bad things which will find my father?
Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers And [2was not 3able 1Joseph] to withhold of all the ones standing beside him. But he said, Send all from me! And [2stood beside 1no one] Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers.
And he let go with a voice of weeping. [5heard 1And 2all 3the 4Egyptians], and [2audible 1it became] into the house of Pharaoh.
[3said 1And 2Joseph] to his brothers, I am Joseph, [3still 2father 1does my] live? And [3were not 4able 1the 2brothers] to respond to him, for they were disturbed.
[3said 1And 2Joseph] to his brothers, Approach to me! And they approached. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom you delivered into Egypt.
Now then do not fret, nor [2hard 3to you 1let it appear] that you delivered me here; [5for 1for 6life 3sent 4me 2God] in front of you.
For this second year a famine is upon the earth, and still remaining are five years in which there is no plowing nor harvest.
[3sent 1For 4me 2God] in front of you, that there may be left to you a vestige upon the earth, and to nourish to you [2remnant 1a great].
Now then, you did not send me here, but God. And he made me as father to Pharaoh, and master of all his house, and ruler of all the land of Egypt.
Hastening then, you ascend to my father and say to him! Thus says your son Joseph. [2made 3me 1God] master of all the land of Egypt. Come down then to me! and you should not wait.
And you shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you will be near me, you and your sons, and the sons of your sons, your sheep and your oxen, and as much as is yours.
And I will nourish you there. For there is still five years of famine; that you shall not be obliterated -- you and your sons, and all your possessions.
Behold, your eyes see, and the eyes [2Benjamin 1of my brother] that my mouth is speaking to you.
Report then to my father all my glory in Egypt, and as much as you saw! And hastening, bring down my father here!
And falling upon the neck of Benjamin his brother, he weeped upon him. And Benjamin weeped upon his neck.
And kissing all his brothers, he wept on them. And after these things [2spoke 1his brothers] to him.
And [3was proclaimed forth 1the 2report] into the house of Pharaoh, saying, [4have come 1The 2brothers 3of Joseph]. [3rejoiced 1And 2Pharaoh], and his attendant.
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, Speak to your brothers! This you do, fill your carriages and go forth into the land of Canaan!
And taking up your father, and your possessions, come to me! And I will give to you all the good things of Egypt, and you shall eat the marrow of the land.
And you charge these to take for themselves wagons from out of the land of Egypt for your children, and your wives! And taking up your father come!
And you should not be sparing to the eyes of your items, [3the 1for 2all] good things of Egypt will be unto you.
And they did thus, the sons of Israel. [3gave 1And 2Joseph] to them wagons, according to the sayings by Pharaoh the king. And he gave to them provisions for the journey.
And to all he gave double robes. But to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of gold, and five changings of robes.
And to his father he sent according to the same, and ten donkeys carrying of all the good things of Egypt; and ten mules carrying bread loaves to his father for the journey.
[3sent out 1And 2Joseph] his brothers. And they went. And he said to them, Do not be provoked to anger in the way!
And they ascended from out of Egypt. And they came into the land of Canaan, to Jacob their father.
And they announced to him, saying that, Your son Joseph lives, and he rules all the land of Egypt. And [2receded 3in his thought 1Jacob], for he did not trust them.
And they spoke to him all the sayings of Joseph, as much as he said to them. And seeing the wagons which Joseph sent, so as to take him, [5rekindled 1the 2spirit 3of Jacob 4their father].
[3said 1And 2Israel], [2a great thing 3to me 1It is] if [3still 1Joseph 2my son] lives. In going I will see him before dying.
Jacob and His Family Move to Egypt [3departing 1And 2Israel], and all of his, he came upon the Well of the Oath. And he sacrificed a sacrifice to the God of his father Isaac.
[3said 1And 2God] to Israel in a vision in the night, saying, Jacob, Jacob! And he said, What is it?
And he says to him, I am the God of your fathers; do not fear to go down into Egypt! [4into 1For 6nation 5a great 2I will make 3you] there.
And I will go down with you into Egypt. And I will transport you to the end. And Joseph will put his hands upon your eyes.
[3rose up 1And 2Jacob] from the Well of the Oath. And [4took up 1the 2sons 3of Israel] Jacob their father, and the belongings, and their wives upon the wagons which Joseph sent to carry him.
And taking up their possessions, and all the property which they acquired in the land of Canaan, they entered into Egypt -- Jacob and all his seed with him.
Sons, and sons of his sons with him; daughters, and daughters of his daughters, and all his seed he led into Egypt.
Generations of Jacob And these are the names of the sons of Israel, the ones entering into Egypt together with Jacob their father. Jacob and his sons -- the first-born of Jacob, Reuben.
And the sons of Reuben -- Hanoch, and Phallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
And the sons of Simeon -- Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul, son of the Canaanitess.
And the sons of Levi -- Gerson, and Kohath, and Merari.
And the sons of Judah -- Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, and Zerah. [5died 1And 2Er 3and 4Onan] in the land of Canaan. [3born 1And 2the sons] of Pharez -- Hezron, and Hamul.
And the sons of Issachar -- Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron.
And the sons of Zebulun -- Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel.
These are the sons of Leah, whom she bore to Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria, and Dinah his daughter. All the souls, sons and daughters, thirty three.
And the sons of Gad -- Ziphion, and Haggai, and Shuni, and Ezbon, and Eri, and Arodi, and Areli.
And the sons of Asher -- Jimnah, Ishuah, and Isui, and Beriah, and Serah their sister. And the sons of Beriah -- Heber and Malchiel.
These are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter, who bore these to Jacob -- sixteen souls.
And the sons of Rachel, wife of Jacob -- Joseph and Benjamin.
[4born 1And 2the sons 3of Joseph] in the land of Egypt, whom [2bore 3to him 1Asenath], the daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis -- Manasseh and Ephraim. And were born the sons of Manasseh whom [4bore 5to him 3concubine 2the 1Sura] -- Machir. And Machir procreated Gilead. And the sons of Ephraim brother of Manasseh -- Sutalaam, and Tam. And the sons of Sutalaam -- Edem.
And the sons of Benjamin -- Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Ehi, Rosh, and Muppim, and Huppim. And Gera procreated Ard.
These are the sons of Rachel, whom she bore to Jacob -- all the souls were eighteen.
And the sons of Dan -- Hushim.
And the sons of Naphtali -- Jahzeel, and Guni, and Jezer, and Shillem.
These are the sons of Bilhah whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, who bore these to Jacob -- all the souls were seven.
And all the souls entering with Jacob into Egypt -- the ones coming forth from out of his thighs, separate from the wives of Jacob's sons -- all souls were sixty-six.
And the sons of Joseph being born to him in the land of Egypt -- [2souls 1nine]. All the souls of the house of Jacob of the ones entering with Jacob into Egypt -- [2souls 1seventy-five].
Joseph Reunites with Jacob And he sent Judah in front of him to Joseph, to meet him near Heropolis, in the land of Rameses.
[3teaming up 1And 2Joseph] his chariots, ascended to meet Israel his father at Heropolis. And seeing him, he fell upon his neck. And he wept weeping greatly.
And Israel said to Joseph, I will gladly die from now on, since I have seen your face, for still you live.
[3said 1And 2Joseph] to his brothers, In ascending, I will report to Pharaoh. And I will say to him, My brothers, and the house of my father, who were in the land of Canaan, have come to me.
And the men are shepherds, [3men 1for 4grazing cattle 2they were]. And the cattle, and the oxen, and all their things, they have brought.
If then [2should call 3you 1Pharaoh], and he should say, What [2your work 1is]?
You shall say, [3men 4grazing cattle 1We are 2your servants], from child hood until the present, even we and our fathers; that you may dwell in the land of Goshen of Arabia. [5is an abomination 1For 6to the Egyptians 2every 3shepherd 4of flocks].
Jacob Settles in Goshen [3came 1And 2Joseph] to report to Pharaoh, saying, my father and my brothers, and the cattle, and their oxen, and all their things, are come from the land of Canaan, and behold, they are in the land of Goshen.
And from his brothers he took to himself five men, and stood them before Pharaoh.
And Pharaoh said to the brothers of Joseph, What is your work? And they said to Pharaoh, [2are shepherds 3of flocks 1Your servants], even we and our fathers.
And they said to Pharaoh, [2to sojourn 3in 4the 5land 1We come], [3no 1for 2there is] pasture for the cattle of your servants, [4grew in strength 1for 2the 3famine] in the land of Canaan. Now then let [2dwell 1your servants] in the land of Goshen!
And Pharaoh said to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
Behold, the land of Egypt [2before 3you 1is], in the best land settle your father and your brothers. Let them dwell in the land of Goshen! And if you should have knowledge that there are among them [2men 1able], you place them in charge of my cattle!
Jacob Blesses Pharaoh [3brought in 1And 2Joseph] Jacob his father, and stood him before Pharaoh. And Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Jacob, How many are the years of days of your life?
And Jacob said to Pharaoh, The days of the years of my life which I sojourned are a hundred thirty years; small and severe have become the days of the years of my life; they did not attain to the days of the years of the life of my fathers, which days they sojourned.
And Jacob having blessed Pharaoh, he went forth from him.
And Joseph settled his father, and his brothers, and he gave to them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh assigned.
And Joseph measured out grain to his father, and to his brothers, and to all the house of his father -- grain according to person.
Famine Prevails [4grain 1And 3no 2there was] in all the earth. [4grew in strength 1For 2the 3famine] exceedingly. [5failed 1And 2the 3land 4of Egypt], and the land of Canaan, because of the famine.
[3brought together 1And 2Joseph] all the silver being found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, from the grain which they bought. And he measured out grain to them. And Joseph carried in all the silver into the house of Pharaoh.
And [4dissipated 1all 2the 3silver] from the land of Egypt, and from the land of Canaan. [5came 1And 2all 3the 4Egyptians] to Joseph, saying, Give us bread loaves! And why should we die before you, [3has dissipated 1for 2our silver]?
[3said 1And 4to them 2Joseph], Bring your cattle, and I will give to you bread loaves in exchange for your cattle, if [3has dissipated 1the 2silver].
And they led their cattle to Joseph. And [2gave 3to them 1Joseph] bread loaves in return for the horses, and for the sheep, and for the oxen, and for the donkeys. And he nourished them with bread loaves in exchange for all of their cattle in that year.
[4went by 1And 3year 2that], and they came to him in the [2year 1second], and said to him, Lest at some time we should be obliterated from our master -- for since [3has dissipated 1the 2silver], and the possessions, and the cattle to you, the master, and there has not been left behind to us before our master, but only our own body and our land,
that then we might not die before you, and the land should be made desolate, you acquire us and our land for bread loaves, and we will be to you and our land, servants to Pharaoh! Give us seed! that we should sow, and we should live and should not die, and the land will not be made desolate.
And Joseph acquired all the land of the Egyptians for Pharaoh. [4gave 1For 2the 3Egyptians] their land to Pharaoh. [4prevailed 1For 5over them 2the 3famine], and [3came 1the 2land] to Pharaoh.
And the people were reduced to slavery to him as servants from the uttermost parts of the boundaries of Egypt, unto the uttermost parts,
except the land of the priests only [2did not 3acquire 4this 1Joseph], [4a 5portion 1for 3gave 6as a gift 7to the 8priests 2Pharaoh]. And they ate the portion which [2gave 3to them 1Pharaoh]. On account of this they did not give up their land.
[3said 1And 2Joseph] to all the Egyptians, Behold, I have acquired you and your land today for Pharaoh. Take to yourselves seed, and sow the land!
And there will be produce of it, and you will give the fifth part to Pharaoh, and the four parts will be for you yourselves, for seed in the earth, and for food to you, and to all the ones in your houses.
And they said, You have delivered us; we found favor before our master, and we will be servants to Pharaoh.
And [2established it 3to them 1Joseph] as an order until this day for the land of Egypt, for Pharaoh to take a fifth, except of the land of the priests only, which was not to Pharaoh.
[3dwelt 1And 2Israel] in the land of Egypt, upon the land of Goshen. And they were heir over it. And they grew and multiplied exceedingly.
[3outlived 1And 2Jacob] in the land of Egypt for seventeen years. And [6were 1the 2days 3of Jacob's 4years 5of his life] a hundred forty-seven years.
[4approached 1And 2the 3days] for Israel to die. And he called his son Joseph, and said to him, If I have found favor before you, place your hand upon my thigh! and you will do for me a charity and truth -- that is to not entomb me in Egypt.
But I shall be gone to sleep with my fathers, then you shall lift me from out of Egypt, and entomb me in their burying-place. And he said, I will do according to your saying.
And he said to him, Swear by an oath to me! And he swore by an oath to him. And Israel did obeisance upon the top of his cane.
Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons And it came to pass after these things, and it was announced to Joseph that, Your father is troubled. And taking up [2two 3sons 1his], Manasseh and Ephraim, he came to Jacob.
And it was reported to Jacob, saying, Behold, your son Joseph comes to you. And Israel growing strong sat upon the bed.
And Jacob said to Joseph, My God was appeared to me in Luz, in the land of Canaan, and blessed me.
And he said to me, Behold, I will increase you, and I will multiply you, and I will make you into a gathering of nations. And I will give to you this land, and to your seed after you, for [2possession 1an eternal].
Now then, [2two 3sons 1your], the ones born to you in the land of Egypt, before my coming to you in Egypt, are mine, Ephraim and Manasseh, as Reuben and Simeon they shall be mine.
And the progeny, who ever should be procreated after these will be yours. By the name of their brothers they shall be called in those lots.
But I, when I came from Mesopotamia of Syria, [3died 1Rachel 2your mother] in the land of Canaan at my approaching down by the course of the horses of Habratha of the land, before coming into Ephrath. And I buried her in the way of the course of the horses -- this is Beth-lehem.
[3seeing 1And 2Israel] the sons of Joseph, said, Who are these to you?
[3said 1And 2Joseph] to his father, [2my sons 1They are] whom [2gave 3to me 1God] here. And Jacob said, Lead [2forward 3to me 1them] that I may bless them.
And the eyes of Israel were weighed down because of old age, and he was not able to see. And they approached to him, and he kissed them, and embraced them.
And Israel said to Joseph, Behold, [2of your face 1I was not deprived]; and behold, [2showed 3to me 1God] your seed.
And [2led 3them 1Joseph] from his knees, and they did obeisance to him with their face upon the ground.
[3taking 1And 2Joseph 5two 6sons 4his], with Ephraim at the right, [2from 3the left 1but] of Israel, and Manasseh at the left, [2from 3the right 1but] of Israel, and he approached them to him.
[3stretching out 1And 2Israel] the [2hand 1right] put it upon the head of Ephraim, and this one was the younger; and the left upon the head of Manasseh; crosswise with the hands.
And he blessed them, and he said, The God in whom [2were well-pleasing 1my fathers] in his presence -- Abraham and Isaac; the God maintaining me from my youth until this day;
the angel rescuing me from all evils, bless these boys! And [2shall be called upon 3them 1my name], and the name of my fathers -- Abraham and Isaac. And may they multiply into [2multitude 1a great] upon the earth.
[3seeing 1And 2Joseph] that [2put 1his father] [2hand 1his right] upon the head of Ephraim, [2wrong 3to him 1it appeared]. And Joseph took hold of the hand of his father to remove it from the head of Ephraim, to the head of Manasseh.
[3said 1And 2Joseph] to his father, Not so father, for this one is the first-born; place your right hand upon his head.
And he would not, but said, I know child, I know; and this one will be for a people, and this one will be raised up high. But [3brother 1his 2younger 5greater 6than he 4will be], and his seed will be a multitude of nations.
And he blessed them in that day, saying, By you Israel shall be blessed, saying, [2make 3you 1God] as Ephraim and as Manasseh! And he put Ephraim in front of Manasseh.
[3said 1And 2Israel] to Joseph, Behold, I die, and God will be with you, and he will return you to the land of your fathers.
And I give to you [2portion 1a chosen out] above your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorites with my sword and bow.
Jacob Blesses the Remaining Sons [3called 1And 2Jacob] his sons, and said, Come together that I may announce to you what will meet to you upon the last of the days!
Gather and hear, O sons of Jacob, hear Israel your father!
Reuben my first-born, you are my strength and the beginning of my children, stubborn to bear, and stubborn self-willed.
Overflowing as water, you should not erupt. For you ascended upon the marriage-bed of your father. Then you defiled the strewn bed of which you ascended.
Simeon and Levi -- brothers. They completed injustice by their sects.
[5into 6their counsel 1May 3not 4come 2my soul], and [5with 6their joint-conspiracy 1may 3not 4be established 2my insides]. For in their rage they killed men, and in their passion they hamstrung a bull.
Accursed is their rage, for it was self-willed. And accursed is their vehement anger, for it was hardened. I will divide them in Jacob, and disseminate them in Israel.
Judah, may [3have praised you 2your brothers]. Your hands are upon the back of your enemies. [4will do obeisance to 5you 1The 2sons 3of your father];
[3cub 2a lion 1Judah is]. From a bud, O son of mine, you ascended. Reclining, you went to bed as a lion; and as a cub who will rouse him?
[2shall not fail 1A ruler] from Judah, and one leading from his thighs, until whenever should come the things reserved to him. And he is expectation of nations.
Binding [2to 3a grapevine 1his foal], and with the fetter the foal of his donkey. He shall wash [2in 3wine 1his apparel], and in the blood of the grape his wrap-around garment.
[2causing joy 1His eyes] away from wine, and the white of his teeth than milk.
Zebulun [2on the coast 1shall dwell], even himself by the mooring of boats; and he shall extend until Sidon.
Issachar [2the 3good 1desired], taking rest between the lots.
And seeing the rest, that it was good, and the earth, that it was plentiful, he placed his shoulder to the toil, and became a man for farming.
Dan will judge his people, as even one tribe in Israel.
And let Dan become a serpent upon the way, lying in wait upon the road, biting the heel of the horse. And [3shall fall 1the 2horseman] upon the rear places,
[2for the 3deliverance 1remaining about] of the lord.
Gad, a marauder will maraud against him. But he will maraud against him by feet.
Asher, plentiful is his bread, and he will give a delicacy to rulers.
Naphtali, a trunk springing up giving [2in 3the 4offspring 1beauty].
[2a son 3increasing 1Joseph is]; [2son 3increasing 1zealous]; [3son 1my 2younger]; to me you returned!
against whom with deliberation reviled. And [3pressed against 4him 1the masters 2of the bowmen],
and [2were broken 3with 4might 1their bows], and [5were loosened 1the 2nerves 4arms 3of their hand's] through the hand of the mighty one of Jacob; from there the one strengthening Israel by means of God of your father.
And [2gave help 3to you 1my God], and blessed you with the blessing of heaven above, and the blessing of earth having all things; because of the blessing of breasts and of the womb;
a blessing of your father and of your mother -- he excelled in strength over the blessing [2mountains 1of the stable], and beyond the blessings [2hills 1of everlasting]; they will be upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top [2whom 3he took the lead 1of the brothers].
Benjamin, [2wolf 1a predacious 4in the 5early morning 3shall eat], yet even in the evening he distributes provisions.
All these sons of Jacob -- twelve. And these words [2said 3to them 1their father]. And he blessed them each. According to his blessing he blessed them.
And he said to them, I am added to my people. Entomb me with my fathers in the cave which is in the field of Ephron the Hittite!
in the [2cave 1double], in the one before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham acquired; the cave of Ephron the Hittite, for possession of a memorial.
There they entombed Abraham and Sarah his wife. And there they entombed Isaac and Rebekah his wife. And there they entombed Leah,
in a property of the field, and of the cave being in it, the one from the sons of Heth.
And Jacob rested giving orders to his sons. And lifting up his feet upon the bed he failed. And he was added to his people.
Jacob Entombed in Mamre And Joseph falling upon the face of his father, wept over him, and kissed him.
And Joseph assigned to his servants, to the embalmers to embalm his father. And [3embalmed 1the 2embalmers] Israel.
And they accomplished embalming him in forty days, for thus they counted down the days of the burial. And [2mourned 3him 1Egypt] seventy days.
And when [3went by 1the 2days] of the mourning, Joseph spoke to the mighty ones of Pharaoh, saying, If I found favor before you, speak into the ears of Pharaoh! saying,
My father bound me by an oath before his coming to an end, saying, In the memorial which I dug myself, in the land of Canaan, there entomb me! Now then, ascending, I will entomb my father, and I will return back.
And Pharaoh said to Joseph, Ascend, entomb your father! just as he bound you by an oath.
And Joseph ascended to entomb his father. And went up with him all the servants of Pharaoh, and the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt,
and all the whole family of Joseph, and his brothers, and all the house hold of his father, and the kin. And the sheep and the oxen were left behind in the land of Goshen.
And went up with him also chariots and horsemen. And [3became 1the 2camp 5great 4exceedingly].
And they came upon the threshing-floor of Atad, which is on the other side of the Jordan. And they lamented him by beating the breast, great and strong, exceedingly. And he made the mourning of his father seven days.
And [6saw 1the 2inhabitants 3of the 4land 5of Canaan] the mourning at the threshing-floor of Atad. And they said, [4mourning 3a great 1This 2is] to the Egyptians. On account of this they called the name of that place, Mourning of Egypt, which is on the other side of the Jordan.
And [2did 3to him 4thus 1his sons], as he gave charge to them.
And [2took 3him 1his sons] into the land of Canaan. And they entombed him in the [2cave 1double] which Abraham acquired; the cave for a possession of a memorial from Ephron the Hittite, over against Mamre.
And Joseph returned to Egypt, himself and his brothers, and all the ones going up with him to entomb his father.
[5knowing 1And 2the 3brothers 4of Joseph] that [2died 1their father], said, Lest at any time [2should resent 3us 1Joseph], and with a recompense, recompense to us all the bad things which we demonstrated against him,
that they having come to Joseph, said, Your father bound us by an oath before he came to an end, saying,
So say to Joseph, You forgive them the injustice and their sin! for the wicked way they demonstrated against you. And now you accept the injustice of the attendants of the God of your father! And Joseph wept during their speaking to him.
And coming to him, they said, See! we are your servants.
And [2said 3to them 1Joseph], Do not fear! for [2of God 1I am].
You planned concerning me for evil, but God planned concerning me for good, that it should be as it is today, that he might maintain [2people 1many].
And he said to them, Do not fear! I will maintain you, and your residence. And he comforted them, and spoke of them in the heart.
And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he and his brothers, and all the whole family of his father. And Joseph lived [3years 1a hundred 2ten].
And Joseph saw Ephraim's children unto the third generation. And the sons of Machir, the son of Manasseh, were born upon Joseph's thighs.
And Joseph said to his brothers, saying, I die, and visiting, [2will visit 3you 1God], and lead you from out of this land, into the land which [2swore by an oath 1God] to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And Joseph bound by an oath the sons of Israel, saying, In the visitation in which God will visit you, even you shall join in carrying off my bones from here with you.
And Joseph came to an end -- [3years old 1a hundred 2ten]. And they entombed him, and they placed him in the coffin in Egypt.